Sunday, October 6, 2013

A brief overview of what has occurred in my life over the past 9 years of my blogging life.  To be honest, the best parts of this blog (in the beginning) are the comments, which I didn't include.  Some of you should thank me for this...

  • enter the ether after having just moved from West Virginia in July
  • join the Brentwood High School Band
  • constantly complain and be melodramatic about being away from the first 'love of my life' (who is now married)
  • find the next 'love of my life'
  • be a huge attention whore
  • blog just because I'm bored
  • talk about band
  • talk about school
  • talk about school and band because I'm bored
  • get a summer job (pt. I)
So many things have lost their meanings because they're so overused.
  • significantly reduce the amount of blogging to a ~bimonthly basis
  • graduate high school
  • finish the Harry Potter series
  • start school at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville
  • complain about roommate and suite-mates and eventually move out to Melrose, where my tutelage as a guitar apprentice begins under Dan
"What am I going to be like when I grow up?"We're already there.
  • take my first geology class, EPS 102: Earth, Life, and Time
  • snowmobile in Maine
  • write and record a ton of music with Dan
  • become a lifeguard
  • begin my coin collecting and record collecting hobbies
Sometimes imagination does more good than knowledge.
  • a turn for the poetic and cryptic in my entries
  • disc golf became big for me
  • sedimentology and stratigraphy + mineralogy + paleobiology + research (still four of my loves)
  • my mysterious allergy begins
  • a new relationship begins
But for now, we show our pretty pictures and toil our lives away liking statuses, trying to think of something to do that has meaning.
I would love to just lay my head back and watch the scars move across the sky, because at least this will be and has been constant in my lifetime.  This is the most powerful statistic I've ever known. 

  • Goodwill hunting and thrift store shopping
  • first visit to the outcrop that would become my Masters thesis at Purdue
  • my parents divorce
  • my childhood dog dies
  • senior research project in White Sands, Tennessee 
The alacrity with which time passes never ceases to humble and amaze me.
  • a relationship ends
  • I graduate from college
  • field camp in Ireland and Northern Ireland + field work in Alaska
  • my Masters degree at Purdue begins
  • a relationship begins and ends
Whenever you decide to follow your heart instead of your restless mind, you will be one step closer to happiness.

  • try to get back on the horse and learn something about myself in the process
  • add a new project to my thesis and eventually realize this is the bulk of my thesis
  • go to Big Bend National Park and see some amazing things
  • get into photography
  • complete internship with Chevron and get a job offer
  • build on my photography hobby
  • drive westward to Death Valley and back and see some amazing things
  • add a furry female friend to the 524 crew
  • work all summer, but never enough
  • ...
I'm reserving the last 2013 bullet point for whatever happens this semester.  Hopefully I will defend.  I am going to Italy in December.  I'll update more about this later.  If you are reading this, then you are the resistance.


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