Friday, October 4, 2013

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Sun, 14 Apr 2013 22:43:26

Her name is Gypsy. She is a Brittany, currently 10 weeks old. I picked her up in the middle of nowhere in Ohio when she was just 7 weeks old, born on January 31st.
She already knows how to sit and stay. She's warned me from day 1 when she needs to potty. So smart.

Needless to say, I’m smitten. Now I just need to bring her to campus a little more often... ;)

Tue, 01 Jan 2013 13:15:40
Half a year later...

I have a job. And a deadline. Everyone always says that completing a degree will always take at least a few months longer than you plan on it. The real reason is that your advisor has way more planned for your thesis than you ever thought, so every time you feel you're getting closer to finishing, there's a whole new beast to tackle.
So I will start my new, shiny job in a new, shiny (and big) city whenever I can decide where to draw the line. My thesis has become a much different animal than I initially thought, and I am now uncomfortable with my committee and how they will approach my defense. I feel like I’m in a very peculiar position and I not sure how it will turn out.

I can't think of anything else to really update on. I am now much more interested in photography, having had my camera for one year and taken nearly 11,000 pictures. Few even approach decent, but I’m learning. Perhaps my best purchase so far was a macro extension for ~$13, and I've had a lot of fun with it in the week or so that I've had it.

Push forward.

Fri, 20 Jul 2012 18:32:56
My oh my how time does fly.

Internship with Chevron is going pretty well. I've always wanted to interpret 3D seismic data. This is incredible stuff. Couldn't be happier with how things are going.

I don't really have any other breakthrough updates. The pressure of school is mounting, like an air bubble rising to the surface, inevitably exploding into nothing. Abstracts to be done, manuscripts to begin, classes to start. Friends leaving.

Some pretty bad drama in terms of roommates though. Man oh man the culture barrier is high and mighty.

Carry on.

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 23:35:06
As I said before, water will be only the beginning. The escalation in costs in every other aspect of life are bound to follow; everything revolves around water. Even technology. Production costs will exponentially rise in factories around the world as the availability of the multipurpose liquid plummets. It's a coolant. A power generator. An ingredient. A necessity.

With rising costs in the world of technology will come rising costs of access to the virtual world: Television, computers, the internet...all will be a luxury afforded only by those with access to water. Those with property containing water access will be those that control business, progress. I may very well have to pay someday to view these posts. I dare say the cost to print them will be several times more expensive. Trees may be a thing of lore, seen only in factories where they are grown and cut immediately for paper production. Forest factories.

The severe case of affluenza in today's society is inversely proportional to the trend of means available. I can't even express the amount of fear that quells in my chest just thinking about what kind of world I will raise children in. The projected average cost of college tuition for the next few generations is inconceivable. The cost of childcare is bound to bankrupt countless families. What hope is there?

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 00:46:16
Have you ever had a moment of realization in which the inevitable problems yet to come to fruition suddenly strike and seem to halt time itself?
The average American might snort at this seemingly rhetorical query, as it could be foreign only to the most estranged member of today's society. If introduced to any conversation, the grim outlook of our world's commodities at present and in years to come are dolefully accepted, the room immediately filled with the mind-numbing shame for our reckless abandon and wasteful lifestyles, the price to be paid by future generations...
Given the inexcusable paucity of our consideration and action toward making the world of years to come a better or even bearable place to exist, it seems appropriate to list a few of the sobering thoughts that ring like a fire alarm in a building whose lavish offices have been disconnected from the rest of the world, soundproofed by the walls of corporate hush-money.

In my daily activities, it seldom happens that I am not surrounded by people carrying the technology that currently defines how modern society thrives. In fact, it never happens--I have a smartphone on me at all times, a tool which I utilize and curse incessantly for being too slow, for keeping me from my work, for having a short batter life. Taking the step back from it all, which requires discipline or often lethargy, can be a humbling experience. The materials required to make your phone, the cell towers, the satellites, the factories, and the mining equipment--the materials required for you to check the status of a little world that your day's activities are hinged on--are inconceivable. Perhaps even more inconceivable than the list of materials is how we get them, and further yet: How much longer will they be available? It is only a matter of time, I am certain, before nearly every commodity we take for granted today (and even those for which we are consciously grateful) will be stripped from us, controlled by the government, and rationed at an unfathomable price. And it will truly begin with water.
Society will be torn between those that can afford access to drinking water and those that must forage for the life-giving substance. Public water fountains will be either a thing of legend or a feature present in only the most opulent and elite of communities. Recycled waste water is already a necessity in many parts of the U.S., and will become the dominant source of water in the none-too-distant future. Our world is distracted by the horror of our dwindling oil supply, when the real drama is a three-act play involving water: The Prodigal Society, The Deficiency, and The Fall of Society. The latter will likely be driven by war. War for water.

It will happen.

Mon, 27 Feb 2012 23:00:53
I suppose I've had peace in various aspects of my life, so I can't say that 2012 has been a let down of a year.

But I can say that Tom Petty sure as hell knows how to write some songs. He has to have been through it all.
So this is my attempt to explain what has happened over the past month or so via the words of Tom Petty:

"Running down a dream
that never would come to me
Workin on a mystery
Goin wherever it leads.
Running down a dream
"I felt so good
like anything was possible."

"Time meant nothing, anything seemed real.
Yeah, you kissed like fire and you made me feel.
Even the losers get lucky sometimes
Baby even the losers keep a little bit of pride
They get lucky sometimes
I shoulda known right then it was too good to last
God, it's such a drag to have to live in the past."

"I’m learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming downis the hardest thing.
Well the good old days may not return
Rocks might melt, the sea may burn.
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
I guess I’ll know when I get there."

"There's something goodwaiting down this road.
I’m picking up whatever's mine."

You're out of my league, but for a minute...just for a minute, none of that seemed to matter. It was truly beautiful.
And I was wrong about the poem. It wasn't "Flight of Icarus", like I told you. It wasn't even about Icarus or Greek mythology. Why I thought it was, I’m not sure. But the poem it does come from is still a good one: A Pity. We Were Such a Good Invention, by Yehuda Amichai.
"We even flew a little."
Whenever you decide to follow your heart instead of your restless mind, you will be one step closer to happiness. The moment you decide that you aren't happy, and that nothing he can do could make you feel how you want to feel, you owe it to yourself to be the catalyst that brings about change. I wish for nothing but the happiest for you. I will always be there for you.
"It was too good to be true."

Sat, 31 Dec 2011 16:18:07
New Year's Eve, 2011: A time for reflection? I guess so.

I don't recall anything interesting happening in 2011, but I was up here in NH at my dad's place. That was a good time. I was still freaking out about grad school and had not quite finished applying to various schools. Little did I know that my bags would be packed for Lafayette, IN 7 months later.
Several months later, a relationship ended. My car was beaten up in a hail storm/tornado. I graduated from college. I went to field camp in Ireland and had the time of my life. I started field work in Alaska, had the time of my life, and screwed up by falling off of the face of the Earth. Started a new relationship with someone that seemed to make life more than it had ever been. Ended a fantastic summer by starting school in a new place with new aspirations and people. Formed some of my closest friendships. Got an internship with Chevron. Another relationship ended, only much more differently than the previous. Endless torrents of regret and sadness, an inescapable wading pool of self-loathing and weakness. An old friendship rekindled. End of the semester and paper-writing, traveling, Christmas in the town that no longer bears the joy it once did, but instead weighs on my mind constantly. More traveling, no snow in NH, but good to see family.

Rather than focus on the negative, I’d really really really give anything to be rid of this remorse and to begin 2012 with a fresh outlook on life. I would do just about anything to get out of this rut. 2012 should be a year filled with opportunity. Taking classes, teaching, advancing in my research, hopefully getting out a manuscript as part of my thesis, doing some laserchron work in Tucson, an internship in Houston with friends, some field work in the southern Appalachians, and who knows what Fall 2012 will bring.

2012, please give me peace.

Mon, 05 Dec 2011 22:12:18
When I woke up this morning, I was incredibly happy. I thought it had all been some bizarre dream, a joke. But as I lay there staring blindly at the ceiling, I realized that yesterday had in fact happened, and that I had indeed been dropped like a bag of garbage on the corner.
"I’m going to let you go now."
Of course it was you who made the decision. It had to be.

Fri, 25 Nov 2011 02:33:48
Some day, I sincerely hope that we develop the technology to see planets and stars in really high detail. And, as far-fetched as it may seem, I hope that we'll see a planet that has also developed complex civilizations and technologies, at least to the point of building massive mirrors. Then, just maybe, it may be possible that we could see our own reflection as it was 2cd (twice the speed of light x distance) ago. For something 100 million light years away, we could be seeing TODAY what the Earth looked like 200 million years ago. Absolutely amazing. Of course this would also imply that the planet that served as our mirror developed this technology 100 million years ago, and we might also then gradually learn what happened to their society...I would assume that said civilization would evolve not only technologically but as a species. Interesting late night astrophilosophical theory on a full stomach of Thanksgiving pie.....
"2AM and I’m still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer
Inside of me, threatening the life they belong to."
Profound lyrics. Incredibly universal, I feel. Everyone's been there, whether it's writing a song or a blog post; your inner voice is screaming, bleeding through paper with pen and ink, in a race against insanity and woebegone insecurity. Time does not stand still, but life and existence seemingly<em>cannot move on</em> until your intangible yet relentlessly excoriating demons are made concrete. And all for three reasons: 1) So that you may have comfort in knowing that someone may someday read your narrative of your inner turmoil, 2) to explore and solidify your understanding of who you are and how you will get past today, and, under it all, you write this to ensure 3) that your confidant, perhaps of a different time and place, knows that <em>you were here</em>.
Even for me, writing this post provides me some security via these three guarantees. No, they may not actually be guarantees, but just in typing out my thoughts I become more cognizant of my own feelings toward writing, introspection, publication, and my own sentiments that I am currently experiencing right now. For example, almost every time I look at the stars, I feel incredibly small. This is not only because I feel that I am physically insignificant compared to the scope of the universe, but also because I feel like my life span is an insignificant blip of time compared to the amount of time that it took for the stars I’m seeing to 1) be created from interstellar medium (or other matter and processes besides gradual gravitational attraction), 2) radiate electromagnetic energy within the visible light spectrum, and 3) travel perhaps millions of lightyears through the vacuum of space to my eyes. In the time over which the EM radiation was traveling from its origin, the star could very well and probably did come to its end, depending on its size.
"And I feel like I’m naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to."
Even these lyrics hold true most of the time. I’m exposing myself to the wild, ruthless world-wide web. My closest friends and most guarded enemies could see whatever they want to see and turn it into whatever they want to. But at least I know precisely how I feel at this moment about what I wrote and that I had the gall to put thoughts to letters.

Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:55:35
Another couple of months gone by. The alacrity with which time passes never ceases to humble and amaze me.

Meanwhile, as the speed of light continues to set the pace...
I interviewed with Chesapeake Energy, Shell Energy, and Chevron for internship opportunities next summer. Offers from Chesapeake and Chevron, and another interview offer from Shell today. I’ll have to tell them thanks but no thanks...I’m going with Chevron ;) So I’ll be heading to Houston next summer to work in the Deepwater and Exploration Projects business unit. This is the bread and butter of the industry. Can't wait for this opportunity!
I could not be happier with my relationship at this point. Every day it gets better. I can be myself, not hide anything, and enjoy life to the fullest. Even the distance aspect doesn't seem as terrible as I thought it might be; We see each other just about every other weekend and push through the weeks and get our work done without distractions.

It's very real.

Unfortunately, some other family-related problems are very real as well. This is life.

Over 1/8th of grad school down. Still need to pick an advisory council, figure out exactly what I’m doing, and do field work. Wooo.

Tue, 23 Aug 2011 18:06:01
It's me again. Lots of things going on in my life now, too many to write about. But I’ll give you the micro-version.

I’m at Purdue. I live in Lafayette, across the river from campus, a short walk from downtown and the best places to hang out. I love where I’m living and am quite content with my roommates. Major props to Ian for finding this place and sealing the deal.
In the past month, I've been dealing with these issues:
Getting my diploma/officially graduating from UT
Moving to Lafayette. Two car loads = success. Way better than I was thinking.
Having money...September 15th can't come soon enough. I’ll have a bed some day.

I have also, within the past month, somehow lucked out beyond belief and found and begun dating one of the most amazing people I've met in my entire life. It might sound a bit cliche or, truthfully, naive, but I honestly can't say I've ever felt this way before. Needless to say....

...updates to come at a later time.

Fri, 22 Jul 2011 01:40:16
Hi xanga. I've been busy.

I graduated from college. So weird. I handed Hap a rock as I walked across the stage and still managed somehow to get a decent picture shaking his hand.
I went to Ireland for field camp. I made some great friends and saw some of the most amazing geology in the world. The culture was also pretty sweet. Guinness on tap will never taste the same.
Northern Ireland was amazing as well. Mindy and Neil's wedding was fantastic, and I met some of the nicest people there. Great time.
Alaska was probably the most beautiful place I've ever been in my entire life. A redundant description but I just want to emphasize how fantastic the scenery is. Unfortunately, I had to call off my field season early due to a hand injury. I slid down a steep slope for a couple of hundred feet and tried to stop/slow myself down with my hands. Scraped a good bit of skin off and blistered a couple of fingers in the process. Had to wait two days for the weather to clear for the helicopter to come in. Also had to shoot a bear a few times :( Sad days. I hope it doesn't come to that in the years to come. I’m excited for next year already. I’m a little anxious to see how my professor will treat me once I get to school, now having seen that I was somewhat unprepared (clothing) for the summer, injured myself, didn't have health insurance, and owe him close to $1000. Wonderful.
I’ll try to update more frequently in the weeks to come.

Sun, 03 Apr 2011 12:58:58
I’m going to Purdue University to pursue a Masters degree in Structural Geology. I’m happy about this.
Field mapping in Alaska starting July 10-July 29.
Join the crew of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 341 "Southern Alaska Margin Tectonics, Climate &amp; Sedimentation".
Get an internship or two with an energy company.
Get a Masters and find a place to complete a Ph.D.

Graduation in around 6 weeks, then Ireland. Man I can't wait. Get me out of here.

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 21:01:36
Busy busy busy. As expected for my last semester of college. Indecision on graduate school at this point. Keith Klepeis from Vermont calls tomorrow morning. Why do they look at applications so late? I've just about decided by now.

Ireland tickets booked, after some drama. Stupid gas prices. Can't wait for this.

Next week: Southeastern GSA in Wilmington, NC. Hopefully I’ll get some down time and will be able to chillax on the beach. Skeptical. Must get poster done before then.

I don't talk much because I don't want to talk. I feel like I have nothing to talk about, regardless of what's going on in my head. I’ll just keep shoving my problems aside.

77 degrees on Friday. Can't wait. Seriously, so good.

Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:06:49
When a relationship is struggling, every song, book, and phrase that has anything to do with romantic strife constantly comes to mind. The problem lies in that not all of these simple anecdotes are written by people that have experienced that which they make famous; they did it for money, suckering in the throngs of the desperate and unstable and giving them the illusion that the guttering flames of the broken-hearted together illuminate the world and give them solace. If this is the case, perhaps it's better that the huddled masses clutch their tear-stained garments and seek warmth from each other in emotional unity. Though their sombre state could have easily been avoided through constantvigilance of the ill-intended andcognizance of their true emotional state,survival en mass takesprecedence over the truth.

Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:24:39
Another year gone, recorded in the history books as The Past.

Well good riddance, 2010. You and I were not best of friends by any means. 2011 looks promising.

I will graduate from college this year.
I will go to Ireland this year.
I will begin to undertake a Masters degree this year in a place that is at least five hours from here. Not even in Tennessee.
A year from now, even 7 months, I could be in Tucson, AZ, Austin, TX, Burlington, VT, Tuscaloosa, AL, or West Lafayette, IN.
Who knows. Maybe somewhere else.

By the time I graduate in May, these will have to be completed:
3 research projects and papers
Two poster presentations
Getting rid of A LOT of my rocks
Finish 19 hours of non-fun classes
yikes. Chin up and jaw set.

Sun, 12 Dec 2010 01:48:49
What am I doing? Why am I doing it? How do I really feel? Am I who I say I am? Do I believe the things I say I believe? Is it all just a reflex now?

Mind blasted by the demands of school, life. No time to think about anything else. No time to stop and think, "Am I doing the right thing here?"

Am I happy? Am I complacent? Do I know anything about myself?

Did you come here to dance? What's in your glass?
Do you feel better now?

It's been raining and pouring, raining and pouring, and I haven't said Hallelujah.

Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:48:59
I’m looking forward to this Christmas break more than I have for any other break before. Despite the fact that I’ll be here for most of it, I won't have crazy chaos in trying to keep up with classes and research. It'll just be research. Can't wait.

Quite blustery today. It rained a lot. Realization that I don't really have any shoes good for rainy weather besides hiking boots. Erg. Chacos? Considered them today. Erg.

The professor I want to work with is undecided as to which school she will be at next year. Extremely frustrating.
12 page paper in the works. Actually, compilation of information in the works. Cross section final draft in the works. Isopach map yet to be started. History of Rock study guide yet to be made.

Christian asked me if I thought it was strange that we were so fascinated with death, in reference to leaves changing colors and falling. Good question.

Sun, 07 Nov 2010 18:52:08
Two responses now. Syracuse and Purdue. The one at Syracuse that replied to my email has a somewhat interesting project, determining paleoflow in a sedimentary basin as mountains are built. hmmm...

You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no.
But who am I to point the finger, I’m no better.

Incredibusy. Hydro test Tuesday, homework due tomorrow. Trying to gather information for my ECMA paper. Frustrating hours in the library.

Purdue and Michigan State look pretty good.

Thu, 21 Oct 2010 00:29:18
But still, it's good.

Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:38:18
Do the bad guys ever really know that they're the bad guys? They have a motive and plan of their own, but at someone else's expense....
The good guys just keep utilitarianism in mind when doing their work. The Greater Good.
But is this the best in the long run? I was never big on politics and political terms, but utilitarianism is socialism. Without differentiation in society, there is no competition. Without a bad there is no good. Bringing down the good does not lessen the bad. There isn't a golden ratio to life. There isn't a golden ratio to life.
As Dr. Rehder would say, "And you're probably thinking 'What does this have to do with anything?' Well, absolutely nothing." Because we all get off track sometimes on tangents we think are relevant while we're shouting them out. Shout, shout, let it all out. These are the things I could do without. Come on.
What is relevant to life? A whole new wall of bricks rises up from nowhere, to nowhere, each brick engraved with the opinions of the psyche and the world. Are red bricks relevant? Darker bricks? They are all just shades of red. The bricks that may or may not matter in your life are lost in the towering sea of brickwork laid by everyone for no one. You may just gaze up in fear and confusion for all of your life.
Or you can lay some bricks of your own. Mix trial and tribulation with gut instinct and wit. Let it bake with the intensity of your determination. Then, no matter how you lay your bricks, the edifice built will be something in which you can rest assured, knowing that you have an indelible identity.

Mon, 27 Sep 2010 12:44:49
Hiking Boots: must remember. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>Vasque Men's Ranger GTX

Sun, 19 Sep 2010 00:06:30
This is going to be a crazy week. Big, difficult structure lab due Wednesday. GIGD presentation Wednesday. History of Rock test Wednesday. So much to do.
Summer is starting to grey in the beard. Long, whistling sighs of warm content and seasoning.

Denver is happening. Pumped.
Working out is working. Pumped.
Structure is the bomb-diggity. But not pumped about this lab.

Mon, 30 Aug 2010 13:51:50
I have now successfully continued to work out for a week. Amazing. I can't believe it's actually happening.

moo mew moo mew moo mew meoooooow

Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:26:02
I am all moved in. Posters up, discs up, guitars out, rocks out, rocking out.
Classes going well so far. Nothing too terribly demanding yet.
Going to try this working out thing again. Again. How many times does that make this? A million?

Fri, 06 Aug 2010 07:58:32
Strange dreams. I was a football coaching assistant in one dream. I had no experience. before practice, Wes and I looked through trash cans for water and powerade. Practice started and suddenly it was basketball, not football, though they came to practice with pads on. There was an awesome group of people there that played this game that you could just kind of make up as you go. Hard to explain because I don't remember it all. But I was excited for them.
Another dream I was was Scrooge. In a play. Except it ended up not being a play somehow. I lived in this old apartment that was really like a barn. I had to hand light everything. It was really really creepy. It was really lonely. There was something in the apartment and I was really scared, I couldn't figure out what it was. I tried to close all of the blinds because I didn't want anyone creeping at me. They were difficult. I had guests, and they were strange. I don't remember much else about them. It was just a really creepy dream.

AAPG mispelled my middle name on my membership card. Peter Benhamin Robertson. Really?

Thu, 29 Jul 2010 14:58:52
I should get back into the habit of updating this more often. We'll see how that goes.

Very tired today. Short day in the field today, but long yesterday. A terrible realization today, soon to be corrected. ugh. thank goodness for GPS. more work later today.
Friday tomorrow. Fast week I guess.

Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:23:39
Yet another series of strange dreams last night, though entertaining.

A dream that some friends and I were invited to a secret club for smart people (?) in which we were given the opportunity to do something, and they let us have a small party at the meeting. Morgan Jones wanted to be in charge of drinks, so I just asked for a coke. She winked and gave me a bottle of coke and opened it for me after cleaning off the condensation on the bottle. Superb job. Minutes later I turned around to find that chaos has broken out and that Morgan wasn't taking her future into consideration. Details to ensue in person.
In another dream, I was part of a massive team that performed some kind of act in which every person was responsible for doing their own unique role, made up on the spot, except for the people in the middle doing some kind of choreographed something whilst singing opera (or something similar). I was the new guy on the team. I just drifted around doing strange moves and singing low tones randomly. My section received a 10 out of 10. Snap. I would randomly hold out a golden dagger and put all of my strength into it, and shoot a destructive blue beam out of it at a potted tree, blowing it up during our presentation. I think I did this for no reason, and everyone wondered how it was happening. I say happening because I did it a million times at the same tree, which magically replaced itself every time. UNLIMITED POWER!!!!
I then had another dream in which I went disc golfing. Jenessa found a disc, and then I went into the same area she found it and found two more. A blank yellow and a blank orange disc. Both appeared to be Innova. The disc Jenessa found was blue, I believed called the Apache Panther. There were instructions on it: Throw downward. I threw it downward as hard as I could and it somehow went very high, but with a predictable path. Another disc I threw acted like a boomerang. Some other discs weren't even disc golf discs, just lame freebies.

Wed, 07 Jul 2010 08:05:25
Strange dream last night.

It was in some way arranged (can't remember if I asked or she asked or how it went down) that I was to marry some girl Megan Brown I had met (in my dream) in the summer. The day of the wedding, at the place we were supposed to get married, I called it off with this reasoning:

1) I didn't really know her
2) I hadn't seen her since spring break
3) I didn't really like her at all
4) We weren't facebook friends.

Dad was glad I didn't go through with it.

Strange dream.

Sat, 26 Jun 2010 20:40:04
I decided to play in the PDGA Volunteer Classic in the Intermediate bracket. Threw a 63 and a 66, par being 54. Not my best rounds of disc golf. It was a fun experience though, I’m glad I went. Some really good players there. I need to work on everything. Driving (figure out which drivers to use for every situation), fairway driving (what goes how far and which way), midrange (where is the line between the two and what discs can I use), approach (where is the line between approach and midrange), and putting (need a quicker snap and more consistency).

I probably drank over four gallons of water today, and I don't have to pee at all. I sweat it all out. Didn't get sunburned except a little on the chest. Very tired.

Actually, it's just my feet and calves. My feet are killing me. It's time for new sneakers. Argh.

Sun, 13 Jun 2010 02:06:09
It is not possible for me to convey the intense flow of emotions that I have experienced these past couple of days.

Duchess Robertson, my beloved dog that has been a part of my life for nearly thirteen years, is no longer alive.

The hardest words I've ever had to type.

I will never forget you. You were the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever known, and it was the greatest honor and privilege to have you to come home to after school.
To use your belly as a pillow.
To give you treats, and watch you take them from my hand without even feeling it.
To put your ears up just because it was adorable the way you would paw at them to get them down.
To put my hand or head just above your paws, knowing that you would paw at them and stretch with a big sigh.
To roll you onto your back because you were so cute with your legs up in the air, and you would relax after a second and wag your tail when I tickled you. And when you rolled back over you would sneeze and get it all over me.
To watch your little paws twitch when you were dreaming, and your eyes moving. Only a little over two weeks ago.
To carefully step over you in the dark on my way upstairs, or to see you look who it was at the door when I came home late.
To hear your playful, curious bark when someone rang the doorbell.
To rough house with you so that you would playfully bite at my feet or arms, snarling and playfully barking.
To watch your trapped expression when we gave you baths.
To watch you happily shake off all of the water and roll around in the grass after your baths, making us chase you down to throw a towel over you.
To feel your warm fur with my feet at the dinner table, waiting for scraps from mom. And I’ll never forget the sneaky approaches, either. You were good.
To have you rest your head on my lap when I was sitting down, looking up at me with those dreamy, brown eyes.
To watch you open your presents at Christmas all by yourself, so excited and happy every year.
To watch you try to nip at the front of our sled on the sledding hill behind the house.
To throw snowballs in the air for you to catch and eat.
To teach you how to get upstairs by putting a treat on nearly ever step.
To come home from church only to find that you'd escaped from your clothes basket and were hiding under the couch, tiny and afraid.
To take you on Spring Break to Pigeon Forge, sitting in the back seat with Wes and I, not enjoying the car ride because you didn't like cars much.
To picking you out of the litter because you didn't bark at us, and you followed us and were so cute.
To name you before we'd even picked you up.
To arguing for most of your life with Wes whether it was Duchess or Dutchess. I liked Dutchess because Duch looks weird. But your name is Duchess.
To picking you up at the Fire Station in Ona, WV. You were scared and pooped a little. But we still loved you.
6:00, CST. I was one hour and 10 minutes away, heading for home to see you, knowing it would be my last time. I knew when my phone starting ringing at 7:09 EST that you had gone. It had been raining for the past couple of days, since you had been feeling your worst. There was a break in the clouds for a moment. The sun burst through, and I remember thinking "If there were a dog for which God would part the clouds in a thunderstorm, Duchess is that dog. This may be it." Minutes later, mom called, bursting into tears. "Shatze, Duchy died." Time stopped. How I was able to continue driving, I don't know. My aviators covered my tearful eyes. I have not cried like I did on that drive in years. I forgot how it felt. I just said "Why? Why her?" But Duch, you were in too much pain. Now you are at peace, taking treats so gently from the hands of angels. You were always an angel to us.
Your burial was suitable for a princess. Every shovelful of earth was taken out with a dozen tears, knowing that I was making your final resting place. Stroking your face, tracing the furrow between your eyes and down to your nose, gently pulling at your soft ears...these were my last farewells. I took a handful of earth and slowly let it fall from my hand onto your beautiful, golden coat, almost regretting it as I did so because you were so pretty. Covering you up for the last time and laying the dirt over you was not easy either. It was even more difficult to wash away the smell of you after each time I was with you. It was a beautiful funeral, the Caseys knew how much you meant to us.
I will always love you Duchy. My darling girl. You were truly the biggest blessing this family has ever had. I’m sorry your last stretch was not an easy one. I wish I could have been home more often this summer to be with you. You know we love you. We know you loved us. I have your collar and leash, and they still smell like you. Some day, Duch, I’ll have a puppy. I will use your collar and leash someday, because I’ll need some of the magic and goodness that must have rubbed off on them to show the puppy how it's done. You were so perfect, it will be impossible to fill the paw prints that you left behind.

You touched so many lives and transformed the definition of the word Dog for me. I can't imagine how my life would have been without you, or how it will be from here on.

You will always be the sweetest, my Duchy darling.

Wed, 09 Jun 2010 23:04:10
2010 doesn't have a very good track record so far. I have long feared the day that is quickly approaching.
Hold on. Just hold on a little longer for me.
I feel like a small child.

Give us strength.

Sun, 30 May 2010 12:10:33
I’m getting rather bad at updating. I’m sure you'll want something to read when you get back.

Synopsis on the room: small, crowded, but mine. Everything barely fits.

Scientists have created a synthetic cell. A cell without a parent. They extracted the genetic material from a bacteria and rearranged it, from what I understand. Then they put it back in the cell and it reproduced x10^6. It may allow us to make vaccines more quickly and possibly biofuels. We'll see how this goes.

Blue Ridge Parkway Tectonics field trip with Dr. Hatcher and Phil: fun, exhausting. Learned lots of good stuff. Lots of driving. 16+ hours through the twisty turny roads of the Smoky Mountains is a tiring venture. Not much hiking. Old people, all of which were over age 50, with a mean of around 70 I’d say. Found some pretty garnets. They gave me $40 and leftover sodas and water (lots). Good trip.

Allergist appointment on the 1st. Please figure this out.


Thu, 13 May 2010 13:06:44
I am suddenly throwing away, giving away, being pulled away from

my childhood.

It is not easy.

I either have to take it with me or mom has to take it with her. Dad can't take anything.
My rocks.
My books.
My childhood.


Sun, 09 May 2010 15:33:51
Is the overall sense of despair and overwhelming stress felt during the time of finals due to studying for exams or <em>knowing that you are so close to freedom</em>?
But of course, it's both.
But which one is <em>more debilitating?</em>
It never seems to end.

A short poem

Pages flying, people crying
Hopeless sighing, ceaseless trying
Dreams of smiling, homeward driving.
To pass the test, forget the rest
Just do your best, thoughts coalesced
Dreams of the west, hope fills your chest.
Time is flying, the world crying
Winds are sighing, fears compiling
Dreams unsmiling, homeless, driving.
This is a test, forget and rest
Just do your best, breathe coalesced
Dreams of the west, hope fills your chest.

Mon, 03 May 2010 21:37:11
Peter Knappett received his doctorate today. Dr. Peter Knappett. He thanked Paul and I at the end of his presentation. I’m glad he successfully defended his research. It was incredibly important stuff. Bangladeshi water pump and sewage laws will probably change in the not so distant future. Very interesting. He's making a difference.

I finished my microcolumns today. Now I have to do their descriptions, the acoustic impedance of the outcrop, the high and low frequency seismic data, and the sea level curve. And then the paper on it. By Friday.
And 2 exams. Studying begins now.

Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:14:37
What a topsy turvy week.

It's official. It's going to happen. Acceptance. Movement.

I have a new printer/scanner/copier. And it's nice. And free.

I will not be in the position in which I have desired for the academic year. It'll be alright. I’ll still be there making a difference.

I have money now. And a presence.

I have a job for the summer. I think it should be a rockin summer all in all.

I get to see my gf in 2 weeks. Less than 2 weeks.

I have like one day of class left for the semester. ::Sudden excitement::

Not even one day. One HOUR of class. Oh happy day.

...But I regret that I have yet to begin writing my paper. Preparation makes for an easily-written, well-composed paper. It's taking shape.

This will leave me with a 2 page paper to write concerning a 3x5 poster of Pound Gap Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Interpretation with detailed analyses on facies and sea level due the 7th, as well as three finals and a 'final discussion' which has yet to be set. The end is most certainly in sight, and it is glimmering with the sheen of a summer lake and the calm of a hand following the wind outside of the window on Concord Road.

Sun, 25 Apr 2010 20:40:49
One Week.

Splendid weekend. Lots of cool rocks to see and collect. Driving a 12-passenger Ford is more fun than one would think. Not much fun sitting in the back on windy mountain roads. With rock samples sliding and falling everywhere. Our van was the best though. Seriously, the best group of people. Justin, Kelsey, George, Emily, Paul, Brad, and myself. Our vessel was aptly named the HSS Cocktease. Oh man. What a drive. Good times great convos.
Sleeping in the passenger seat of the van because the tent in which you plan on sleeping requires 20 minutes of assembly, and you have to do this in the rain. = water everywhere.


Everyone sang some songs, but I dropped the ball on a few. Should have printed off all of the chords as well. Next time.

Legs are beaten up. Some bruising expected soon. I’m super sleepy.

A full account of the events will be given at a later time.

Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:07:24
Today I was randomly inspired and decided to store what was on my mind on my memo pad in my phone. Let's see what it says.

"These four chords are like your love for him: They'll make you popular but they're nothing special."
-Potential for a song using the four chords progression that so many bands have used to make bank.

"The stars won't even notice that we're gone until thousands to millions of years after the end of the world. I wonder what they'll see."

Papers papers papers.

Sat, 17 Apr 2010 13:02:23
10 more days of school. 2 Weeks.

The only days in the next 10 days that expect thunderstorms are the days of our field trip, next weekend. w00t. I’m in charge of the campfire and live music. My dreams are coming true. Now if I could only sing.....well.

Disc golf yesterday was a disappointment. It was good to be out there but I wasn't feeling it.

Time to study for physics.

Thu, 08 Apr 2010 20:48:25
First update of April. I've been neglecting you xanga.

Sleep is like a dream now...something I remember only vaguely, but want to hold desperately anyway.

Junior year appears to be going similarly to junior year of high school. Lots of work. Little play.

My brother is now 20 years old. That was a strange moment.

My favorite uncle is in poor health. Dad didn't sound happy. I’m not sure what's happening.

If I were to take the stress test that I took senior year of high school, my stress score would be through the roof.

Pound Gap was fun though.

Geology and Environmental Studies?
Earth and Environmental Sciences? <---I like it better.

Facebook makes it too difficult to upload photos to a pre-existing album now.

Fun times in Sewanee, TN tomorrow.

Sun, 28 Mar 2010 17:17:12
It was a ruby that she wore
On a chain around her neck
In the shape of a heart
In the shape of a heart
It was a time I won't forget
For the sorrow and regret
And the shape of a heart
And the shape of a heart
I guess I never knew
What she was talking about
I guess I never knew
What she was living without

People speak of love don't know what they're thinking of
Wait around for the one who fits just like a glove
Speak in terms of belief and belonging
Try to fit some name to their longing

There was a hole left in the wall
From some ancient fight
About the size of a fist
Or something thrown that had missed
And there were other holes as well
In the house where our nights fell
Far too many to repair
In the time that we were there

People speak of love don't know what they're thinking of
Reach out to each other though the push and shove
Speak in terms of a life and the learning
Try to think of a word for the burning

You keep it up
You try so hard
To keep a life from coming apart
And never know
What breaches and faults are concealed
In the shape of a heart

It was the ruby that she wore
On a stand beside the bed
In the hour before dawn
When I knew she was gone
And I held it in my hand
For a little while
And dropped it into the wall
Let it go, heard it fall

I guess I never knew
What she was talking about
I guess I never knew
What she was living without
People speak of love don't know what they're thinking of
Wait around for the one who fits just like a glove
Speak in terms of a life and the living
Try to find the word for forgiving

You keep it up
You try so hard
To keep a life from coming apart
And never know
The shallows and the unseen reefs
That are there from the start
In the shape of a heart

Sat, 27 Mar 2010 19:39:32
Maybe we're all just too worried about not messing up.

Sat, 27 Mar 2010 19:35:23
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. -john gardner

I think it's more about figuring out what and why you're drawing, rather than just drawing.

Wed, 24 Mar 2010 09:34:18
I have been neglectful. Even with the amount of work I've had recently, I could do a better job for you. Somehow.

Hours of work and days of toil will not lessen my affection.

I am here.

I am surprised neglectful is a word, perhaps because I am barely able to keep my eyes open and head up, and my judgement is skewed.

My poster is finished. I hope.

Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:35:13
Petrology test went well. Kimberlite characteristics not so good, but I know it now.

Physics tomorrow. Chapters 9-16. I just realized that we do one chapter per class. wow.

Poster will be frantically put together tomorrow night. w00t.

Pound Gap was amazing. So much rock. So much time. 50-100 million years. And I saw it all. Amazing.

Someday I’ll sleep.

Sat, 20 Mar 2010 07:58:12
Off to go experience what I should experience every month.

The field.

Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:17:45
I can hear you singing to me in my sleep.

Thu, 18 Mar 2010 18:47:08
Think positive.

I get to use my rock hammer this weekend. For reals.

I get to be with a bunch of geologists looking at one of the coolest formations there is.

I did well on my presentation.

I have the coolest girlfriend and am constantly reminded of this.

I have great ideas I’d like to put into motion if I’m elected geoclub president.

I’m basically in charge of making the geoclub shirts for the department. Super cool.

Only like a month and a half of school left. Heck yes.

Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:24:30
This has really been a no good, very bad day. At least the second half.

Thanks for telling me that I needed to have all of my receipts to be reimbursed for the trip. Now I’m down $160. Wonderful.

Thanks AC for declining all but 3 of my 30 submissions. I know you accepted the same kind of stuff before, don't worry about it.

Thanks Nirmal, my physics T.A., for not being a good T.A. You don't even know what we're doing in class, so you quiz us on stuff 2 weeks before we go over it. And don't care.

Today should be a great day. I've had some good things happen.

Got my new microphone, it's good.

Got a free posterboard for my EUReCA presentation

It's St. Patty's Day.

It's our 5 month.

There's a softball game tonight.

But the other things just bring me down to a place I can't seem to escape.

Wed, 10 Mar 2010 00:07:44
Avenger- long fade, wind-resistant, long distance, capable of and flourishes with S-throws.
The Champion and DX Wraiths- long fade, long distance, light S-throws.
The Star T-Rex- most predictable long distance driver, long fade minimal, stable.
The Dx Destroyer- long distance, minimal fade, susceptible to wind. holds a pretty good line.
The Star X-Calibur- medium-long fade, turns a bit more than others.
The Champion Firebird- medium-long fade, turns the most. Wondering if S-throws would separate this disc from the others.
The Chamipion Valkerie- long fade, very susceptible to wind gushes. pretty straight otherwise, but not as long as Wraith and Avenger.
The (DX/Millenium) Trilobite- medium-long fade, pretty straight. highly susceptible to the wind and ocean turnover.
The DX Viking- similar to The Trilobite in color and flight pattern. More fade.
The Star Beast- long fade right, unusual. Willing to bet it's a very straight flier with a level throw.
The Champion Boss- very fast. Must be able to throw it fast enough to overcome its fade. Best with a flick.
The DX Leopard- excellent midrange, predictable fade, rolls well.
Orion LS- fades right, pretty straight, long distance.

Getting to know your discs is essential.

Sat, 06 Mar 2010 18:53:46
I would love to just lay my head back and watch the stars move across the sky,

because at least this will be and has been constant in my lifetime.

This is the most powerful statistic I've ever known.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:15:39
Calooh, callay.

Some rest.

Dry run went well. Good tips. Lots to do.

Math isn't really my forte. So much math. Hope no one asks about it.

I’m proud of you.

Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:53:43
I like the new way I write lowercased 'f's.

I am too busy for life right now.

Talked to JP Murphy downstairs just now. He remarked how funny it was that we're at that point in our lives when we're doing what we want to do, and it makes us extremely busy. I agreed, telling him about my research and how I have to know what everything means. But I don't.

I feel like a kamakaze on his 38th mission. This is an old saying my dad likes, or liked when we were younger.

When we were young.

I look at my hands and the child in me wants to cry.

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:47:56
I require exercise. My body requires burning of what it's gained this semester. I also need time.

I was up doing my lab until 3:30. Mike said that this lab should take 3 hours. It took me at least 20. It took Noah over 30. That's when you know you've given your students too much work.

Tonight: Physics homework and lab report.

Sleep? Sounds like a myth.

It was warm this past weekend, like a slap in the face.

Week after spring break may be more relaxing than spring break. It can't get here soon enough.

Tue, 23 Feb 2010 16:55:39
so tired. stayed up late for test, didn't do well on test. great. that was important.

I slept through Sociology today. With two alarms set. great. that was also important.

I lack focus.

Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:54:09
I need you so much closer.

Talking is good.

Chapter "Quest" in Seq. Strat. Tuesday = need to read a lot.


And of course, he discovers a new batch. Zephyr Hills, you'd better be a quick group.

The days fly by
The sky ebbs and flows
With the sun, to and fro'
Hear the world sigh.

The days fly by
Feelings defaced
A familiar song not quite placed
Here the world sighs.

The days fly by
Do things change?
Ask a wiser one than I
Hear the world sigh.

The days fly by
Consider the scale
Of what is in your pail
Here the world sighs.

Tue, 16 Feb 2010 14:42:28
Busy busy busy.

Less than one month. Oh crap.

No samples from the Southern location. Oh crap. I guess I’ll just be comparing the two central morphotypes and the northern morphotype. Oh crap.

Oh crap. Suede jackets cost lots of money to dry clean. >_<

Oh crap.

Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:58:33
2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony was ballin. Wayne Gretzky lighting the torch. Amazing performances all around. Wicked cool effects. Makes me wish I’d watched in 2008.

Hello darkness, my old friend.


Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:42:57
Petrology test down. Physics to go.

It was a fair assessment of the past month. That's all I have to say on the matter.

I had hoped that Hap was going to cancel class, due to the snow. It was beautiful snow. For whatever reason, it's not sticking to the grass or trees anymore. It's very windy and the 'feels like' is probably in the low 20s/upper teens.

Physics is going to be murder. Must study until I can't study no more.

Lab later today, must finish the lab. I thought I had, but I think I did it incorrectly.

I keep forgetting to take this package to the post office :( It will get there.

Mon, 08 Feb 2010 13:00:17
goal: stop spending so much money needlessly.

I don't need goodwill runs. Even 50 cent shotglasses. When would I even use those?

It's gotta end.

Starting today.

Sun, 07 Feb 2010 16:11:35
It has been a stressful month thus far.

This week:

By Monday
Petrology lab
By Tuesday
Read chapter for Seq. Strat.
Do seismic interpretation charts
Physics homework
By Wednesday
Freaking know petrology for test
By Thursday
Freaking know physics for test
By Friday
Have another dozen or so echinoids scanned and analyzed.

ONE MONTH from next monday. AHHHHHH

Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:27:50
Rest in Peace, Uncle George.

Sun, 31 Jan 2010 01:23:36

3-4 inches of snow in Knoxville, TN. January 29th-30th. Mark it.

MGMT is awesome, but they're videos are weird.

I wish I were outside sliding on the sidewalks. It seems a great waste of this epic snowfall in Knoxville, the likes of which may not occur again during my stay here, and I love the snow. It's really hard icy snow now though, so no snowball fights. Last night's snow was optimal, even ideal.

Bowled a 167. One of my all-time highs.

I’m a guitar instructor. I've given at least 3 people lessons. Multiple times. Part time instructor? Maybe I’m just a friend that helps out friends expand their knowledge and experience. I don't get paid, afterall.

Fun night last night, hanging out with some Geo peeps. Kelsey has some crazy dreams. Crazy childhood and adolescence. Helped analyze her dreams and whatnot. Trees being uprooted and pulled into the clouds, burning. Roots afire raining from the sky. The apocalypse. What a beautiful nightmare. I wish I could paint this, or write a song. Maybe I will.

Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:27:59

Nice new corduroy jacket WITH the elbow pads: $5
Banana Republic corduroy pants: $3

Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:50:53
I am beyond pleased. A vintage leather jacket from The Leather Shop section of The Men's Store, Sears Roebuck. Probably been worn twice. $50, half off for $25 BOOGA!

A UT Sports windbreaker for $15. meh, not bad. I’ll use it to try to exercise and such. Hopefully.

A nice black shirt, Geoffrey Beene for $3. Brand new. Sateen, looks sharp.

Total spending as of 12:00 pm: $43 + tax...ehhh shouldn't have bought the UT windbreaker. Oh well, at least I’ll use it.

On shuffle, my iPod just played Here Comes the Sun, followed by Here Comes the Sun/The Inner Light [Transition]. What a great day this is turning out to be.


Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:13:41
My 21st birthday seems so long ago. All of it seems so long ago.

Life's like an hourglass glued to the table.

Breathe, Just Breathe.

Physics is not my forte. I don't like the labs. My TA is hard to understand and doesn't understand our questions. Language barriers are not easy.

It's been such a long day already.

Here comes the sun. It's alright.

Tue, 26 Jan 2010 07:49:02
Strange dreams.

I was a bird. Flying to Mike DeAngelis's house with Will Atwood, also a bird. He didn't think I knew where Mike lived. A line of bird houses on a telephone wire. I tricked him and stopped at the last second. Couldn't get in the bird house hole. Inexperienced. Irony. Wheeled around gasping while Will laughed. Finally made it in. Turned human. Quite a cozy place, big. Surprise. Mike shows up, Megan Carr shows up. They watch TV and laugh. I eat carrots. More UT grad students. Why was I the only undergrad? Megan Ennis and that other grad student show up, Melanie? Something like that. Sleepover?

Another strange dream.

Hanging out with Aimee and some of her family. Seems like a lot of people. Cleaning up after eating, a topic comes up but I can't remember what. For some reason I forget she has children, and say "Oh, forgot you have children..." in a kind of awk way. Her family is extremely offended. I know what her mom is like angry now, through my dream. I begged and begged to her mother that I didn't mean anything bad by it, but she was quite the argumentative one. Begging for forgiveness. The family plays a game while I am by myself. Mr. Cole notices and tells them to play with me. They shoot missiles at a coconut with palms 3 feet in front of me for fun. I have to reset it when they hit everything around it except for the coconut.

Very odd.

Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:12:31

must control impulses.

but not right now, because I haven't eaten yet today.

just in general.


A box of rocks and ethereal cat socks

Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:37:09
There is a featured Xanga post asking "When did you lose your innocence?" Reminds me of some things.

And how dumb society is for putting so much pressure on its youth. People obsess about the strangest things and make things what they are not.

Whatever. Sometimes thinking objectively about it will help you develop your subjective thoughts. Then you can appreciate and experience new things. Live.

Sequence Stratigraphy @ 9:30-12:00 on Tuesdays. Lots of reading and memorizing to be done.

Gosh darn I like disc golf. 26 discs to show for my obsession, plus analyzing videos. Getting crazy.

So tired.

Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:55:32
You're the Sunshine in my <3 Heart
Sweet Dreams + Sleep Well
You Can Do It

It seems as though I carry my weight in rocks back to my apartment every day. Le sigh. Some of them need to go.

I foresee difficulties in getting to sociology in the future. It's 1.2 miles away. Why the university put a sociology class on the agricultural campus, I’ll never know. But it's aggravating.

Disc golf weather (almost) this weekend! 54 degrees! The "feels like" is probably like 35, but whatevs....arg I hope I get to play.

Mon, 11 Jan 2010 02:27:26
Snow subsides
Suitcase abides

Sat, 02 Jan 2010 00:34:56
I will turn 30 in this decade. Oh my goodness.

"She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it."

This is a beautiful quote from Avatar.

Some people are wrapped in drama because it is all they have ever known.

Tonight, I take pictures of coins. At least for a little while. I wish this camera had manual focus. Some day I’ll buy a nice SLR and take whatever kind of pictures I want. Some day.

Dedecorating the house tomorrow. Dedecoration =/= Dodecahedron. Therefore, it won't be much fun.

In a passive way, I can't believe it's 2010. I used to ask myself, and I remember discussing it with others, what this decade will be remembered by. Technology? Youtube? The Internet? I imagine it will be famed for advancements in global networking. Ultimately, when the government has too much power and will be exposed, this will be the decade holding the root of the problem. But for now, we show our pretty pictures and toil our lives away liking statuses, trying to think of something to do that has meaning.

Fri, 01 Jan 2010 18:04:45
I had a long, tireless imaginescapade the other night. It was fantastic.

Since the beginning of mankind, people have made choices. Every choice made over an alternate choice splits reality into two or more separate realities, or dimensions. When we were born, the same became true for us. And for our parents. Instead of having us they could have had any other of the millions of possibilities that come with reproduction. Or they could have met completely different people, yielding ultimately hundreds of billions of different results.
However, we can only control what happens to ourselves. Perhaps over the course of our lifetimes, we each create an infinite spectrum of self, ranging from good to evil based on the different actions we've made or could have made, which are manifested in other realities. Thus each of your selves could differ from its neighboring selves by merely a smile you flashed in your lifetime, or perhaps just the thought of a good or bad deed. On our Judgement Day, when each of our alternate realities has reached a point of similarity, i.e. death, the most neutral personality amongst the spectrum of self is chosen. You, or this neutral self, are not inclined to good or evil. But God requires you to make a choice based on your knowledge of each life, a choice that will ultimately lead to your place in eternity. Or perhaps instead of choosing the most neutral person, a random person is selected.

Is there something in us that could not be changed no matter what choices we make? If there is another dimension in which I am a murderous, barbaric criminal, would something besides our physiology connect us? If so, I think that this universal, underlying psychological drive would be the selective criterion by which we are distributed in eternity. Maybe we can change this underlying cognition, but only in a limited number of ways. Maybe the mode of these cognitive thought patterns that defines us in each of these realities is the criterion.

Just a thought.

Wed, 30 Dec 2009 14:41:15
new clothes.

Sony Cyber-shot W290.


a good christmas.

curled up in my bed. too cold.

let it rain let it pour.

Wed, 23 Dec 2009 01:41:03
I really want to play disc golf. Why did you have to leave the day it got to 57 degrees? le sigh...

Gran Torino was great. Clint Eastwood is such a hoss, a boss, a manly man. My dad's role model more or less. Might make a good gift. I’m gifted out. Bought my mom a hat and a scarf at For Love 21 today. I went into a girly store and shopped with my mom. You should be proud. Oh boy.

I love my gifts, btw. The spider is magnificent. The necessities, wonderful. The CDs, entertaining. The geodes, mysterious. I’m going to break open one, but leave the other intact. Sometimes imagination does more good than knowledge.

Once you play on a baby grand, it is difficult to go back to an electric keyboard.

They danced to my music.

Thu, 17 Dec 2009 20:31:11
Christmas Christmas Christmas. Brings about so many surprises.

1) Dad goes crazy and buys mom something she'll rarely use, but I’ll use it all the time (heck yes)
2) Hoping that my gift for dad will fit in nicely with his recent diet/obsession with losing weight.
3) Cop-out gift for Wes. He'll like it, this is all that matters.
4) Wtf should I get for mom?
5) Girlfriend, you are set.
6) Dutch, still need to get you stuff.
7) Friends? Ahhhh what to get.....

Dad's old leather jacket fits me like a glove. I don't think he's ready to part with it.

I still find it slightly comical that part of The Eagles' distinctive sound is the banjo. Haaa...

Good time at Dan's. I am still wonderfully surprised by Igor's quote:

"What do you call the person who finishes last at Harvard Medical School? Doctor."

Wed, 16 Dec 2009 17:11:28
jamming to some favorite tunes. I need new tunes, new challenges.

The rash or whatever it is is spreading. Onto my hands, my back, legs, arms. First day of steroids have been taken. Let's hope this works for good.

GPA for the semester only dropped by 0.02. The B- in chem is responsible. Stupidly weighted class. Glad to be done with it. Should be thankful.

Shindig at Dan's. Hope it's fun. Lots of people.

Don't stop believin. Hold onto that feeling.

Sun, 13 Dec 2009 20:10:49
Titans game was fun. St. Louis was terrible. Wasn't as fun as a UT game, there just wasn't as much excitement/people. But it was a decent game.

I am so tired. My feet are freezing. I am not getting better or worse. My cough is ever present, lurking inside of my chest and waiting for the right moment to disrupt my actions. I just want to be healthy.

Tomorrow is Monday. Then Tuesday. Then it is over, just a bunch of ink to paper for one to read and wheels to asphalt.

Just Breathe.

Sun, 13 Dec 2009 02:27:52
Dragonball Evolution was epic. Cheeze factor was high, but I enjoyed myself.

Football game.
Epic win.

Hopefully this weather clears up. Missing the meteor shower because of it. = (

Christmas will be fun.

There was an LP of Abbey Road at Best Buy today for $14.99. I almost bought it. But I’d rather go to McKay's or Goodwill or somewhere like that and look for hours to find records that have been loved, originals, that have made it through the years despite society's progression into the digital age. I want the hard copy. Then it is mine, then it has character, then I am not buying a copy of something that has unlimited quantities because it is digital. The hard copy was made with intention, it was packaged, it was sent and put on the shelves for someone to have as their own. Buying a copy from some online store is buying something that took no effort to make. It is a file with characteristic sound waves and a code.

This is not how I always think, but how I am thinking at the moment. I want to feel history. Ancient and modern. Cambrian and 70s.

It's scary to think that life has no direction, evolution has no ultimate destination, life as we know it has been going on for some 3.5 billion years on this planet. We can't even really grasp the thought of the universe. What about other universes? What about life elsewhere? Will technology save or destroy us? I believe that people will inhabit the moon within my lifetime. Maybe even Mars. But what is our purpose? Are we just recycled stardust, or is this drive inside each of us meant for something?

Think about that next time you're driving in car with hundreds of other people on a road that we've built using mathematics and drive. Drive.

Sat, 12 Dec 2009 02:56:08
I need to go to sleep earlier than I have been. Waking up at noon feels nice, but then the day seems shorter.

My display is complete. Or rather, the rocks and minerals are now clear of my bed and the floor, and are on bookshelves and dressers. They may require repositioning. Mom thought it was pretty, but only saw a couple of things.

Ra-ra ah-ah-ah
Roma roma-ma
Gaga ooh la la.

Catchy tune and interesting video.

Hang out times with Aimee and Chris were fun. Looking at cameras tomorrow with Aimee. I want a nice one, but money is tight. Same old story, same old song and dance.

I want to play with Dan's brother Mak's guitar equipment. Hopefully hang out times monday. or something like this.

I just want to have a chillax break. No stress. Life is better sometimes when you just let it happen, as opposed to when you have to chase it down to milk out every bit of it. Let it come to you. Look for the little things. This is key.

Room is still a mess. Cleaning will be had on the morrow.

Bought a Christmas tree with Dad. It's a good one. We hope. Mom is the final judge.

It is cold.

Thu, 10 Dec 2009 19:57:38
I am home. My body knows this and has decided to cease functioning. So tired.

So many rocks on my bed. Bookshelves are becoming rockshelves. I can't display some of these samples with the justice they deserve.

I can't wait for you to be home.

Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:53:32
And if I say to you tomorrow,
Take my hand, child, come with me.
Its to a castle I will take you,
Where whats to be, they say will be.

Catch the wind, see us spin,
Sail away, leave today,
Way up high in the sky.
But the wind wont blow,
You really shouldnt go,
It only goes to show
That you will be mine
By takin our time. ooh

And if you say to me tomorrow,
Oh what fun it all would be,
Then whats to stop us, pretty baby,
But what is and what should never be.

Catch the wind, see us spin,
Sail away, leave today,
Way up high in the sky.
But the wind wont blow,
You really shouldnt go,
It only goes to show
That you will be mine
By takin our time. ooh

So if you wake up with the sunrise,
And all your dreams are still as new,
And happiness is what you need so bad,
Girl, the answer lies with you, yeah

Wed, 09 Dec 2009 21:21:10
The rocks I’m bringing home vastly outweigh my other luggage.

I am finished with the semester. Now all I can do is wait for results. It blew by me so quickly I only barely managed to keep up.

Mike doesn't want a new roommate. Thinks Cody's a good roommate aside from the messes left behind after his parties. I agree.

I am erasing this semester from my room slowly. When I return, it will be ready to tackle the new semester.

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:49:35
I can't focus. Chemistry is not one of those things that I enjoy studying. Especially for cumulative finals. This is my only cumulative final, and it's dumb. 25% of my grade. And I can't begin to care for whatever reason. Guess I’ll just study Mineralogy and be somewhat productive.

Learning Black Magic Woman. Love that intro.

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 15:12:43
Well, I took my paleo final. Knew everything except the Signor Lips effect. 5 points. Might get 2? Expecting a decent grade on that final.

Studying for chem. It will never end. I should be studying for mineralogy. I suppose I could split my time.

We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:56:42
What a terrible time to have insomnia. I’m sure it's because I didn't wake up until 1 yesterday, took a nap, and didn't do anything physically exhausting. Mentally exhausting, yes.

So let's talk about this paleo test I have in 4 hours and 40 minutes.

Cuvier's Law of Coordinated Parts: Certain morphologies occur with each other.
Darwin: Form follows function because of adaptation. Adaptation, thus, is the evolution of form to follow function.
Forbidden Morphologies: Phylogenetic constraints are due to lack of the raw material by which evolution can take place. The phylogeny is the way it is, can't change it. Morphological constraints (Functional) are caused by the laws of physics. We don't see horses with wheels. Or do we?
Pleiotropy occurs when a set of genes causes change that is adaptive in multiple areas.
Adaptation hypothesis assumes that form follows function. Also assumes uniformitarianism.
Autecology--the study of a species and its interaction with its environment.
Synecology--the study of autecology on a communal level.
Biosphere--the upper life-sustaining portion of Earth.
Ecosystem--the sum total of all physical, chemical, and biological components of an area.
Community--local collections of organisms interacting with the environment.
Habitat--the physical environment in which an organism lives.
Niche--the physical, chemical, and biological limits at which an organism can exist.
Planktic--organisms (usually phytoplankton and zooplankton) that live in the photic zone (~200 m.) and drift freely
Nektic--organisms that can swim without aid of current.
Benthic--organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean, beginning at the continental shelf and extending to the continental basin.
Infaunal--organisms which dwell within the substrate
Epifaunal--organisms which dwell above/on the substrate
Ecosystem Components: An ecosystem requires energy, nutrients, autotrophs, and decomposers. Though parasites, carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores are common, they are not necessary components of an ecosystem. The energy and nutrients are utilized by the autotrophs, which are then restored to the system by the decomposers.
Feeding Modes: 1) Chemical Breakdown--ex. Polyplacopherans, 2) Scavenging--ex. Hyena, 3) Predation--ex. Lion, 4) Filter Feeding--ex. Clam, 5) Suspension Feeding--ex. Crinoid
Taphonomy and Uniformitarianism affect our ability to interpret ancient environments by fossil incompleteness, diagenesis, scavenging, or any other means that will bias the sample which is collected. Assuming uniformitarianism is not always correct, as environments change through time. The earth at one point in history may be completely different than it is today, and it may be impossible for us to know exactly how the earth was. We assume several things because we can only see what is happening today. Certain processes do not occur today, but may have occurred in the ancient past.
Diversity through time diagram: Can't know all of diversity, must have a proxy for some organisms. Proxy = estimate of amount of one organism based on its abundance with another organism. Time plotted versus number of Families.
Cambrian Fauna: Trilobites (score), Primitive Crinoids, Inarticulate Brachiopods, Archaic Mollusks
Paleozoic Fauna: Crinoidea, Starfish, Ostracoda, Articulate Brachiopods, Coral (Rugosa and Tabulata), Cephalopods, Bryozoa
Modern Fauna: Crustaceans, Bryozoa, Echinodea, Gastropoda, Demospongia, Reptilia, Mammalia, Bony Fish, Sharks, Bivalvia
In order to move from sea to land, plants and animals needed: 1) A constant supply of water, 2) Buoyancy, and 3) A Homogeneous Environment (low flux in temperature, salinity, turbidity).
Plants were first to come to land as cyanobacteria, because animals needed them to eat before they could live on land.
Clonal colonies are colonies in which all individuals, or Ramets, have the same Genet (phylogeny).
Aclonal coloies are colonies in which all Ramets have different Genets.
Can be Homeomorphic (generalist) or Polymorphic (specialist).
Ecological tiering--resource partitioning, creating niches.
Interspecific Competition--competition for resources or space causes overgrowth of organisms, death
Intraspecific Competition--competition for resources or space causes change in morphology to adjust to change.
Reef--an organically constructed, wave-resistant structure.
Main Reef Facies: 1) Reef Flat, 2) Reef Crest, 3) Reef Front
Reefs are important because: 1) Indicator of sea level, 2) Natural resources, 3) High diversity, 4) Indicator of environmental conditions
Reefs controlled by 1) Sea level, 2) Salinity (preferably high pH), 3) Turbidity, 4) Temperature (preferably high), 5) Opacity of water
Zonation within a reef caused by wave energy distribution
1) Rounded, low profile, 2) Braching scleractinia, 3) Platy
Community Succession--the flora and fauna diversity of an area as it changes through time.
Pioneer Community contains: 1) Low diversity plants, 2) Shallow roots, 3) Generalist animals, 4) Poor soil, Short lived plants
Intermediate Community contains: 1) Maximum diversity, 2) Specialist fauna and flora, 3) Rich soil, 4) Slower growing organisms, 5) Deeper roots
Climax Community contains: 1) Extremely low diversity, 2) Dominance by few flora or fauna, 3) Deep roots, 4) Poor soil
Disturbances level the playing field, return it to pioneer or intermediate.

That is half of my study guide. It is 5:00. I have just felt the first hints of sleep in my eyelids and body.

Sat, 05 Dec 2009 20:26:11
My health is at a semester low. And it probably didn't help to spend the better part of an hour inside of a rock room with stuff from the early 1900s and black mold everywhere. Mmmm...but there was grossular limonite with malachite to be had.

And yet, I must wait until tomorrow after the faculty has finished picking through the treasures. = (

I was, however, given a beautiful slab of Italian Serpentine. And some awesome trilobites.

So much studying to do. My eyes are in agony from looking under the microscope and staring at a computer all day.

I've had this window open for 3 days now. Health is still poor, I don't have a voice apparently.

Got the awesome samples. Oh man were they good. Too many samples. Hundreds of pounds. I did it anyway. Every day is another backpack full of splendors. Giant quartz crystals one day, tourmalines next, and uranium ore the next.

Studying for paleo. ugh.

Tue, 01 Dec 2009 11:08:21
Society is so narrow-minded.

The moon is so much closer, easier to reach.
The stars are so far away, so much bigger and infinite in number.

Be bold.
Shoot for the stars.

Tue, 01 Dec 2009 09:18:33
Simple mistakes
Everyone errs
All it will take
Is patience and care.

My voice is epically deep today. I guess this means I’m getting sick. Crap.

Tue, 24 Nov 2009 23:26:49
One week, not 10. Great.

Dressing for success tomorrow.

70s success.

Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:21:31
Home is where the heart is.

Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:07:01
Dyna-Flex Pro.
The Ultimate Power


Did well on my Mineralogy lab final. w00t.

Sun, 22 Nov 2009 15:50:02
Apparently Mike died like 4 years ago or something. Maybe 5? Wow. What a crazy story.

Sun, 22 Nov 2009 13:32:52
I find it kind of funny

But not kind of sad.

I had "A Day in the Life" stuck in my head, and apparently you had "Strawberry Fields" stuck in yours. Funny how these things happen.

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And, looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
And somebody spoke and I went into a dream
:eclectic sigh:

The way it went today

Woke up, fell out of bed
Washed myself and shampooed my head
Found my way downstairs and bought a sub
And, looking out, I noticed it was raining
Found no mail, and said drat
Back upstairs in seconds flat
Found my way to my room and ate my sub
Saw somebody's picture and I fell into a dream
:eclectic sigh:

Disc golfing was fun. Some day the wraith will obey.

Four days.

Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:41:34
Oye como va

I can't stop coughing. It's annoying.

No more mineralogy lab. So sad.

Some guy's throwing out some of his mineral samples later today. You can bet I’ll be on them like a potato in a cabbage farm.


Spontaneous poem

You like cats
Like I like dogs
If you wanted
We could play leap frog
And roll around
All over the place
Because I like being
Next to your face.

Good thing I didn't go to the soccer game. Forfeit. So they got in the playoffs. I've been requested to play. We'll see.

I have two papers due Dec. 1. Wonderful. Instead of going to the game this weekend, I will probably be writing these papers. Hopefully. Discipline is necessary.

Thanksgiving break. I want to play disc golf so bad, it's not even funny. I just want to rip the disc, and have the satisfaction of watching it fly toward the basket. It really does feel awesome to throw. I love this sport. The weather had better be nice.

Five days of school left. In this semester. Such a fast semester. Everyone seems to say the same. Where did it go? In the papers, the homework, the labs? It passed by so quickly. I don't even know what to think about my grades. Nothing is going TERRIBLY....we'll see soon enough.

Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:24:00
Waiting for the Ginkgoes

Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:03:35
Do not fear.

Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:03:18
I took a nap basking in the sunlight that was pouring through my window yesterday afternoon. It was very nice.

My staurolite samples look much better than they did.

I feel quite fortunate that she likes/can appreciate the things in which I have immersed myself. Poems about the paleozoic ftw.

Tonight is the Leonid Meteor Shower. Wide range of times expected to be good viewing times. Facebook says 11:00 tonight. The news says 4:00-4:30am. :( Quite the discrepancy.

All of those fiery splendors just from something the size of a grain of sand, maybe as big as a pea. All laid out in 1466. Crazy to think about these things....

Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:43:16
Some pretty strange dreams these past couple of nights. Not sure what to make of them.

Haunted house with Wes and Dad, upstairs was like any normal nice house. Basement was haunted. One room had socks on hangers and a pair of old boxers on display. They had the number 800 on them and flames. They were orange. I suddenly knew that they were the boxers of some famous creepy person that had 800 siblings, and he was supposed to be a ghost because he was the first one to die among his siblings. Like I said, weird stuff.

Other dream involved a guy in my mineralogy and paleo classes, Ken. He was a state trooper. And arrogant as all get out. There was something about this one house in the middle of nowhere that was a fashion warehouse, but only some people could get in. Some guy kept trying to get in, and they wouldn't let him. That's all I remember.

Soccer game tonight at 5. exciting. About to start studying for mineralogy lab final. W00t.

Sat, 14 Nov 2009 19:08:24
The priests and pontiffs of the first millennium were pretty ballsy. Calling the emperor impudent and stupid probably didn't get them too many safety points. Way to stand up for yourself, Gregory I.

I have much more patience than I thought I would. Or rather, I am much more relaxed with letting things develop than I thought I would be. Maybe I didn't think about it? Either way, it's surprising. I like it.

This is a big week coming up. 10 more days of school left. Then finals. Holy guacamole Batman.

Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:04:16
I’d like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade.
He'd let us in, knows where we've been
In his octopus's garden in the shade.

This mineralogy paper outline is giving me more problems than it should. I still have to look at the mineral formulas. All 59.

I cut a bunch of rocks today. I had a laugh to myself, thinking about how funny it is to cut rocks. Rocks, people. I think I’ll do it again tomorrow.

It's 11:03 and I can't seem to think of what to do for my paper. Wonderful. I suppose this is a sign to start working on the mineral formulas for a while.

Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:37:25
After scanning an echinoid today, I passed the custodian on the way out the door. He's probably in his late 50s, African American, and doesn't give the impression that he has a lot of money. Today he was wearing an Army sweatshirt. After passing him and walking halfway down the sidewalk, I turned around. I went back inside, asked him if he was in the Army, to which he replied that he was. I wished him a happy Veterans' Day and thanked him for his service.

"Thank you. You the only that said that all day."

Something so small as showing a little gratitude can change a person's mood instantly.

Mon, 09 Nov 2009 15:25:23
Just thinking about those microscopes makes my eyes hurt. Alas, I must slave away and learn how to identify each mineral.

Things don't always go accordingly to plan. Sometimes they turn out better than they would have if they had. Most of the time we can't really know if this is true. But I’m glad that most things turn out the way they do. Everything happens for a reason.

Trying to bounce back from this flu thing.

I’m so sick of all of the R&B music videos on TV. Rich guys with nice cars and million dollar watches and their accessory women dancing around in nearly nothing, taking showers for no reason. Come on people. That's not realistic, and it's not what we want in society. Be original, show some respect. Same goes for your music. Be creative for once.

I am The Luckiest.

Wed, 04 Nov 2009 19:26:56
I <3 mail.

Especially when it's from awesome people.

I actually got a haircut. Look at that.

I need a nap. Two naps today, each about 15 minutes long. Doesn't cut it.

Time to go do labs.

Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:16:27
Fight it with the optimism and determination you are known to have.

And modern medicine. And rest. Which isn't so modern, but extremely necessary.

Haircut today. It's happening. Just not sure where.

Naptime is also happening, hopefully for the masses.

I’m in a Tom Petty mood.

Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:36:33
In my delirious state last night, I picked the wrong picture.

Everything is as it should be now.

Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:24:16
Christian found this on whilst slaving away over mineralogy.

"My whipped ice dairy drink brings the attention of many males to my place of residence and/ or employment, and they declare that its quality far surpasses that of yours. Absolutely, it far surpasses yours. I could convey to you the recipe, but I would have to demand compensation."

I like it better than the original.

Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:11:02
I am so glad that my dad came up to help me out. Holy cowow.

Mike is hilarious. When he's drunk.

I have so much to do.

Mon, 02 Nov 2009 15:46:47
She finds my Sambas sexy
They really turn her on
She's always staring at me
When I’m putting them on.

Only three more labs left in chem, 2 labs left in mineralogy. And no more new minerals to learn, all review.

This semester is ending so quickly. In the next month, I have to work super hard in chem and mineralogy, write a paper for medieval civ, another one for mineralogy, an abstract for my research which I’m presenting at the annual ESA meeting in the spring (zomg), and finals. And whatever else is in there. Paleo field trip paper too probably.

In simile,
Expression through metaphor
Is like playing music
With the crescendo here
The decrescendo there
Giving new meaning to the song
Each time it is played
Playing differently off the melody
The ballad
The title.
In metaphor,
It is retroactive as well as new,
A lantern hung behind a wagon
As the oxen go forth
With muscle, drive
Into the unknown.

Mon, 02 Nov 2009 10:21:42
Morgan Jones might have the right idea. Fading facebook out of one's life probably wouldn't be the most unhealthy thing in the world....

There are so many pros and cons.

Communication. Knowledge. Excitement. Connectivity.

Lack of true substance. Excuses for everything. Time wasting. Propaganda.

We're really bad at this sleeping thing. I am exhausted. Pros and cons, pros and cons....

Mounting excitement....

Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:05:04
This poison ivy thing has lasted far too long. 56 days. For the love of God, Montresor.

Football game today, 7 something o'clock. late game. South Carolina Gamecocks. boy oh boy.

And it's Halloween. Costume is a go. Hope it doesn't rain anymore than it has.

Thu, 29 Oct 2009 22:49:29
I should be studying.
But my eyes are screaming
Screaming to gaze only at one thing
The dark abyss of my mind.
And it churns, burns
Yearns for rest.
I know not what I write
But there is something left in me
For I am writing.

Napping will be had
Else nothing will.

And yet your picture comes into focus
Giving my eyes peace
My body courage
My being breathes
And therefore, I am.

Wed, 28 Oct 2009 19:06:43
Like an angel moved from the heavens to earth, so does this portrait grace my desk. Whispering words of wisdom and calm.

I am exhausted. Paper to write, test to study for.

Nap to take.

Similar to the energy required to reorder the crystal structure of andalusite or sillimanite to achieve the end member with the lower Gibbs free energy, Kyanite. Replace energy with time that could be used studying, Kyanite with work.

If that makes any sense then I have no idea how I was able to do it.

Tue, 27 Oct 2009 23:16:21
I suppose I should write something coherent instead of continuing with my usual babblings.

I am very busy. I have several things to do and not enough time to do them. I even planned accordingly, and yet, the temporal factor in life is unrelenting, unmerciful. Equilibrium is all we can hope for.

Do you remember when we used to sing? Shalalalalalalalalalala la te da.

Interesting Wiki article about that song. It fits.

Slaving over chemistry and paleobiology. When will it end?

Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:30:21
So much to do.

If every simple song I played for you would take your breath away
I’d play them all.

no more junk food. seriously, it's killing me slowly.

Sat, 24 Oct 2009 20:01:21
Sometimes I feel
Like I should feel
It's more than a feeling
And then I realize
I feel
Like I should feel
Not how they feel
Or how they want me to feel
I am how I am
We are how we are
I like how it feels.

Sat, 24 Oct 2009 00:56:45
Now I know why.

I’m not looking anymore.
I am comfortable.
I am who I am
And am accepted.
No more worrying.
I am comfortable.
I’m not looking anymore.

Now I know why.

Fri, 23 Oct 2009 14:12:03
Next week's lineup:

Monday--freak out about Tuesday-Friday.
Tuesday--have huge mineralogy lab done as well as take last mineral quiz.
Wednesday--Paleo Midterm, chem quiz/test.
Thursday--have huge paleo paper finished
Friday--Mineralogy test.

Classes for next semester scheduled.

Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:05:57
In a state of near total relaxation.
Like slipping into a warm bath
This calm.
Like coming home
To a place which we have never been.

Tue, 20 Oct 2009 23:29:13
Somewhere in the 30-40 hour range. really?

We even flew a little.

I live for breaks like these.

So many words, no syntax on Earth could make a coherent thought of them.

Thu, 15 Oct 2009 22:14:54
Words flowing from fingers
To pen, to paper
Person to person

Sparks upon contact
From pen to paper
Person to person

Thu, 15 Oct 2009 20:29:51
So much food. 30 Mellow Mushroom pizzas.....there was bound to be extra.

Working the show tomorrow 10-2 now. Should be fine. Just a couple of hours earlier. And then the fun begins.

Such excitement.

Wed, 14 Oct 2009 21:55:16
earth science fair, 8:30 am

KGems 12:00-2:00




Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:45:14
So little hope. I wish my chem professor was a teacher. He can profess like a madman, but he can't teach worth anything.

Finishing that midterm will be a pitiful triumph. Pitiful but liberating in other senses.

So tired.

I honestly can't believe I haven't gotten sick. These past few weeks have been so stressful.

I hope thermodynamics will be an easier chapter. There's no way I’m getting a half decent grade on this midterm.

Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:00:02
I’m pleasantly surprised by The Rasmus. Thanks to an awesomesauce mix = )

I did indeed pwn my Med. Civ. test. Huzzah.

Come on fall break. I’m ready for you.

Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:30:43
I need to be aware.

I need to be objective.

Subjection comes in to play when dealing with the objective observations. Otherwise there is a bias.

But subjectivity is so powerful.

Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:03:18
What's it going to take, Silver Shadow believer?

Had that line stuck in my head this morning.

Chem was truly the worst I've ever been prepared for a test. I expect the grade to reflect and magnify this.
I’ll have to make up for some of it by studying my ass off for the 2nd half of it.

Time to go study my minerals. Double chain silicates this week, with CUMMINGTONITE!!!!!!

probably a schist load.

Sun, 11 Oct 2009 23:04:25
And tonight's gonna be a good night
And tonight's gonna be a good good night.

Good nights were had.

I’m now 21 years old. Bizarre. I was having a hard time with this apparently, because I kept saying I was turning 20. Lordy lordy.

I have a chemistry midterm tomorrow. And wednesday. Murder.

This weekend was a lot of fun. I hope next weekend will be even better. It has potential.

Liz made the most badass cake ever. The ace of cakes. So good.


Reincarnated as the most beautiful disc I've ever seen. I needed a fresh pair of underwear after that one. jk, but really....

Disc count back up to 21. = ) I <3 symmetry/completeness/Jenessa. So good.

Brad got me an amazing gift as well. I just looked at it more closely, and I think there might be some kind of error on the date. The first 8 in 1881 appears to be...irregular. Uncertainty. It's beautiful nonetheless.

I think what this weekend basically came down to is that I have magnificent friends, for whom I would do just about anything. This weekend was a learning experience, in more ways than one...I liked it.

Plus, we beat Georgia. Snizzap.

Fri, 09 Oct 2009 10:09:26
oh man, updating in EPS computer lab with people all around...getting my geek on early.

Mineralogy homework took ~7 hours. Ridiculous. Ted Labotka is one of those men who is too smart to fully comprehend what he's requiring of us, and too smart to fully teach what he's thinking. Which is dumb.

The banana phone song won't get out of my head. I love the song, but the video is now scary. I hadn't seen that 2nd half. Insanity. Brad would like it.

My friends are coming to see me. As soon as I've finished lunch I’m going to work nonstop on cleaning up the apartment. As best as I can, at least. I’m not cleaning up nasty stuff that's not mine. Unless it's easy.

5:30. AHHHH

Real Monsters.

Thu, 08 Oct 2009 10:36:42
Oh, and I smell great. New body wash, reverting back to my classic Dial (orange one, don't remember the scent). So good.

Thu, 08 Oct 2009 10:26:33
The leaves are changing. One tree across the street from my room is half red half green. Another is just beginning to show the first touches of orange. It's a sugar maple, I think. One of my favorite memories is when I was walking to class, and a Ginko was shedding all of its leaves. A waterfall of soft yellow. It just kept going.

Medieval Civ. test out of the way, now I have to take a quiz by Sunday @ 10. easy stuff.

Continuing to write my rough draft paper for paleobiology. now. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

Wed, 07 Oct 2009 20:31:38
Paleobiology, you know I love you. So why did you sneak up on me like this? If you only knew what plans I had for Sunday....

Medieval Civilization, you know I am tolerant of you. So why do you want me to spit all of this information back up tomorrow? You could've asked for last week, or even Tuesday. If only you knew what other homework I have for this week....

Mineralogy, you know I am wary of you, yet respect you from a distance. I don't like homework.

That's what it comes down to.
I don't like homework.

These past two weeks I've been saying that I need to shave, yet I haven't even touched my razor. I haven't shaved since the Friday I left for Sewanee. Two weeks, right? Right. Coming up on two weeks anyway. I've been telling myself that I’ll wait until Friday or Thursday so that it doesn't grow much this weekend and I don't look crazy. Well now I look crazy.
Does that make me crazy?

I won't retain this information for more than a few days.

When I’m alone
I run my hands through my hair
I run my hands through my hair
When my thoughts are not known.
When my thoughts are not known
I hold my head and just stare
I hold my head and just stare
Away from it all, blown
Away from it all, blown

When I have time, I’m going to write a song with these lyrics.

Tue, 06 Oct 2009 22:06:49
Tough and leathery
So that others
May be soft.
Even after years
And years of labor
They still fit

Let's go swinging
High and low
To and Fro.
Let's go.
Let's go singing
Grass in our toes
Forget your woes.
Let's go.
Let's go flying
The sky is boundless
Look all around us.
Let's go.
Let's go diving.
It's effortless
A cool abyss.
Let's go.

Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:00:47
Rain falling, falling fast.

Estwing Rock Hammer, 22oz. Chisel tip. On the way to my house. Parents to deliver in 2 weeks. The anticipation.

hooray for knowing my minerals.

Cummingtonite is on the list for next week. I think I already know it...

(Mg, Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2
Probably a Schist Load.

I really want to make a shirt that says this. sigh.

My excitement about my rock hammer is diminished instantly every time I think about this package sitting next to me, which will be opened this weekend. Working for the weekend.

I need a nap.

Mon, 05 Oct 2009 19:22:15
Geo Conclave was fun. We lost by 1.5 points--51.5 to 50. But we won the academic section of the competition = awesomesauce. All we really need now is just a girl who can throw a rock hammer more than 15 feet. I know a girl that can throw.... = )

I’m holding my very own sample of Vanadinite. That's fun to say. And to sing to that Pepsi commercial song that came out a few years ago....

Doo dooooo doodoo doo.
Doo doo doodoo.

It has hexagonal crystals. I wouldn't have caught it had I not looked it up. You can barely see their faces, the crystals are so small. Hundreds of thousands of tiny crystals. It's a beautiful orange color, with what I believe to be calcite beginning to form on some of it. I wish I had a camera to take pictures of this. On a very small scale.

I’m looking at various rock hammers. Estwing seems to be the best bet. But what model? Chisel or pointed tip? Long or short handle? What weight? What kind of handle? Oh the choices.

I got a package today. I think I know what it is, so the excitement grows each time I think about it. No matter what it is, Jenessa gets a very very big hug, on top of her very very big hug she's getting when I see her Friday. So it's kind of like a bear hug, except more like a great big bear hug. Friendly bears.

I want to play so badly.

This week's minerals are much easier than last week's. Thank goodness. In fact, they're the easiest we've had yet.

 Hypersthene--(Mg, Fe)SiO3
 Augite--(Ca, Mg, Fe)Si2O6
 Pigeonite--(Ca, Mg, Fe)Si2O6
Other Single Chain Silicates

easy peasy. lemon squeezy. time to go study them in person.

Sun, 04 Oct 2009 19:30:45
Poems are often written as an interpretation of one's feelings into words.

If this were their only use, having only one meaning, the art would lose all magic.

Interpret what you will. Embrace the strongest feelings they instill. If the words lift you in a way in which any other interpretation couldn't compare, then why try to analyze?

Yet, there is an art still to the mystery of opacity, and to the shock of a mind-jolting epiphany.

Choose your ambiguities wisely.

Sun, 04 Oct 2009 12:52:56
Songs sung through glances
Beat made through contact
The rest of the world disappears
Two bodies, a hundred thousand sensations
Intoxicating scent and heat
Pulling closer, holding tighter
Impossible to let go
Static energy mounting
Can it get better this?
Is it about to get better than this?
Every muscle, every pore
Screaming with comfort.
Dreams can't compare.

I long for comfort.

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:40:27
In the silence
You hear the call
In a vacuum of consternation
From no one at all.
Seconds echoing
In a static-filled head
The air is now heavy
With words no one said.
It may seem irreverent
In a field silent with snow
But something is calling
Someone wants you to know
Shout at the silence
Let the walls and hills ring
In the stale stillness of the world
Call others to sing.

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:15:18
An Observation

Dreams are the mechanisms by which life unfolds.
The point of conception defines the path to be taken.
You may disappear run fall climb into dark space
In the black ink where you created The One.
Relate through experience. Do Not Fear.
We all need a little epidote in our lives.
Ask and you shall receive.
Step out of the frame and live.
Leave everything on the path behind you.

You are always changing.

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:29:46
This weekend was fantastic. I relaxed and had fun with the best of friends, something I needed. Fun times and funny times were had.

But right now I’m in turmoil. Unseen difficulties have come from seemingly nowhere. Maybe this is the problem--that I thought they were from nowhere, and have just been ignoring them. Or maybe they are unfounded. Either way, I wish I could know what to do. This is a fight in which I can't see the enemy or even the reasons by which we were made enemies, but I don't plan on losing. It's worth fighting for.

I had a mineralogy test today. Check out this bad boy.

Tourmaline: (Na, Ca)(Li, Mg, Al)(Al, Fe, Mn)6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH)4
Vesuvianite: Ca10(Mg, Fe)2Al4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2(OH)4
Garnet: (Mg, Fe, Mn, Ca)(Al, Fe, Cr)2(SiO4)3

there are several more. my state of anxiety over the past 2 days has prevented me from focusing on my studies. I have a chemistry test tomorrow, and haven't been able to focus at all.

But I will fight on.

Tue, 22 Sep 2009 19:33:36
History of the Franks is bearable SOLELY because of the style in which Gregory of Tours wrote. It's more like a narrative of events, rather than a historical account. If that makes any sense.

But I still want it to be over.

We played with petrographic microscopes today. They were awesomesauce. I have to share mine with this other guy, named Blake, who seems cool enough. He's not in my class, he just uses it too for his other classes. This is probably the coolest thing I've ever done with a microscope, by far. Such pretty colors and cool crystals.

Dad had surgery the other day on his left arm. It was the same guy that did his rotator cuff surgery a few years ago that screwed up on his right arm. This time, it wasn't rotator cuff, but some other kind of weird thing. Dad's almost fully recovered already. He was out mowing the yard the day after, or maybe two days after. Impressive.
He and mom went to a Boz Scaggs concert last night. He called during it, and there was a nice saxophone solo. I enjoyed it.

I really want to go camping/just chill with my real friends. I feel bad saying "real friends". Perhaps best friends is more appropriate. I miss my best friends and hanging out.

A single bead of water
Above a cool, glassy lake
The drip lasts for ages
The decent
Eyes wide, ears trained
A beautiful thing.
There is no sound
Only a ripple of welcome
In every direction
Home at last.

Mon, 21 Sep 2009 22:04:34
One test down, three quizzes, a test, and a paper to go.

And he moved the Mineralogy test to friday. Someone's looking out for me up there.

I found two coke cans lying on the side of the road today. I decided to pick them up to recycle them, and they were full. They've helped keep me awake today. Quel chance.

I took a picture of my poison oak on my leg to document just how bad it gets. It's not the worst it has been, but it's a pretty good glimpse. It's horrific. I hope it doesn't spread any more....

I've had several songs stuck in my head today.

The Reason
Let Me Take you Home Tonight
8 Days a Week

I can't think of the others.

I spilled some HCl on my nice sweatshirt/jacket thing. It made little red spots on my green jacket. I’m not pleased.

As soon as I get some scissors, I’m making new guitar pics. Some out of the piece of credit card Jenessa gave me and some out of my old license. It would be weird to have a pic with my pic on it. But I enjoy the irony and creativity.

Back to reading/annotating. Yay skull-splitting Catholic barbarians.

Sun, 20 Sep 2009 21:54:50
holy crap I need to be studying what am I doing!?

I wrote this last night, when I should have been studying:

A lie.
It might not prove anything
But it improves everything.
What a lie.

It might prove everything
But it doesn’t improve anything.
What a lie.
It might not improve anything
But it proves everything.
The truth.

It needs work, but I have to focus elsewhere.

Excitement is mounting.

Sat, 19 Sep 2009 13:54:42
I went bowling again last night. It was fun. I like having my own personal bowling ball. Especially since I seem to do well with it.

I’m going through extreme disc golf withdrawal. I have a pretty new disc, a Discraft something something that's teal, 167 grams, and no one with whom to go disc golfing. It's been raining for the past few days, so any chance of going this weekend has been hampered by soggy ground and intrusions of rain. However, my disc count is back up to 20, which isn't far from 21, which would make my wall ornament look so much cooler. But I’m happy with 20 for now. It's a nice even number.

I think I did well on my chem test/quiz, and I passed my fossil identification test in paleo. It was a pass/fail grade, so I just studied enough to get the gist of everything down. Now I have to study for the real paleo test monday, the mineral identification quiz/prior lab material quiz tuesday, the mineralogy test on wednesday (shoot me now, this will be the end of me), and at some point between these, read The History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours and write a 5 pager on something specific. Needless to say, I’m questioning my study skills at the moment; writing a xanga post instead of eating/studying. Shame on me.

Tue, 15 Sep 2009 13:02:09
If it keeps on rainin, the levy's gonna break.<div>If it keeps on rainin, the levy's gonna break.
When the levy breaks, we'll have no place to stay.

13 quizzes, 4 tests, and 2 papers this month alone. If you count my chem "quizzes" as quizzes...they're more like tests. Once the 24th is over, everything will be ok.

I’m volunteering to teach 7th graders about plate tectonics and geology. 4 times. I've never done this before, and I don't know if they'll let me do it based on how many classes I've taken, but whatevs. At least I’m volunteering.

Native Elements and Sulfides
Gold (Au)
Silver (Ag)
Copper (Cu)
Sulfur (S)
Diamond (C)
Graphite (C)
Covellite (CuS)
Chalcocite (Cu2S)
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)
Bornite (Cu5FeS4)
Pyrrhotite (Fe(1-x)S)
Pyrite (FeS2)
Marcasite (FeS2)
Galena (PbS)
Sphalerite (ZnS)
Cinnabar (HgS)
Realgar (AsS)
Orpiment (As2S3)
Stibnite (Sb2S3)
Molybdenite (MoS2)
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS)

Oxides and Hydroxides
Cuprite (Cu2O)
Zincite (ZnO)
Corundum (Al2O3)
Hematite (Fe2O3)
Ilmenite (FeTiO3)
Spinel (MgAl2O4)
Chromite (FeCr2O4)
Magnetite (Fe^(2+)Fe^(3+)2O4)
Rutile (TiO2)
Cassiterite (SnO2)
Pyrolusite (MnO2)
Brucite (Mg(OH)2)
Goethite (FeO(OH))
Diaspore (AlO(OH))
Manganite (MnO(OH))

Halides, Sulfates, Tungstates, and Phosphates
Halite (NaCl)
Sylvite (KCl)
Fluorite (CaF2)
Celestite (SrSO4)
Anhydrite (CaSO4)
Anglesite (PbSO4)
Gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O)
Scheelite (CaWO4)
Apatite (Ca5(PO4)3F)

Add each mineral's mode of occurrence to this list and you have what I've had to study for over the past 3 weeks.</div>

Sun, 13 Sep 2009 17:56:51
I wish I could sing well.<div>
Contemplating making a music myspace with just my works, because I have a problem with posting things I've written on the other myspace where credit is divided ambiguously. That doesn't speak well of me, but I like the idea of having my own myspace for just my stuff. Sorry.
If there's a song that I feel needs to be posted that other people worked on as well, I’ll include that in the info.

This is all hypothetical of course.

I had a strange thing happen to me yesterday. While I was at Paul's place pregaming, my top lip began to swell. I’d eaten a banana earlier, and some eggs. I’m not allergic to either. It got to the point that I had to leave because I had to get some Benadryl ASAP. I looked pretty hilarious, I have to say, but I can't deny that I was a bit concerned. The benadryl caused me to pass out during the game, so I woke up with 1:48 to go in the 4th quarter. Whatevs, Crompton let us down for the first time (and I’m certain it won't have been the last) this season. My lip had not swelled any more, but it definitely hadn't gone down. I woke up this morning and it had almost returned to its normal size, so I was pleased. I think it stretched out my top lip a little, cause I still look a little goofy. Whatever, at least I’m not dead.

Time for foods and studying. Hopefully in that order, cause I’m about to keel over of starvation.

Chem prelab due tomorrow, accompanied by a lab quiz.
Mineralogy quiz Tuesday.
Chem test Wednesday.
Paleo critters test either MWF. uncertainty is killing me.
Medieval Civ. quiz Thursday.

Next week looks hellish.
Monday Paleo test
Tuesday Mineralogy quiz
Wednesday Mineralogy test
Thursday Medieval Civ. paper due.

oh joy.</div>

Fri, 11 Sep 2009 21:13:08
There is no such thing as a smooth change.<div>
Underlying those smiling faces and nods of congratulations is a restless creature, bent on getting more than its fair share of Karma.

A fair share of Karma.

Aye, there's the rub.</div>

Thu, 10 Sep 2009 20:12:35
<div>A glacial pace.
Moving too slowly to be noticed.
Carving too deeply to be ignored.
All things take time.</div>

Thu, 10 Sep 2009 20:03:59
<div>Let your mind unwind.
A slipping rope
The knots and tangles
Of mind's malaise
Are now
The knots and tangles
Of yesterday.
Yesteryear, even.
You can't remember.
The threads of your being
Are at rest
Yet retain structure.
A structured knot...
Even now, you are not free.
Braided threads
Each representing a thought
A memory
An existence.

A friend's insight
Rip and Repair.</div>

Thu, 03 Sep 2009 23:59:11
It IS indeed possible.<div>
I can write a song with another person. I don't have to do it alone every time, fearing the day that someone else gets ahold of my composition.
In fact, this one probably turned out better than it would have had I undertaken the task on my own. Not everyone hears the same thing when you play a riff. Thank goodness for that.
Now if only I had a better drum cadence to help lay down this song....

I was 40 minutes late for my Chem test yesterday. Finished in 15 minutes-ish, and I’m quite certain I’ll be seeing the repercussions of my tardiness and frantic scribbling soon. Wonderful way to start off the semester in Chemistry.
But my TA's cool, so we'll see how this plays out.

I’m getting to know this Sewanee kid, Paul. He seems like a cool guy, very knowledgeble on dinosaurs and prehistoric vertebrates in general. I’m quite jealous that he was able to get a grant to spend the summer out in Montana with Montana University digging up Triceratops and the like. He has a Tyrannosaurus phalange claw. I can't express how jealous I am of this, even though he accidentally took it from a site (planned on returning it the next day) and found it in his car after leaving. He plans on mailing it back, because it's considered a felony to take's quite a rare claw. I’m so jealous.
I think we're probably the only 2 paleo kids in the department. He plans on joining geoclub, and we stuck around for a Grad geoclub meeting today just to see what it's like for them. They have so much money: over $7,000. They give the undergrad geoclub $250 per semester. What are we going to do with that kind of money? Go see a movie? For reals, I want to go camping, backpacking, canoeing, go to some awesome digs or roadsides to collect samples, go to a mine or something. $250 split amongst like 15 people is nada. And we have dinners to plan with that money.

Anyway, this Paul guy is pretty cool, we chilled at his place and geeked out about dinosaurs, made fun of the greek life here, talked about awesome trips, and listened to David Bowie. Sounds like we're going to get along just fine.

I’m reading my mineralogy textbook. It's not so bad so far, but then's the introduction.</div>

Tue, 01 Sep 2009 19:44:31
I had my first mineralogy quiz today. It went very well. Lab was interesting. Made compounds on the computer and moved them around, looking at their structure. <div>
I’m really tired.

Chemistry test tomorrow. This will be very difficult. Our teacher doesn't do the best job explaining concepts. I’ll be studying all night until I understand and can apply the concepts. Thankfully we don't have lab next week. Huzzah Labor Day.

I wish I had more interesting things to talk about. Oh wait...

Friday night, we went to a concert. Appetite for Destruction and ZOSO. Appetite for Destruction is a Guns N Roses cover band, and ZOSO is a Led Zeppelin cover band. AfD was really loud, and the lead singer was kind of scary looking. His eyes were like shark eyes. He was wearing a kilt, but it was really just a piece of plaid fabric pinned together. Pretty sketch. The guy immitating Slash was pretty good, though. May have been drunk.

ZOSO was absolutely amazing. As you (should) know, I’m absolutely enamored with Led Zeppelin's music. What a giant. Well, these guys (ZOSO) have been playing, immitating, and basically living and breathing nothing but Led Zeppelin for the past 15 years. They have it down. It sounded and looked very very close to the original performances by Led Zeppelin. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself throroughly. And it only cost me $8.00. How great is that?

Ducks' quacks don't echo.
2,500 lefties die each year using a right-handed tool.
There are 333 sheets of toilet paper per roll.

These are just a few of the really interesting pieces of paper taped to the walls in our hallways in Vol Hall. I like it.</div>

Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:50:42
I hate having nothing to do. It drives me insane. I try to do things, but I can't rely on others, apparently. Without roommates that are actually here and want to do things, it's difficult to go play tennis, or soccer, or go eat, or what have you. I can't even find someone to eat with. How sad is this? <div>
I watched some TV today. Brad Paisley played in the White House. His performance led me to the conclusion that Country, however annoying it can be at times, is without doubt one of the most romantic genres. Many modern bands attempt to write love songs, but they just don't compare to the amount of feeling some country songs are able to project. Unique sound. Unique lyrics. Unique connection. I don't even have a girlfriend and haven't had one for quite some time now, but I could connect with what he was saying and I felt chills and that closed-throat feeling I get when I hear something emotional, such as the Grand Nats '06 show. Watch for those epiphanies.

I may go work out now. Just to get some of that energy out.</div>

Thu, 20 Aug 2009 19:18:46
Studying abroad has become more than just a "oh yeah, that would be cool" kind of thing. Now, it's a real possibility. New Zealand vs. Australia. The battle has begun.<div>
Also, Exchange vs. Direct vs. Third Party. Decisions, decisions.

I am also looking into doing some undergraduate research in the geo dept. I need the money. Without the money, I’ll be forced to beg my parents to help fund my college education. Mixed feelings. I’d prefer not to have to do this, now that I've come this far on my own.

I recorded a series of tracks yesterday using my pickups to capture the sound of my ticking watch. I used my effects pedal and recorded the most interesting sounds I heard. I played the track after I recorded all of them, and it sounds fantastic. I love it. I need to write a song to go along with it, because I think it could be a great song.

We're having a party in our apartment tomorrow night. This will be my first true college party. How sad is this? I’m sure my roommates think I’m lamesauce. That's ok. I just want to meet some people, because I don't have anyone to really hang out with this semester. Jason and Stew are co-oping, I don't hang out with Liz or Kelly much, and Dan is on the other side of campus, usually busy with his fraternity or Bethany. My roommates are cool, but I have yet to find out what they're all about.

Cody is in the Pride. He's here more often than the other two. I probably talk to him the most. He's a pretty conversational guy, and he seems like a good guy all around. Chris has been nice so far, but I've heard some stories that would make him seem a little shady. Apparently he enjoys drinking heavily pretty often, as well as being incapacitated in his underwear. But I’ll draw my own conclusions as I get to know him.  Mike seems like every girl's dream. He can cook like a gourmet chef (his mom is one), he snowboards, climbs, kayaks, likes to climb to the top of cranes just for the thrill, I’m sure he lifts weights, he's a hard-working architecture student, and he seems like a pleasant enough guy. He's always in the architecture building. I don't know much else about him. I suppose I’ll have to find out as the semester progresses.

I just want to make some friends. </div>

Tue, 18 Aug 2009 21:23:59
I am just like you.<div>I eat.
I sleep.
I breathe.
I laugh.
I cry.
I hurt.
I dream.
I know without knowing.
I fear.

I am just like you.
I wonder.
I sit still.
I am all over.
I see.
I hear.
I close my eyes.
I run.
I walk.
I have nowhere to go.

I am just like you.
I open my mouth to speak.
I believe with conviction.
I am hushed.
I search for answers.
I am told what to do.
I nod my head and smile.
I grow older.
I wonder, Why?
I make wishes.

I am just like you.
I hear of Karma.
I look ahead eagerly.
I glance behind uncertain.
I turn away.
I am engulfed in memories.
I wonder, How?
I hope in vain.
I know my weaknesses.
I leap blindly forward.

I am just like you.
I am not finished.

Wed, 05 Aug 2009 14:52:34
Tick tock, tick tock, school is coming, school is coming.<div>
Epic storm last night. Too bad I was feeling like poo.

I drove the Mazda a good distance the other day, twice. Well really it was more like 4 times, up and back. I’m becoming fairly comfortable with it. Black is a hard color to get clean and spotless. The Saab was pretty easy, but geeze. I never knew it would be this tough.

I scraped my face on the bottom of the pool yesterday. What a great lifeguard. I now look like a clown.

My financial plight is not a happy one. This summer has not yielded enough money, and I will have little left in my account after I pay for this semester. Looks like it's time to man up and get a part time job and do some undergraduate research. Fun times ahead.</div>

Sun, 26 Jul 2009 20:29:43
If you haven't heard, I have a new car. 2010 Mazda3. Manual Transmission, which is new, but I’m learning to like it. = &lt;3<div>
I also have a new disc golfing bag. Disc golfing has become my #1 sport this summer, and I hope to carry this into the fall...if I can find someone at UT to play with. Stew won't be there this semester.

Need opinion: new specialized tires or nice guitar? difficult decision, but not mine to make quite yet.

Played some tennis with Jeremy just a little while ago. I’m so out of shape. Two matches of 6-2/3(?) and 6-4 wore me out. Good to get back into it though, with a new racquet, too.

Jenessa wrote a poem the other day that I sometimes have difficulty getting out of my head. This is a good thing. Hopefully she'll help me write a song to it, and it will be a great success.


Sat, 11 Jul 2009 02:57:53
Not much to say, but it's ok. Good morning, good morning.<div>
It's actually 1:52 in the am. I’m tired, but figured I’d write something before I forgot about it like I do every other time.

I’m anxious to find out who my roomies are. Wtf does "special code" mean???? we'll find out within the next couple of weeks, I’m sure.

I have a piece of a dinosaur bone. Beat that. That shit's at least 65 million years old, peeps. Be jealous. I just wish I knew what it used to be, what part it was, etc. Still, I’m thrilled.

Perhaps just as thrilling, if not more thrilling (depending on its condition), I will have a TRILOBITE in my possession within the next couple of days. Like holy bajesus, how freaking cool is that??? There are so many kinds though, it'll be difficult to say which due to my lack of experience.

I &lt;3 ancient history. And by ancient, I don't mean a mere couple of thousand years ago. We're talking the big picture. I &lt;3 the big picture.</div>

Thu, 25 Jun 2009 21:12:55
This latter half of June seems to have been up to no good.<div>
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Mom gets vertigo, still sick and needs me to do all of her errands.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Dad's beautiful 350-Z is rear-ended, out of commission for at least a month.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Wes's coworker/carpooler discovers a tree has fallen on her brand new VW.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Drama drama drama in my own life, which I don't miss.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>I discover that I’m working 3-9 on the 4th of July, whereas my manager gets the 10-3.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>My mom got an excellent offer from Lexington Clinic, practically unbeatable, meaning we'll probably move <span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>there next summer.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon die in one fell swoop of the Earth's rotation.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>The soccer gods are at war because the US is bypassing Logic and skipping to WTF.
<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>
That last one is more of a WTF thing than a bad thing. It just seems like something happened that shouldn't have happened. I’ll bet it's because it's winter down there in South Africa. Messes up fate. Confederation Cup chaos.

On the other hand, I've been getting better at disc golf, slowly but surely. I love to play, especially in good company. I want to play tennis, but no one seems to be up for it.

I’m having a hard time believing that Michael Jackson is dead. I didn't realize he was that old, 1958-2009? What a legend. What talent. My dad focuses on the negative aspects of him, even after his death. He may have made some poor choices in life here and there, but he deserves his due respect. R.I.P. Michael Jackson, King of Pop.</div>

Mon, 22 Jun 2009 03:26:36
Few people read this, least likely my intended audience, but I just have to get this off of my chest. It's 2:20 am, and I may or may not be able to express myself clearly, but I’ll do my best.<div>
There is nothing there. I do not want anything from her besides friendship. There is no secret little plan that some of you think I've been making all along to get with her. I do not want this. I want to find a girl that doesn't live anywhere near Brentwood, TN, or if she does, I want her to have nothing to do with any other set of friends I have. I will not discuss my reasons why I don't want to be with afore mentioned girl, please just understand that I really don't want anything, she doesn't want anything, this is just the way it rolls and you need to respect that. If things have to change then they'll change, but I’m not sacrificing a friendship just because of your paranoia and guiltless mudslinging. I want to make all of my friends happy, and I would love to grow stronger friendships, but if ditching a friend is requisite to do this, it will not happen. Period. End of discussion.

On a related note, I really hope to find a girlfriend this next semester, which means I’m going to need to open up a little more and break out of the cocoon. The single life has its benefits, but I have relished them for too long and they've begun to turn sour.</div>

Sat, 13 Jun 2009 15:39:49
I continue to enjoy Royal Pains.<div>
My hours continue to be taken by lifeguard manager chic. Having 48 hours compared to my 18 is beyond unfair.

I really need to get in shape. Playing soccer for a couple of hours should not exhaust me as much as it did.

I start work in 20 minutes, so mayhaps I should get off of the computer? Mayhaps.</div>

Fri, 05 Jun 2009 03:47:03
Had my first shift this year today, 3-9. We had 3 people in the pool all day, and this started at 3 and ended at 4:30. I’m starting really late in the summer, which is not so great. On top of that, I’m only working 11 hours next week, 28 hours total in the next 2 weeks. No bueno, people, no bueno.

Parents are in Lexington tonight and tomorrow, and I can't even express how much of a relief it is. I know that sounds bad, but seriously, my dad's been at the pool every day harassing the lifeguards and complaining about how no one does this or someone does that or blah blah blah, it really gets on my nerves.

Dutch is going to be fine, she apparently just had an encounter with a ring worm and that's what caused the hair loss. We were worried for a while. She's going to be in a couple of our family portraits, and I’m glad.

I watched the season premiere of Royal Pains tonight, and I must say it was pretty good. Might be a show I actually watch consistently, depending on how well I can remember to turn on the TV when it comes on.

We could all use a little Grin and Bear it time.

Mon, 25 May 2009 00:47:16
I've been exhausted since 8:00. how sad is this?

It was a long day though, full of driving and celebrating with friends down in Huntsville. good times.

My freshmen are going to be seniors. This is absurd. Little Knabs, Andrea, Heather, Andrew, Matt, odd. They've all grown up so much, I haven't changed a bit.

Which may require change. I recently have been thinking about my demeanor and how immature I appear sometimes, and I think this may be part of the reason that I've been single for so long. This might be an objectionable comment to some, but everyone's entitled to their opinion. I know how the arguments would go already, so no need to try to convince me that I’m crazy. I already know I am, and don't have a problem with it. I just think that, at some point, I need to change.

I find it hilarious and bewildering how, this entire semester, I've been thinking of how excruciatingly long this year has been, specifically last semester. Yet, I come back to the pool (working as a lifeguard again, despite my efforts to find a new job) and maybe three children have changed a little. One little girl can talk now (she's 2) and gives me hugs, one kid is a little bigger, and one has a haircut. Everything is exactly the same. It feels like I was there yesterday, yet it was almost 9 months ago.

that's enough for one night. hope all is well in your lives.

Tue, 19 May 2009 01:41:17
I am still frantically scrambling to find a job. Until then I’m making peanuts working on the pool deck. I've applied to over a dozen places, well over a dozen, and yet I am still on the wrong end of this terrible job market this summer.

On the other hand, I broke a bowling ball tonight. I have the core. Aimee got it on video on her phone, and mayhaps 'twill be on Facebook later this week. Mayhaps. I am pleased with my core.


Thu, 07 May 2009 17:14:25
I cannot express my overwhelming joy that was continuous throughout the day (except for a few hours during cleaning/packing) on Tuesday. What a day.

Thank God it's over.

I’m relatively neutral-leaning-towards-satisfied with my grades. They could have been worse. Apparently, having the 3rd highest grade in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy under to graduate students is only worth of an A-. Whatev. (If I've ranted to you about this before, sorry, I probably need to get over it now)

I’m tinkering with my DigiTech RP350 because I have time now, and it's proving to be a learning experience. And fun. So many sounds, so many ways to edit them.

I've been learning Canon Rock, arranged by Jerry Chang, made famous by "Funtwo" on youtube (the mystery kid that played it flawlessly and is approaching 59 million views). It's incredibly difficult, but fun to play. I’m at about the 2:30 mark and have it all down with the exception of one measure of sweep picking that he does, which I’m trying to learn. Sweep picking looks incredible, I can't wait until I can just do it.

Finding a job is going to be incredibly difficult. I don't want to be a lifeguard again, that job was no fun and little kids creating hell all of the time. I have a few jobs around different communities lined up where I’ll just be painting or repair work, whatever needs to be done. It pays well, so it won't be too bad. Any other suggestions are welcome...

Sat, 02 May 2009 14:25:04
I have Paint it Black stuck in my head.

We're about to attack the walls of this establishment, which is what I meant to say on my facebook status instead of "development". whatever. now you know.
We're going to take off all of the posters and Vitamin Water labels that we have. I’m going to count them right now.

114 lables. Not bad for one semester.

I've taken all but one final. Two of them went very well, one of them went horribly. Here's a little story for you.
Thursday night, I was freaking out. I had a Sedimentology and Stratigraphy final at 8:00 the next morning, I was studying with a couple of grad students in the class, and we were all realizing "holy shit, this is SO MUCH MATERIAL." It was bad. I was there for 10 hours studying.
The plot thickens
I also had a 10 page scientific paper due at 8:00 in the morning to my professor, as well as a rather hefty lab. Total points that were being turned in on Friday morning mounted to 700 points, a full 30.4% of our final grade. Needless to say, I was in a pickle. And here's why:
I had only finished 5 pages of my paper by the time 8:00 rolled around. This was due to multiple forces, some of which I could not control, the main one being that as of the previous Sunday night, I had attempted to write the paper, but the topic turned out to be both too in-depth and unresearched. So Monday morning I chose a new topic, hence the lack of writing on the paper with other finals for which I needed to study.
So, 8:00 in the morning looked like this: I have had 3 hours of sleep, I did not have my paper, and I turn in my lab. I take the final, and it laughs in my face as it rapes me from behind, making it hard to concentrate. I finish the final and e-mail my professor to see if there was any chance that I could turn in my paper late for partial credit, to which he responds "Have it in by 5."
The next 7 hours were the most epic hours of the semester (until later that night where there was a flash rave in Hodges Library, details shortly).
I write my paper with a vigor even the German kid that destroys his keypad couldn't match. It's probably extremely broken from paragraph to paragraph, but I finish this somebitch at 4:51 and quickly e-mail it to myself so I can print it off in EPS.
I ran from Andy Holt Apartments to EPS in 7 minutes. Some of you can appreciate this.
I arrive at EPS at exactly 5:00, perhaps even a half-minute earlier. Even I am astonished. I print it off quickly and wheeze up the stairs to give it to my TA only to find that HE ISN'T EVEN THERE. Neither is my professor. A huge FML moment, which I may or may not post later. Probably not.
I e-mail my TA and tell him the dealeo, and he tells me to put it on his desk. I thrown it down on his desk, and it makes a righteously thunderclap-like sound in all of its heft glory.

End of Story.

The Hodges library rave actually took place, which I was surprised to find. There were probably around the neighborhood, now that I've seen the videos, of 400-500 people there (sorry Aimee for telling you it was a measly 300), all screaming every chant ever chanted at a UT football game and smacking beachballs around while dancing with glowsticks. It was a glorious, uproarious scene. UTPD showed up late, which was considerate of them. It probably lasted 10-15 minutes, which really seemed like a lot longer. So, huzzah to small victorious and huzzah to huzzah actually being a word.

One final to go, and I aim to study mighty thoroughly for this one.

Sun, 26 Apr 2009 16:24:27
Well, I found a topic for my paper. It's not terribly interesting, but it's a topic, and that's all I really need. 10 pages to go, huzzah.

For whatever reason, I’m not freaking out too much about finals this year. I should be, because studying for them while doing this paper is going to be a hassle.

I’m basically a junior in college now. This is uber strange. Four years ago around this time, I was thinking to myself "you'd better enjoy this last month, that's all you've got in West by God Virginia before you move to that new place in Tennessee".

Do older people think in cycles of 4, 5, or 10 years? We think in cycles of 4, or at least I do. I think that'll probably change after I get out of gradschool.

Back to my paper. have a good time studying, friends.

Wed, 22 Apr 2009 23:59:29
Chem final went about as was expected, Bio lab final went well, Chem test today went very well. I look forward to the results of the latter two.

I can't focus at all. Rather, I can't find anything with an interest level high enough to make me want to focus on it. I don't think I’m saying this the way I mean it. I have the capacity to focus, I just lack the material to apply my focus. I have plenty to do, but I can't figure out what to do for my geo paper and my teacher's instructions are unclear regarding our lab.

It's sad how sometimes life requires disaster to bring things together again. Floods, fires, people. Sometimes, a wound can't be healed until it is opened again and cleaned both by the body's processes and the healer's touch. Some people need this in different ways than others, and sometimes one person's pursuit of renewal and healing has an inadvertent ripple effect. We can't predict how and why this happens and what outcomes there will be, but how we renew ourselves, how we rebuild ourselves, and who we will be is entirely for us to decide. To quote a great figure in my childhood (and how appropriate that I quote this in the last remaining minutes of Earth Day), "The Power is yours." - Captain Planet

Goodnight and, if I don't get on here before finals start, good luck!

Sun, 19 Apr 2009 14:45:07
Motivation is at an all-time low.

I have three tests this week, 3 next week, and one the following week to wrap it up. I hate lab tests. Especially ones that are created not to see if you've learned anything, but to see if you can memorize all of the pointless little things you've done in lab. Like "what color did this turn after you added this?" or "How many milliliters of this did we add to this?" Seriously, no wonder chemistry's the most failed class here. Hazari needs to figure out what he's doing and why he's doing it, or it's going to continue to be the most failed class.

Oddly enough, Chemistry isn't my most difficult class. Biodiversity with Guffey is proving to be much worse. He's one of those teachers that understands that random quizzes will ensure good attendance, but his tests are murder even if you do show up to every lecture. Lab's a breeze, but not worth nearly enough of the grade.

Needless to say, this semester will not be remembered as one of the highlights of my GPA. Next semester's not going to be any better. Well, it might be. No bio will definitely be a relief, but chem 130, paleoenvironments, mineralogy, and medieval civ. 201 (taking 202 now--only offered in the spring) will be a tough load. All I can say is that I hope I have an awesome summer to make up for all of the miserable stuff that's happened this semester. I was ready for it to be done in February.


Sun, 05 Apr 2009 16:17:54
So, I was saying in mid-February that I was ready for the semester to be over. Imagine my angst now, a month and a half later, with 3.5 weeks to go. This has been the longest semester of my life.

And not exactly the best one, either. It's just another semester--nothing special about it. Lots of work, lots of labs, lots of studying and turmoil throughout from day one. There's been some fun here and there, but I still don't feel like I’m having the fabled college experience of lore. I’m fine without the drinking and wild rampant sex part, but there has to be something else here. I need to make some friends.

On the plus side, I've begun lifting weights consistently--a first for me. I am appalled by how terribly weak I am. Embarrassed. Hopefully I’ll stick with this long enough to see some results.

Pushing pushing pushing til the end.


Spring break was great, btws. We had a great time, though I didn't find anything with my metal detector. I have some great friends.

Wed, 11 Mar 2009 21:05:41
Spring break is so close, I can taste it. Or rather, feel a hint of the relaxation. I just have to last until Friday.

I don't have much to say, other than that it's only 9:00 and I feel completely drained.

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:00:09
Apparently didn't rock my chem test as hard as I thought. Gotta love the ebb and flow, ebb and flow.

I need to find a place to live next semester. Cause this place we're in now isn't really that great. Suggestions? Definitely don't have unlimited resources, btw.

Spent Friday night and Saturday in Chattanooga. Twas great fun, mostly.

back to work I go.

Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:16:32
Freaking ROCKED my chem test today, which is saying something.

Today is the first day in a long time that I've felt slightly good about the day in general, and that I've had a moment to take a short break. I might even go to bed early.

I got 2 Fantas for the price of one today. Gotta love those dysfunctional vending machines.

I've been revisiting some of my old songs. When I say old, I mean last semester and this summers'. I like them, I just need time and inspiration to continue with them.

Valentines Day wasn't so bad this year. It helps when all of your roommates are single, too.

Should I get a haircut? This debate roars inside of me. Sometimes. Not really. It's more like one of those "ehhhh maybe I should think about it, maaaaybe I don't have time" things.

so tired.

Sun, 01 Feb 2009 15:56:02
Lalalalala. Sed Strat labs suck. But they're fun = ) But they suck.

I’m giving up facebook for the month of february. amazing, I know. Sticking it to the man. or seeing how much I can do with the time I wasted on facebook.
...Which really wasn't that much, because it was boring as a trip to a furniture warehouse with the parents when you're 8.

Anyway, we made an event on Facebook for it, join if you like. Some people are compromising by splurging only on weekends because a month's too long for them, which is fine.

We went ice skating last night. Hadn't been in 8 years, but it's like riding a bike. Kinda. It was fun.

If you haven't seen the movie "The Rocker", and you're really bored, you should watch it. It's pretty funny. I’d give it a 7-7.5 out of 10.

back to work.

Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:05:58
Well geeze, I completely forgot about this thing for like a month. No one's been posting! (consistently)

Sooo update. New Years was probably the best I've ever had. It was fantastic. Friends, food, and a dash of chaos. Good mix.

Classes thus far are ok. Not great, just ok. Lots and lots of work. On mondays, I have 6 hours of lab. fun.

I think I’m getting a touch ill.

I went snowboarding for the first time on Friday. It was pretty sweet. Little sore right now, but no pain no gain. Hoping to go skiing on Wednesday.

I want to study abroad.

Tue, 30 Dec 2008 19:27:20
Hello Hello! Christmas '08 has come and passed, and New Years is in a little less than 30 hours. It'll be 2009. wow.

There won't be any more new State Quarters. Weird?
We'll have a new penny. It's still a Lincoln Cent, but a different design/portrait of Honest Abe on the obverse(front).
I’ll be turning 21 in October 2009. For some reason, this really doesn't excite me more than any other birthday has excited me.
My dad will be 3 times my age in July. HOW CRAZY IS THAT??!?!?!
I’ll have to find a good job this summer that pays really well; tuition is on the rise. and by 24%. and I’ll be paying all of it.
My mom will be finishing her residency and starting her fellowship. And we don't really know where yet. Exciting/scary, cause we might have to move.

I’m reading East of Eden. I’m reading it because I realized that I should have read it a long time ago, yet didn't. Same applies with lots of other books that people need to read--To Kill a Mockingbird, Macbeth, etc.

Which brings me to my New Years Resolutions list:
1) Read more
2) Facebook less (should be easy, since it's getting boring as hell)
3) Lift weights/exercise regularly
4) Drink less soda (successful this year until around late august) and eat healthier.
5) Do the absolute best I can in my classes
6) Find a girl that can stand being with me for an extended amount of time. (hah.)
7) Figure out what I want to do in life.
8) Make more music
9) Start writing a book.

That's a fair list.

Wed, 24 Dec 2008 22:42:18
HO HO HO you bunch of hoes. I love you. <img src="" width="15" border="0" />

Tis about Christmas. More specifically, 'tis Christmas Eve, as you all know. And what more appropriate movie to watch than The Dark Knight?? The rest of the fam's downstairs watching it. I’m a little busy winning some things = )

I’d just like to take this opportunity (wow, that's been said so many times in history) to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and if I don't see you soon, then a HAPPY NEW YEAR as well =)

Wed, 17 Dec 2008 14:30:22
I’m pretty terrible about updating this, although I think about it every day. basically. I just never have anything interesting to say!
I suppose I could talk about finals and grades and such. Here's how it went down:1) Bioethics final: chicaAWESOME2) Social Psych final: " "3) Contemporary Moral Issues final: completely bombed.I could have died when I saw my score.4) Geology final: slightly less bombed. It was painful though. 12 pages. &gt;_&lt;5) Calc II final: purrrrr.
Which resulted in the following grades for the semester:1) Bioethics: B+2) Social Psych: A3) CMI: B+4) Geology: B5) Calc II: A
or more appropriately:1) <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> Must have been super close2) <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> Pwnage3) <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> If I didn't make an A, no one made an A in there. no joke.4) <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> My intended major, and the teacher was an old asylum escapee. no + or - grades, totally was an 895) <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> I’m amazing.
So there goes my perfect 4.0 cumulative....down to like a 3.84 or something now. thwarted. stupid geo prof and his senility. I really hope he's just sticking to the lower levels in the geo dept.
We bought a Christmas tree today. 8 days away. Lucky there were any left....
So I smell like pine. oooh baby baby.
Jamming with the DefAd has been freaking awesome. So much fun.
uhhh that's about all I've got. meow? meow.

Sun, 07 Dec 2008 19:31:04
Gahhh I thought I would be ready to study for my finals, and I was totally dominating the study scene, but now I can't focus at all. I need to study for 4 more finals:
Social Psych, comprehensive
Contemporary Moral Issues, midterm to present
Geology, 6 chapters
Calc II, comprehensive
I don't know why I can't focus! It's driving me insane. I really really need good finals grades, cause a lot of these classeshave borderline grades that would realllly help me out.

Geology dept. had a christmas party tonight, but I thought it'd be awkward if I went. The only people there that I would know would be a couple of teachers. I probably should have gone, I never meet anyone. Self-fulfilling prophecy reigns again.
I’m moving on from a pretty difficult thing, and I always act different when doing so. I can't help it, I’m sorry. It just takes time to adjust.
^ that's the sad, boring, negative part of my post. time for some positive before I go into depression.
1) I got a 97 on my calc test, which gives me an 87 average for tests.An 87 is an A- in there, so I’m pleased about that. The quizzes should boost that up to maybe an A, which would be SUPER TIGHT. It gets sweeter though; the final will replace my lowest test grade, so (shooting for the stars) if I make a 100 on the final, that'll make my test grade average a 94!! AMAZING. I just have to do well, there's no ifs ands or buts. That means I’ll need an 85 for a solid A in there. I’m going to do everything I can.
2) I have an A in social psych right now! Just gotta do well on the final, and I’ll be clear.
3) I totally pwned my bioethics exam on friday. I mean PWNED. It felt good.
4) I played Apples to Apples last night until 3am, and it was one of the best times I've had this semester. If not THE best time. I drew the best card of the bunch, too. That's right, I drew the Helen Keller card. If you want to know what the green card was....just ask me. Too good. Needless to say, HK brought home the glory.
6) I made a nice little acoustic song in drop D. This hardly ever happens, both because I hardly ever write songs on acoustic and I hate putting it in drop D. but I did it and it sounds really soothing. huzzah.
7) Writing all of these positive things has made me feel a whole lot better. You should try it sometime = )

Sat, 29 Nov 2008 03:48:07
The more I think about it, the funnier it becomes when I arrive at the same conclusion I did last time. And the time before that.
Everything's easier when you just say what you mean. And for that matter, everything would be so much easier right now if you meant what you said.
I should know better.

It's very late, but I have a jam/recording session to look forward to tomorrow afternoon. Hell yes. DEFAD will be owning.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and good luck with finals.

Sun, 16 Nov 2008 18:52:55
I didn't change my profile pic, but I tried. It said the pic was too big, and I really don't want to go to photoshop or paint and work with it. Even if it would take 10 seconds.
I’m tired of playing the game. Ain't it a friggin shame?

But I’m playing a game, not the one I was referring to, tonight at 9. We made the playoffs (we being our intramural soccer team), so we'll see what comes of this. Heck of alot better than last year, anyway.
Strange and fascinating dreams dare me to awake each night.
I have had a lot to do this weekend, but it didn't go as well as projected. I have a social psych test, calc quiz, 6-page bioethics paper, and geo review session tomorrow, and a geo final on tuesday. It sucks. No fun for me this weekend.
I’m looking for answers, but I already know them. And I know what reasoning is behind the answers, and it still kills me. I want to fight it.

Back to studying. hasta.

Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:53:53
I feel like changing my profile picture on here. So I think I will.
Dan and I are making the best CD you'll ever hear, and it'll be ready by Christmas. We hope. We should probably work on it more often. There are going to be some friggin sweet tracks on there, guarantee it.
I’m working on a geo lab that tells me where earthquakes originate from. It's kind of really hard, and I don't like it much. But that's what you get when you sign up for this gig.
I’m liking the sound of Palaeontologist right now.

We have a real shot to get into the Playoffs for intramural soccer. We just need to win this last game on Thursday. Which we can do. Go Machelsenpool (cringes).
I would update you about my love life, but there's no difference from last time. So, I guess there's your update.


Fri, 31 Oct 2008 10:25:15
Ughhhh I’m so tired right now, but I have another class in an hour.I’m afraid that, if I took a nap, I wouldn't be able to wake up. So I’m writing random things in my Xanga, just for you.
The situation which I explained in my last post is not any better; in fact, it is quite worse. I've thought about it so many times that it's not even remotely amusing, and I think I know what I should do, but I still can't do it. I don't think it's possible at this point in time, at least not until something changes.
Have you ever felt sooooooo good about someone, so comfortable, so familiar, so EVERYTHING that you think you need, and then it turns out that they're not interested? They want something "new"? It can really crush you. New. It really makes you feel like you're yesteryear's toy for a desperate scrambler looking for a new toy, and you're not even being used. I feel like a number. I ultimately don't want them to change, but there's always a part of me that will be begging them to. We never even had time to really give it a chance, not after I messed it up.

Ok. Anyway.

I’m Jimmy Page, it's Halloween, and I’m carving a pumpkin tonight to look like Kirby. Tight, I know. I don't know what's happening tonight in detail, but it'll probably go something like 1) Liz and Kelly join me and the roomies, 2) we go eat somewhere, 3) we wonder what the hell we could do all night, 4) we end up watching smallville and wondering what else there is to do, 5) Dan and I play guitar, 6) ......., 7) I get a call from someone drunk, either from WV or TN. I’m looking forward to it.
Hope everyone has a great Halloween! and a great weekend.

Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:46:51
It's about time for another entry, I believe. I can't remember the last time I did one, although I’m sure it was only a few weeks ago....Updates:
I’m 20 now.
 I don't like it.
I got a haircut.
I regret it, because I want to be Jimmy Page for Halloween, and long hair is a necessity.
I bought a turntable at Goodwill.
I need wires for it, but I have some freaking SWEET LPs to rock to.
I got a 97 on my calc test.
I got a 101 on my geo lab midterm.

That's about all that I can think of. I’m in a bad situation, one that I've been in before many times, and which I don't like. And it's exactly the same, including the people involved. Almost the same people. Main characters are the same, anyway. I just wish I could do what I want and know that it's what this person wants, but I have a very strong feeling that it isn't, and this upsets me. I've thought about this for a really long long time, and whenever I think that I can't do it, I realize I’ll think of it as possibly one of the greatest tragedies of my life. And it looks like I’ll have to keep thinking like this, because I’m incapable of anything.
What a great note to end this one on.

Fri, 10 Oct 2008 20:50:10
2 + 0 = 2
This is the youngest I've been in 10 years. Today, I am an optimist.
It's been a great day so far. I entered a raffle at Dunkin' Donuts this morning for an Epiphone custom guitar. It has the Dunkin' Donuts emblem on the body, so it's pink and white. Only 10 were made. I kind of want it a lot. The raffle ended today though, so I don't know if there's much of a chance of me winning that one = \
They did give me a free thermos though, with which I can pay $0.99 for them to fill it up = )
Not much to say, other than that next week is going to be pretty rough. Test every day &gt;_&lt;

Hope everyone's fall break is going/will be going/went well!

Mon, 06 Oct 2008 00:21:04
Today was the first day this year that I haven't played my guitar sometime throughout the day. ButI don't feel bad about it, I've been studying all day, and it feels like it's been a short day anyway.
Katy Perry is a BAMF. Not only because she has some cool songs, but also because she has a cat--
whose name isKitty Purry.
Thank God for weekends, I have never done so much studying in my life as I have these past three weekends. Eight hours yesterday, working on 11 today. You guessed it, Calc test tomorrow. And a paper due on Thursday.
I should probably look to see what that paper is all about.
But yeah, 67 pages of Calc notes studied, working on reviewing everything, and it's just a numbing process.
I’m two days into my last week of being a teenager, and I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
I remember six years ago turning 13. I remember feeling no different physically than I did when I was 12, but more important, tougher, stronger, smarter than before. I was a teenager, and you just don't mess with teenagers.
So I think I’m going to make a song that pays homage to my teenage years; all of the awkward, the strange, the proud, the transforming, the best, and the most important moments of these past seven years.
And I’ll call it <EM>Seven Years</EM>.

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:40:29
So it's Fall. or Autumn, which I think is a much more sophisticated and warm/rich way of saying it. Easily my favorite season, anyhow. It just got off to a bad start.
The day was somewhat savedby the sympathy and hugs of two friendswhom I haven't seen in a while, at least not together. You know who you are, even if one of you doesn't check your xanga ever, so THANK YOU SO MUCH. It made my day so much more bearable.
Anywho, today's good. I really really really need to study more, read more, get all of my homework done more. I don't know what it is, but this semester isn't going nearly as well as the past two. I’m not sure if it's a mental thing or not...
I just made Ramen. Chicken Ramen. It's good. You're jealous, believe me.
Dan and I were playing SuperSmash Bros. on N64, stock 99. It froze at 80 = ( sad day.
That's pretty much all that's going on in my life. It's good to have friends.

Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:27:49
Half of the Apocalypse has passed. Two tests tomorrow and a quiz Tuesday to survive.
I kind of knew we were in trouble with that game yesterday before the game, but especially when I saw our backup QB on crutches on the sideline. Crompton needed some bench time, for real. I just don't understand why he does some of the things he does, and I even tried to think outside of the Fundamental Attribution bias, but for crying out loud, he's a college quarterback and should know not to throw it toa receiver covered by 3 gators.
I wish there were other things to update about, but even if there were I’d have to postpone them. I need to memorize in my own words 11 readings for Bioethics and5 chapters and lecture for Geology. Sweet.

Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:04:55
The Apocalypseis nigh. I have a Calc IIexam monday, Geo quiz tuesday, Social Psych exam wednesday, Geo AND Bioethicsexams on monday, and another geo quiz on tuesday. Basically, hell. Shoot me now.
Updates...I have been cleaning eight ancient Roman coins, all over 1,500 years old, in my kitchen. Some of them have some great detail, some of them not so much. Here's an interesting fact for you--the word "bank" derives from when the ancient Romans would horde all of their money/valuables in river banks because there was no such thing as a bank back then. They'd do the same when preparing for battle, so that they could return afterwards to retrieve their goods. Or not.
I don't know what else to update about, but I found this kind of amusing. The other day in my Contemporary Moral Issues class, our professor was trying to get us to figure out how we do something, I can't exactly remember what the hell he was doing, but he was just like "Ok, I’m the King of France.""....uhhhhhhhhh..""No really, I’m the King of France. My name is King (which it is), I have a purple bathrobe that says "King" on it, I lived in France, I can speak French, I’m the King of France".
It was a great discussion. Basically, it wound down to us needing proof or something like that. Whatever. I get so confused in that class sometimes.
Off to sudy for Exam #1. Wish me luck.

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:38:04
Everybody knows it sucks to grow up.

Remember when you were a kid or just a few years ago and you wondered "What am I going to look like when I grow up?" or "What am I going to be like when I grow up?"
We're already there. We look how we're going to look, mostly, for the rest of our lives until real age starts to come in. And we're probably not going to change much from how we act and think right now, unless there's some kind of mystifying event that changes how we do everything. It happens, but not to the vast majority of people.

This is your life. Are you who you want to be?
I hate thinking about stuff like this, but I just woke up and am about to head to class, and I’m having one of those moments where I question just exactly who I've become and what the hell I’m doing with my life. This isn't an angry post,just a frustrated one that represents me perfectly at this point in my life.

So I’ll leave the end of this one up to Mr. Tom Petty.
Runnin' down a dream <EM>that never would come to me</EM>. Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads.
Runnin' down a dream.

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 14:03:46
Changed the "Look &amp; Feel". It's better. no arguments.

Classes are really pounding down on me now. I can't afford to procrastinate even a little bit--I paid for it last night when I had to attempt to read 5 chapters of various subjects, mostly philosophy. If you haven't read a book on philosophy, consider yourself fortunate. It is quite difficult to get through some of that stuff.
I've been splurging on <FONT color=#ff0000>e</FONT><FONT color=#004080>b</FONT><FONT color=#ffff00>a</FONT><FONT color=#00bf00>Y</FONT>. This is BAD. However, I can't help it. I now have a 1,740 year old coin in my hand, and it only cost me $1.75 (plus shipping, but you hush about that). I've won 11 items so far, and if the next few hours go smoothly, I should have 15ish. It's GOOD STUFF. I promise. 5 ancient roman coins, a buffalo nickel, a barber dime, some coin protectors, etc., etc. I’m a geek. A big geek. A
<FONT color=#ff8000 size=7><EM>Geek.</EM></FONT>
<EM>And I like it.</EM>
Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't pay $1.75 for a hand-made coin that's 1,740 years old. I dare you.
I’m also starving. I made eggs about an hour ago, and they were good. Too much salt though, cause I couldn't see the salt coming out of the shaker, thus forcing me to put more on until I saw it. It was there. All of it. ughhh....
On another note, my mother randomly bestowed upon my brother and I the ability to text. Yes, I, Peter Robertson, have texting. WTF!? I didn't even <EM>want</EM> texting. Sigh. Also, I've been receiving messages from people that I haven't told I have texting to, which makes me wonder if they knew it before or not. Hope nobody was offended when I never responded to them...
Lastly, before I leave for class, Dan and I have been making some ROCKIN' videos. We have not, however, produced any music of our own. This had better change, because we're capable of some good stuff.


Sat, 23 Aug 2008 13:12:36
I dunno if I've posted my schedule this year yet, but it's kind of awesome. and goes as follows:
9:05-Geology 101-M. Clark (the only class I might not survive in, not due to the difficulty, but due to the professor being as old as the Earth itself)10:10-Bioethics 246-Mendola (BOSS CLASS SO FAR!!!)2:30-Social Psychology 360-Olson. (He's awesome. He told us that buying the cheapest textbook we could find, no matter the edition, would be the best thing to do and would be "Sticking it to the man".)
5:35-Calc II 142-R. Clark (young guy, dunno what to think about him yet)
8:00-Geo Lab (only tuesday)5:05-Contemporary Moral Issues-King (pretty awesome, very very difficult conversations that really make you think)
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
So yeah, that’s my schedule, and I love it.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>I also love waking up at 1:00pm.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>It’s good to be back in college.

Thu, 21 Aug 2008 22:38:30
ok, seriously,I never thought you would do this, but I probably should have known. you said you wouldn't do it, you're doing it without even thinking about it, and you don't even care. there are a few people that want to talk to you about it, but it's pretty damn difficult to do when you won't even take time to spend with us.
and I was SO FURIOUS when I left yesterday to come back home, I ran the whole way and had so much energy to burn off. I punched things. I threw things. Thank God for my roomies, otherwise I’d STILL be a machine of madness.


I can now play Voodoo Child, and quite well. It was hard as sin to get the rhythm down at first, but you just have to listen for it. Dan and I have been jamming a good bit, and have made some videos just for fun.
They had a free drink/snack giveaway in the courtyard today. I got a Coke Zero, Fuze, Tropicana Twister, NeuroFuel, and Vitamin Water. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
I’m not sure how my Contemporary Moral Issues class is going to go, considering it sounds like Bioethics is exactly the same, but better thus far. Mendola teaches Bioethics, and she did not disappoint. There were like 40 people that were there that wanted to add the class, making seating difficult to say the least. Same with Social Psych, except seating was beyond difficult. I had to stand. Good stuff.
Anyway, playing my guitar is keeping me sane, as well as doing my calculus homework. never thought I’d say that in my life.

Sun, 17 Aug 2008 23:03:27
And just like that, I’m back in Knoxville.Didn't have as much crap as I thought, but it's still kinda tough to find a place for everything to go in that tiny apartment. We have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, two study rooms (one of which we've made a studio), and a bathroom. I’m currently in Amanda and Susan's dorm. Clement has it good, very good, compared to other dorms. These girls have done well with decorating and everything, but they kinda don't like it because they're so far away from everyone else.I don't know if I should try out for the symphonic band or not. My first piece is decent, but the second is mediocre AT BEST. I know I wouldn't make it even if the pieces were at their best. I’m just not good enough, and I've known that for a long time, but it's STILL so depressing not to play with an ensemble. that's about it for tonight. hope everyone is having a great last couple of weeks of summer or enjoying school already = )

Sat, 16 Aug 2008 13:21:24
I move in tomorrow. I started to pack a little last night, continuing to do so now. I think I have more stuff this year...or so it appears.
Wes moved in today. They didn't even bother waking me up.
So, you should buy a metal detector. Because they're awesome. I've been doing a bunch of detecting with Dan in my back yard, finding nothing but scraps, until we went to Crockett. Our first signal was a quarter. BOSS. We found probably $5 worth of quarters and dimes, and found a copper ring as well. And we only checked by the baseball fields. How awesome is that? Very.
Also, we tried setting up our gear in the amphitheatre, but some noob park ranger guy told us we had to have a reservation to play. Which is crap. We had a freaking audience and this guy comes and tells us to scram. Balls.
I had my last shift at the pool last night, and it was great. Well, it was kind of boring, but some lady gave me two slices of pizza and a coke when she and her six kids were leaving. Pretty good for a last shift, I’d say. I made a visit there this morning because I needed to check on something, and I saw some of the kids I've gotten to know over the summer. I’ll miss them, at least a little bit. They'll all be like a foot taller next year, and I won't be able to throw them in anymore, but that's how it goes I guess.
I went bowling last night. At 1:00. This is technically illegal for me, or my parents claim I’m not allowed to. "My house, my rules." And I’m not just pulling a generic phrase there, my dad actually said that to me last night after I came in at 2:16. Sigh. It was fun anyway, but I bowled for crap. ehhhhhhhh....
I could listen to this CD a million times and never get bored of it. It's just so good, every song is different, and I can just relax or rock out whenever. Most bands today come out with CDs with an album of one song, or so it sounds. They're all the same. Yes, I’m being a little unfair to a few good modern bands out there, but's all the same in most cases.
I swear, if Jason tries to pull an open-fart policy, I will set him ON FIRE. ON <EM>FIRE</EM>.
I think my audition is tomorrow. If this is the case, or if it's even anytime this month, which it is, I’m screwed. I should have practiced more, but I've known from the start that there's no chance of me making one of six spots when 150 college trumpets are auditioning. It's just not going to happen. However, the amount of practicing I HAVE done this summer has re-bolstered my abilities/desire to continue playing. It's just fun.

I should probably keep packing. So, next post will be done from my room in my apartment. Sounds good to me = )

Sun, 03 Aug 2008 18:10:45
on the same note of sam's last post....
<SPAN id=Announcements1_lblAnnouncement>Hi sketcherpbr! It's been 1115 (wow, that's a big number) days since you joined Xanga...</SPAN>
<SPAN>...the fight against going premium continues!</SPAN>

Wed, 30 Jul 2008 12:32:04
I amready to go back now. As in, <EM>GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!</EM> As in, I started packing last night at 12:30...
...but didn't know where to start. I’m rather disappointed that we can't go back early, either....the 17th??? What's up with that??

I should be practicing more. I don't even know when auditions are, but if I don't start practicing hardcore, I won't be anywhere near ready. = ( I desperately need to be part of a band again.

Thanks to the gracious Amanda Miller, I now have a pink skillet and pink measuring cups. Wonderful. How many times do you think I’ll use it next year? I’m going to wager a maximum of 5 times. Oh goody.

I wish I were a more creative musician. Or rather, I wish I was able to better express myself through my music. I like writing music, but it's never come out the way it sounds inside of me, and it sounds so good in my head...same with playing songs. I can't improvise for anything, and when I do, it's just the lame, square, in-the-box kind of stuff that barely passes.

The Half-Blood Prince trailors look miserable. Terribly done. At least, I thought so...they're so slow and lame. I plan on reading the 7th book again soon, because I miss Harry Potter. Sad, I know. It's ok.

That's all for now, folks. Hope you're coping with the back-to-school anxiety better than I.

Thu, 17 Jul 2008 14:58:18
Words for the week: Desolation, comfort, weakness, friendship, biking, wedgies, Batman.
This has been a week of overwhelming sorrow, eased both by the company of friends and thetime-old realizationthat life continues everywhere around us. We need it to.
This has also been a rather stupid couple of weeks on my part. Why is it that I can tell you exactly what someone should do injust about any givensituation, but I can't do it myself? Even when I know it's going to hurt someone if I avoid it? I’d like to think I’m better than most guys, but dammit, I've proven otherwise. I’m sorry.

On a lighter note, I’m seeing The Dark Knight at 12:01. It's going to be BOSS.
My stomach just made the most hideous noise. I thought it was my CD drive or something loading. It lasted at least 5 seconds. Dear God.
If you took a black and white picture of my back, it would look like a granite countertop. If you took a colored picture of my back, it would look like a fleshy pink and brown granite countertop.

That's about all for today. I can't wait for tonight.

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 03:30:29
During the span ofdays between my entries in this forgotten blog, there are usually 4-5 times when I say to myself "Peter, you should blog today. It was an interesting day. You might write somethig that actually interests your friends." Alas, this never happens. It only happensin theearly hours of the morning when the hum of this laptop lulls me away from my much-needed rest and strange dreams. Tonight's entry is no exception to these settings.
Of late, I have noticed a significant decrease in work at the pool. More lifeguards means less shifts, means less money. Means bad. And I hate taxes. They took $80 from my last paycheck.
On the bright side, I have recently rekindled my interest in coin-collecting. I found a silver quarter the other day and purchased a Morgan Silver Dollar and Silver Peace Dollar from Brad today, for a decent price. I like my collection a lot, but I’m constantly looking for new pieces to add to it. If you want to see any pics of my coins, just check out my Facebook. there's a good album there, but I don't have those recent pics up, or like half of the other coins. It's still awesome. <FONT color=#ff0000>IF YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD OR COOL COINS THAT YOU DON'T WANT OR THAT YOU WOULDN'T MIND ME PURCHASING, TELL ME</FONT>. please : )I love cool coins. I can appreciate beauty and diversity.
Ummm...what else? My dad's in Austria til the 15th. this is good. I want to play more soccer. I want to play more tennis. I want to play more ultimate. I want to play some more disc golf. In general, I just want to live more. I need to get into shape,'s helping a little.
Keep it safe. Keep it secret. O_O

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:38:52
I need to get back into shape. I’m a freaking lifeguard. Lifeguards can't be weaklings. It's like having an ugly stripper. Except not really....I should stop talking about this.
I decided that I needed to learn some Jimi Hendrix, so I learned Purple Haze. It's not that hard. However, this may be becauseI haven't looked at the entire thing.
I could fall asleep right now. I’mthat exhausted. Staying up late is fun, but when you're staying up late alone at home, all of the fun just seems to evaporate.

No other updates from this boy. Hope all in the world is going as well as possible...

Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:28:15
I like having visitors at the pool, even if they're not there to visit me. It's good to have friends to keep my mind off of the drowning children = P
I’m filling out my resume at the moment, and it's funny how almost all of it involves music. No joke, every line has something musical on it. I like music. A lot. ::sigh::
Also, I realized that I've been in the National Honor Society for like the past seven years...with the exception of 9th grade. But yeah, National Junior Honor Society in 7th and 8th grade, regular in 10th-12th, and now the University of Tennessee Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society this past year. Weird.
Um, that's about it for today...I really need to finish this resume stuff before the mail's sent out, because I apparently need to re-apply for my scholarships. TEH SUCK.

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:32:03
As the most kind (and pale...jk!) Anne-Marie Sherman pointed out today, I should update more often. Especially since there's been so much going on this past week!
I got my first paycheck today. I am pleased, considering I worked 16.5 hours and made a good $100 more than anyone else before I had even started lifeguarding. Shizzam.
However, we've been getting quite a few complaints at the pool regarding the new lifeguards, and I have to say, I actually can agree with some of it. Some of the new guys just don't do their job and deserve to be yelled at instead of paid. Talking on cell phones, texting, chatting it up with friends, letting kids get away with basically's not what they should be doing. I’ll do my job as I see fit and safe, and so far, I think I've been keeping everything in good shape.
I saw Sex and the City last night, unfortunately disappointing a good friend of mine in the process. I had no previous knowledge/viewing of the TV show, but you don't need any to see the movie. It wasn't my kind of movie, but it wasn't too painful among the right friends. In all honesty (not really), the only reason I went was to get the ticket stub, which said "SEXCITY", and to complain that the whole movie wasn't about some city filled with promiscuous actions on every corner. like Knoxville.
Friends are coming home soon, except for one. I am content with just a few coming back, since they are of high quality. That's about all I have to say for now, possible update later. SEEEEEEEYA!

Wed, 28 May 2008 20:17:29
I felt something I haven't felt in a long, long time a couple of days ago. And it was so relieving. So relaxing. So good. It let me breathe deeply, even if it was only for a minute.
I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night. If you want to see it, then see it. Don't let others' critiques influence your decisions on this one. You either will or you won't.
I might be working at Michaels Arts &amp; Crafts soon. Jenessa works there now, so that would be fantastic if I got the job. I have an interview on Friday. My dad is forcing this double-job thing on me, and I’m not happy about it. But if I can work with a best friend, then it won't be nearly as bad as it could be = ) I’m uber excited about it, actually--the more I think about it, the better it becomes. Hopefully this works out.
A great number of my friends are leaving on trips. Aimee's in Mississippi until mid July. Amanda's in Texas until the second week of June. Susan's in England until around the same time. What IS this? Ridiculous. I miss them already. A lot.

Aaaaand, that's a wrap for me. I’ll update you kids at a later date.

Thu, 22 May 2008 13:54:28
I went fishing with Aimee and her dad yesterday. I seriously hadn't been fishing in FOREVER. years upon years. Mr. Cole caught 7 fish, 3 sunfish, 3 brimmer, and a bluegill. Aimee caught a sunfish, as well, and I managed to reel in a large-mouth bass and a catfish, each at least a foot long. I was content = )
btw, catfish are strange. they don't have scales, they have whiskers, they feel sticky, and they grunt. be afraid.

I’m not pleased at the moment. My dad said I need to get another job on top of my lifeguarding one. I don't even know how much I’ll be working at the pools, cleaning or lifeguarding. I hate this whole "pay for your own tuition" thing. It's not like they can't afford it. I’m making freaking 4.0s and they can't help me out a little? seriously. If it were more than 3k a semester, I would be furious, but thanks to the lottery...which reminds me, does anyone know of a scholarship for kids IN COLLEGE that have good grades? I could use the money.

It doesn't bode well with me that my first shift, today from 4:30 to 9:00, came about due to my pool manager's failure to realize he wouldn't be able to take his shift. I wince just thinking about how much this might happen in the future. No one takes their job seriously at that place, and I have a strong feeling that I’ll be taking the brunt of their lethargy.
My uncle, aunt, and little cousin (their granddaughter) will be here in a few hours. Everyone else will be coming tomorrow mostly, and I’m kind of worried about sleeping arrangements. I think we're having a total of least 8 guests. I’m forfeiting my room, the guest room, and Wes's room, and probably the bonus room's pull out bed. That puts me on the floor, by my calculations. blast.
I’d like to make a note to thank my wonderful friends, you know, the best ones in the world? yeah, those ones. You can't know how much I appreciate you for just being a good friend. I’ll never be able to repay any of you fully, although I’ll try every day to be as good of a friend to you as you've been to me, or better. It's one of those "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" things = )

Thu, 15 May 2008 17:54:51
I’m watching a special on Star Wars. Except, they're comparing it to actual things in the world. The Force = Chi, Droids = Modern war technology with robots, light sabers = stun guns/blinding laser guns. It's pretty interesting. But a stretch, to say the least. This one guy did a hand stand with TWO fingers. like, just his index fingers. they were beating up on another guy that had a "Chi shield" of armor. it was intense. he didn't move.
Other than TV and this computer, and trumpet/guitar, nothing much has been going on. Discgolfing is fun. I've doen some of that the past few days, and Tucker and I plan on going to Seven Oaks sometime this week. It looks TIGHT.
I've been playing "Hey There Delilah" a lot this week. I learned it Monday, figured out how it really goes on Tuesday, and I just like playing it. It's just a peaceful song. Too bad I can't sing, though, cause the melody is great, too.
Anyway....not much going on........I wish the summer would speed up or I had something to do (minus the job thing). My boss is terrible about getting back to me. I also think he's a fruit. He got angry the other day and said with his lisp "oh, FIDDLE." 'nough said.

hasta la pasta.

Wed, 07 May 2008 23:14:51
IT IS DONE!!!!!!!
I am now a sophomore. In college. this is unbelievable. the year passed by sooooooooo quickly.

I needed a 19 or better on my Ab. Psychology final to get an A, and BOOYA. 22. This makes me happy. We shall not discuss the calc final.
My iPod wouldn't turn of yesterday. I tried MANY times. I just let the battery die down, and I haven't bothered charging it yet. I was really frustrated.

Erm...not much else to say...I’m just uber excited/truly relaxed by knowingI have the entire summer to just relax and hang out. If you want to hang out or do anything any time, just call me up or message me. I’m up for anything. = )

Thu, 01 May 2008 03:09:17
I blame my sudden spike in calorie intake on my father. He kind of left me a lot to eat in a week. A box of oatmeal cream pies, a box of brownies, a huge freezer bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies, a box of granola chewy bars, a 24 pack of peanut butter chocolate cracker things, a huge box of Club crackers, two hot chocolates, a can of cheese spray, and a 24 pack of water. Kind of ridiculous. I almost feel obligated to eat it all.
I haven't studied for finals yet. I have one tomorrow (but not really) and one Friday, and the Friday one probably needs some studying. And I’ll definitely have to study for the ones on Tuesday, seeing as my calc exam is comprehensive, and my psych exam could get me from a 92 to a 97 at best, and a 94 and up is an "A" in there. Retarded.
I spent eleven hours today working on my French "final" video project. I think we did well. It's pretty hilarious. And it forced me to get out of bed at like...8:30 today. amazing.
Anyway, Prom was great, I had tons of fun, and I couldn't have been with a better group. The group really makes it all, but it doesn't hurt to start out with a nice date and a good theme = ) One thing will remain throughout history, though (or at least it had better)--Jeremy Morrow will be one of the most entertaining people on the planet.

I’m exhausted and await a final in less than 9 hours. bye.

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 13:32:53
wazzzzzzzzzuuuuuupppppppp??? you remember when people used to do that all the time? ridiculous. the only thing good that came out of it was that Budweiser commercial for the Superbowl.
Prom tonight. more excited about the fun afterwards, but whatev. Dressing up every once in a while (this'll be the first time in FOREVER) doesn't hurt. Last time I wore a tux was....last year's prom. I’m sure many of you can say the same (not necessarily last year's prom, just a prom). hope it doesn't rain too much.
I’m extremely regretful that I might not make the 3-3 Melrose basketball tourney. It starts at 4, and I plan on getting there at like...7:30 = ( I've been training Dan for the last month, and he's come a really long way. I actually have to try moderately to get anything accomplished. I just have to teach him better dribbling techniques and layups...

This is interesting. I’m thinking to myself "Peter, you're done with your freshman year of College. of COLLEGE. It's done." And I realize that I should feel overwhelmed or at least somewhat thrilled, but I’m not really feeling any of that right now. I’m just kind of like "meh." and I’m confused by this. I’m like that friend that's SO HAPPY about something that just happened, and they're asking their best friend why they're not excited. really strange.
that's about it today. I’ll give a prom blog sometime this week, probably monday. Hope all of the studying (laughs) goes well!

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:50:20
It's amazing how things can take a turn for the better so quickly. The next day after I wrote that last entry, it was as if the day before had been years ago, out of sight and mind. and the next day was even better.
Which reminds me how much I need my friends = ) They're kind of awesome. Yes, this applies to you, too...whether you were directly responsible for my happiness or not.
pwned my calc test with a 98%, it was worth 25% of my grade, that means I’m a happy boy. 96% on my french test, makes me more happy, but I’m angry about my composition score. She hates me.

Prom is this weekend. Yes, I’m going, don't know if I mentioned that on here or not, but I have a feeling that I did...I vaguely recall a rant on how retarded Men's Wearhouse is for their ridiculous tuxes. Anywho, I hope I get to stay longer than last year...the parties are the most fun! I didn't even really get to go to one last year...sigh. I’ll have to force my parents to realize that I’m like 19 (AND over A HALF!..yes, I’m still a child and insist occasionally on my full age) and should be able to make my own decisions. They'll pull that "as long as you live under this roof" card, I’m sure of it. sigh.
hoping to play some tennis today! that's about it....

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 00:15:28
This has been a hellish week. And that is a euphimism.
I had zero time to do homework this weekend, two French papers due on Monday, a 1,000 word paper due on Tuesday, a Calc test worth 25% of my grade today, and an Abnormal Psych test tomorrow. I've had meetings for my French video/final project both last night and tonight lasting most of the remainder of the night after class and dinner, and now I get to study for psych. I've had around 20 hours of sleep since Friday. I’m <EM>depeleted. </EM>
I did, however, make two shots from half court in a bet with Dan, winning moosetracks ice cream and a chocolate milk. These are what my body is currently running off of to begin studying.
My neighbor likes to make this rap/techno music, and it sucks. It's entirely too loud. I bang on the walls hardcore, and occasionally he turns it down. The bass goes STRAIGHT THROUGH the walls and wakes me up andshakes my body (as well as my entire room). I don't know this kid, but really. He's going to have terrible hearing in old age.
And it would appear that I’m incapable of beginning my studies before midnight. I don't think this is a fault of my own, but rather the world out to get me.
That is all. Let's hope you don't see my obituary in the paper tomorrow: "Student loses mind, eats computer."

Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:15:05
I think I’ll update more often now. It just feels good to put stuff out there.
My confusion is now under control, and I am SO GLAD that I was blessed with the best friends a person can have. Anyone else would have been fed up with me and dropped me from their life, but only a true friend is willing to dig deep down to come up with the courage to give someone another chance. When it comes to indecision involving feelings, remember this: everything just takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't take a week for King Tut's treasure wasn't found. But this makes the final product all the more worthwhile.
You just have to have patience and believe = )

Lifeguard training isn't SO bad, but geeze, am I out of shape! We had to swim a 300 a prerequisite, freestyle for 100, breast stroke for 100, and either for another 100, and I could tell I was going to be tired at about....50 m. O_Oembarrassing. Oh, and next time you're out in a pool, try diving 15 ft., picking up a 10 pound brick, keeping both hands on it at all times, and swimming on your back with just your legs for 75 meters. And keeping your head above the water the whole time, both hands on the brick. It's tough. And I’m weak. Oh, and the water's cold = ( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
I’m trying to get the body of the typical lifeguard, but I've never had that body before, so it's difficult. I’m not exactly fond of lifting weights, unfortunately. I’ll do crunches, but when it comes to pumping that Trying to stay off of sweets is hard, too, but I haven't really had soda since new years. I had a few brownies tonight though....= \ IT'S HARD!!! I shouldn't have eaten stomach feels terrible.
I’m going to miss Melrose next year. It's so different from the rest of campus. It's like my own little world down inthe basement...creepy,I know, but for real. EverytimeI go down there, it's comforting.
I hate getting up at 6:00, cause it means going to bed early. And good luck finding somewhere to eat breakfast so early, since there's NOT A SINGLE PLACE ON CAMPUS OPEN. balderdash.

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:06:03
I think Dan and I are going to make an album. We have 8 songs so far, and I have a couple of my own...but I guess it would be best not to put those on there. But yeah, we're really going to have to bust our butts to get it done by the time school's done.
Speaking of busting butts, I’m going to be training to be a lifeguard this and next weekend, saturday and sunday, 8am-5pm. Freaking 36 hours of who knows what. I may or may not have mentioned on here that I got the job at the Chenoweth pool for this summer, so yeah. That's what I’ll be doing all summer. Roasting.
Since when did tuxes cost so freaking much? $155 for a couple of days?? Jesus! Men's Wearhouse has a freaking monopoly in the industry, but for real...they only have 2 prices ($139 and $159), and my receipt is like a novel. Ridiculous. They don't even have as many options this year.
What I thought I wanted has now melted back into a puddle of confusion, and is actuallysolidifying back into what it used to be. I wish I could make decisions well. I always seem to make everything more complicated in these matters.
That's my weekly update. It's 3am, and I have to record Nick's gigantic song tomorrow, aptly named Epic (he probably named it that because he thought it was epic. I agreed to name it this because it's a looooooong song, equivalent to a long narrative, aka an epic. It's freaking 14 minutes long!).
Hasta la Shasta.

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:00:45
Why is it that I say every Friday, "Peter, you don't have THAT much homework. You'll fit it in sometime this weekend. You don't even do anything on Sundays!" and then Sunday comes, I wake up at like 2:30, and say "@#%, I have a Geology test, Calc homework, French homework, and a lab to finish today." I guess I’ll never learn.
On the other hand, it has been a teriffic weekend, and next weekend looks to be even better. I’m super pumped! Plus, I’m going to be playing in the 3-3 basketball tourney in a few weeks.
Back to the first hand, I’m finding out that I need a ton of practice when it comes to basketball, and I've gained some weight. And I just ate like a million brownies/cookies last night.
Back to the other hand, it was while watching Smallville, which is amazing, and I can't get enough of it. I need to catch up so that I’m up to date with the 7th season (next episode is the 14th of April). I've never really gotten into any of those season shows or anything, but I must say that Smallville is an exception.
This summer looks to be full of a lot of things that I've been lacking in the past year or so, and it's going to be epic. However, it might be a little slow at first with all of the people gone on vacation...I hope it's not too bad. I need to get in freaking shape!!!! What would you do if you saw a lifeguard without beefy muscles but with lovehandles?? and hush, I know that doesn't sound manly, but that's ok. I've never really been considered the epitome of manly anyway.

Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:04:49
This has been the best spring break. ever.
I've had three awesome spring breaks in a row. like, fantastic spring breaks.
'06- Germany
'07-Smoky Mountains/Pigeon Forge (ok, so it wasn't THAT good, but whatev), and
'08-New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts

 It's just fantastmigorical. There was so much snow. 3-4 feet in most places, and my uncle said that it had melted like a couple of feet the day before we got there. It was intense. In the snow drifts, it was at like 5 feet. We went snowmobiling through the woods in Maine (COOLEST THING EVER) and over a lake, which was 16 inches of solid ice. I got up to <EM>63 mph on a snowmobile!!!! All by myself!!! On a lake!!!</EM> It was the coolest feeling ever. I held out my arm one time and even stood up (stupidly) while going uber fast, and it was extremely difficult to remain standing up/keep my arm out. I just had to make sure it was real.
And I've arrived at a decision about someone. It's about time. I actually decided this like a month ago, but I’m going to wait as long as it takes. No one reads this anyway, so my clue is that she was there all last night. O_O no one knows what I’m talking about, so it's all good. = D
I hope to help break some social norms today. Hopefully. I also hope to hang out with some awesome friends, since it's my last day in the states. er, brentwood. whatever.
Wes has a new guitar, but it's kinda lame to be honest. It's a white fender strat, but for some reason it's uber light and the neck feels short, and the fretboard feels really wide. Oh well, it somewhat satiates my overwhelming need to play once in a while.
hope everyone's having an awesome spring break! or just having fun in general. hasta!

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:26:13
New Hampshire is incredible this time of the year. I haven't been back since freshman or sophomore year....i love it.
ESPECIALLY SINCE THERE ARE LIKE 5 FEET OF SNOW IN EVERY BACKYARD!!! not to mention the 15-20 ft. on the side of the roads <IMG src="" width=15 border=0>
wes and I have been sledding all over the place. a little painful with the massive ramps, but it's cool. you should go check out the pictures on facebook. if you want.

hope everyone else's breaks are going/will go/went well!

Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:29:37
Dont you just hate it when all of your professors decide to give you a test the days before spring break?

Je peux parler ce sent bien. Mais je vais prendre un examen demain, et ce n'est pas bien.

I regret that I can never be home for functions I miss, like band concerts...I miss the band incredibly. Band was my food, water, and air for 4 years, and I feel like a fish out of water without a band class this year. I hate schedule conflicts with a passion, and fulfilling general education requirements. It's my education, dammit, I’m paying for it. Let ME decide which classes I should invest my money in, and you can give me feedback like "if you took this class, it would fulfill a certain something" rather than "take these classes, even though you're going to hate them, because if you don't, you're not going to get a degree in anything." get off my back.
I've been studying calculus, french, and psychology non-stop the past few days. It's kind of getting on my nerves. a little.

HOWEVER. they now how a "twisted cereal bar" in the prez. cafe, and I had a whole bowl of gummy bears and reese's pieces alone. I even made some art. That place is GOLD.
anyone been to the new UC food place? I figured there would be huge lines.
Also, I may or may not have mentioned that I will be residing in Andy Holt Apartments next year, room 713. it's going to be a party. We're going to have a Wii, Xbox, PS2, Nintendo, possibly others, and a mini studio for Dan and I.
Speaking of Wii, the gang and myself made a trip to walmart on saturday night and purchased the new Supersmash Bros. Brawl, and that game is SICK. as in amazing. I want to play it now. NOW, I SAY.

but alas, I must crawl back to my study corner/bed.

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 02:49:59 -05:00
Trying to memorize a lottttt of French.

Sun, 02 Mar 2008 22:34:17
I have a TON of French to memorize tonight. like, a whole PAGE of possible responses that I have to record during class "in a conversational manner" tomorrow. It sucks. I’m not the best speaker in the world, and I sure as hell hope that my grammar and memory will not fail me.
Other than that, life is good. Won the ball game (so I heard), I ate a 16-pack of chocolate covered doughnuts, and only 9 days left until spring break. However, spring break may be less exciting than I thought. We're going up to New Hampshire (as I may or may not have told you guys, I can't really remember what I write on here) and returning the Thursday of SB'08, giving me like an day to hang out with my friends. I’ll have to make the most of it.
I wrote some lyrics last night. Really hard to do. I've written lyrics before, but this one's about being out there on your own but thinking about your family. It's tough. I actually wrote a little music, too, played it on the piano and recorded it. I’ll try to get some acoustic action in there somewhere.

Other than that, not much is going on. I miss my friends from WV. A lot. I want to see them this summer, and if the opportunity arises...I’m taking it.
C'est tout.

Sat, 23 Feb 2008 03:32:41
Well well well, how goes it? it's been a few weeks since my last post. have you missed me? no laughing.

In case you were wondering, Yes. I did have a test in every class this week. And, again, Yes. I had three of them on Friday. What a glorious cluster of crap that was. Especially sinceI had a Psych test the day before that, making it especially fun to study for four tests at once. But my Psych test went well (missed one = ::shrug::), Calc test felt good, Geology test felt decent, and...yeah. About that French test and still not having the book...('sfault, not mine...i ordered it like 3 weeks ago). So we'll see what happens there.
Had my spring advising for fall semester. My advisor, in my opinion, is insane. At least, this one was. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the requirement to take two types of sciences in the same field, so alas. It would appear I have no option but to take either a Geology course or Astronomy course next semester.
Or so he says.
I want to take Chemistry. I've never had a Chemistry class. Strange, I know, but for some reason I think I’m the only kid that every got through Brentwood High School without taking a Chemistry class. But yeah, I’d like to try it. But noooooo, Mr. Advisor wants to get my gen. ed requirements out of the way. He's way too focused on my well being.
Anywho, it's looking like another Geology class, since my faith in the Astronomy department began dwindling the day I started Astronomy 152 last semester, and since I've seen those <U>Tennessee Today</U> ads with Paul Lewis saying "<U>Tennessee Today</U>--now that's a star!" Please, even though I know words as stupid as these could not be uttered by anyone other than someone desperate for a faux-catchy phrase, why would you even agree to have said that? Like I said, even Geology is looking significantly less hazy as Astronomy (haha.).
Also, it would appear that I’ll be taking two Philosophy classes--242 and 246. I’m not excited about 246, since it's something like Bioethics. I have nothing against the ethics of how to treat the world, but why is it necessary that I take this class? Because it fulfills my requirements for something else that nothing (other than Engineering Ethics and Business Ethics) else can??? For cryin' out loud, people, give me a break.There has to be SOMETHING else.
Also, I want to take Social Psychology, which appears to be one of the few things that's going to happen in favor of moi. I want to take an Economics class as well, but that might have to wait til the next semester. French would be great to continue also, but at this point I have to actually pick and choose what I want to go into (grammatical, oral, french literature, etc.), and that's going to be tres difficile. Another constant, however, will probably be Calc 142, although I have no earthly (to pull a Wadism/Belindism)why. Ijust kind of trust I’ll need it in there somewhere.Math always helps in the end (rolls eyes).

Besides all of that, it would appear that I get first dibs on housing next year, and I’m struggling to decidebetween Andy Holtand "Vol Hall" (KnoxPlace). Seems like a stupidargument, butprice must be taken into consideration. Is it worth it to pay theextra cash for Knox Place? Anyonehave an opinion?
Your opinions regarding myprospective classes and housing arrangements, as well as my sleep schedule (IT'S 3:31 AND I'VE BEEN DEADTIRED ALL WEEK)would be greatly appreciated.
Hasta la suckynewiPodcasethatdidn'tcomewiththeSurfaceShieldProtectiveFilmthatitsaiditdid=falseadvertising.

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:49:45
Sooooo, I have a great story for you. Be prepared for laughs and/or eye-rolling.
The following shenannigans occured yesterday morning. I had a meeting scheduled at 9:00 am with the Architecture head again, so I needed to wake up early.
And so I did. I woke up, shuffled around, and got in the shower. It was about halfway through my shower when I realized I was wearing one sandal and one shoe. Yes, a shoe. My left brown loafer, to be exact. So I threw the soaking mess out of the shower and tried to maintain balance on my right foot, so as not to get infected with the bazillion (give or take negative one) forms of nasty that I know coat the floor of that shower.
After showering and shaving, I make it back to my room unharmed (mostly) and get halfway dressed until I manage to see that it's 6:00. wtf. Why am I awake at 6:00? My alarm was set for 7:00. Wonderful.
So I slept another two hours, interupted by the dripping of afore mentioned shoe hanging to dry. Problem solved by sticking it in the window.

And there you have it. The most ridiculous story of my life. Maybe.

Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:39:13
Things have been going moderately well recently.
Had a jam session last week, and it was fantastic (minus the inability to hear, but I suppose some sacrafices must be made.
I hada Boston jam session with just me and Boston via iTunes. Those solos are killer and tough to learn. But I've knocked down the solos for More Than a Feeling, Peace of Mind, and that transition solo in Foreplay Long Time. I’m working on Rock N Roll Band solos, but I've got the chords and such down for all of the afore mentioned songs. Smokin's tough though. Kinda. Can't get enough Boston.

Was supposed to have a meeting with the Head of the Architecture Program this morning. He didn't show. That's ok, my dad forced me into it anyway.I waited a while and then just took off to take my first calc test, which I’m reserving my thoughts on.
I wrote a poem on my walls a week or so ago. It's gone now, but I saved it in my computer. It's kinda weird. I feel like I've already written about it for some reason. Probably have...
Time for bed. No, one more solo for Foreplay Long Time.....

'Twas righteous. Bedtime for me.

Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:23:05
I’m going insane.
Out of the seven book purchases I have made, FOUR were the wrong thing. I've received editions from the 1990s, interactive DVDs instead of books (I swear it said BOOK), multivariable instead of single variable calculus, and a freaking student's solutions manual instead of the book.
I’m losing it. If I don't figure out some way to sell back these DVDs andget the right books SOON, I’m going to explode.

Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:47:13
the past few days have been AMAZING. mostly.
Vandy got PWNED. and I was there to witness it.
I’m going home tonight. = )
that means I’ll have a $h!7-ton of homework to do on Monday night. wonderful.

Dan and I have worked on our song mucho, mostly during the first part of this week. it sounds great. We MIGHT make T-shirts. (?)

Just in case you were wondering, my romance life (or lack thereof) is, well, lacking. And I’m doing this on purpose. I actually have been for a looooong time. Huzzah for fighting the good fight. (?) The reason for my fighting does not matter, no matter how much confusion is/has been present over the past month or so.
I like bumper stickers (facebook app). It's one of the only ones besides the necessities (wall, photos, etc) that I enjoy. so send a bumpersticker my way, and I just may return the favor.
Speaking of which, I love that new car commercial. I don't exactly remember which company it is, but it's hilarious.Kudos to you if you know which one I’m talking about.

C'est tout. Bon petit-vacance!

Sun, 13 Jan 2008 23:37:39
            No more warm weather. Back to how late October should feel.
            Been doing lots of music-related stuff (actually, lots of guitar/recording related stuff) with Dan over the past few days. Coming up with some sweet songs!! And, much to my merriment (??), most of them have a classic rock kind of feel. It's good.
            I bought way to much crap for $0.88 this weekend. but they were only 88 cents, so I guess that's good...probably not.
            I watched Across the Universe last night. Decent movie overall, especially with the great vocalists belting out Beatles' songs. I especially liked Bono's go at "I am the Walrus." However, they tried to force a few too many songs in there, and a good bit of the movie was a little too trippy for me. But that's ok. Now I can say I DO know what it's like to be on LSD. Or so I would think.
            Classes are good. Switched from 130 to 141 Calc. Shouldn't be too bad. At least I’ll derive (haha) some amusement out of my professor, since he enjoys humming while erasing stuff from the board.
            We watched Robinhood, Men in Tights last night until like 4:00. Great stuff. Especially with sparkling grape juice. yummy yummy.
            That's about it. Oh, and go watch this if you can. It's hilarious. <A href=";feature=related" target="_new">;feature=related</A></P>

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 23:05:26
This warm weather is great stuff! Shorts and Tshirt for me.
I’m back on campus, all unpacked. I didn't bring much more than I left with, other than some christmas stuff. and food. I bought waaaay too much at Walmart a few nights ago, and now...yeah. I have to eat it. Because Cherry Cordials are only 20 cents per box when they've been on the shelves for a while...
I guess I’ll freeze them. = D

Classes tomorrow. This is what my schedule looks like.
12:20--French 218 honors
5:45--Math 130
3:40--Abnormal Psych
5:05--Intro Poetry
2:30--Geology Lab
3:40--Abnormal Psych

Not too shabby if I do say so myself. Earliest class is 11:15, latest takes me to 7:45ish. That's ok.

I said some very stupid stuff a while back, and it's unacceptable. I have no excuse whatsoever. But I am very, very sorry, and I hope you can accept my apology and forgive my stupidity and irrationality. You know who you are.
Meanwhile, I hope the rest of you enjoy your breaks (if anything's left of them). If you've started school up again, then I hope the best for you this next semester. I know one of my many New Years' resolutions is to keep my grades up to par, no matter how tough that may be.
Pasta la Hasta.

Sun, 06 Jan 2008 14:20:14
Totally awesome day yesterday. I got to do soooo much that I’d wanted to for a long time, so that = amazingness.
I’m out of shape. Badly.
I head back to K-town tuesday. not too excited about going so late.
If you signed up for the thing where they give you your books in the little box thing for first semester, do you get it second semester, too??

Wed, 02 Jan 2008 00:30:47
You would think that it would be like hitting your head with a frying pan: It feels better after you stop.
But no,I guess that's not the case with this one. Don't worry, I’m not talking about doing drugs or anything, it's just that someone isn't using their noggin as much as I’d like them to.

Anyway, New Years was fun, we had a little jam session with Steven, Aimee, Jenessa, and myself. 'Twas fun. We watched Superstar and partied, etc. I’m glad I have friends that can deal with my mom's ridiculousness about not letting me go out on the roads on new years. boo frickin hoo.

2008 is starting out the wrong way though. I sincerely hope it gets better before I head off to Knoxville again.

Sat, 29 Dec 2007 00:17:57
Bear Grylls is AMAZING. They've had him on Discovery channel all day, and that's all i've been watching.
He's eaten a ton of grass stuff.
He's eaten a sheep's eyeball and meat from a sheep he just kind of found lying arund.
He's eaten SEVERAL bugs (including spiders, grubs, larvae, grasshopper, beetles, termites)
He's eatena snow chicken.
He's eaten a turtle.
He's eaten part of a raw calf that a puma had taken down.
He's eaten iguana.
He's eaten a scorpian.
He's eaten crab. Alive.
He's eaten minnows. Alive.
He's eaten two frogs. Alive.
He's eaten a snake. Alive.

All of which he caught in some fashion or another.

He's peed on his turban to keep his head cool.
He's gotten naked in the middle of the arctic and run around to keep warm.
He drank some kind of indian drink with elder's saliva in it. He liked it.
He's jumped into freezing cold water from 30 feet up.

THIS is a man among boys. Damn.

Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:32:10
The Scientologist episode of South Park is hilarious.
I’m debating on whether I should make a trip to WV tomorrow morning. I’ll make up my mind tomorrow.

My new effects pedal is KICKIN. I’m going to have sooo much fun with this thing this semester.
I’m bored.

Tue, 25 Dec 2007 00:10:43
One hour til the big man comes down the chimney and eats my cookies!!!
I have the shotgun ready...see if anyone takes my cookies ever again <IMG src="" width=15 border=0> jk, jk. gotsta love Santa.

I hope everyone has a <FONT color=#800000 size=7>MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!</FONT>

Sat, 22 Dec 2007 01:31:21
Well, it's not as bad as I thought. maybe. I’m not sure.
Actually, I think it might be worse. But, to explain that? I know how. It's complex.

But I've been having a lot of fun lately, and that's a good thing. Shopping/movies, BOWLING!, football, and just hanging out in general = awesomeness.
however, I HATE the grand ole opry. 4th time i've gone, and it's just as bad as it ever was. BUT, there was a really good joke that Little Jimmy Dickens had.
"My wife really likes them nice cars. I asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year and she said 'Something that goes 0-160 in less then 10 seconds.' So I bought her a weight scale."

Sun, 16 Dec 2007 23:53:35
Bah, I wasn't meant tolead a life with any romance in it. I suppose I should have accepted that a while ago.
But doesn't the fact that I’m fighting that predispositionmake it romantic? How sad am I?

Anyway, masquerade ball was fun, I ate too many sweets, couldn't sleep, had church, etc. Watched football. Had a series ofconversations that just make you want to say "great, thanks, I’m pretty sure you're saying that you wouldn't want to be with me anyway, even though I never mentioned it. way to read my mind and then douse it with water." Nothing extraordinary came from the day.
I wanted to play soccer, but certain perameters made it impossible.
I feel like a grumpy old man. Do I sound like one? It would appear so. I’m very sorry.

Thu, 13 Dec 2007 21:43:09
So, I’m home. I missed my dog like none other. = ) I’m hoping to do some serious hanging out.

Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:16:47
Ok, so I’m sitting in my room at my desk, studying calculus and looking out of the window. I see these two guys walking on the pedestrian walkway, probably returning from an exam.Both are carrying a large, seemingly heavy satchel things, as many college students do. The one to the right, very slightly behind his colleague, is discussing something wildly and gesticulating with his hands to better explain his point. The other is mildly intrigued, and they seem to be having a great conversation.
Well, I was thinking"Man, they must really be having an intellectual conversation! That guy is probably making a breakthrough in something."
But then I thought "Oh wait, I’ll bet they're talking about WoW or Pokemon or something."

It's funny how when you're little, or even in high school, you'll think so much differently about it. If I had seen this happening last year or any of the years before, I would have guessed that they were talking about something way over my head that I would have no chance of understanding. But now, now that I know that college (especially after finals) is like 80% whatever you want to do and 20% nonstop work (or something like that), it's really kind of funny how my perceptions have been altered.
Just thought I’d share that with you.

Tue, 11 Dec 2007 18:29:13
oh, and does anyone else think that 78 degees on December 11th is a little over the top? Sure, it's nice to have a reprieve from the 20 degree weather we had been having, but 78?!!?This weather is OUT OF CONTROL!
Oh, and I sold my books back yesterday. Or, two of them, at least.My $120 French book was rebought for a whopping $30. My $50 Harbrace was bought for a decent $30. I was surprised. Then someone told me later thatI would need it in later years. I’m not sure if this is true. Would anyone like to shed some light on the subject?
My exam will take place in exactly 24h 29 min. I need to study.

Tue, 11 Dec 2007 06:13:28
Lord, is there a <EM>reason</EM> for me to not be able to sleep? It's 6:10 in the morning, and yet You won't let me sleep. Please, bestow upon me some heavy eyelids.
I somehow pulled a rabbit out of my, um, hat, and made a 101 on my last calc test, giving me a 98 in there so far...just have the final to take now on wednesday. Which is now tomorrow. great.
I was really excited that I was going to get back on my regular sleep schedule, but noooOOOoooo...that'd be too easy, right? luckily, my exam tomorrow is at 5:00 pm.

People keep arguing about the Golden Compass, and that's fine--just make sure when you're arguing about it, you're not going ad hominem. Perhaps the reason you're attacking ad hominem is because you don't like the person in general. That's a completely different arguement, and would best be left out of the immediate conversation.
hold on, did that do the trick?? am I slightly tired?? I think that just by thinking about those stupid arguments,i made myself tired. or God decided to listen to me.
But he's always listening, isn't he? my bad.

Sun, 06 Jan 2008 15:41:56
3:21 now. Geeze, I gotta quit this waking up late thing. I broke my record with a 5:00 awakening this afternoon/evening. Shame on me.
I had 4 slices of pizza and a Dr. Pepper for breakfast. That was probably stupid, but I had to eat something. I need to study Calculus, not stay up watching Clerks II and talking about the poor design of most urinals. Shame on me.
I’m very glad to have inspired Jeny (the artist previously known as Jenessa Casey)to start blogging again! I enjoy reading her blogs. I agree with her statement of (in summary) blogging is a great way to release stress.

Also, I realized something last week, and this week's happenings have utterly crushed me. I’m slightly depressed. slightly. I’ll fall out of it. As soon as I stop.

Enough of that. Aerosmith is wonderful. Random, yes, but I’m listening to him. Good stuff. I probably shouldn't have just had that Dr. P and those cookies. But I’m still tired, so it might be ok. I have a ton of laundry on my bed, and that's the only reason I’m not in it right now. I’m lazy. Deal.
The break can't come quickly enough. I’m not even worried about my Calc exam. I studied for it some today, and it's easy as pie. I’m worried about a certain party I’m going to at the end of the week. There might be some awkwardness. I hope not though, since I miss a ton of people. If there is awkwardness, I might have to leave. After all, it's right next to my house.
And what do you do when there's a birthday party for three people? Do you give them ALL money??? Cards?? What?

I've been out of the loop in regards to Tennessee basketball. What's happening? Are we doing well? Laura Brown/Adam Mauldin, tell me what's going on. = )
I’m lucky to be well-endowed with some wonderful friends. I guess that's not the proper term, since my parents didn't really give me them, but still. I’m lucky. Thank you guys for everything.
Take it easy. Take it easy.
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.

Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:53:36
2:46 this time. I’m waiting for my pictures on Myspace to upload. I know, I’m a huge loser. I use myspace and xanga and facebook. what a nerd.
I wined and dined/ lemonaded and pizzaed with Laura this afternoon, shortly after I woke up. Pizza is an interesting food to have for breakfast. The cafe's Pizza Hut breadsticks are for crap now. They used to be great, but they're just flat and cold now. Boo on them.
It's strange now that football season's over. Nothing to do on Saturdays!! Friday nights are great with basketball, though. By the way, you should check this out. This is my old high school's basketball team getting pwned by the only other high school in the county, which just happens to be the #1 team in the nation. Check it out.
<A href=";feature=related" target="_new">;feature=related</A>
Finished a french skit this evening, and I hope the teacher likes it. It's our "final."
I have a headache, and this is rare. I think it's because I’m staying up so late and drinking Dr. P and eating popcorn/cookies. I’m not so sure though.... = P

Bon soir, mes amis! Je ne ferai rien demain, ni samedi, ni dimanche! Je m'ennuie.

Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:21:02
Well, it's 2:03 in the morning, and I’m just not tired. I've done practically nothing all day, which usually makes me tired, but might as well be 3:00 pm.
Dan, Stewart, one of Dan's friends, and myself had a pretty awesome "jam session" in the music room about an hour ago. I say "jam session" because it was just Dan and I taking turns on his guitar (which I love, especially with the effects pedal) and the piano, playing such nonsense as Crazy Train and that one Greenday song...the "do you have the time" one that's pretty much Pachabel's Cannon. it was fun anyway. I seem to come up with LOADS better solos on dan's guitar, probably because the strings are easier to bend and it's just easier to play than my crappy squire. sad day...
It's freezing. There's a steady draft coming in from these windows, and my hands are about to fall off. no joke. I actually wrote my final essay in FYS on how the university desperately needs new dormitories. ::shrug::
What amI going to do for the next week and a half?? My calc exam is next wednesday, and I have absolutely nothing to do until then. I guess I could study some?? I don't know.
I’m not so sure what I should do. I have one class on the waitlist (philosophy 242), and I’m number 11...I need to switch out of my poetry class to something more...I don't know.Satisfying? I’m not sure whatI’m going for. But anyway, I can'tchange anything on the schedule with a class onthewaitlist, so what should I do?Is there any chance I’m going to get into that Philosophy class??? It's contemporary moral issues..methinks I’d like it a lot.
Anyway, my earliest class is 11:15 MWF, 3:40 Tues, and 1:25Thurs... sounds pretty good to me! Only downside is that my whole afternoon is pretty much swamped with class after class...'cept for tuesdays, when I have 2 classes in the evening. Ce sera pas mal!
Last classes tomorrow, and I’m just telling the professor that I’m not taking the final in one of them. Apparently, we're actually learning something in Calc, because the teacher's like "oh crap, I need to finish this stuff." boo.
buddy's barbeque tomorrow, and I’d better wake up in time to get some. MMM.
do I even like barbeque??? I don't remember...

Tue, 27 Nov 2007 20:29:10
"In another study 10- to 11-year-old girls filled out a questionnaire about conscientiousness (tendency to follow the rules and keep one's promises), and a year later reported whether they had engaged in any risky sexual behaviors."
I’m questioning the validity of my Psychology textbook.......

Sun, 25 Nov 2007 22:00:56
Well, lots has happened since my last time on here. Thanksgiving break was wonderful, especially since I got to hang out with a few of my most favoritest peoples in the world!
Thursday, I had a great thanksgiving meal with my family and then headed down to Mississippi State with Aimee to keep her company and have crazy fun times. She had to be there for the MSU vs.Ole Miss game, which MSU won all in the fourth quarter by a field goal. crazy stuff.
My favorite part of the game: A sign.
"No, I’m not an Ole Miss fan, but I DID steal something from the Holiday Inn Express last night!"

The rest of the break was great! However, I seem to get bitched out by the same person every time I come home, even if I don't see patience is wearing from thin to hair-width quickly.
I have a 10 minute presentation tomorrow in English on the Smoking ban in Tennessee. I hope I can muster up 10 minutes on it....
Listening to Gorillaz new album right now. It's pretty awesome. different sound than the others, of course. More electronica-esque. It's good!
TWO AND A HALF WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!! I can do it. Can you?
Oh, and did I mention that I only have one final?

Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:47:55
There is a fantastic lightning show going on right now. Too bad there's a huge building in the way.
I &lt;3 thunderstorms. and being inside during them. The rain is allowing me to turn off my fan and crack open a window to let the coolness kind of sift in. It's great stuff.
I’m becoming lazy in classes. this is bad. My borderline French grade is not on the right side of that line now...&gt;_&lt;
I have lots due friday, and I’m getting on it as soon as I post this. I need something to pump me up....I guess Dr. Pepper will help a little. maybe?

Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:43:28
IT IS DONE!!!!! I am now a Melrosean (?). Never again will I return to Reese Hall.
My room is awesome. I don't have to share it with anyone, and I get three windows to myself (yes, windows are important to me).I have plenty of room for myself. I now no longer have to get angry at my roommate because he stole my guitar, or any of my other items. All mine. I know that sounds greedy, but you guys don't even know.
I had Ryan, my old RA, check me out of the room, and Jeff (roommate) had already taken over on my side of the room. crap was EVERYWHERE. not that I cared. it was funny, cause ryan's going to yell at him now. good stuff.
Not only is my room awesome, but I share the building with two of the coolest people on campus. And one of them's my RA. How's that for awesomeness?

Everyone seems to be really happy lately. Anne-Marie had an awesome weekend and is connecting with her floor. Adam had an awesome weekend, complete with a new drum set, orange mohawk, great seats at the games, and his band starting up. Statler loves NYC and had a great time. Rachel got her nose pierced (hope that's going well). Brittany is has a great support system and made the holiday coffeehouse. Jim has been enjoying many many movies and "surviving" (ha, ha) well. Laura had her face covered in white paint and was on the Jumbotrona ton at the basketball game. I have my own room now, and it is entirely possible that Imay have only one final. Thanksgiving break is in a week and a half.

Because I am superstitious, I’m not going to say that this is a sign. I’m just going to go with chance. = D Especially since I have a million things and a half to do next week.
I love making songs on my guitar and recording simple.


Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:31:26
Well, we lost another one. One more to go...

I just realized that I needed to finish a book for my class in about an hour...woops! hope there isn't a quiz.

I should be moving in to Melrose THIS WEEKEND. That's right, this weekend. I’m hoping to surprise my roommate by pulling a disappearing act. It should be awesome.
I sign up for classes today. HUZZAH!
The CMA's were fantastic. Surely, there must be an American and a few Japanese (who make up a great percentage of country music's fanbase) out there that are dancing to "Online" while wearing a marching band uniform. Surely.
Michael gave Taylor Swift his number, and Kazzy was paid $500 by his mom to dance that way. It was fantastic. Whata night. I reallyreally really wish I could have been there. Everything looked fantastic.

Basketball game tonight, I’m pumped. Football game tomorrow, I’m not as pumped, but pretty pumped. That's about it....seeya!

Mon, 05 Nov 2007 17:18:12
Why am I always so tired, yet when I try to go to sleep, I’m a freaking insomniac!? bah!

Everything about me is malfunctioning. My hip hurts and almost renders me maimed on my way to classes. My shoulder hurts and I could hardly grab my textbook yesterday from a shelf. My fingers hurt because it's getting cold. WAAAAAH!!!!!
Anywho, Jefferson City was amazing!!! The band won first in their class! There was no grand champion, which is pretty stupid in my opinion. Had there been a Grand Champion, brentwood would have gotten it anyway, seeing as their score was the highest overall. It was a great show, but I really don't think they have the right kind of scoring system....I think it would be better with the Box system to give the bands a feel for how they did at the end of the season. Oh well, that's just me.
I’ll be watching for them on the CMA's this Thursday. Should be 1337 h4x0rZ!
School's going well. Only 2 and a half weeks until Thanksgiving Break!
I practiced trumpet and piano for 3 hours today! Good story here. I got in there and there was some stuff that looked like someone had just left there, so I just shrugged and went to the piano and played a little. I began to realize that the practice room to my immediate right was closed, so I went and peaked in. I saw two people's knees, since they were backed against the door hiding (if you can't guess why, shame on you). I was like "um....ok." I didn't actually say that, but I just went back and played the piano. for forever. Finally, I had some sympathy and faux-left, giving them time to get out with their stuff. I come back like 10 minutes later, and they're STILL THERE. I was just like "you guys can come out if you want." so some guy comes out and is like "lol, what are you talking about." so after we awkwardly talk for a second and it's obvious they weren't playing hide-and-go-seek, they just leave and I played my trumpet for like 2 and half hours. It was intense.
I ate 3/4 of a bag of Check Mix Chocalate Turtle yesterday. The bag has 10 servings with 150 calories each. What a fatty I am.
I did a New York Times Crossword Puzzle!!!! Like, I finished it!! w00t w00t, anyone?

Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:24:27
I miss October!! it's my favorite month. every year.

My room mate is listening to CRAP. I hate his taste in music. It's offensive. Like really, it offends me. I can't wait to get this Melrose business sorted out. Adam, just so you know, the moment I move in, you will have become my pseudo-savior.
It's pretty unbelieveable, methinks, that the band season for '07 is already over. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but for wasn't that long ago that I was freaking jumping everywhere in the stands of the RCA Dome upon hearing our name on the Semis list. It's just passed by so quickly, another year of seniors gone from the Brentwood Band. Time is precious, and it definitely punches you in the kidney sometimes as if to say "You let your guard down, BAM." I don't like it.
Speaking of Semis though, I woke up in pain (see next paragraph for explanation) and decided to listen to semis on the way to class. It made my freaking day. There is nothing that will make me as emotional as listening/watching our Semifinals performance in Indianapolis last year. My throat did the whole tightening-up thing, my eyes kinda felt heavy and made it difficult to not tear up a little, and my mouth was fixed in what I would say was the epitome of pure joy in the form of a beaming smile. I’m sure people walking by me were like "wtf, why's he so happy?" You guys know how it is. It's just that good. I &lt;3 band and bandies = D
Soccer.....same deal in respect to the punch you in the kidney thing. We were pwned yet again, I won't even mention the score. It hurt. I took a rocket of a shot to the head, my side was pwned, my back was beamed by a bullet, and my ankle barely permits me to walk. I feel like I was the only one that was beat kinda sucked. Ok, it really sucked. They were just so damn good, they all probably could have made the UT men's soccer team, if it existed. Boo, fast/ripped/talented whores.
anywho, I’m going to try to catch up on a few Z's, seeing as I finished my book at 3:00 last night and was up having a glorious time making secret messages with Aimee. good stuff, good stuff. I’ll see you peeps later!

Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:18:15
Alas, 'tis Halloween and I have nothing to do but be a bum a bum. I suppose I’ll make a trip out tonight to the courtyard to see some of the ridiculous costumes that are bound to be everywhere. Other than that, no costume + no parties = sleep and facebook.
It was 38 degrees this morning at 7:30. that's wicked.
My cousin had another baby! This time a baby boy, but they named him Tristin. Interesting choice. I also received cookies from my Aunt and Uncle in New Hampshire, and I must say they were delicious. And I must also say that I’m a fatass.
We had our first soccer game on Thursday, and another one tomorrow night. We lost miserably, 7-3. I played keeper the first half and scored 2 the second, allowing 3 goals on my watch (&gt;_&lt;) In our defence, the other team was really good and have been playing soccer for a while now, whereas the last time anyone on our team played soccer regularly was in 8th grade....yeah. It's been a while. We had a soccer practice, but only 2 other people besides myself showed up. Great. We'll see how we fare tomorrow.
I wrote two 375 word essays in French in the span of a few hours. The second, as you can imagine, was the "oh crap, I did the wrong essay the first time" essay. So, I wrote a 375 word essay on Martinique and its history of slavery to no avail. The teacher will never know how much I suffered....gah!
I've had to do lots of reading the past few days, also. I’m not a fast reader, and Ineed to find some kind of speed-reading course somewhere. I was thinking about going to the Black Cultural Center....but I don't know if they have anything that would help.
I should be writing my FYS essay on "why I am diverse in the world." Your guess is as good as mine here. I don't know what the professor's going for here. meh...
On another note, I’m going to Jefferson City this weekend, hopefully with Laura and Liz. It should be EPIC! I hope so, at least. = )

Wed, 24 Oct 2007 19:04:27
Ooooh, shiver me's a couple of degrees cooler outside today, what shall we ever do??
Shiver should be spelled shivver. it makes more sense.
There's this picture in my psych book of some african lady balancing NINETY-EIGHT 2-LITER WATER BOTTLES. ON HER HEAD. and carrying 4 in a plastic bag. crazy stuff.
first game of the "season" tomorrow, and we're short on players. great. just what we needed...I’ll bet it's going to rain and get cancelled anyway....::shrug::

I found this back in my xanga's archives, and thought some of you bandies might want to read it. This entry meant a lot to me.....
<DIV class=blogheader><FONT color=#f5f5f5>Monday, November 06, 2006</FONT></DIV><TABLE class="blogbody snap_preview" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="5%"><FONT color=#f5f5f5></FONT>
</TD><TD vAlign=top><H4 class=itemTitle><FONT color=#f5f5f5></FONT></H4><FONT color=#f5f5f5>Ah, how time flies. It seems it was just yesterday we started this season. It seems that, just yesterday, I was saying "I've heard this season is going to suck." "I wonder if it'll be as much fun as before, being a senior and all." "WHAT'S THE SHOW!?" "chutes and ladders......?" "Are we behind this year?" "This opener is impossible. We'll never make it to the end of the show." "Where's the rehearsal edicate? Isn't that what made us great?" All of thatflew by and leftme with other questions. "Oh man, this is a nice show, but are we going to be able to pull it off?" "Last year seemed so much longer--how are we already in early October?" "Are we going to be ready with just 6 weeks to go?" "Everything's being changed so fast: will everyone be able to remember it at Atlanta?" Then came Atlanta, and since then, these have been my thoughts: "That was AMAZING. If we can do that NOW, imagine what we'll do in two weeks." "I've only got one week left in my high school marching am I going to handle this?" "Will next year's seniors remember me next year?" "Will the freshman remember it all when it comes down to it?" "Will I remember it all when it comes down to it?" "Will we ever get to address everything we need to in time?" "How will we do at Grand Nationals?"  Every doubt I’d ever had back during the beginning of the season is gone.  This season has been amazing. Being a senior is amazing. The show is amazing. We've had the opener in the bag for over two months now, peace of cake. We've taken advantage of a lax rehearsal edicate and are better than we were at this point last year. We're pulling it off every rehearsal and making it better every minute. True, time has flown, but we've flown with it and seized our opportunities. Six weeks, Two weeks, now four days, and we're totally ready for this. Atlanta was over a week ago, and I think we did superbly. Now we're 17 hours of rehearsal better than that, 20.5 after tonight. The freshman will remember all the changes. I will remember all of the changes--so will you. We're addressing the right stuff every day, and getting better in every section. We're ready. We'll get on the bus on Thursday. We'll wake up the next day and go practice one last time. Then we'll give them what we've been working on. Whether they like it or not, we can't do anything about it. The end of your season will be finished by this time next week. We'll have watched the videos of our show, said "I wish I’d done this" or "I did everything I could to get where we went," and we'll put up the videos until you watch them next year.And then I’ll never again in my life be part of the BrentwoodHigh School Marching Band. Of course this is sad.Of course I don't want it to happen.Of course I’d go backin a little time capsultoband camp, to sectionals, to every moment of joyI've had this year.Of course I’d relive it again ifI could. But we're ready forthis. We're ready for this big finale. There's no question about it--all of those hourswe've worked on this season havetrickled away, and we've taken advantage of them. Andhere we are. Here we are. I'vebeen waiting for this week since my freshman year,never knowing how it wouldbe, or how things would go. People came and people went, and here I am--another person, another time, and I’ll be gonenext week.Hard to believe, I know. I’m not fully understanding it yet. But I’m ready.You're ready.This band is ready for the moment we step on that field at4:30 on Friday evening.It's what you've been working for for over 5 months now, all of those long days and nights, all of those brutal's here. You've got this.  The question, Brentwood Band, is not ifyou're ready for Grand Nationals. Is Grand Nationals ready for you? I love you guys. We've got this.</FONT>

you can do it. I know you can. If it's for the last time, you know what you have to do. You just know.
Good luck. I still love you guys just as much, if not more, as I did a year ago. You can do it.

Sun, 21 Oct 2007 02:44:01
So, 56 elite are going to the CMA's...pretty awesome, but I’m a little disappointed that last year's seniors can't go. "Adverse parameters." ok. I understand. I’ll still be watching for you guys on the CMA's, whenever they are.
We watched transformers last night in Morrill, and it was awesome. Gah, I had forgotten how much that movie rocked. Ok, so no, I hadn't forgotten, but it was so good.
We went bowling today, and it was pretty sweet. Bowling...what a game. Good stuff. I’d like to go again sometime soon.
We got our asses handed to us against Alabama, which sucks. LSU scored a touchdown with ONE SECOND left in the game to be Auburn 29-24, which was very very disappointing. I’m not too happy about that. The Red Sox PWNED the Indians, 12-2. Funny how much more aware of sports I am now that I don't have a TV.
Intermural practice tomorrow, and game on thursday...should be awesome, but I’m not so sure it will be. I don't know if any of the players on our team are going to be into it. I hope they are--I’m not into losing so much.

Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:20:07
I’m almost worried about this book's effects on me. It's making me realize what I don't want to do for a career.
Did you know that over half of American adults suffer from clinical depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental illnesses every year?
People who don't engage in the stressful lives of the average american, people like the Amish, suffer less than 1/5 as often.
I was thinking about doing missionary work sometime...i think it would be good for me.

Most of you guys are probably like "wtf?" it's cool. just some thoughts of mine.

Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:32:12
Isn't it strange (or is it?) that whenever you see "Limited Edition!" on products, you aren't like "omg, I need to get that before it's gone!!"? To me, it just means "We're increasing the price by 30% because (for instance, Capn' Crunch) we made our marshmallows look like GHOSTS!" and "They'll be back next year!" Seriously, it's ridiculous. So many thing have lost their meanings because they're so overused. The first time I can recall thinking along like this was when Mountain Dew came out with LiveWire and was like "Limited Edition! Only here this summer!" and they were back out in like....october. it was ridiculous. granted, it was good at the time, but still....none of the companies hold to their promises any more. Woe be the parent who's child still believes what the cereal boxes and toys say that they'll be gone in a few months.
I’m reading a good book called <EM>Affulenza.</EM> You should look into it.
I woke up 4 minutes late to my class and made it there in 6 minutes to takea quiz. Btw, I live in Reese hall and the class was astronomy in the physics building on the hill. how's that for speed?
First intermural soccer practice today, and I’m pumped. Hope it doesn't rain!
I have lots to do tomorrow. French test, Psych test, I need to read 30 chapters by tomorrow for a quiz and have to work at Boo! at the Zoo from 4:15-9:30. Please come if you can!!! I’m working games and activities for the little kiddies. yay. fun.

Hasta la pasta. la mama.

Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:39:13
Heh, I've been neglecting xanga...I’m so sorry. I didnt' meant to <IMG src="" width=15 border=0>
I might as well tell everyone what's happened since October 4th--or attempt. Let's see, october 4th brings us back to----last last thursday?? dang. ok, here goes!
Laura Brown took me with the Equestrian Team a couple weekends ago down to Sewanee so that I could meet with Jenessa to have an awesome road trip up to Brentwood to see the band at VMI. It was 1337. Laura Brown, I owes you a big big one and that check for that guy, so don't let me forget it. He never even told me how much the room was. GAH! Anyway, Laura and I had some AWESOME fun at Chili's, involving ice, salt, and dinnerware. Good times, good times. I met Jenessa (or Jeny, as she prefers to be called now) and it was sooooo much fun. We collected some rocks for Tucker from different places around the campus, and I have to admit that I am in LOVE with that campus. It's so BEAUTIFUL!! I freaking saw the Milky Way, along with every other star in the sky. So pretty! We took tons of pictures, if you haven't noticed, and put them on facebook for a total of six albums. Kinda absurd, but that's ok. So, we drove up to Brentwood the next morning and went to the band practice, which was fantastic and full of many many sweaty hugs. I missed them so much!!!! I still do, and I saw them like 2 days ago...we'll get there in a minute. Anyway, we made posters for VMI and supported them in the stands. The field sucked and the lines were pretty much nonexistent, but they did decently. We enjoyed ourselves thouroughly = ) We went to sonic with a bunch of bandies and hada good time, but then we had to go home, wake up at like 6:00, and drive back to Sewanee the next morning. Laura picked me up and we headed back to Knoxville, me slightly worrying about the "check engine" light going off in her car about 3/4 way there. ::shrug:: we made it and that's all that really matters = )
Last week, I pwned a calc test with a 104% and received many A's in French, which was fantastique. My birthday was Wednesday, and Corie bought me a nice little cake (which I am currently shoveling into my mouth), and it was a good birthday. There's nothing especially significant about turning 19, but it's cool. What can you do about it?? haha. Anyway, I got a webcam, some soccer gear (hit me up anytime you want to play), and Steven Colbert's book <U>I Am America (And So Can You!)</U>, and I can't wait to start reading it. This will be, of course, after I finish <U>Affluenza</U>. If you haven't read this book, I highly suggest doing so.
Jason Perry gave us (Corie, Liz, Drew, and myself) a ride up to Brentwood Wednesday evening, and it was fun. I went to the football game Thursday night and got some prime squealing time in the stands. It's been awhile, and you could tell. It was still awesome, though. Box wasn't too happy the last half of the night, and it kinda sucked for everyone. I played ultimate with the frisbee friends and pwned the ravenwood bunch. it was pretty cool. Tucker, momo, Scott and I stayed afterwards and threw around, which was fun. Went to church Sunday morning, and that was that. Dad gave Corie and I a ride back home and here we are!
I’m doing intermural soccer with some guys I don't really know, but it should be fun. We'll see about that.

Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:20:42
<EM><U>Lethargy:</U> </EM>(Leh-thar-gee) <EM>n. </EM>The reason why one sleeps for 20 hours straight and awakes only to get ready for a class. Also see <EM>"stupidity," "boredom</EM>," and <EM>"laziness."</EM>

Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:59:04
<EM><U>Dedication:</U></EM> (ded-ih-ca-shun) <EM>n. </EM>The reason an English group works for 17 hours straight on a video project, even though it took them to 5:00 in the morning.

needless to say, I’m tired.

Sun, 30 Sep 2007 16:38:46
Last night was ALMOST as good as the night before, but it just didn't have the busting-in that Friday night had. shame.
We watched Boondock Saints in Drew''s vicinity, and it was fantastic. I was appalled to hear my parents say they'd never heard of the movie. The parents will come later. Anyway, we played volleyball again, this time with Dan, Drew, Adam, Stewart, Jason, Jeremy, and myself. It was awesome, again. I've never been so glad to help someone out in getting credit for something as I was for Mr. Mauldin, although I suppose the credit really goes to Dan, since Adam's his RA and not mine. Whatever, it was still fantastic. My wrists are a little sore/swollen, but I’d play again in a heartbeat.
VMI is next week, and if I can work some magic, I’ll be catching a ride with Laura to Sewanee where Jenessa and I will take a roadtrip to Nashville. It shall be fantastic if it works out, but like all good things, I must sacrifice something--and you all know what it is. The Georgia game.
So, here's the thing: if my plans with Laura and Jenessa don't fall through, I won't be utterly disappointed. I already have a ticket to the game and it's with good friends, plus it's probably the biggest game of the year. I’d really like to see my bandies at VMI, but I’ll be seeing them the Wednesday or Thursday after that anyway. ::shrugs:: Either way, I’ll be in for a good time.

On another note, my parents picked me up today to go see Wes's soccer game, which they tied by sheer luck. The other team was really really good and the ref was really really bad, and yet they tied it up 4-4, and that was with the other team scoring on a P.K. pretty insane. Wes actually scored a goal, so props to him. Also, they brought DUTCHESS!!!!!!!!!!!1 my poor dog...I hadn't seen her for over a month!! I missed her so. she stank terribly but it was all good, because I missed her that much. good doggy. We went to Panera Bread, a first for me, and it was fantastic. I had the italian combo, andI highly recommend it. 'Twasa pricey meal, but well worth it.
They dumped meback off at my dorm with a shoebox-full of brownies and a couple of my pianobooks, andhere I am, in need of a shower, a nap, and someone to do my french homework. I might as well knock out two of those right now.

Sat, 29 Sep 2007 16:11:56
I had one of the most fun nights of the semester last night. It was superb.
We played volleyball by the swim center (we being Dan K., Drew W., Stewart G., Jason _., Corie, Christina, Christina's friend, and I), and it was intense. Eventually it got down to Stewart and I against Dan, Drew, and Jason, and Stewart and I pwned both games. It was awesome. We went out with a bang, by by a bang, I mean my fistcrushing the ball into the opposing team's sand. It was good.
By then, it was like 1:00 (a.m.) We then went to drew's room and busted into his suitemates' locked room by taking out the drawers and busting through to their side. We played Halo 3 for a couple of hours, and I sucked royally. My mom never let us play Halo, so naturally, I suck. We made sure we put everything back exactly as it was, but there was a little discrepancy involving the order of the drawers. It was kinda crazy and took us to around 3:00
Stewart and I then played ping pong for a couple of hours and I was shown up, of course. He's just good. I was also sleep deprived and running on the previous night's 3 hours of sleep. oh well.
so, all of this shenanagans took us to 4:00 and I went to bed. my new mattress is wonderful.
I went to Corie's swim meet, and it was pretty cool. She won like 2 races and came in second in a couple. Pretty good if you ask me. I’ll put up some videos of it later on facebook. Right now, I’m really bored.

Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:51:14
Today's going bad already, so I’ll talk about yesterday. Yesterday was awesome.
Yesterday, I did well in French. I stayed afterwards and the teacher asked me if I was going to continue to the 300 level, and I said maybe. She said I should, because I have no problems in the class. That was uber exciting.
Yesterday, I aced a psych quiz and didn't have English because my teacher's in Japan for the next week. I got some awesome footage of Neyland stadium with my group, and it went really well because I can now operate the camera and tripod effectively.
Yesterday, I got a new mattress. It's like 1.5 x bigger than the old one, and muuuuuch more comfortable. It's fantastic. I didn't wake up sore this morning. = )
Yesterday, my Yamaha Silent Brass System came in the mail. Regardless of how happy I am when I’m using it (not good, btw), I was glad to stop having to check my mailbox EVERY DAY in vain for the past month.
Yesterday, the music room was rid of all of those mattresses, which I recieved one of, and I went in and practiced piano and trumpet to my heart's content. Really, I stayed in there for like 4 hours. I missed playing. a lot a lot.
Yesterday, they were handing out free Trix cereal in the cafeteria in those little carton things, and I now have 9 of them. = D
and that was yesterday! what a good day. today is almost the reverse so far. I woke up later than I would have liked and had to run to the pres. cafe and eat cereal with a fork.I then ran to my Astronomy class and made it just on time, but there was a quiz that I didn't know about. 2-pager. his quizzesshort-long answer quizzes, and it was over a lot of stuff that I definitelyneeded to study to know anything about. I’m a little angry. In my opinion, all teachers should use Blackboard--including 90 year old proffessors that forget to mentiontheir quizzes. BAH.
andlook! it's only like 2:00. I’ll tell you how the rest of the day goes later. maybe it will get better,maybe not. for now, I’ll justkeepplaying my guitar and hope I forget about astronomy.

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:30:10
How sad is it that I’m making this entry because I’m not at all tired at 1:18 in the morning, even though I got3 hours of sleep last night,and I just have nothing to do?
Let's see---updates. UT won! pwned, even. Titans won! pwned. Dallas won! ...bizzarre. I’m not even a fan, but I have to admit they're kicking some butt this season (3-0).
It would appear that Randy Moss + Tom Brady =THE UNSTOPPABLES. who didn't see that coming though? come on.
Today was a funny day sports-wise, with1) abaseball player with a torn ACL because his team mate tried to calm him down and ended up throwing him to the ground, 2)Keyshawn (sp?) Johnson getting sopissed and whatever at his coach, the OSU coach getting pissed because he lost on his birthday miserably and was like "DON'T HARRASS ME!!! I’M THE MAN!! I’M 40!!!" pretty good example of a midlife crisis for all to see.
and that was Peter Robertson with the day's sports recap, now back to Pete for an update on his schoolings.
I HAVE A 92% IN FRENCH!!! c'est super chouette!!!
Calc test tomorrow--i have a strong feeling I’ll be saying that more often. yikes...
oh yeah! Trey and Daniel B. came up for some kind of orientation thing, and I guess that went well for them! we played Phase 10 and it was awesome, even though we didn't even get to phase 4. ::shrugs:: it was good seeing someone from da bent hood that I haven't seen in a while. HOWEVER---it would be great to see you, too, even if you're not a bandie. the word bandie now makes me think ofpunk indie music. don't ask.

i think that's about it! it's 1:30 and I’m feelin good. BRING ON THE PEANUTS!!!

Thu, 20 Sep 2007 13:56:01
Talked to my advisor today, he's a pretty cool guy. He gave some good advice I guess, but I don't have more than a general idea of what I’m taking next year. Any advice? This is what I have down so far that I’m thinking about taking:
<U>Taking  Thinking about taking</U>
French 211(Int. french I) French 212 (Int. french II)
English 118(honors eng. comp.) English 355 (Rhetoric and Writing)
Astronomy 152(stars, galaxies, and cosmology)Geology 102/103 (earth, life, and time)
Psychology 110(gen. psychology) Psychology 330 (Abnormal Psych)
FYS Philosophy 242 (Contemporary Moral Issues)

Ok, so I need some of you veterans to tell me what's a good decision or what's a bad decision, maybe even throw in your experience with some of these classes (?). I’m not sure about Geology, but I’d take 102 over 103because it talks about "fossils, evolution, and ancient environments" as well as a review of our4.5 billion year history. not so sure there. I’m not sure about english either, so anyone have any advice?355 is "Strategies ofwriting on personal and academic subjects. Discussion of student and professionalwriting." I have no clue if that's what I want. anyone enjoywhat their in and have advice?i think I’ll be ok in philosophy, but advice would be nice thereas well.Same withabnormalpsych.
Sooo yeah,any tips? = )

Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:12:18
It's good having friends there for me. You guys will never know how much I appreciate you. reward you, I have some hilarious videos involving john petrucci that you need to watch RIGHT NOW. they're that good.
<A href=";mode=related&amp;search" target="_new">;mode=related&amp;search</A>=
<A href=";mode=related&amp;search" target="_new">;mode=related&amp;search</A>=
<A href=";mode=related&amp;search" target="_new">;mode=related&amp;search</A>=
<A href="" target="_new"></A>

GO GO GO!!!!

Tue, 18 Sep 2007 14:45:07
I’m not entirely sure where this entry is going to end up, but I know what I need to say, so here goes.
UT is very impersonal to me. Now, I have no intention of leaving anytime soon, so don't be thinking that's where I’m going with this. I just feel like I’m doing something wrong.
This could be because I expected everything to take off and things to change as soon as I got here. I expected to figure out what I want to do or at least find some good interests by now. But man, this place is not for the weak. If that doesn't make any sense to you, let me explain. I’m the type of guy that could do with a "hey, how's it going?" and the occasional smile from a stranger just walking to class or whatever. Here, EVERYONE looks pissed going to and coming from class. It's like a massive case of feel-good-do-good phenomena except backwards. It's very frustrating when I walk to class or somewhere else and everyone I look at won't even look at me or anything. They're in their own little pissy worlds and that just makes me feel like I’m in a hostile environment. Thank God for the iPod, or I’d be miserable all the time.
I talked to Jenessa on the phone and we talked about it. Sewanee is the EXACT OPPOSITE. if you see a person walking by on the street, even the opposite side, they always say 'hello' and smile and such. Classes are small and personal. You can go hiking with your friends whenever you want, because it's literally across the street. You do more than just talk about the subjects and such--ex.: her geology class goes to the woods all the time and checks out the different types of rocks. You aren't always surrounded by hundreds of people you don't know--her biggest class is like 40 people. Mine's freaking 350. I think I would do a lot better in a smaller college, but I guess I won't know for a while, if I ever do. I know UT is huge and has very very many possibilities and areas of study, and lots to do, but I just don't feel like it's there for me or that I’d be welcome, because no one cares when one more person jumps on board of a ship with 50+ people already there. Sometimes I regret coming to a school where I knew I’d know someone already. I was looking forward to starting over.
So those are my feelings about the university as a whole so far. Next I guess I’ll talk about my confusion with everything else.
Throughout my education, I've been interested in many subjects. I still don't know what I want to do or study, but I have a problem. Every time I do well in a class, I think I like it and I might want to go into it. For instance, Psychology. I love psychology! But is this because I did well in it or had a great teacher, or because I’m just uber interested in it? I thought about it on the way over here from my Astronomy class (which is another one of these classes, but maybe slightly different) and I realized that I would probably die if I went into psychology and had to run tests on people and hear about their problems all the time. Granted, I like fixing things and situations, but seriously...I’d be in a relative hell if I went into it. I don't know what I’m doing in general psychology. I got a 4 on the AP test and know very well why it wasn't a 5, and I just decided to take it again because it was my only option. I signed up originally cause I thought I might want to go into it, but I’m not sure. maybe things would be different had they had room in the advanced psych class, but alas, not this semester.
Same deal with Astronomy, but maybe different. I really like astronomy--i love learning about planets and stars and galaxies and such, and it fascinates me the more I know. ButIcan'thelp butwonder how long it's going to take before I realize that I don't want togo into astronomy,but just likelooking at pictures and learning why this and why that happens. Icould ask myself the samething about other subjects, and I might never get an answer.Like I said, if I do well in it, then I for some reason think iwant to keep going with it. I know this is flawed becauseI get these feelings in Calculus. Hell no.
And this hasmade me think about my interests in the ladies. It's the samefreaking thing. If I become interestedin a girl and have a good friendly relationship with them, I think I like them. this is bad. it's alwaysbeen like this. I never know whether I genuinely like someone or not, and I kindafight with myself to figure it out. It sucks. I just never know, and now it's gotten me into a strange situation that I have no ideahow I feel about.
ok, I’m some strange way that, upon review, actually doeshave a lineof logic, i've gone from bickering to confusion very quickly. maybe I’ll figure something out, maybe not. I’d like you guys here at UT to know that I do appreciate you being there and putting in your 2 cents. I really appreciate it.

Sat, 15 Sep 2007 21:23:07
Booooo, UT lost.
While Florida is extremely good and are the reigning champions, we have little excuse for how badly we played. I watched the first half in the laundry room and listened to the second half on the radio in my room. Everything truly started going downhill when we fumbled the ball on our own 10 yard line and they picked it up to run it in to go upby 14. We weren't doing badly until then. Then it would seem that the defense was cut in half, the offense was cut by a third, and the special teams should be cut from the team all together. that one return was pure luck anyway.
The second half was really about the pride of UT. not the band, but the sense of pride that a team has. UT didn't play with any pride and just kinda got tired and whiny. Ainge did ok, I’m not blaming him. We just got tired defensively and our offensive line could not freaking protect the QB. very necessary for the QB to have time in the pocket.
enough about that. Adam, I have discovered that I, too, enjoy Matchbox 20. good stuff. It's not uber boy band like some of the others, but it's definitely evolved from rock and sounds great. Lead singer's voice is good too, unlike the whiny and cry-baby voices of most lead singers today. mucho gusto.
the Wynton Marsalis with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra concert was FANTASTIC. I can't get over how amazing it was. Wynton has a teriffic sense of humor and loves to narrate shows, and he's just a flat-out hoss when it comes to improving and playing. My favorite pieces were the Dahli and Picasso pieces, as well as the last piece they played when they came out for an encore was to die for and I even got a little video of it, which failed miserably in the picture quality but did pretty well in sound methinks. Check it out on my facebook if you like, along with the new pics in my College Experience II album. pretty freaking sweet. I SWEAR he was looking at me for like 2 minutes thefirst part of the show---like really, he was. even christina thought he was looking at me. Later on I was watching him while someone was improving, and I’m pretty sure he was looking at me cause he pointed ahead of him and I looked, and when I looked back, he was smiling at me. pretty funny stuff. He's just awesome.
Good entry, I like the way it evolved from bad to good, even though my weekend has gone the opposite way so far, especially since Corie, Liz, Stewart, and Dan have all gone back home. I have nothing to do all weekend but homework, all of which I've done, and study for tests. booooo....

as always, thanks for reading = )

Wed, 12 Sep 2007 00:47:14
WOOOOOOO!!! UT won!! cool beans. that was an awesome experience, and Adam was right--most orange i've seen in my life. CRAZY.
I was particularly fascinated with how amazing Neyland Stadium gets the wave going. it was truly amazing, and I got it on camera. check it out on facebook if you dare.
Friday, that's right, just 2 days away now, I’M GOING TO THE WYNTON MARSALIS CONCERT. I’m just a little excited. a little of a lot. = D Wynton Marsalis is FREAKING AMAZING.
I got an 84 on my first french test, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. especially since I got the whole thing right except for the last 3 questions on culture. who needs culture??
had a calc test today, thought it went well, but then again, you never know. that was a lot of commas for such a short sentence.
I restrung my guitar today all by myself. Quite impressive, if you ask me. It sounds a lot better, considering I haven't had a change of strings since I was in 8th grade. (EGADS!!!)
By the advice of Adam, I checked out this Ruckus thing, and it is indeed awesome. however, I was appalled to find out that THERE IS NO LED ZEPPELIN. there are tribute bands, but no real deal. My respect for them had to form gradually as I downloaded 13 or so Maynard Ferguson albums, 7 or 8 Aruturo Sandoval Albums, around 14 Aerosmith albums, tom petty albums, gustav holst albums, john williams albums, soundtracks (they don't have pirates of the caribbean, either, exept for The Kraken). Oh, and I found lots of Boston that I didn't know existed. I guess there's a bit of a reason why I didn't know of these albums, but they're not THAT bad. I need some advice for some good modern music (trying to broaden my horizons), and I’m not talking OK GO or American High Fi here. Give me something with a good beat. = )

Mon, 03 Sep 2007 19:56:52
So, I think this might be the end to my suitemates. maybe.
They were smoking it up and the smoke-detector went off. Not a pleasant noise at all. My roommate and I got out just in time to see our suitemates running like hell towards the staircase. Some guythat's in charge of this stuff came up and brought the head of Hess with him. They've been searching their room for stuff for a while, and I think they found what they need. Anyway, I went down to the courtyard and both of my suitemates did the whole "did you tell them anything?" gig, which I didn't, but they could tell they were screwed. Oh well, their fault. One of them actually said that they were being stupid and shouldn't have been doing that, to which I internally responded "well yeah, you dumbass."
Like I said, roommate's back, brought his girlfriend. Girlfriend proceeded to clean up his side of the room and got halfway before the detector went off. She said she cleaned his room every day back home, which I thought was absurd.
Anyway, other than that, this weekend was pretty 1337. Boomsday was AWESOME. best fireworks display of my life. I put a video of it up on facebook, so check it out. They had some sweet ones, but my favorites were the 3-D cubes and that kind of stuff. The light show in the building next to it was fantastic as well. I need to read my book and get some of my homework done before tomorrow morning, so I’ll call it an entry for the day.


Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:40:41
La dee da dee da dee da dee da, la dee da. la dee da.
Kudos to you if you know what that mess was. (yes, it is something, believe it or not)
Update from Reese Hall, room 523 AB: Suitemates were very rowdy 2 nights ago, drunken, high, attempting to rap, and some other things that I can't even mention on here. Their ethics and--dare I say it--sexuality are aquestion. I said it. They were partying over there making plenty of noise from 2:00 am to 10:00am. At one point, I had to call Liz up and ask herifI could stay in her dorm for a couple of hours,because I truly feared for my life. Liz was ever-so-nice, especially since it was4:00AMandescorted me to safety, where I slept for one hour on the floor of her dorm. 'Twas very cold, but at least there weren't any drunk/high/wigger/_____ college guys makinga ruckus next to me anymore. I went back after a little, and they were still at it. So, I just stayed awake and Sunday began.
However, Saturday was wonderful. Corie and Christina Smith humored me by playing tennis with me, which I appreciate greatly, I promise : ) Liz and Christina bought Beta fish, named ____ and Jasper, respectively. I can't seem to remember Liz's fish's name. I think it's like Edward--something from one of those ridiculous books you ladies like to read. ::rolls eyes:: the only thing that sounds remotely good about those books is that they're about vampires and wherewolves. still, I refuse to take part in reading them. Corie may have sucked two guys into reading them, but I shall not be the third, nor the fourth. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!
Anywho, I loves me the dollar tree, since I bought an orange canteen,a box of cereal, 5 nice cups, and a very large 2 liter bottle of orange Shasta (orange soda), all for $4.33. I could easily argue (and win, I daresay) a case for the Dollar Tree in that they would be the most successful business at UT if it were local, but alas, 'tis not. Oh well, I shall have to await future trips with hope in my heart. Ok, enough of that type of dialogue.
I’m going to be organized for my classes now, and have everything ready. The fact that I was 35 minutes late to a 50 minute class on Friday has made me extra-aware of my schedule. I think I’ll be ok now....I hope.

And that's your weekend update! I’m Amy Poler and this is Seth Meyers...or not. Hasta!
OH!! and probably the most important event coming up in the near future--I’M GOING TO THE WYNTON MARSALIS CONCERT ON SEPT. 14TH!!!!!!!!

Tue, 21 Aug 2007 22:23:11
This would be part of my note that i've just posted on Facebook, but I don't want my roommate to find it, so here you are. enjoy!
Soooooooooooo....I arrived here on Sunday around noonish. I live in Reese hall, which is fairly nice, although not nearly as nice as Morrill or however you spell it. Well, I came up to my room with my parents and stuff, and the first thing I see as I peak into my room got it, a pair of panties. I knocked on the door and waited a while, then went in. Roommate was in his chair playing the new NCAA football game on his 360, and his girlfriend was at his computer. no underwear on the floor. so, we introduce ourselves and blah blah blah. he's a loser, taking algebra, blah, blah, blah. he has a sweet tv and laptop and printer, but that's about it. he got a bunk bed, I didn't. soo...yeah. he'd moved in the day before, apparently with his girlfriend's help. his girlfriend, turns out, is from Memphis and a senior in high school. ooooooook. sure.
so I get out of there, hang out with corie and liz and corie's cool roommate, chelsea, and kind of check out some things here and there. they were very nice and corie and liz even helped me do my laundry = ) I’ll be needing to do that again's a hot, sweaty world in Knoxville, especially walking 6 or 7 miles a day. anyway, I came back later, and they're still on the computer and playing xbox, but there is now a turquoise bra on my stuff on the counter, not to mention a bottle of lotion on my bed and her purse, too. they made no attempt to remove any of it, so I kinda set that stuff off of my newly laundered bed and got out of there again. when I came back later, they were about to leave and he told me that they were renting a hotel for two nights. right. hasta.
anyway, I went back to my dorm and got in the room. the music was really loud from his computer. I just guessed he'd come back and turned it up and left it and was off with his gf in some hotel. I started turning down the volume when I heard this moan from above me, and lo and behold, they are on his bed facing each other, under the covers. I don't think they saw me, but I got out of there very quickly.
so that's my roommate. sounds like a loser to me. oh well, some of us aren't as lucky as others.

Fri, 17 Aug 2007 22:41:59
oh, and one thing you NEVER hear people talking about when they're getting ready for college.

<FONT face="Tahoma Small Cap" size=7>LAUNDRY.</FONT>

Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:36:18
LAST DAY OF WORK!!!! I’m pumped. I’m also behind on summer reading. I should probably do that. Even if it's not for a grade....<IMG src="" width=15 border=0>
I've been ditched/let down 5 times in 3 days. by the same person. sweet.
my dad wants me to get a file cabinet for my room. I’m thinking no, but I could do with some kind of file organizer. I think there's one in the attic, I’ll check when I get home. I’m just about ready to start packing, and it looks like I’m going to be doing some serious ironing before I leave. they don't have ironing boards and stuff in the dorms, do they?I’d suspect not...don't laugh at me, I do my own work.
so, to give you a taste of how boring it is here,i have a little story for you. so, when I get bored, I pull out this knifey thing that you can take off the blade part andreplace it withother knifey blades. it's probably six or seven inches long, and the tip is very very sharp. so, I decided I’d use it as a throwing knife one day. yes, throwing knives in the cubicle. it takes a while to get used to, but I finally manage to get most of my throws to stick in the board behind me. that's when I put up a little drawing of a stick figure and tried target practice. that, my friends, is difficult. anyway, I eventually had to stop, not because the people in adjacent cubicles were wondering what the hell I was doing, and not because the knife rebounded several times off of the board and straight towards me, but because I threw it too hard and the blade stuck so far into the board that, when I tried to pull it out, the blad broke. good stuff.
and that's my tale. hope you enjoyed!

Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:09:02
8:00-8:50 French 211: Abad-Turner (that just used to be Debrois or something)
10:10-11:00 Psychology 110: Little (there's only one advanced psych class this year, and it was full immediately)
11:15-12:05 English 118: Preston
12:20-1:10 Music Ensemble: Stephens
12:40-1:55 Astronomy: Blass
3:40-4:55 Calculus: Aristotelous (crazy name, I know)
W only
3:35-4:25 1st Yr. Studies: Pierce

Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:59:47
Being ditched sucks. Especially repetitively. As I grow older, I realize exactly what the words "i promise" mean. <EM>absolutely nothing</EM>. in fact, if they do mean anything, they mean "i really want you to think that I’m going to do this just so that you'll shut up." sound about right? for most people, I would think so.
you know, for a publicweblog community that anyone can access, you could say about anything on here and no one would know it. I could, so could, but I’ll just restrain some of my anger here and some of my thoughts, because lord knows what would happen if someone saw the words I want to type. balderdash.

i've decided that Andrew Lloyd Webber and John Williams are musical geniuses and the greatest composers of the 20th and, thus far, 21st centuries, and that if anyone has any other opinion heading in the opposite direction, they should probably be shot. that was random, but sorry. PotO was on my iTunes shuffle. By the way, "Muskrat Love" by America is a very strange song. it apparently used to be quite famous, but it's just weird now.
I have 4 days left in Brentwood, Tennessee, my home of 2 years and 3 months. Also the site of the most drama i've ever experienced in my life. I think of the latter when getting motivated to get out of here. Because I have 4 days left in Brentwood, that means that I have 3 more days of work left. make that 2.5 days. If those bitches give me any more paperwork to do, I’m going to be out of here in about 2.5 minutes.
hope all of you guys are enjoying your first week back! sounds like a lot of you have great schedules, especially ms. lauren hunt. quite impressive. wish I got out at 1:30 every day....but then I’d have to come back for band. that is, if I were still in high school. I should probably post my schedule. hold that thought...

Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:00:57
Well my friends, this past weekend was one of the best I've ever come across. As you may have read before, I made a trip up to Cincinnati to see a good friend of mine and meet a few others as well. So here's my weekend summary.
Went up to Cinci, surprised my friends by showing up 2 hours early, went shopping for video games, went putt-putting (SEAN WON!?!?!), went to the cheesecake factory and had a wonderful meal and dessert, played a little tennis, playedHalo and Top Spinon the X-box (original), went to bed. Woke up, Matt left for work, parents came, talked to Matt's parents and hot sister, left for home.
That's the summed up version, and doesn't show anything about how my weekend actually was. This is the TRUE summary of how it went:
We haven't changed at all. That is, 'we' being Sean, Matt, and myself. Every second of our visit was a snapshot of anywhere between 4th and 9th grade. It was fantastic. Flatulance jokes never get old, especially when you're with old friends <IMG src="" width=15 border=0>.

Otherwise, I have 6 days to enjoy myself before I leave for UT,but 5 days left of work. wonderful. Today's the first day of school for many of you, and I’m willing to bet money that you'll be thanking the Lord it's half day. Of course. Have fun!!!!

Thu, 09 Aug 2007 17:36:33
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=7>BUT IT DOESN'T END UNTIL 11:30!!!!! <IMG style="WIDTH: 36px; HEIGHT: 36px" height=43 src="" width=15 border=0> <IMG style="WIDTH: 42px; HEIGHT: 37px" height=147 src="" width=15 border=0></FONT>
<FONT color=#ffffff>According to my parents, that's WAAAAY too late for me to be out...but come on, how often is it that I get to go and watch a DCI competition???? (once a year, if I’m lucky) BAH!</FONT>

Tue, 07 Aug 2007 21:55:34
Hah, tried to lift weights today.

Hah, tried to play trumpet today.

on the other hand, South Park never loses its humor. Soooooo funny. Kyle's cousin, Kyle, is sooooo strange. Geeze....I’m so incredibly bored at the moment. I might even go to bed...sheesh.

Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:24:55
This is angering. Whenever you say "w00t" on xanga, they don't appear a zeros, as they properly should. They appear as o's. That pisses me off. Makes me look ignorant. Well who's ignorant now, xanga? That's right, you. I’ll just w00t w00t on facebook from now on. Sheesh.
Yesterday was sweet, truly starting off at around 1:00 when I went to play ultimate with like 24 other kids for an intense 3 or so hours. I think we finished two games, and it was pretty much awesome. Just a little too warm for my taste, but heck, I was just glad to get out there and throw the frisbee around! Especially seeing some good friends such as TUCKA TUCKA TUCKA TUCKA TUCKA!!!
Then I went to Aimee's and went swimming for a while in her perfectly-temperatured pool, which was very very nice. Nessie came eventually and it was indeed a party, even more so when Mr. Steven Edwards arrived. However, when we wanted to get in the hot tub earlier on, Aimee stuck her hand in to check out the hotness, and she kinda removed it a little quickly.
"Jenessa, can you come and tell me if this water feels funny?"
"OMG! It does!! I think it shocked me!"
"Peter, get out of there and check this out."
I stick my finger in there and it freaking shocks my finger!! Not much, but like one of those pens you push down on and it shocks you a bit. Kinda crazy! So Aimee's dad gets out there and does the same thing, but doesn't feel ANYTHING. Still, he was concerned and unplugged it. We eventually got in later that night and it was pretty restful. Unfortunately, my first migraine of my life had been forming in my head since like 3:00, and by then I was having trouble thinking clearly, so I headed home because I don't think I could have stayed longer and made it home. Plus, my dad wanted me to eat his meal that he made, he made a big deal out of it. Pshhh.....and when I got home, there was only one Ibuprofen left. grr....
lolz, dad just called and asked me if I made it to work allright. He said there was something on the news about some 18 year old that just ran into a Police car on 65 Northbound, which is what I take every day to get to work. I think I probably saw that police car on my way in.....yikes.

Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:10:05
Exciting day, to say the least! Lets' see...started out with me going shopping with mom, which was ok, I’m not a big fan of shopping, but I got some cool stuff that I’ll definitely need next year. Clothes are ridiculously overpriced, and it's not cool. My poor father is going to havea heart attackat the end of the month... &gt;_&lt;
I’m apparently going to a Clint Black/Tricia Yearwood concert on the 18th, my last day here, so...yeah. First concert of my life and it just HAS to be, hiss.
Now for the REALLY exciting news. I’m going up to see my friend Matt in Cincinnati next friday!! I’ll be meeting Sean, Kristen, and Vanessa up there, too, so it going to bea PARTY!!! you can't imagine how exciting this is going to be for me---i haven't seen this kid for more than 15 minutes since freshman year....GAH. it'll be great. so I leave Friday, probably get back Sunday. w00t!!! uber awesome.
that's about it...hope to see some of you kids this last week of your vacation! get to reading on those summer reading books...ciao!

Fri, 03 Aug 2007 21:22:14
So, I was incredibly excited to see some of you guys last night!!! Throughout my life, I will ALWAYS know one solid fact---<FONT color=#80ff80>band kids are freaking awesome</FONT>. <FONT color=#80ffbf>End of story</FONT>.
But yeah, the show is looking pretty good for this early in the season, although I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of the mumbo jumbo in the beginning, but whatev. It'll grow on me after a few times, I’m sure. I AM a huge fan of Abram's Pursuit. Gotta love that...and the pit part is rocking out. Pit's got it all worked out really well so far, or so it sounds. I’m a bit concerned with the trumpet set up, what with 5 firsts, 3 seconds, and 4 thirds, but hopefully Mr. Box and the rest of them know what they're doing (usually do). Scott says the end of the opener will be amazing, with a nice visual at the end of it. Rock out!!!

Got my suitemates names today, one from Cordova, TN, one from Collierville, TN, and one from Cincinnati, OH. Should be interesting...
Realized I should start reading my summer reading book and that there's an essay for it, so that's just great.
OH!!! AND....It would appear that I’m making a trip up to Cincinnati on the 10th to see a good buddy or two or three of mine, so that will be AWESOME. Haven't seen him in 3 years!!!!!!!!!

hope all of you bandies had a great band camp and are partying!! or sleeping.... = )

Wed, 01 Aug 2007 19:06:51
It is done. I have read the Harry Potter series from start to end, and I must sadly say that a great part of my childhood has drawn to a close. It's extremely hard to admit that I will never again wait for the next Harry Potter book, but I suppose the sixth and seventh movies will prolong the imminent feeling of complete desolation and abandonment. J. K. Rowling will always be one of my top 5 or 10 authors, not only because she was incrediblygifted with wordingor artsy in her style, but because she managed to keep so many millions of people, myself included, enthralled by her books and unique style. I have no idea what books I’m going to read now, since I rarely read books for pleasure, and since Harry Potter took a very large percentage of those books. It comes as no surprise to me that Rowling is the only author that has accumulated over $1,000,000,000. And she was at billionaire status all the way back in 2004! No telling how much she's earned by now.
Anyway, it is with a heavy yet satisfied heart that I say goodbye to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and the rest of the magical world, and I willalways envy their magical lives and secretly attempt to draw pencils and such to me with a hopeful <EM>"Accio!" </EM>or <EM>"Wingardium Leviosa!"</EM> I salute you, Harry Potter, and your marvelous journey that captured the hearts of so many for so long.
<EM>I will miss you, Harry Potter.</EM>


Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:01:39
So, my plans on becoming an architect pretty much went down the drain about 40 seconds ago. This guy that works a couple cubicles away just dissed the crap out of architects, saying that Engineers now do all of the stuff that architects used to, and now architects are becoming irrelevant. Well, that's just peachy.
Anywho, how's band camp going?? Anyone? I hear that yesterday was quite splendid, nearly perfect. I’ll definitely be there Thursday, don't worry = )

Thu, 26 Jul 2007 19:01:29
I must say, I found quite the treasure today at Kroger. Yes, a treasure in Kroger. I foundmore than a handful ofold Wheat Back Pennies, with years ranging from 1911 to 1937. There was also a JFK Half Dollar from 1966, and a few foreign coins. Pretty sweet, I’d say. I think there may even be a mercury dime, though it's EXTREMELY worn away and you can barely tell it's even a coin, with the only clue being the ridges around the edge. I think there's the slightest trace of the torch on the back, but I can't be sure. so yeah, I was pretty freaking excited. I love collecting coins. If you have any coins you don't want, PLEASE tell me!!!! I love old coins. = )
Almost done rereading the 6th HP, probably start the 7th tonight!!!!! extremely excited about that. Not much else to say...just a lucky find with those coins!

Peaces, yo.

Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:50:05
<EM><FONT face="Bradley Hand ITC" color=#ff0000 size=7>I HAVE IT!!</FONT></EM>
<EM><FONT face="Bradley Hand ITC" color=#ff0000 size=7></FONT></EM>
<EM><FONT face="Bradley Hand ITC" color=#80ffff>The precious....</FONT></EM>
"It" being the 7th Harry Potter book. I know, I know, I’m a nerd, but I’m pretty sure that the only people that read this thing are with me when I say that I HAVE TO READ IT! First, however, I need to finish brushing up on the 6th one.
Great story for yesterday. So, Jenessa and I decided that we needed to see some of the kids (band kids, that is), and we wanted to go out for ice cream, too. And we both decided that we needed the Harry Potter book right then. HAD to have it. Soooo...we started heading out and it started raining like none other, and it was really really bad. Her mad driving skills got us through the lightning and wind and rain, and we got to the mall and sprinted through the storm to the entrance, with mildly-soaked shoes/sandals. We kind of walked/jogged to Walden books because we were UBER excited about the book, and we were a little worried as to whether there were any copies left, but we were in luck and there were plenty. The cashier was really funny and nice, and was like "Well, when you get to chapter 26 and there are aliens, don't get to angry at me" because he'd been joking about it earlier....he'd BETTER have been joking. I’ll track him down if he spoiled the book for me....but yeah, we got the books, sprinted back through the storm, became even more soaked, and drove to BHS to see some of the kids as they got out of practice. Tucker and Robert then accompanied us to Cold Stone, where I got the Birthday Cake Gotta Have it, prepared most professionaly by none other than Mr. Court Reese, and then headed home in Jenessa's car, in which we had a most beautiful and emotional singing of "Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith. It was magnificient, to say the least.
The whole adventure made me realize how much I miss most of you kids, and I hope I get to hang out with you guys sometime before I head off to UT. I’m most definitely coming next Thursday, just tell me what time. w00t w00t!!

Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:34:53
Had one of the coolest dreams last night, ever. Before I went to bed, I had to read some of the 6th H.P. book just to brush up, and so you can probably guess what I dreamed about.
So, I was just an average joe in this dream, and I was out in the park with some friends that I don't think I actually know. We were fooling around and I guess just saying stuff like "man, that would be awesome if I could do magic" and such, saying spells and whatnot. So, one of my "friends" says "hey, you should try it with this" and throws me this heavy, thin, rubber wand-like thing. So I laugh and point at one of my friends and say <EM>"Levicorpsus" </EM>and he looks like he's lost his balance a little, so I just kind of slowly raise my wand pointing up at the sky, and he flips and starts to float foot-first in the air where I’m pointing! It was SAWEEET!!! So, everyone's like "whoa!!" and laughing and such, and I point at the other friend and say <EM>"Wingardian Leviosa"</EM> (sp?) and he just starts floating up, too! It was awesome. That's about all I remember. But it was AMAZING.
Then I had a dream that one of my old acquaintances, Cass Meadows, came up to me and said "I made the Manchester United team," so I said congrats and he just looked at me bitterly, and then he said "You said I’d never make it" and I just kind of looked at him weird cause I had no clue what he was talking about. Manchester United is like one of the BEST futbol clubs in Europe. Crazy.

Well, band camp starts for the band next week, I believe. That's crazy. And I’m not going to be there!! Even MORE crazy! I want to offer Mr. Box some help if he needs any, but chances are he just wants us to get the heck out of here and off to college, only to be seen at football games. Ohhhh well....

Mon, 23 Jul 2007 17:56:32
I was made aware that the Harry Potter book is for sale and AVAILABLE at Waldens Book store for around $18....I MUST HAVE!!! I was tempted to ask Stephanie to buy it for me and for me to pay her back.....but that would be inconsiderate, and I’d be missing out on the excitement. = ( I need to get that book....
updates later.

Sun, 22 Jul 2007 16:36:42
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear....DADDY! Happy Birthday to you.
That's right, folks, my dad is now 58. crazy stuff. Mom's making him a delicious icecream cake (<FONT color=#40ff9f>MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP</FONT> ON <FONT color=#804000>CHOCOLATE!!)</FONT><FONT color=#0>, </FONT><FONT color=#ffffff>so I’ll be eatin good tonight. The base of the cake is made out of freaking chocolate animal crackers, so it can't really go wrong. and she can't burn it, cause she already made it!!! oh man, this is going to be phenomenal.</FONT>
My suspense about the Harry Potter book is remaining at this overwhelming zenith. I HAVE to have it. I went to Walden Books in the mall yesterday, and there were four empty book shelves. Very ominous. Kroger's got nothing. Jeremy called me at like 11 yesterday and told me that five kids at the camp he's at had already read it. That's insane--read a 800-900ish page book in less than 11 hours. that's not right.
Dad said I might get to go up and see my friend Matt D'Auria in the beginning of August! I’m sooo psyched. not even kidding. Haven't seen him since....well, I sall him at grand nats, but we only got to talk for like 15 mintues at the mall. That was pretty freaking awesome, but still. Ihadn't seen him since freshman year. The US Open is practically in his backyard around the time I’ll be going, so that'll be sweet. Might even get to go to Kings Island!

Hope everyone's having an excellent day. I’m going to see the Sonshine Choir concert at 7:00, so I expect to see some of you there! Seeyas.

P.S. Yes, I realize that my last two entries semi-centered around cake. It's just that good. = )

Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:20:35
<FONT face="Eras Demi ITC">Well, I ate cake today. Three pieces, in fact.....</FONT><FONT face="High Tower Text" color=#9fff40 size=1>so far............</FONT>
<FONT face="Eras Demi ITC">The occasion was a Change of command for a friend of the family, LTC Steve Roemhildt. he's a cool guy. some of you might have met him at my graduation party. he's going over to Iraq, so I hope he comes back safely.</FONT>
<FONT face="Eras Demi ITC"></FONT>
<FONT face="Eras Demi ITC">In other news, the Sonshine Choir gets back today, so I hope someone calls me up so we can party. Haven't hung out with anyone in FOREVER. I've got three ladies on that bus that I needs to see!! <STRIKE>=</STRIKE> ) </FONT>

Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:57:54
<FONT face="Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold">I suppose I could give this joural-esque thing a try. However, I must admit, I have not had many eventful days recently. So, I guess I’ll just think of a few things.</FONT>
<FONT face="Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold">Saw Transformers a couple weeks ago, and it was AMAZING. Best movie of the summer by far, with Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix certainly up there as well. I dunno if it was just me, but I SWEAR, that movie went by so quickly I thought I’d missed something. But nay, 2 hrs. and 18 minutes of Harry Potter just flies by. I’d like to see that one with Adam Sandburg that's coming out in a while. August 3rd or something, I believe. It's that one where he's the stunt guy on the bike trying to jump all these buses and stuff. Looks hilarious to me!</FONT>
<FONT face="Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold">Some of you kids just got back from Europe, which I hear was absolutely amazing. I've heard about everything from a story about the guys (esp. Griffin) boozing it up to something about Robert the bus driver playing some kind of wake-up song at every reststop. Sounds, erm, Please tell me more stories!! I know there are more = ) </FONT>
<FONT face="Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold">The Sonshine choir gets back sometime this week, I think, and a few of its members are very much missed at the moment (and this entire week). Aimee called me from Fenway Park when they were at the Red Sox game, which was AWESOME. Passed around the phone, got to talk to Robert, Becca, Jenessa, Aimee, and Morgan, which brightened up my normal, droll summer day<IMG src="" width=15 border=0>.</FONT>
<FONT face="Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold">I need to get into shape, so if anyone out there would be interested in playing tennis, soccer, basketball, just about anything, TELL ME!! I hate just sitting at home, wishing I were in college. It's weird, ok??= )</FONT>

Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:54:10
So, I’m an official alumnus of Brentwood High School. How's it feel, you ask? It feels

Sky rockets in flight. (wooooOOOOO) Afternoon delight!

haha, just kidding. It doesn't feel much different, except I’m just waiting to get out of here and into a new world where I don't have to deal with the stuff I have to deal with here. And I swear to God, if the problems follow me there, so help me. So, yeah.

I wish people would actually do xanga more often, you know? haha, that's not likely to happen. ever.

Fri, 16 Mar 2007 18:54:11
<FONT color=#008000>oh xanga, you knew I could never completely part from you. you know me too well. </FONT>
<FONT color=#008000></FONT>
<FONT color=#008000>so, this whole graduation thing is getting closer and closer. 70 days, bia!! 61 when we come back from the break. Got our graduation invitations, caps and all we need is a little break.wait--- oh my, look at this. SPRING BREAK! </FONT>
<FONT color=#008000>i've been getting a little better at ultimate, so that's cool. speaking of which, <FONT color=#0000ff>ANDREW, GET BETTER!!!</FONT> we need to keep him in our thoughts, cause he's going to have a tough time over the next couple of weeks. </FONT>
<FONT color=#008000>anyway....where's everyone going for spring break??</FONT>

Fri, 05 Jan 2007 00:45:58
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>Darn Straight. I’m updatin'.</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf></FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>Xanga is the coolest. That's why I don't update a lot. I mean, think about it. If I updated all the time, that would make every update just another entry. THIS entry is cool, 'cause it's the first in a long time. It's like that Tony Sinclair commercial--"Always in moderation."</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>So, since this is such a special occasion, I’ll tell you what's been up. In case you missed it....</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC"><FONT color=#0000bf><FONT size=6>We </FONT><FONT size=7>OWNED</FONT><FONT size=6> Grand Nats. </FONT><FONT size=7>OWNED</FONT><FONT size=6> it.</FONT></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>However, I still have not seen either of our performances. I’d like to change that really soon, but for now, I’ll just have to rely on the memory of how I felt when I came off of the field for that last time, and by what other people have said. </FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>Christmas was really good for me this year. Santa is my homedog now. Seriously. I’m now loaded.</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>Tomorrow's my last day of work until I go back in the summer.I actually have had SOME work to do these last 6 days...including writing some articles (THREE!!!)for a couple magazines. That's only a little bit of it though. Oh, how I wish I didn't have to worry about my fellow employees getting angry at meif Itook a little nap. I guess I’ll just have to surf around on the internet until then...</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>So, that's about it from me for now. You can expect that the next time I update, it'll be a nice reflection on why I’ll miss you guys next year....oh, what a sad update that will be. But, for now, go to this website and laugh all you can, 'cause this is the best clip I've seen in a looooong time. Good stuff.</FONT>
<A href=";q=out-fart+family+guy&amp;hl=en" target=_new><FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>;q=out-fart+family+guy&amp;hl=en</FONT></A>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf>PEACE OUT!!</FONT>
<FONT face="Tempus Sans ITC" color=#0000bf></FONT>

Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:43:57
<FONT color=#004000>Ah, how time flies.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>It seems it was just yesterday we started this season.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>It seems that, just yesterday, I was saying</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"I've heard this season is going to suck."</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"I wonder if it'll be as much fun as before, being a senior and all."</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"WHAT'S THE SHOW!?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"chutes and ladders......?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Are we behind this year?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"This opener is impossible. We'll never make it to the end of the show."</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Where's the rehearsal edicate? Isn't that what made us great?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>All of thatflew by and leftme with other questions.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Oh man, this is a nice show, but are we going to be able to pull it off?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Last year seemed so much longer--how are we already in early October?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Are we going to be ready with just 6 weeks to go?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Everything's being changed so fast: will everyone be able to remember it at Atlanta?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>Then came Atlanta, and since then, these have been my thoughts:</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"That was AMAZING. If we can do that NOW, imagine what we'll do in two weeks."</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"I've only got one week left in my high school marching am I going to handle this?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Will next year's seniors remember me next year?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Will the freshman remember it all when it comes down to it?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Will I remember it all when it comes down to it?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"Will we ever get to address everything we need to in time?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>"How will we do at Grand Nationals?"</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000></FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>Every doubt I’d ever had back during the beginning of the season is gone. </FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>This season has been amazing. Being a senior is amazing. The show is amazing. We've had the opener in the bag for over two months now, peace of cake. We've taken advantage of a lax rehearsal edicate and are better than we were at this point last year. We're pulling it off every rehearsal and making it better every minute. True, time has flown, but we've flown with it and seized our opportunities. Six weeks, Two weeks, now four days, and we're totally ready for this. Atlanta was over a week ago, and I think we did superbly. Now we're 17 hours of rehearsal better than that, 20.5 after tonight. The freshman will remember all the changes. I will remember all of the changes--so will you. We're addressing the right stuff every day, and getting better in every section. We're ready.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>We'll get on the bus on Thursday. We'll wake up the next day and go practice one last time. Then we'll give them what we've been working on. Whether they like it or not, we can't do anything about it. The end of your season will be finished by this time next week. We'll have watched the videos of our show, said "I wish I’d done this" or "I did everything I could to get where we went," and we'll put up the videos until you watch them next year.And then I’ll never again in my life be part of the BrentwoodHigh School Marching Band.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>Of course this is sad.Of course I don't want it to happen.Of course I’d go backin a little time capsultoband camp, to sectionals, to every moment of joyI've had this year.Of course I’d relive it again ifI could.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>But we're ready forthis. We're ready for this big finale. There's no question about it--all of those hourswe've worked on this season havetrickled away, and we've taken advantage of them. Andhere we are. Here we are. I'vebeen waiting for this week since my freshman year,never knowing how it wouldbe, or how things would go. People came and people went, and here I am--another person, another time, and I’ll be gonenext week.Hard to believe, I know. I’m not fully understanding it yet. But I’m ready.You're ready.This band is ready for the moment we step on that field at4:30 on Friday evening.It's what you've been working for for over 5 months now, all of those long days and nights, all of those brutal's here. You've got this. </FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>The question, Brentwood Band, is not ifyou're ready for Grand Nationals.</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>Is Grand Nationals ready for you?</FONT>
<FONT color=#004000>I love you guys. We've got this.</FONT>

Sun, 17 Sep 2006 21:19:32
<FONT color=#4040ff>surprise, surprise. an update from moi.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>not really an update. just kind of a fact that many many would agree on with me.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff></FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff size=5>THE CLOSER IS AMAZING. </FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>This show is going to be so amazingly successful, I can already see it. I’m sure you guys and gals can too. Not just because of the closer, but just all of it in general. It's all amazing.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>But I play my best in the Joy, Nimrod, and Naqoyaqaatsi just to live in the moment of Exultate.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>We're doing so well, and we've come so far. But never forget---time is precious. We've only got roughly 56 more days until it's all over and we get whatever we've worked for, however hard we work for it. As a senior, this is really hitting me hard. If I know that<EM></EM>I haven't given it all I've got, that I've hadregrets about a practice or a performance, or that Ihadn't strived for excellence in everything I've done, then there will be no other chance for me. There will be no more opportunities for me to make it up to the band, to mr. box, to myself. <EM>These last 6 and a half weeks are my last chance. </EM></FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>I ask everyone now and I’ll ask you again in the future to leave all of your problems on the sidelines in rehearsal and performances, because your problems quickly become ours when you let them get in the way of this band's progress.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>Thank you, Brentwood Band.</FONT>
<FONT color=#4040ff>and on a final, cheerful note.....I LOVE THE CLOSER!!!</FONT>

Wed, 19 Jul 2006 19:33:43
<FONT color=#181828 size=4></FONT>
<FONT color=#181828 size=4><SPAN class=blacktextnb10><FONT face=verdana size=2>
            <FONT color=#181828>compliments to James for ---&gt;</FONT><A href="" target=_blank><IMG alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" src="" border=0></A></FONT></SPAN></FONT>
<FONT color=#181828 size=4></FONT>
<FONT color=#181828 size=4>This show is going to <FONT face=Elephant size=7>ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF INTO YESTERDAY.</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Elephant color=#181828>Can you feel it yet? The awesome power of the music?</FONT>
<FONT face=Elephant color=#181828 size=7>LET'S MAKE IT WORK, BRENTWOOD. <FONT size=3>Start now.</FONT></FONT>

Sat, 01 Jul 2006 13:20:35
ok, I found this on a friend's myspace. try it, and tell me if it worked.

If you're feeling stressed, tired, or worn out, do this and you will feeled AMAZING.
&gt;think about what's bothering you. work, parents, a friend, anything.

&gt;take that thought and keep thinking about it: why is it bothering you? is it too much responsibility, too much work, too much drama?

&gt;now pretend that this thought is in a box. pretend that you're shaking that box as hard as you can, wanting to get rid of all that trouble. you can hear it banging around in the box.

&gt;suddenly, you don't hear anything bouncing around. you keep shaking, but there's no sound.

&gt;you open the box, and there is the best thing you have in the world, whether it be a puppy dog waiting for you to play with him,a ray of sunshine, or a big hug from someone that really cares.

&gt;now take that thought, and smile. this is what you've needed all along.

if this worked for you, tell me. I’m curious....

Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:12:11
once in a while, there comes a time when you must share something with the world....i just happened to find this thing on a friend's website.
<FONT size=5>Hell Freezing Over</FONT>
The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most students wrote proofs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following.

"First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave.
Therefore, no souls are leaving.
As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different Religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you aren ot a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.
With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law sates that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
-So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number must be true, and thust O am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct...leaving only Heaven thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."

Sun, 04 Jun 2006 22:26:10
so, I think i've been here a year. maybe a little more. actually, I haven't been here a year. that'll be in about 10 days. but I don't think I’m going to be able to update then. this is pretty rare right here, so I hope someone reads this. if you do, try to tell me, whether you live in Mexico or Bulgaria, what you're first impression of me was and how that's changed. if it has. you can be harsh if you want, cause I can take it. it's good for you. like rocky, where he drinks the raw eggs. mmmmm

give me raw eggs.
oh, and congrats to all my midland friends for making it into the Gator Bowl next year. sounds like a sweet deal. mucho jealouso

Sat, 06 May 2006 13:27:52
i need a job. suggestions...

Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:39:39
k, this'll be the last time I update for a while. who knows; maybe I’ll get over this silly feeling that I need to do this every day. even though I don't.....
ok. so, the concert for me was absolutely horrendous until Nimrod, and then it was bad right after that, and then the TN Tech Tuba ensemble was wonderful. no more on that.
i have to find 2 more things for me to do my essays on, but I have no clue as to how to find them or what they're supposed to be like. I need help!!
germany in 20 hours. that's all for now!
have a great spring break.

Mon, 20 Mar 2006 17:48:56

 <P align=right> my thoughts exactly.
 <P align=left>
 <P align=left>I’m liking these new shoes. very comfy, and they make me want to run or something. stuff.
 <P align=left>band concert tomorrow. come one, come all. I’d prefer all.
 <P align=left>getting my fro cut today, or at least that's what dad thinks it is (even though it doesn't even go over my ears this time and my brother's hair is probably working on expanding and taking over Panama right now).
 <P align=left>i can play along decently with a mis abuelos now. it's good. the solo only goes to an F, but that's cool. the last note is a good 3 octaves above the staff...........amost 4. sheesh, arturo. what were you smoking? oh........can I have some? lol. jk.
 <P align=left>project went fairly well today. I love how I came up with that meaning for empreror of ice-cream; it took me forever.
 <P align=left>gotta fly! peace.
 <P align=left>-Peter

Sat, 18 Mar 2006 23:55:59
hey yous out theres. hey. yeah yous. hey.

first mow of the year for us today.....pretty good if you're listening to sir ferguson and senorsandaval. good stuff.
started working on my project; I think it's going to be good. now I just need to find the essays/articles.
i just found out that we'll be getting back next friday. that's good.
that's about it! seeya.

Fri, 17 Mar 2006 18:38:59
like the new look?? yes??i do. t-rumpets are like electric lights: they're, um.....neon.....?
my uncle just bought a new Nissan 350 Z convertible. he didn't know he was going to, but he did. it's nice. really nice. I especially like the convertible part because it's SO MUCH FUN WATCHING IT GO DOWN AND AWESOME and, well, it's a convertible. sweet deal.
and, best of dad has mentioned something about a new car for moi over the summer?? maybe???? he did mention it..............this is good. this is very good. I like. I really like. like?

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:50:40
OK! good. I DIDN'T make up the cat's pajamas. whew! what a cool line.
"hey babe, you looklike the cat's pajamas tonight." followed by a <IMG height=15 src="" width=15>and a squeeze of the buns. not that I would ever do that, but I can see that happening in a movie or something. yeah, kinda crazy.
so, test in english, french, and precal tomorrow. I’d better study. this crap we're doing in there doesn't make much sense, but everyone else thinks the same way. so I guess we're all on the same page......maybe.
if you like pina collatas....and dancing in the rain.....i don't know the rest of the words.....and I might be insane.......

Tue, 14 Mar 2006 20:30:28
ok. so, i've determined, and it's showing, that some of the sophomores are being EXTREMELY immature. yes, I’mknown to be immature myself sometimes, but I do know when to stop, and when to be serious, and SOME OF YOU DON'T.
you've been sophomores officially for 10 months. at the beginning of that time, you were generally still freshmen. well, as I see it.....
newsflash: you're only going to be sophomores for another 2 months. yeah, wow, I know. then you'll be juniors. and guess what? you can't make that maturity jump from freshman to junior instantly. it's not possible. hate to tell you. (that's why there's another year in so now you need to stop acting like the fricking retards that some of you can be, and start acting like you have some idea of what maturity is. stop making us, the people who have (and are going to have even MOREthis next year)responsibility have to pay for your stupidity. we shouldn't have to deal with TWO freshman classes. act your age. most of you are, what? 15, 16? and you figure that you can just act like you have been for those past 15 or 16 years for just <EM>one more year???</EM> nice try. no. step up to the plate. you are an extremely intelligent class, so act like it.
I’m not talking to every sophomore, of course, but those people I am referring to know who they are. you'd better snap out of whateverthehell this is and get into gear.
also, some of you sophomores (actuallyjust one and it happens to be because of this sophomore that I’m writing this whole thing. so, way to go, _______) have been acting as if you're more superior than the SENIORS!!!! LET ALONE THE JUNIORS!!! who the hell do you think you are? honestly. when I say step up, that doesn't mean push the batter out of the way and decide it's your turn to go. no. you are not an upperclassman. you can wait another year and 2 months. here's why: everyone before you, yes, every single person, has waited for their chance to have some authority. you can wait, believe me. yes, take some responsibility. but don't make that a problem for others. stop acting like you are superior to your superiors.
and that's my rant.

my phrase of the day: the cat's pajamas.
happy pi day.

Mon, 13 Mar 2006 17:19:51 -04:00
SCORE!!!!! SCORE!!!!!! SCORE!!!!! SCORE!!!!!!!
That makes me so happy. Studying late has its a 96% on a test. Sweet mother of jesus. Ah yes. This is good. I love it. JUST GOTTA KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON!!!!!
Um, other than that, I read 50 pages last night and fell asleep at 7:30. Woops.............oh well. 50 was more than I needed to read anyway.
Now I have to write those 12 essay intros and study guides. Peace!!!!

Sat, 11 Mar 2006 13:03:38 -05:00
Ahhhhhh.......well. This summary will be extremely accurate (for me and Aimee, at least), however short it may be.
First act: confused, clueless, whatevah, wtf, stunned, shocked, sad, bitter, censored,
in that exact order
second act:surprised, stunned, happy, confused, happy, clueless, shocked, pleased,
in THAT exact order.
Jeremy, I hope you enjoyed that ending's not easy to play for 2 hours and then play an F above the staff. At all. Buti managed. winky,
that's about it for now! I need to do some things today, and then we have another performance tonight. Hope everyone who hasn't come yet comes!!!!!

Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:51:38 -05:00
Ok, so this is pretty much the funniest thing ever. Buehler, I don't know where you got this, but it's amazing. Geeze...genius. 

musical again tonight. If you haven't seen it, then come either tonight or tomorrow.
That thing we did today was ok...forgot what it was called. I seem to recall something about a "fine farts assembly"...but, I have heard no such farts today. But, I have smelled them. Right about when the choir went up offense to the choir, just to the girl in the light green. Damn.
Um......that about covers it! Lots of reading to be done this weekend......lots and lots and lots. But that's it! Have a great friday.

Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:51:38 -05:00
Ok, so this is pretty much the funniest thing ever. Buehler, I don't know where you got this, but it's amazing. Geeze...genius.

<IMG src="">

musical again tonight. If you haven't seen it, then come either tonight or tomorrow.
That thing we did today was ok...forgot what it was called. I seem to recall something about a "fine farts assembly"...but, I have heard no such farts today. But, I have smelled them. Right about when the choir went up offense to the choir, just to the girl in the light green. Damn.
Um......that about covers it! Lots of reading to be done this weekend......lots and lots and lots. But that's it! Have a great friday.

Thu, 09 Mar 2006 16:50:12 -05:00
OH, SNAP! I think that might have been the greatest test i’ve taken all year. Good thing, too....i stayed up til 3:30 studying for it.
So, because of that, I woke up at 6:50 and took a shower in who knows how many seconds, and hurried my butt to school.
Momo, I have to say that this CD is quite possibly the greatest of all time. I guess that's why it says "the ultimate Jazz/Scream Trumpet CD." it's so good for you. You don't even know.

Musical tonight!!! Allright. This is how it's going to go.
1) if you hear a trumpet in the upper register frac a little bit, you should clap. I say this because maybe, if you clap loud enough, you'll be able to drown it out. Oh's me. You can't drown out me. Woops.......clap anyway.
2) if you hear a trumpet in the upper register play BEAUTIFULLY, then don't get your hopes up. There's a good chance it's in the Cyclone, which we don't play. Soo......sure, go ahead and clap.
Blah, blah blah blah, blah: blah blah.

Thu, 09 Mar 2006 16:50:12 -05:00
OH, SNAP! I think that might have been the greatest test i’ve taken all year. Good thing, too....i stayed up til 3:30 studying for it.
So, because of that, I woke up at 6:50 and took a shower in who knows how many seconds, and hurried my butt to school.
Momo, I have to say that this CD is quite possibly the greatest of all time. I guess that's why it says "the ultimate Jazz/Scream Trumpet CD." it's so good for you. You don't even know.

Musical tonight!!! Allright. This is how it's going to go.
1) if you hear a trumpet in the upper register frac a little bit, you should clap. I say this because maybe, if you clap loud enough, you'll be able to drown it out. Oh's me. You can't drown out me. Woops.......clap anyway.
2) if you hear a trumpet in the upper register play BEAUTIFULLY, then don't get your hopes up. There's a good chance it's in the Cyclone, which we don't play. Soo......sure, go ahead and clap.
Blah, blah blah blah, blah: blah blah.

Tue, 07 Mar 2006 17:02:50 -05:00
The itsy bitsy spider wentup the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider never came out again.

That little pre-school ditty has a lot more meaning than we ever took time to think about...think about it.
Just because someone rains on your parade, that doesn't mean that you should never come out again.

Don't be an itsy bitsy spider. Be the sun. Help out your friends by drying up their rain. If that makes any sense to you, you know what you need to do.
A little goes a long way, and a smile can help it all the way.

Tue, 07 Mar 2006 17:02:50 -05:00
The itsy bitsy spider wentup the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider never came out again.

That little pre-school ditty has a lot more meaning than we ever took time to think about...think about it.
Just because someone rains on your parade, that doesn't mean that you should never come out again.

Don't be an itsy bitsy spider. Be the sun. Help out your friends by drying up their rain. If that makes any sense to you, you know what you need to do.
A little goes a long way, and a smile can help it all the way.

Sat, 04 Mar 2006 16:49:04 -05:00
Ohhhhhh I’m tired.
Slept until 1. That was good.
I’ve been working in the lawn ever since, trying to get rid of this massive bush/tree thing in the back corner. I have so many scrapes and much fun. Especially since I had to do it by myself, cause dad got mad at wes and told him he didn't need his help. That was pretty funny.
How's your day going/gone?

Fri, 03 Mar 2006 23:58:02 -05:00
<FONT color=#ffffbf>Feels really good to finally be done with this week.
<FONT color=#ffffbf>Really good.
<FONT color=#ffffbf>I mean, really really really good.
<FONT color=#ffffbf>Damn, what an exhausting week.
<FONT color=#ffffbf>Ahhhhhh......relaxation.
<FONT color=#ffffbf>Yeah right. I have to read that damned book all weekend.

Thu, 02 Mar 2006 23:18:34 -05:00
Quick update before I go to my room for eternity to do my homework. Booo....

I think it's ridiculous that they say 9:00 (which is pretty stupid as it is) and then hold us another 15 minutes. I think we should be paid. Maybe we should go on strike! Ah, but then they'd just get the CD....and it just might be better. Shhh......
And....that's about it. Woohoo. See you at school tomorrow.

Wed, 01 Mar 2006 20:29:02 -05:00
What an odd day.
Bad: woke up late
good: got extra sleep
bad: had headache
good: it was nice and warm (Czirr's thermometer said 78 degrees)
bad: didn't have music this morning.
Good: I had pretty good success in making it all up on my own and getting a "the trumpets are doing bad, but the cornet is doing good" comment from mr. Box. Kinda funny there.
Bad: group work in calhoun sucks. She doesn't know what she's doing.
Good: lab in bio. My amoeba ate phagocytosized something poisonous; it dies as soon as it pooped it out. Fun.
Bad: lydia didn't have much of avoice this morning.
Good: she did by the end of the day.
Bad: even though I did decently better the second time on the test, I still don't like my precal test grade. @#^
bad: musical rehearsal after school.
Bad: the musical rehearsal itself.
Bad: my mom yelling at me before she left tonight for work.
Bad: my dad yelling at me when he called from some really noisy place.
Bad: my headache returns.
Bad: I’m hungry.
Good: I’m going to lift weights. Yes, you heard me. I haven't lifted weights in well over a year. Seeya.
bad: I’m a weak little bastard.

Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:52:56 -05:00
Meedeeohker day. I wun sum kiynd uv pryze at skool, butt I don' no wut it is.
Dat iz my day.
Hoamwerk tyme.
they've just upgraded my parents Ritz-Carleton trip from one night to two nights, which now costs est. $850-$900 per night, and a free flight up and back. How sweet is that?
Oh wait...i don't get to go. Gahhh...

Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:31:08 -05:00
Wow. I just realized how much we have to read in english. Yikes.
And there's probably a lot more. I love how I just blow it all off til the last second. Weee...

Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:30:08 -05:00
Ah yes, this is long over-due.
Aimee tagged me sometime last week. I’ve been too lazy to do it until now.
4 jobs i’ve had 1) chores?        2) my eagle scout project?      3) taking my brother to school? Yes, it's a job. I don't enjoy it. Therefore, it's a job.  4) I need a job. But I don't want one. THAT'S the difference between need and want.                        4 movies I could watch over and over            1) American Pie 1       2) American Pie 2       3) American Pie 3            4) Joe Dirte (hells yes.)                       4 books I could read over and over (and have)          1) harry potters    2) Goodnight, Moon   3)The Redwall Series  4) I’m not much of a fan for re-reading books, unless it's harry potter. And I only do that right before the next one comes out.                      4 places i’ve lived       1) Frankfurt, Germany    2) Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas    3) Carlisle, Pennsylvania         4) Alexandria, Virginia                       4 places to which i’ve been on vacation         1) London, England    2) The Great Southwest,         3) The Great Northwest         4) Soon to be Germany (spring break)                        4 websites I visit daily            1) xanga            2) myspace (doesn't work on my computer, but I can log in from lydia's for some reason. Wtf?)    3) 4)                   4 favorite foods          1) pizza            2) chicken/fettuccini alfredo   3) warm crescents. Sooo damn good. Or biscuits. Either.          4) ANYTHING CHOCOLATE.                   4 places I’d rather be right now      1) with lydia    2) in my bed    3)in WV withsome of my friends       4) on the field, working on next year's show.                     4 concerts i’ve been to            1)Concert Band concerts        2) Wind Ensemble concerts           3) Honor Band/All county concerts    4) Jazz Band concerts.                        4 people to tag            1) Danny devito  2) Charles Schwaab    3) Chuck Norris          4) Sylvester Stalone

time for church.

Sat, 25 Feb 2006 19:43:37 -05:00
Hello, mes amis! 'Twas a day! (and yes, I’m well aware that every day is a day)
um, the dismembered jacuzzi is no longer in our back yard. 'Tis in the dump.
Went to wes's soccer game, they won both, which is amazing considering they played the All-Alabama state team. Go bruins.
Since then, much fun has been had. Cookies, meet the parents, and now, dinner with guests.

I came home last night, and my parents had been out to some medical party.
And, as if that isn't enough, then how about the prize?
If that doesn't mean anything to you, then let me enlighten you. The ritz-carleton is one of the most inaccessible hotels in the country. It costs around $500 PER NIGHT.
Now, the irony of this parents have no clue as to when they're going to NYC. Hehehehehehe........
That's about it for tonight! I’ll seeya later.
-The Pole-dancin' King

Fri, 24 Feb 2006 20:08:57 -05:00
Oh yes, it's friday. Know what that means? Yes. That means it's friday.
And that the pizza only has 5 more minutes to go until it becomes engulfed in me. If that made sense. Too bad if it didn't.
More weird words that I declare are really weird.

that's it for today!!! Peace out hos. Yes, hos. Cause....that's what you are. laughing,

Thu, 23 Feb 2006 22:09:50 -05:00
Quick update, not much happened today, but I had the precal test, and I think I did pretty decently. I hope so. Ohhh, God, I hope so.i need that grade so badly...
Jazz was allright, and the Ozsemble was allright too. Very tiring. All sightreading, but I can take it. Hehehe....maybe.
English is kind of sucking too. I don't know how I’m doing in there at all. I don't even know if there's anyhomework. That's all!

Wed, 22 Feb 2006 19:36:09 -05:00
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere, fishy fishy!!! Come here boy! Awwwww, yes, you CAN juggle! Good boy!!! Good boy!!! Now sit-- oh, well then...lie on your side....GOOD BOY!!! YESH!! THAT'S A GOOD BOY!!!

Kind of strange that I just did that, considering I don't like fish anyway. But fish were on my mind.
Ok, now I have to do the english stuff. Blowage!!!

Today's awesome word that NO ONE in my French class had heard of (and PLEASE tell me you've heard of this word):

That's it for today!! Such a cool word. So is dolt. Hehehe...

Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:15:32 -05:00
So...exceptionally long day.
And it's nowhere near over. Thanks, calhoun. Thanks a lot. And you too, czirr. Yeah, skee, you might as well hop in. Ok, debra, you too. And I guess I don't mind so much, mrs. Rau. But that's all.

Lovely. SO much crap to do.

Um, Gatsby test was kinda weird, especially since I had to spend the first 10 minutes meandering through the school to find a book (which she didn't tell me I needed) and it just happened that she "just found one." yeah, I knew she had one in front of her the whole time, butno. Not for me. Not until i’ve run around the world for it.
And why is it that everyone else gets 5 days for the Prufrock ad and I only get 1? Not fair at ALL.
Orchestra just kinda crept up on me today, and I don't think it should be called an orchestra. There really aren't any strings, just the piano effects. So, let's say it's the <FONT color=#bfffff>Oz Ensemble. That sounds good. Jazz and oz were kind of bad, since my range was not accompanying me today. Booooo....
"I’m not a witch!!" "she turned me into a newt...."
peace til tomorrow. Hehe...and hopefully longer, since I’m going to be up well into tomorrow. Seeya.

Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:43:47 -05:00
I’ve decided that, since I’m so bored, that I’m going to compose a list of words that look ridiculous. Umkay, here we go.

that's all for now. I have to go get a hair cut.

Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:43:47 -05:00
I’ve decided that, since I’m so bored, that I’m going to compose a list of words that look ridiculous. Umkay, here we go.

that's all for now. I have to go get a hair cut.

Sun, 19 Feb 2006 18:27:57 -05:00
So my lips are about to fall off. Lovely.
I have a friend who knows a friend that also has a friend. Cool, huh?
Well, this friend's friend who has the friend just realized that the word friend is extremely ridiculous. I have to agree with this guy, considering the guy is actually me, and honestly: it's a weird word. Just look at it.
Have a spiffy day.

Sat, 18 Feb 2006 21:18:25 -05:00
oh, and on another note for my CMHS friends, the first band played English Suite in Eb. That's right, our FRESHMAN MARCHING SHOW!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!! And yet, we still sounded a lot better. Our version was the shit. Hells yeah.

Sat, 18 Feb 2006 20:41:22 -05:00
Ok, so Tech Fest was a bundle of fun, but it could have been better (if a certain someone had been with me sad, ) but nevertheless, I’m pretty sure we all had fun and it wasn't too bad. We all made second band except for shaye, laura, and sam, all of which made first band, and it was a lot of fun. Looking forward to it next year.
<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" color=#0000ff>HIGHLIGHTS
<FONT size=+0>1) the bus ride up with the name random things game and <U>Paramecium.</U> oh, and talking about mr. Riley just busting out laughing. I swear, that had to be the funniest thing i’ve ever seen. WAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
2) buying a butt-load of gummy bears. That's right, 3-pound bags. There were 5-pound bags, but we decided we should stick with just the 3-pounders. ALL GONE! laughing,
3) shooting carrots across the room at like 1:30 in the morning.i got some distance with those babies....too bad the room service opened them in the refrigerator and made them freeze. Bah!
4) listening to the TN Tech Jazz Band. Positively and with a doubt orgasmic. End of Tiger of San Pedro....a G 3 octaves above the staff....he's my hero. Wow. And they didn't show any signs of fatigue, strain, or for that matter, emotion. Amazing.
5) having fun with everyone in general. That was a lot of fun. Even though it snowed in the bus.
6) going to the dollar store and seeing tim take advantage of a whole lot of crap such as his pimp hat and $7 pair of shoes. Nicely done.
7) not having to dress up for the concert. That was a plus.
8) hearing Russian Christmas Music, as Mr. Box put it, "The right way". I think everyone will agree with me in saying that chills were a constant all the way through. ESPECIALLY at the end. Omg.
9)Knowing that I could do SO much better on the solos than those goons did. I mean, I’m not trying to be egotistical, but honestly, they couldn't hit Gs, they weren't NEARLY loud enough (and no, I’m sure it wasn't just ME who thought that), and I’m not so sure if they know what vibrato is.
10) I dont' know how we got into the discussion, but talking about our disgusting experience with perverted things thursday night was pretty funny. I have to say.
That's all for now folks! I gotta go read Gastby. Oh, and did we have to turn in those essays on whatever essay we were supposed to pick friday in Calhoun?? Some help from anyone would be good. Merci!

Wed, 15 Feb 2006 23:45:00 -05:00
Er....Valentine's Day was good! I had lots of fun, and I’m pretty sure Lydia liked her gifts. laughing,
Thank you, chelsea, for your offer to help me in Precal. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I need it so bad............sad,
um, techfest tomorrow to saturday night, ALL DAY SUNDAY WITH LYDIA AND ALL DAY MONDAY TOO!!!!! She's an awesome girl, everyone. Give her a hand.heart2, &lt;---and that is by far the least manliestsmiley ever. But, I love her, and I won't deny it.
Wow, I guess this one was loaded with smileys. Well, ithas been a good day.

Mon, 13 Feb 2006 17:57:59 -05:00 school and lots goin' on today. Before the day even started for me (aka 3:30) I was still up doing homework. For a day that I thought would exist. (yes, I’m saying that today doesn't exist) then I had to get up and remove the hot tub from it's place, which was so much fun in the freezing cold. Since then, i’ve cleaned my trumpet, who I give random names (such as Sir Holton, it, and bitch). Still have some stuff to do, but I have piano tonight.
This is you guys realize that I and some of you only have 2.5 days this week?? That's right. 2.5. Sweetness.
I have a really sweet picture. You should ask to see it tomorrow, cause you'll laugh your butts off. Hehehe....i love Led Zeppelin.
That's it for today! Valentines' Day tomorrow...cross your fingers.

Sun, 12 Feb 2006 14:53:49 -05:00
Ok, so no further update for yesterday
I’ll do that today!
Uncle and aunt are hilarious as always. It's her birthday today. She was born on the same day asabraham LINCOLN!!!! So...
i got tagged...
Name 5 of life's simplest pleasures.
1) smiling. It's so much fun and it brightens yours and others' day. SMILE!!!!!! laughing,  hmm....too bad mirrors brake when I try.
2) playing/listening to music. Who would have thought that just a bunch of noises at certain pitches can sound so amazing?
3) hanging out with Lydia. It requires almost NO energy (except when we're being crazy and falling down stairs, running around, etc.) And it's very relaxing. It's so easy. So relaxing.
4) eating. Ohhhhh yes. What would I do without eating? Probably die. Duh....
5) sleeping in the nude.
5 (revised)) KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah. Um....ah yes. Listening to the rain. I’d stand in it more often if it weren't so !@# cold sometimes. Warm rain = very very good for me. a hot shower, only a little cooler and with your clothes on....sometimes winky,
i tag aimee, court, james, robert, and the antifaerie.
That's it for me! Seeya.
Oh wait...question for fellow Eng. III apers: can we pick any poem for the drawing or does it have to be a certain genre??

Sat, 11 Feb 2006 15:25:29 -05:00
They're here! This is going to get interesting.
Update later today.

Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:03:02 -05:00
Ok. So I had to have my schedule today, forgot to get it signed (woops), but I guess I’ll be taking Anatomy Honors. End of discussion......for now. Physics honors and stat ap as electives, along with concert band. LAST RESORTS. Especially the concert band. Yikes.
Dutchy has been groomed!!! She looks very pretty. Everyone come and see! She's a good dog. laughing,
um, spose ta snow tonight, and the rest of the weekend, so we'll see about that. Hopefully it won't snow enough to prevent me from seeing the one and only Lydia Knab, cause I miss her lots. Like a box a cho-co-lates. Mmmm....that didn't make any sense. But I was thinking about "miss her lots" in a Forrest Gump accent. Weeeeee!!!! Ya neva know wut yer gunna giet.
Er....uncles coming down tomorrow, maybe he's the reason all this snow is coming (he's from N.H.). It'll be his wife (Aunt Judy)'s birthday, so we'll probably go out somewhere to eat. Sounds good to me!
It's already started snowing a little bit....looks wet.

Thu, 09 Feb 2006 18:55:15 -05:00
Well, my friends, I have bought myself another day. That's good. Soo......i have narrowed it down to this.
1) Econ AP/US Gov AP
2) Psych AP
3) Anatomy Honors
4) Calculus Honors
5) English IV
6) French III Honors
7) Wind Ensemble
7) Homeroom/Smorgasbord AP
the only problem here is that my mom is seriously annoying the crap out of me by telling me that I should take physics instead of anatomy so I can "be familiar with it when I get to college"
Help. I need all of your help again. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

Wed, 08 Feb 2006 20:11:45 -05:00
Nononononononononono!!!!!!! I am NOT ready to pick next year's classes. NONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Band. Of course.
2) Calc H
3) maybe Stat...dunno. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4) Dunno which social studies to do. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) French 3 H
6) Psych H
6.5) Chemistry H over summer
7) Physics H
8) Study hall if I a) I take half a semester of stat or b) I don't take it at all
9) homeroom AP!!!! Beat that.

So really, I need to know whether to take a semester of stat or not at all, and which social studies to do. I’m leaning more toward U.S. Gov apbecause I think laura said it was the easiest AP class ever....i hope so. Still,some reassurance is very necessary!
I need people who have already takenany of these classes to help me out by just commenting on them or anything. ANYTHING. It will be very appreciated.
Ok, since I got some good feedback, and good advice, I think this is where I’m heading so far....still have a question about the science dept. Though. Any suggestions??
1) Marching/Wind Ensemble
2) Calc H
3) Econ H/Gov AP
4) French III
5) Psych AP
5.5) Chemistry over summer
6) Either physicsh or Anatomy H HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) Study Hall
8) Homeroom/<U>Lunch AP</U>(a must)


Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:44:24 -05:00
Concert tonight! Good stuff.
More braces on the back molars! Not good stuff.
Tuxes tonight! We'll see.....

OH! Ok. Now I know what I can talk about. Dr. Varieigh (sp?)
This dunno. I would say he's crazy, which he is, but it's not a CRAZED crazy. He's just really enthusiastic in ways that I thought only lydia possessed. Aimee seems to think that if lydia were a guy and a conductor, she would be him. This is kind of weird, too....
Ok. He can get really enthusiastic and sometimes screams strangely, and it reminds me of Howard Dean.
ALSO. He looks like my uncle. My Uncle Dean.
I THINK HIS REAL NAME IS DEAN DEAN. Or maybe his middle name is Dean or something......there has to be a Dean in there.
Ah, yes, and memo for tonight is: <FONT size=4>STFU!!!!<FONT size=3> well, that goes for me, aimee, and robert. Everyone else, go ahead. <FONT size=4>PTFL!!!! <FONT size=3>ask me later what it means. I might remember.

Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:52:42 -05:00
Um, not much to say about the Superbowl, cause I kinda mighta sorta didn't watch it til the end, and by that time Lydia already knew that she had won. Oh well. I never win....not with her. But I don't mind. laughing,
i’ve decided to take my hatred toward these advice faeries down a few notches and claim to be neutral. Go ahead, make people happy or bash them down, just don't do something you'll regret. People think about things more than you think...just a mere suggestion can make someone paranoid or depressed about anything. As for the anti-advice faeries, I’m not trying to bring you down, but what can you really do in the means of trying to poach the advice faeries? Just a simple question...I’m bipartisan. Lord knows that we all need advice now and then, but there are times when we really don't need it, too. Try to use your best judgement. That's all on that.
Um....homework, homework, homework. English is a killer, and I think that it combined with precal may be the end of me.
Oh, and as if that isn't bad enough...i have to get my braces tightened before the concert tomorrow. Yikes! Not so great...

Sat, 04 Feb 2006 22:28:18 -05:00
Yeah, my mom's drunk.
Went out to eat at Beethoven's Grille for her birthday and she had a martini-- shaken, not stirred---and she definitely was drunk after the first few sips. She started laughing hysterically and EVEN FLIPPED ME OFF. It was so fricking hilarious. And the greatest part is....she won't remember any of it tomorrow. Classic.
I had this great dinner and a nice Chocolate Suicide desert. Oh yes. It was heavenly.
Superbowl tomorrow: go Seahawks. Oh wait....I’m not watching it. Hehehehehehehehehe.....laughing,  too bad they're still going to win.


Sat, 04 Feb 2006 12:31:43 -05:00
This blows. I have to go to sunday school tomorrow. I’m NOT going to enjoy this at all.
Lydia and amanda came by this morning cause they were doing some kind of Habitat thing to raise money for a house some organization was going to build. I was working in the yard with dad and wes.lydia needed a band-aid. That was it.
Dunno what I’m doing for the rest of the day. Maybe I can do something with my little injured hostess. Yes, a hostess. It's an inside joke. At least, we make it a joke.
That's all for now, folks.

Fri, 03 Feb 2006 20:53:14 -05:00
I’m tired of saying I’m in a bad mood. So, I’m going to talk about why I <EM>shouldn't</EM> be in a bad mood. I’m thinking that people should do that more often than talk about their bad mood. Like I used to.
So, I SHOULDN'T be in a bad mood because it's friday, and that means that a) it's the weekend, b) Sunday is lydia and i's 3 month (and chelsea and sam's), c) the Superbowl is the second-best part of that day, d) my mom's birthday is monday I have no clue what to get her, e) my crazy uncle and aunt from New Hampshire (yes, they have the uber-cool accent) are coming down next week which means lots of pranks and "gawd, you're homely"jokes. Good stuff there. F)hopefully I’ll get to spend some timewith lydia, andg) maybe she'll get her shoe back from christina.
Ah, great. I hate parents that think something's wrong with their kid's relationships. Wonderful. How do I explain this??Lovely. It's ok though, causeI’ll stand up for what I think is important.
She's important.
Have a lovely weekend, my friends. Let's see if I can take my own advice, or ifthe weekend will let me.

Thu, 02 Feb 2006 19:32:34 -05:00
Jazz was fun today.
I got to play the Mambo Swing solo, which I LOVE and it was allright....still needs a lot of work.
And now, you all know about my improv abilities....or lack there of. Hmmmmm...need to work on that too. Plenty of other opportunities though, I’m sure.
That's it for now! Seeyas.
oh, and here are some awesome Little-Known Facts About Chuck Norris. Enjoy.
Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice. -Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits.         -The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.  -Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King and got one.        -Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters in his free time. And by "knit", I mean "kick", and by "sweaters", I mean "babies".           -Chuck Norris does not know about this site. Otherwise he would have deleted the internet.         -If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.    -There's no such thing as a tornado. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.    -Chuck Norris challenged a statue to a staring contest. Chuck remains undefeated.        -There are two kinds of people in this world: People who are Chuck Norris, and people who are going to die.        -A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.           -The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist.           -Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.     -If at first you don't succeed, you're obviously not Chuck Norris. -The Dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris the wrong way once. ONCE.            -Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.          
CLASSICS!!!! And it's all true, you have my word.

Wed, 01 Feb 2006 20:30:06 -05:00
Hello my fellow humans.
Today was ok. Except for the TCAP thing; the prompt was ridiculous. "Doyou agree or disagree that celebrities are paid more than they deserve?" WHERE DO YOU COME UP WITH EXAMPLES?! IT WAS RIDICULOUS. I just said some are, some aren't. Took the easy way out. I’m looking for at least a 5. Bah.
Other than that, everything was hunky-dorey. The precal quiz was oook...but I was kinda ticked she didn't ask questions like "is this a function" or any easy questions. I didn't like it. At all. No comment as to how I did, cause I don't know.
I’m pretty sure that almost everyone will agree with me and others in saying that Vesuvius would make a great opener next year. Just opening the show with that B above the staff.....make the crowd poo their pants. Good stuff.
OH! And I decided to research the value of some coins that I found in these old tiny boxes that my dad has kept forever...the oldest coin dates back to 1819. THAT'S AWESOME. You guys really don't know how much I love these kind of things...gasp. FURTHERMORE, it turns out that the coin is worth anywhere from $300 to $1,000. Yeah. Pretty sweet. I have another 1910 indian one worth $200 to $300, an 1867 shield-nickel worth $60 to $150, and an 1883liberty nickel worth $40 to $100. I have a lot of others dated in the 1800s, but I couldn't find their value. They're awesome. There's no way in heck I’d sell them though. They're too awesome. Oh, and I have a lot of "luxury tax tokens" from the Great Depression for several states, and they look like pub tokens or something. But I don't think they're worth anything. One of them was worth 1/5 of a cent....kinda crazy. Oh well. They're fantasmagorical anyway.
That's all for now, folks.

Tue, 31 Jan 2006 18:51:32 -05:00
Hey peoples. &lt;---- that's a weird word. Yay.
Ok, gotta take this TCAP thing tomorrow, and I’m cool with that because a) I can write decently and b) we get a free breakfast out of it. I’m happy.
I love someone very much right now, and I hope she knows it...God, I hope she does.

Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:34:16 -05:00
Geezum, it's only monday, and I ALREADY feel like crap. Wonderful.
So much homework, and I’m not sure what we have to do in me out guys and gals if you can.not so great in the math department this semester, no surprises there, and I dunno about everything else. Quizzes in french and history tomorrow, bio and precal wednesday. I’m cold. I miss a certain someone. That was random, but it's ok. Cause I do.
Later days, my friends. Later days.

Sun, 29 Jan 2006 18:42:24 -05:00
Today's rundown:
church, where I almost fell asleep (nothing new... I know, tisk tisk) and he talked about hinduism.
Home, where I did some work and vacuumed the car and replaced the radiator fluid (AKA antifreeze) and practiced some good-ole trumpeting. Even though my lips are still hard as nails.
Library, where lydia and I studied and did homework. After going to kroger, where I bought these great 25 cent packs of Reese's extra-chocolate cups. Mmmmmmm......good stuff. I bought 4. Then we studied. laughing,  and watched people rollerskate and had the car alarm go off. Everytime she went to touch her book or something, someone's car would beep. It was quite hilarious. Umm.....thatbringsus to about 4:00, andnothing hashappened since. Except for morehomework. Weeee!!!!! Fun fun, in the sun. I’ve decided not to do precal today. Tomorrow's looking pretty good. Especially since, if I don't finish it, I can't really be blamed because I wasn'tthere to get the assignment. Shhhhh...
Much love to all of youses.

Sun, 29 Jan 2006 18:42:24 -05:00
Today's rundown:
church, where I almost fell asleep (nothing new... I know, tisk tisk) and he talked about hinduism.
Home, where I did some work and vacuumed the car and replaced the radiator fluid (AKA antifreeze) and practiced some good-ole trumpeting. Even though my lips are still hard as nails.
Library, where lydia and I studied and did homework. After going to kroger, where I bought these great 25 cent packs of Reese's extra-chocolate cups. Mmmmmmm......good stuff. I bought 4. Then we studied. laughing,  and watched people rollerskate and had the car alarm go off. Everytime she went to touch her book or something, someone's car would beep. It was quite hilarious. Umm.....thatbringsus to about 4:00, andnothing hashappened since. Except for morehomework. Weeee!!!!! Fun fun, in the sun. I’ve decided not to do precal today. Tomorrow's looking pretty good. Especially since, if I don't finish it, I can't really be blamed because I wasn'tthere to get the assignment. Shhhhh...
Much love to all of youses.

Fri, 27 Jan 2006 22:45:08 -05:00
Ok, so i’ve decided to keep this on the basis that my myspace is not working and will not let me log in. So if you think i’ve quit myspace, you're generally right, but it's quite the opposite. It's quite me.
Um, my life pretty much sucks right now. Some know why, some don't. I don't know how to fix it, because I don't know if it needs to be fixed or me.

Honor band concert sounded good, and I had a little fun here and there. Dunno what I’m doing tomorrow, or for that matter, the weekend. Whatever it is, it better get me out of this terrible mood.

Wed, 25 Jan 2006 19:46:48 -05:00
Hey, sean, emerald, matt, heather, nekked sloth, kelsey, natasha, andrew, patrick, chris b., richard, nude sloth, bailey, amanda, shelza, christina, j.p., steven, walt, morgan, dylan, erika, shaye, james, sarah, jeremy, chelsea, laura, febrienne, robert, jenny, court, jim, chris c, lydia, corie, katie, brittany, aimee, rachel, levi, josh, ari, marissa, and carrie...
Consider this my 2 week notice....effective immediately.
Xanga, you were good to me, and I’ll check up on you sometimes, but we gotta go our seperate ways...sorry. You're a good community, but i’ve found something else: a noncomputer-reliant life.

Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:20:15 -05:00
Ah...I’m so tired. My chops is dead, I tells ya. It's not easy to play a triple A. Oh, and this is my philosophy.
Hmm...the music doesn't say I can do that...
<FONT color=#ff8000>AH! But it doesn't say that I <FONT color=#ffff00><EM>CAN'T. </EM>

seeya at the banquet.

Sun, 22 Jan 2006 19:36:44 -05:00
Ok, so today went by WAY too fast. Yes?
Like I said, steelers and seahawks in the superbowl. So far, I’m half right...but hawks are up by 17 and I don't see the panthers comingback. HAH!
Um, other than that, i’ve done nothing but read about crazy women (no offense, ladies) at the turn of the century. Crazy. Out of their fricking MINDS!!!
That's all for now...peace til another day.

Sat, 21 Jan 2006 16:01:59 -05:00
If I could write a book about rulers, would you buy it? Didn't think so.
If I made a shirt that said "SCREW NUMBERS" on the front and a 69 on the back, would you buy it? Yeah, me too. Pure genius, sir peppered psycho.

Fri, 20 Jan 2006 21:38:15 -05:00
Um, I don't know what's happening this weekend. It seems like an almost pointless weekend...i dunno why. But I’m glad it's here.
And because I’m so bored, I’m going to go practice the jazz stuff. Weee......

i HATE being bored. I mean, it's good when you're tired and bored, but no. There's absolutely nothing to do, and I CAN'T do anything due to my parents' idea that I shouldn't. Great. Thanks a bunch. I need to play some I dunno what to do. I think I’m going to try this runescape game cause you can kill bunches of people happy,  help me out if you can.

Wed, 18 Jan 2006 18:48:08 -05:00
No school today, so I’m pretty happy about that. I love getting up at 11:30. How about you??
And like I said lydia, I hate to tell you I told you so, but...i told you so. OH! Jk.
I have a MASSIVE headache. Stupid ache in the head...stupid. Well, other than that, not much has happened today. I just need to complete some more homework, I suppose, and then I’ll probably do nothing. Weeee!!!! Other than that, there's not much happening. silly,
that's all for now, my minions. Er....friends. Same thing, right? Hehe.

Tue, 17 Jan 2006 19:40:01 -05:00
Yay for being kicked off for a few days. Or not. Probably not. Ok. No yays.
It's snowing...does that mean there might not be school tomorrow?? Am I allowed any hope at all?? With my luck, probably not. Anywho...
Jazz band was cool. The only song I recognize is Green Onions, which is a pretty cool song, but I never played it on trumpet. Just the baseline on the piano. Pretty sweet anyway. Oh, and by the way, I love why there's no trumpet christmas. I love it. It makes my soul glad. pleased,  that and lydia. laughing,

Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:13:57 -05:00
Snirkety dirk. Snirk snirk.
Today has thusfar been boring. I even took a NAP! That's pretty rare for me, but I want to all the time, so...just indulging a little. It was on the floor and I used Dutchy as a pillow. Her stomach is warm laughing,  good girl. Gooooood girl.
Other than that, I just want to tell everyone that JOE DIRTE IS ON AT 7:00 TONIGHT ON COMEDY CENTRAL, SO Y'ALL BETTER WATCH AND GET LEARNED SUM.
A Bientot.

Fri, 13 Jan 2006 23:12:12 -05:00
Let's see...i had the most stupidest crappiest ridiculous day of my life today. Friday the 13th might have something to do with it.
Sorry if I offended you or something today...if you could tell, I wasn't really myself. I feel soooo sorry for lydia especially, since I just completely did whatever I did and she had to hear it. I’m sorry!! sad,
other than that, it has been the weirdest week of my life. And I can't tell you why. I don't even know why. But hopefully, this weekend will take all of that confused stress. And hopefully, I’ll lydia can help me out here and I can spend some much-needed time with that lovely lady pleased,
that's all for now. Oh, and court, you NEED to get the flame-shooting trumpet. It owns.
Peace, love, and less of whatever the hell is wrong in me

Wed, 11 Jan 2006 20:49:36 -05:00
This is a short story that I made today just for the heck of it, and I think you'll find it's very random. Enjoy!

<FONT face=Desdemona color=#dfdf20 size=6>In the old days of yore, there once lived in the fair little orchard of Winnebago a young squirrel named Chicamangooser. This little squirrel lived with the Mongoose family in the third Dingleberry Tree on the middle along Paradox Alley. Chicamangooser was adopted, of course, and was only adopted because his name included what sounded like "mongoose" with some junk around it. Other than that, the Mongooses would never have taken a squirrel into their Dingleberry--especially not this one. Chicamangooser was the UGLIEST squirrel ever to be seen on the face of the planet. He had small, beady eyes, a small mouth that didn't quite succeed in covering two sharp, pointy teeth with which he broke nutshells with, two average-sized ears that perked up at the faintest sound, a small yet pointed nose that twitched constantly, and a long, bushy tail that became alive with every movement. Now, although I have just described about every squirrel in the world, there is something else that made Chicamangooser more ugly than all the rest....i just can't think of it. Now one day, Chicamangooser was out looking for some nuts to chew on before the approaching winter, WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN....                                       Hold on. False alarm. Whew....that was a close one. Little Chicamangooser could have had the sharts for a second, but it's ok. The FBI got the criminal. No need to panic, people. Just go on and keep working.      ANYWAYS....he continued sniff for some nuts, completely unaware that a helicopter could have just landed on him, and he scurried around the trees in search for his favorite kind of nuts. These, of course, were none other than the famous Cocanuts, whose husks were so hard and hairy with fibers, that it made poor little Chicamangooser drool a little.
Chicamangooser suddenly spotted a large, brown lump about 30 feet to his right---could it be?? A COCONUT???? Surely, this must be the greatest day of his life!!! A coconut, in the middle of the winter, in the U.K....there was only one explanation. Yes, you all know what happened here: African Swallows.           Two African (NOT EUROPEAN) Swallows, Ted and Ned, had been flying north to the North Pole for the winter, when they happened to notice that a large brown coconut was tied on a string between them!     "Oye, Ted! 'Ow'd this big 'ole coconut get there??"     "BLIMEY! I wish I knew, mate. I just thought you had gained a couple back at that last oasis!"            "Nah, there's a coconut on a string attached to our legs for sure, mate. 'Ow do you s'pose it got there?"            "Hell if I know! It looks awefully big and hairy...i wonder what it tastes like..."      "LOOK OUT!!!"
Ned yanked Ted, who was beginning to attempt to taste the hairy nut, out of the way just in the nick of time as a huge jumbo shrimp roared by them.
"WHOA! Thanks, Ned! I owe ya one."          "Oh, posh. Let's just figure out a way to get rid of this thing. Hmm...."            "Oh, look! There's some land....I think that must be Britain up ahead!"        "Perfect! We'll just drop it on a Brit!"
So the two African Swallows continued on their way, coconut tied between, toward Great Britain. There was a sudden gust of wind which sent them tumbling to a dangerously low level, at which the string hooked on a church Steeple. The coconut detached from the stunned swallows and rolled down the roof of the steeple to the marketplace. It was rolling at an extremely high velocity when it changed it's course to the tip of a parapet, shooting itself into the air and above the screaming crowd. None of the good people of London had ever seen a coconut before, and ran away as fast as they could from the small brown bowling ball heading like a meteor in their direction. The coconut plummeted onto the covering of a small fruit kiosk and drew back in the stretchy material like the elastic of a slingshot. The material vaulted the small missile into the air for hundreds of yards, and the coconut burst into flame as it traveled at Mach 3. The coconut hit a hippopotamus, making it horny instantly, and then fell into a chef's hat.
But as Chicamangooser came upon the brown lump, he discovered much to his disappointment that the object was not a coconut, but instead a pile of horse poop. However, he couldn't stop soon enough, and slid, trying to come to a halt, right into the massive pile of feces. Discovering that it was pleasantly warm and gooey, he burrowed a hole deep into the dung and fell asleep dreaming of coconuts.     Mr. Mongoose had been searching frantically for his ugly adopted son. He did not wish the freak squirrel to return to his tree, but the Mrs. Would absolutely bite him if he did not show up with the ugly squirrel.     "Chicamangooser!!! Hey, freak!! Where are you?! You'd better get your patootey back into the Dingleberry this instant, or there'll be hell to pay!!"  He searched all day and all night, but could not find poor little Chicamangooser, who was nestled comfortably in his crib of crap.          Giving up after almost a day's search, Mr. Mongoose went back home empty-handed. His angry wife then bit him on his spleen.
Chicamangooser was awakened by a heavy thud. Then another came...and another. He tried to move, but the waste had turned into a cast, making it impossible for him to make even the slightest move. He tried to squeak, hoping that whatever was making that noise would hear him.      A farmer had been shoveling the poo into a wheelbarrow for later use as manure. His shovel picked at the enormous piles of horse excrement, trying to dislodge a good load. When he came upon one pile, he suddenly noticed it was jumping and squeaking like a mouse.
So the farmer took his pitchfork and began stabbing at the massive pile with all of his might. The prongs hit the poo's hard shell, but it could not penetrate it's hardened walls of steel. Nothing so hard had ever existed, and no force could break the impenetrable walls of Chicamangooser's cage. The squirrel was bound to live in it forever, until his death.  The farmer gave up and hoisted the gigantic and squeaking mass of petrified droppings into his wheelbarrow, thus putting a huge dent in the bed of the uniwheeled device.          The farmer determined that the only way to get rid of this thing was to put it in the river nearby. There, the crap would look like a rock in a river instead of a load on his lawn. So he took it to the bridge and just rolled the wheelbarrow off into the river.       Chicamangooser did not know what was going on or what to do, but he suddenly felt himself plunging in the air. He squeaked a indiscernable cry, a cry of panic and fear, and covered his ugly face with his ugly hands.   Suddenly, he noticed that he was not falling anymore. Rather, he was going UP! Yes, the huge pile of crap was FLYING. It was truly an amazing thing to see, as the farmer discovered after watching it plummet to the water, expecting it to sink in it's murky depths. The pile of petrified poo must be magic, he thought. I must have squeaked something to make it fly!            The flying pile of feces was indeed magic, and would follow Chicamangooser's every command, unless it were to let him free. The squirrel figured this out while he went all around Britain in his hovering pile of poop, as he did things like shoot lasers at Zebras and make a priest's robe give him a wedgie. The squirrel had ultimate control, but quickly realized that this power he had was so great, and must be used for good, not evil.       The squirrel was reciting a list of good things he wanted his Crapcraft to record and fulfill, when all of a sudden, he saw, through a crack in the hardened poo walls, a robbery. A European swallow was attempting to steal the object that Chicamangooser prized most in the world: a coconut.           The small swallow had four accomplices with him who were about his size, and they appeared to be carrying an industrial-sized string that had the capability of carrying a small to medium-sized coconut, such as the one they had dangling from it then.     Chicamangooser knew what he had to do, and he quickly made up his mind. It was a life-or-death situation: should he thwart them by breaking the thick, industrial-sized string, risking the possiblity of the coconut breaking open? Or should he leave them alone, allowing them to get away with the coconut but not harming it in any way?            Closing his eyes, Chicamangooser hurtled himself in the excremental ship at the swallows, determined to break the heavy string. Going faster than a bullet, the hard shell of the crap hit the string and severed it---almost all the way. The coconut was now hanging on by a single strand, hovering over the screaming public below.           "Is that a---a COCONUT?!" said a man in disbelief.         "YES!! IT IS!!!!! I’ve heard of them...they're extremely hard and would hurt if they hit you on the head" said a woman.   "Yeah, I heard they might even crack your head open and kill you!" said another man.
The crowd paused for a moment, taking in the gravity of the statement, and then broke in panic and in chaos, trying to get out from under the perilously hanging coconut.           Chicamangooser's life seemed to go in slow-mo, flashing before his eyes. His dreams and hopes would fall with the coconut to it's death on the pavement below.   He wheeled around and went faster than any piece of crap had ever gone (about 40 mph) and fell with the coconut, trying to reach out to catch it. But, he had no hands.
The coconut burst on the concrete road, hundreds of feet down from where it was dropped. Chicamangooser cried out, still in slow-mo,   "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
But then Chicamangooser realized that he had wanted to break the coconut all along to taste it, so he stopped and ordered his encasement of crap to feed him the meat of the coconut to stop his craving.
            So, if you're ever in need of something, just shout out "CHICAMANGOOSER! I NEED YOU!!" for the ugly squirrel and his pile of petrified poo and he will be there for you. He garuntee's it. Except on Tuesdays.

Tue, 10 Jan 2006 18:07:05 -05:00
screw you, Dr. Kemp, and your damned orthodontics too.

Mon, 09 Jan 2006 21:29:55 -05:00
Boo school. Boo, I say. Yeah, I know, you've seen everyone else say the same thing.
Great minds think alike.
Today, I discovered many things. Like, I can't remember right this second. OH! I think I’m doing the youth ledge thingy. I’ll possibly be with james and maybe lydia, depending on what she wants. And maybe richard, depending on if he thinks anything will get in the way. So, I don't know too much about it, but I know that we have to make a bill for TN. A fake one. And people (like robert) will try to point out why it doesn't work. That's all I know. Oh, and it's in april. Woohoo.
That's all for now, kids. I’ll seeya later.

Sun, 08 Jan 2006 16:17:32 -05:00
And lo, there was a voice from the heavens, and it didst spake:
<FONT color=#cfcf70>"Hearken, brethren of mine: Gobbledegook."         
<FONT color=#cfcf70>
<FONT color=#cfcf70>________________________________________________________
<FONT color=#cfcf70><FONT color=#ffffff>
<FONT color=#cfcf70><FONT color=#ffffff>I joined the BUMC today. 'Twas hilarious, I am sure. I’m pretty confident that you're supposed to fill out some kind of card before they ask "if you would like to be a member of this congregation, please come down front" and we went but we didnt fill out any cards or whatever. Ohhhh well. I’m not illegal now!!! Er....if I ever was. But now I can't park in the guest parking...sad,  suuuuuck.
<FONT color=#cfcf70><FONT color=#ffffff>-Peter

Sat, 07 Jan 2006 15:44:52 -05:00
Rats live on no evil star. Did you know this??? I didn't. I thought the CAME from an evil star. Didn't they??? Whatever,i think they did. Er...was ituranus?? YES! Rats DEFINITELY come fromuranus.
Anywho, this is going to be an interesting day for sure. Dunno why....but it will be. I promise that much. That's all----FOR NOW....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Don't ask, cause I don't know why.

famous stupid quote of the day, thanks to Wes.
"Why does Santa get all of the cook and milkies??"
thank you, my moronic brother.

Fri, 06 Jan 2006 19:37:23 -05:00
So....I’m back from W.V. yes, they got snow, so WHAT NOW?! It felt good to stand in the tiny snow they had (it wasn't on the ground, but it was snowing). I miss the snow...i can't wait til I can get out of here and live in New England. SWEEEET.
Anywho, here are the highlights of the trip
1) seeing all of my bestest buddieslaughing,  err...most of them.
2) not seeing them at Cici's because they went WAY too early.
3) getting kicked out of JC Penny's 3 TIMES!!! Cause I was "distracting the employees" (my friends were employees)
4) seeing some of my friends who ALL HAD JOBS around the mall
5) watching peoples' reactions when I played my clip of me getting to triple C (SWEEET BABY!! SWEET! Don't ask me to do it again) can you say "cringe?"
6) playing pool with my pals and watching the Best of SNL w/ Will Ferrel.
7) going to Billy Bobs Wonderland (it's like a Chucky Cheese's but more hick) and playing Laser Tag. Oh yes, Alex...who scored the highest scores??? Who? Oh YEAH!! US!!! Woot.
8) seeing my old newly-restored housefrom the outside
9) throwing darts at a dart board as fast as I can and not necessarily hitting it all the time...or any of it. Shhh
10) mmm...this one blows, but it's gotta go on here. I GOT KICKED OUT OF MY OLD SCHOOL. Yeah. They don't allow visitors because a) I’m not enrolled and b) it's a closed campus. So, I was HIGHLY pissed off when I couldn't see the band, let alone some of my friends and teachers, and had to have my dad come pick me up before school even began. Wonderful. !#@^
there are many more, but that's all I feel like writing now.
So, in general,i had a good time (MINUS getting kicked out of my own school. Those bitches.) It was good to see everyone, and I hope I can come back sometime to see you all again!!!
So now, I need to finish my book by thursday, which shouldn't be too difficult, and SEE LYDIA!! Although she's proving to be quite difficult, with her ignoring me and whatnot. I can see why...sad,  JK! She's not ignoring me, but I really wish I could see was our 2 month yesterday and I haven't seen her since sunday. I’M GOING THROUGH WITHDRAWL!!!! Lol. I’ll see you guys later!

Tue, 03 Jan 2006 18:26:30 -05:00
And it's....TUESDAY!!!! That means many things. Here's what it means.
1) I got a haircut. I don't look like Spok (and no, I dont' care how you spell it), like last time.
2) I got my watch adjusted. I can now wear it after buying it a year ago. Woot! (alex, are you wearing yoursyet?? Lol)
3) we DIDN'T rake leaves today. That's amazing.
4) lydia left today...i didn't get to say goodbye sad,
5) I leave tomorrow for WV
6) WV played an amazing game yesterday, I must say.
7) my dad made plans for our Germany spring break trip all day. It's going to be crazy. We're renting an Audi A-4. That bitch is FAST. And there are NO SPEED LIMITS ON SOME ROADS WE'RE GOING ON!!!!!!! OH HELL YES. I must drive. I must. Although it will be kinda weird driving on the wrong side of the road going 130. Insane. Hope I don't come back and do the same thing...cause it's kinda illegal here.
8) I’m just making a number 8 because I’m trying to make it seem like i’ve done a lot today. This is just a filler.
9) and lastly, I brushed the dog today. She's lost around 3 pounds of hair but looks like she's gained 20 pounds of fat. Woohoo!
And that's all for now. This is probably my last post til friday when I get back, but I’ll read all the comments and everything before I leave tomorrow. I’ll seeyas later!

Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:52:18 -05:00
Company today...time to clean up the entire world. Yay.
You know what's special? Staying up til 5 in the morning talking to a certain someone on the phone.
For three nights in a row.
Ok, granted, there was a day in between, but that was new years and we stayed up til 4 anyways. Well, she stayed up til 7ish but I couldn't compete with that. Wooops.....hehe. But, nonetheless, I do declare that ms. Lydia knab is the most amazing person I know and I must profess my great love for are the single most important thing that has happened to me. But, you're not a "thing", so you're the most important PERSON that has been in my life. I love you very much.
Ok, so on a more inclusive note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMES!
Um, I’ll be entertaining guests all day and then I’ll be completely and utterly bored tomorrow, by the looks of it. I will be leaving wednesday, as most of you know, and will return That's today and the week in a wrap. OH! And if my girl gets on here and reads this before she leaves on tuesday, I would like you (cough*lydia*cough) that I love you very much and I hope you have a wonderful trip! I will see you friday!!! Get some sleep, darling.winky,

Sun, 01 Jan 2006 15:34:25 -05:00
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>sorry guys, but I’m interested in what you think. Dont' do it if you don't want to, cause I know you're probably sick of doing them. Thank you to those of you who decide to do it. laughing,
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF...       » I committed suicide:            » I said I liked you:     » I kissed you: » I lived next door to you:      » I started smoking:    » I stole something:     » I was hospitalized:    » I ran away from home:         » I got into a fight and you weren't there:                  WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY..?                     » Personality:  » Eyes:            » Hair: » Clothes:        » Mannerisms:             [1] Who are you?  [2] Are we friends?     [3] When and how did we meet?       [4] How have I affected you?            [5] What do you think of me?      [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?       [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?     [8] Do you love me?   [9] Have I ever hurt you?        [10] Would you hug me?        [11] Would you kiss me?    [12] Would youdate me?        [13] Are we close?      [14] Emotionally, what stands out?    [15] Do you wish I was cooler?     [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?         [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.      [18] Am I loveable?    [19] How long have you known me?  [20] Describe me in one word.            [21] What was your first impression? [22] Do you still think that way about me now?        [23] What do you think my weakness is?            [24] Do you think I’ll get married?     [25] What about me makes you happy?          [26] What about me makes you sad?         [27] What reminds you of me?           [28] What's something you would change about me?        [29] How well do you know me?       [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? [31] Do you think I would kill someone?        [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?           
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>other than that, today's going to be a boring day if nothing happens here. I have company tomorrow, so if you want to do something, we should do it today or tuesday. I’m leaving wednesday, lydia's leaving tuesday sad, , so I won't have much to do. Call me up if anything's happening and I don't know.
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>other than that, I need to go read some. Happy new year to everyone, and I hope you have your new year's resolutions. I have a few, but you're not going to hear them. Sorry!
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10>-Peter

Sat, 31 Dec 2005 14:40:33 -05:00
It's NEW YEAR'S EVE!! I don't know why, but I never really get excited about new years. I am this year, for a good reason, but it could all be in vain. I dunno.
My hands are really cold since I just got done washing the car, and it's really hard to type. Arg. However, I will fill you in on my happenings yesterday evening.
I felt kind of sick after I went to the ice thing, but I think that's cause I ate a lot of chocolate earlier, and after we dropped lydia off, we went to eat at the brentwood grill. Yum....cheeseburger. But I couldn't finish cause I was sick. sad,
so then we got home, lydia called me after a while, and I went to her house and played Apples to Apples with her, michael, ellie, michael's sister, and lydia's sisters. I, of course, had all of the best cards, but I lost by 2 I think. I had 9 green cards. Oh well.... I still say that nothing beats a manly toaster.
i repeat: <U>nothing beats a manly toaster.</U>
so then I had to go, after watching lydia get thrown down the stairs and hit the wall going 90 mph, and it looked like it hurt a lot and apparently she has some bruises, and I feel really bad that I can't make them go away or feel better, let alone get revenge on whichever one of her sisters that pushed her down. There were SOOO many times yesterday that she got hurt and I couldn't help any because a) I don't know what I could do and b) I actually do know, but it would have been inappropriate at the time winky,  hehehehe...
And that's yesterday evening. Today, I have already taken down all of the christmas stuff, tree and all, and washed the car. That's pretty damn good, if you ask me. It's only 1:30!! Yowza.
If I don't update a little more for today later on, then I hope you all have a
<FONT face=Algerian size=7>happy new year!!!Have a <FONT color=#ff8000>fantasmigorical2006!!!!!!

love to lydia! I would put a little heart thing, but it just looks really girly. No You get a smooch, but minus the mascara (sp?) And the lipstick. Hehe.

Fri, 30 Dec 2005 19:36:20 -05:00
You know, that thing was actually pretty cool. EVERYTHING was made out of ice, and I had no idea that there were so many different textures for ice. Crazy! Smooth, rough, clear, fogged, and everything else. Hehe...they had ice on the ICE! Like, as if the ice were frozen over. It was cool. You need to go. They even have different colors for the ice. Red, blue, purple, orange, yellow....very cool. Oh!!!! And they even have ice SLIDES!!!!!! It's amazing. So cool. It was even BETTER with Lydia there!! I actually don't think I would have nearly as much fun if she hadn't been there. It would have been boring. So, THANK YOU, LYDIA!!! You made my day much better!!! laughing,
so, I recommend you go with someone you'd have fun with. But NOT LYDIA!!! Lol. I mean, I guess if she wanted to go...but, you'd have to give her a push down the slide winky,

Fri, 30 Dec 2005 14:18:36 -05:00
This is going to be interesting...
My mom has 5 tickets to some kind of "ice forest" I dont' know. I have no clue what it is. Apparently, everything in this little 20 degree room is made out of ice sculptures. me freeze my buttocks off. I feel bad because lydia is coming too, which is good, but I don't want her to be bored and/or freeze. Grrr....followed by a brrr......i hope it's more fun than it sounds.
So, I got my passport renewed or whatever, since we're going to Germany (my home/birth-town but not really my home town cause I don't remember it) over spring break cause my mom wants to. This should be interesting...lydia's going to teach me some German so I’m not completely unprepared (hehe). That should be fun. Um, that's about all for revoir!

Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:05:22 -05:00
I’ve determined that......<FONT face=Broadway>I’m taking a trip with my dad to W.V. next Wednesday. Unless he cancels. In which case, I will stay here with my lovely lydia. I don't want to leave her, but I NEED to see my friends, of course. Sorry, lydia...i still love you lots and lots!!!! You understand.
So, hopefully he won't change his mind. Cause I miss you guys a lot, and haven't seen most of you since June. I do believe that I’ll be able to visit Midland while you guys are in class, so I can check out the situation on all of you guys and my old teachers (MRS. EPLIN!!!!! MRS. STEVENSON!!! MRS. SMALLEY!!!) And I’ll see EVERYONE during band.laughing,  maybe I’ll even play a little?? Hahaha. Right.....
Seeyas later!

Wed, 28 Dec 2005 13:43:49 -05:00
i wish....i weren't so bored.

Tue, 27 Dec 2005 20:55:39 -05:00
Ok, so it's the 3rd post today. Only, each post has been half a day apart. Wait....that math doesn't make sense. Oh well.
Sketcherpbr: bah         sketcherpbr: I’ll have my revenge       igohah: PETE SKEET SHOOTA SHALL REIGN SUPREME!    Sketcherpbr: oh yes     sketcherpbr: ohhhh yes           sketcherpbr: all mine   sketcherpbr: die, bitches            sketcherpbr: it's mine
um, that's just between me and Momo. Sorry.
Anywho, the day went allright. I had to take a walk with mom and Dutchy and then she forced me to color her hair. I have the black death all over my hands...
BRING OUTCHA DEAD! (cat yelps as it's slammed into wall in background)
anywho, I’m pretty bored now. This has been a boring day in general. Too bad, so's ok though, since the parentals won't be around tomorrow. That means I get to go out with LYDIA!!!!!!! Sweet. So don't call the house tomorrow. I’m not going to be there.
My mood: (old man over son's shoulder) I feel happy!!

Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:32:26 -05:00
Ok, so that confused last entry was also today, but like 11 hours ago. Oh well.
So, today is going to be a <FONT color=#ff0000>warm <FONT color=#ffffff>day. Excellent. I need some warmth. My hands need some warmth. They're always cold. Brrr......
<FONT color=#ffffff>ATTENTION ALL PEOPLESES: lydia got me this amazing day calendar that is 365 stupidest things said. If youwould like me to tell your quote for you birthday, you need to tell me when your birthday is and I will try to remember and tell you your quote on your birthday to add some fun to the day! silly,  there are some pretty funny ones, such as mine, but I think Lydia's takes the prize. I doubt she'll want me saying hers, cause it's so damned hilarious, but that's ok. I know it's not true, lyida winky,  actually I don't, but I believe you. Lol. ANYWAYS......
<FONT color=#ffffff>if my brother were here, we'd be out passing the football. But he and dad are in florida for a soccer tourny. So, if anyone wants to do something today to get me away from coloring my mom's hair, PLEASE call me and we'll do it. That applies ESPECIALLY for Lydia. Lol. I’ll probably update this later tonight. Seeyas.
<FONT color=#ffffff>-Peter

Tue, 27 Dec 2005 01:44:53 -05:00
I’m tired. I need to sleep. But, I must first say that today was a very splendid day because I had lots of good fun with Lydia!! laughing,
i heart lydia. Very much.
p.s. Can you guys believe that christmas is already over???? wtf,  crazy.

Sun, 25 Dec 2005 11:30:29 -05:00
Hey, peoples. Hope you all are enjoying your presents! And jeremy, I hope you are enjoying your holiday too. If you want to know what I got, ask me later. Here's a hint as to how I feel:
CHAPSTICK was one of my presents. Again.
In any case, I hope you all are having a merry christmas, and I hope you all realize, if you're having a holiday like mine, that it's not really about the presents or the gifts. It's about bringing friends and family together to celebrate what happened oh so long ago in a town across the sea...      <FONT face="Palace Script MT" color=#ff0000 size=7>Merry Christmas to all. <P align=left><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">-Peter

Sat, 24 Dec 2005 22:45:25 -05:00
Relatively good day. Except for the headache that is irking me now....
Um, went to church with lydia (which was very fun and included the Dot Game and many others) and I got to stay for her parents little church shindig, which was cool. I dunno if they played LIFE after I left or not, but I suck at life. Everyone knows this.
Then I went to MY church service, and I almost fell asleep like 9 or 10 times cause I had no one there to entertain me (cough*lydia*cough). It wasn't too bad, though. I’m just really tired NOW.
So tomorrow, I’m going to do something i’ve never done before: sleep in a little bit on christmas day. Audacious, I know, but I think I’m going to have to in order to function properly. Oh I’ll probably get up at like 4:30 instead of the usual 4:00....JK! Definitely kidding, guys. I’m looking at around 9:30ish for my wake-up call. Sounds good to me! Hopefully, I’ll get to see Lydia tomorrow. And hopefully, she will like her presents...although she wouldn't allow me to give her the 5th....sad,  I really think you would have liked it, lydia....grrr. Oh well...maybe tomorrow. Hope I get to see you then!
And for everyone else, you'd better get to bed now or you'll procrastinate Santa's trip down your chimney...he won't come down if you're up at 12:00. It's a proven fact. I know from experience. I stayed up til like 12:30 last year to check it out, but I found that he didn't come while I was awake. So I went to sleep and woke up the next morning to see that he had skipped my house because I stayed up. So, the lesson is to go to bed before 12. pleased,  and this would be,
and before I go to bed tonight, my parents are making me watch The Polar Express with them and Wes, so I really think I’m going to be dead tired by the time tomorrow roles around...seeya later!
Much love to my lydia!

Fri, 23 Dec 2005 11:45:23 -05:00
Ok, so this is good and bad: our guests won't be coming due to illness. Reason for good:i get my bed to myself. Reasons for bad: I cleaned my room and the entire house, dad made tons of goodies that won't be eaten by them...oh wait. That's a GOOD one, isn't it? And we have 4 extra tickets to the Grand Ole Opry. Mom's thinking about inviting some of her people from work, but I’d like to see if lydia could go. Maybe get her away from some of those parties....hehe. I dunno. I guess we'll see.
YES!!!!! THE JAMES BONDATHON IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That means that I’m gone. Bye

Fri, 23 Dec 2005 00:02:12 -05:00
Terrible day up til 8:00. Then, it was AWESOME. Lydia and her family came over and the parents had some beers and got drunk, enabling 1) us to hear them over the marvelous Mr. Bean DVD, 2) them to hit it off pretty well (from what my dad's told me...i dunno. I couldn't really tell cause of his slurred speach...jk!) And 3) lydia to drive her father home. Actually, they didn't get drunk at all. But they did have a few beers. That's about it. And they talked a lot. And ate a lot, I guess, cause half of that gingerbread snowman edifice was eaten by the time they had to leave, and we hadn't had Bean was too entertaining to leave the couch. So, in general, we had a lot of fun! pleased,
soo........couple more days til christmas. It's kinda strange for me, cause it doesn't feel like's so warm. I mean, no, it's not really WARM, but it's not as cold as WV. I dunno. It just kinda snuck up on me, too. I got all of my xmas shopping done today. Woot. Lots of parties to go to, don't exactly remember where or when. Grrr....
Hey. If the moon were made outta green cheese, would you eat it? How about spare ribs? I know I would.
Hey. What's your favorite planet? Mine's the Sun. (um, sir, the Sun isn't a planet...) Oh well! We're all going to burn up in it someday!
Sorry, had to get that out for some reason.
Oh yeah, Lydia.
<FONT face="Britannic Bold" size=7>FLOP. <FONT size=6>ON THE COBBLESTONE.
<FONT face="Britannic Bold" size=6><EM>JUST HOW YOU LIKE IT.</EM>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">-Peter

Wed, 21 Dec 2005 19:23:41 -05:00
Wow. That history exam was relatively...painless. Except for the last 25...stupid new stuff.
So I now stand at:
Band: unknown
English: unknown and would like to keep it that way
Bio: 99
French II: 89
History: unknown
Precal: unkown and would like to keep it that way...until I take it.
And I need someone to actually recognize with me that tomorrow is the last day before break. The LAST DAY BEFORE BREAK. This is good. Very good. Except for the Precal part, which I completely forgot to ask aimee about. Ohhhhh well. I’m going to go study.
Hope everyone's having fun shopping while I’m dying here. That happens a lot.
&lt;3to lydia
-le conquistador de la poochies

Tue, 20 Dec 2005 16:30:33 -05:00
Ok. Today's exams weren't that bad. Bio...psh. That's all I say to that. Except for the fact that sitting around for an hour and ten minutes doing absolutely nothing can have it's benefits...such as sleep. laughing,
and french wasn't TOO bad. I’m going to make another prediction on my score...mid to upper 80s. That's not tooo bad. But still pretty bad.
Tonight I’m either going to A) study Precal like a sumbitch with some peeps and study History by myself orb) study Precal and History like a sumbitch by myself. We'll see. I need help, and God knows it all too well.
Love to lydia,

Mon, 19 Dec 2005 21:38:35 -05:00
Ok, so that English AP exam was, in 2 words....a bitch.
Hope you don't have to take it, cause it's a 2 hour test that should take maybe 3 for any hope at getting a decent score. At least, for me it was. I did TERRIBLE on the Beloved section, completely b.s.-ed my way through the annotation section (mainly because the clock said I had 15 mintues to do the annotation AND THEN the essay) and I didn't finish the last part of the essay. So, my friends....good luck. May time be on your side.
So, it wore me out and I’m REALLY tired. And now, I have to study for...french.'s going to be so painful. It always is. You know what I could use right now? Some quality time with lydia. Gah....i miss her. Even though I saw her this morning, I still miss her a lot. Yeah, so....sorry about my sad state of emo. I would applaud you for your patience, but I don't have the energy. Ok. Seeyas later!
Oh, and I’d like to hear some opinions as to which pic I should use for xanga. For more options, go to Mine should bethe freaky pic of me with Trumpet007 under it.just go to view more pics tovote on which one to use...the one I’m using now is not permanent unless I get some votes saying it should be. Bon!

Sat, 17 Dec 2005 17:00:07 -05:00
Like my profile pic? Me too. Reminds me of someone....oh yeah. My brother, Wes.
Today, we did a few thingsbright and early....went christmas shopping, got a tree,worked on the car, and madeplans for tonight (I HOPE!!!!). Hopefully, lyida and I are going to see Narniatonight. That will be very cool. Very.
However, my dad was like "hey, can wes and igo with you??"and my response, ofcourse...bitter, don't even try it, bitches. I’ll kill you dead. Anyone know what I mean?? Lol. So, that's about it so far today...other than I found this amazing brass swingcd thata friend burned for me a longtime ago. It's amazing.but I can't listen to it since it has sooo many scratchesand crap...this really sucks,cause it was amazing. I would giveit to you as one of you presents forxmas, lydia; it was that good.i think you'd have an orgasm over it,just as I did. Amazing. But it sucks that it's gone....bummed,
if I could wrap presents, I wouldbe happy. But I can't. At least, not very well. So,i hope my family doesn't expect neat little presents under the, it'll look like piles of wrapping paper. YAY! Lord help me. Oh, and I need boxes...badly. Ok. Well, I’ll seey'alls later. That's a new word...seey'alls. OH! MAD SKILLS!
-Yours Truly (unless you're gay...then, I’ll be truly your worst nightmare with a baseball bat)

Sat, 17 Dec 2005 16:40:09 -05:00
Ok. It's almost friday. In fact, it might as well be friday. Hold it friday? confused,
wow. I seriously did not realize that it was friday until just then. Oh wow., maybe I was thinking it sometime today, but I didn't really realize it. How crazy am i? Sure, go ahead having a fun time answering that.
Just got done throwing the football at my brother (aka passing the football) and it got some of my stress out and also some of my heat. But that's ok, cause I don't know what I’m doing. I’m not in the greatest of moods right now. I just also realized that. I don't know why.
So, today was ok. I guess. I made a 327/350 and 95% on my English project, so that's ok...then I made an 87% on my French chapter test....not too shabby, I guess. I hate it how I’m slowly lowering my standards... This is terrible. A year ago, ifi had made an 87% on a test, I would be in pain. I think it has a lot to do with how much harder this place is...but I still think I’m slacking off. I think that if I tried harder, I would do better in all of my subjects...except in English. I’m doing well in there. Cause, that kinda comes naturally, or more so than the other classes. Precal, I’m sure if I studied, would be easier. Same with french. Actually, it would really help to have a study buddy in french. And precal. History, I can do. That's just a lack of initiative on my part. So...yeah. Next semester is going to be different. I hope....
So, my mood is still crappy. Um....i don't know what else to say. Other than I need to do my christmas shopping. Fast. Bye.
oh, and I really really really like this's fricking hilarious.
 Lydia, this is our next one.    <IMG class=thumbnailover onmouseover="this.classname='thumbnailover';" onmouseout="this.classname='thumbnail';" alt="cute kid" src="" align=middle> and because I like it so much...voila. It's my profile pic.

Wed, 14 Dec 2005 22:21:30 -05:00
'Tis about time for an update, methinks. Things that have happened since whenever the last time I posted...I’m going with saturday. Say these in your head as if I’m saying them with a very southern accent. Don't ask. Just do.
-Sunday,isa bought myself a niiiice suit, tie, and pur of shoes for the band concert.
-Monday, isa went to be learned, anddeni did sometin else...i don't'member what I dun did. Oooh weel.
-Tuesday, I dun went to be learned and dun dun my project inamerican-speak, er...English, and I dun took too dad-gum long. Hehehe. At least I kin spell Walden...den we had de band concert dat night and I dun showed up in my pimpin' suit. It was pimpin' fo sho. And my woman dere called Lydia dun look awful fine. AWFUL fine. As in, rilly fine. Smokin' like my 22 after I dun shot dat trout. Dat's mighty fine. But anyways, it was a good concert 'cept for my horse call, cuz it sounded a little like a dying horsey. Brings back memries o' po' Buckwheat. Po' horse...never saw dat caterpillar wit'ta chainsaw. *sniffles* but de concert we dun was okie doke, and dat po' Aimee was battlin' dat awful beast Shaniquwa. God bless 'er 'eart. Den my woman and me dun went past 'er 'ouse 'n' I dun drove like a wilderbeast's calf. T'was fun fer shure. Den I dun droppered 'er off at 'er house and drove like a maniac on ectasy back 'ome cuz my dad was a-pmsin'. Po' bastard. Den I did learnin' work.
-t'day I wuz bo'd. Nutin' happened, 'cept fo' Andrew deyoung gettin' a platter o' balls on da back o' his neck 'n' po' ole me on da floor in pain. Truly, it did hurt.
And now, I’ma goin. Seeyas.
Oh, I doloves my woman.
um, so apparently, my parents are wanting to move....again.

Don't worry, it's to somewhere really, maybe Saratoga. sucks. But, you know? What can a guy do?

Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:31:13 -05:00
Quick update while my dad thinks I’m doing my history project...
So, today was ok I guess. Band wasn't too bad, and I don't really have too much homework, so I’m going to continue doing my project because I’m bored. However, the damnable electricity keeps going out....damnation.
Tabby went to Timbuktu to tour your yellow Eukalali's Yiddish yarned Yack. Stupidly, silly slutty Sylvia saw someone sailing southward on six of the seven sexy seas and stated something so superstitiously and perfectly. "Pineapples pretend to panick prematurely when pelicans poop out peanuts on peacocks' pajamas. Period." Truly, tiny tarnished Tabby topped to her tiptoes to hear in her ear the seer's queer jeer out of fear. Tabby turned turquoise timidly, timing her total totalitarian temper tantrum testily. Good day, my friends.

Sun, 11 Dec 2005 00:45:26 -05:00
Update for yesterday AND today:
yesterday, lydia and I went around the world and back. And when I say the world, I mean cool springs. I was very much lost. That's why she was shouting out which way to turn and when and then covering her face in fear of me hitting someone. Don't worry, lydia....I’m not going over any medians. Yet...
But I know that <EM>I</EM> had a lot of fun, and I think she did too, so that's good!! When she has fun, I have fun because I know she's having fun! works, believe me. And...then I came home and got yelled at at 2:45 in the morning for being on the computer...and I just remembered that I’m not supposed to be on the computer for the rest of the weekend...woops.
So, <U>today</U>, I had a lotof fun...except for the part where chriskickedme in the....nevermind. Bad memory. But other than that, I had TONS of fun. AND I completed my english essay that's due monday, so now I just have to do the poster.
<FONT size=1>woohoo.
so, that's about it. I don't think I have anything else. Just lots of homework tomorrow. Damnation...

Fri, 09 Dec 2005 18:26:52 -05:00
So...long week, yes? Lots of tests, and I had my biggest up and down in precal this week. From a 2/30 to....something?? Something better than a 2, I know that much. But you guys don't want to hear about that. Unless you want to laugh. In which case, you can go screw your grandmother's pet ferret.
Um, so there's going to be a lot of working this weekend...450 point project due in english, extra credit poster in history, and some crap in precal that michael says is very tedious. Great. So, I need to try to do that essay with the english project sometime. Cause...well, imight run out of time. Bad things would happen....

Thu, 08 Dec 2005 21:40:25 -05:00, time for homework. Lots of it. 1...2...3...4...5 tests tomorrow. Amazing. Seeyas.
I loves my lydia. laughing,

Wed, 07 Dec 2005 21:12:11 -05:00
Hello hello, my friends. I have recently developed a's called o_so_random. So, if you have the chance, check out my appropriately-named myspace and BE MY FRIEND!!!! of now, I have none. Lol. Doesn't surprise me one bit...
So today was a relatively decent day. I had...1, 2, 3 quizzes, methinks, and I think I did fairly well on all of them. I know I missed one ID on Skee's quiz, but it's all good. Who wants to know about the Teller Ammendment anyway??
Oh, and by the way, The Fellowship of the Ring is AWESOME in H.D. However, it's not so great when it's 63 degrees in the same room you're watching it in and updating your xanga in. I wouldn't try it without a blanket or two....and gloves. But I don't have gloves, so....yeah. Oh well. I’m out for now...i think. Hold I have anything else to say??I guess not. Oh wait.
so, let it snow let it snow let it snow.
That is all for now.

Mon, 05 Dec 2005 21:22:28 -05:00

Oooh how I love this. And this next one too. <TABLE class=blogbody cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="5%"> </TD> <TD valign=top> <H3></H3> <H3>A Player's Guide for Keeping Conductors in Line</H3> If there were a basic training manual for orchestra players, it might include ways to practice not only music, but one-upmanship. It seems as if many young players take pride in getting the conductor's goat. The following rules are intended as a guide to the development of habits that will irritate the conductor. (Variations and additional methods depend upon the imagination and skill of the player.)  <OL> <LI>Never be satisfied with the tuning note. Fussing about the pitch takes attention away from the podium and puts it on you, where it belongs. <LI>When raising the music stand, be sure the top comes off and spills the music on the floor. <LI>Complain about the temperature of the rehearsal room, the lighting, crowded space, or a draft. It's best to do this when the conductor is under pressure. <LI>Look the other way just before cues. <LI>Never have the proper mute, a spare set of strings, or extra reeds. Percussion players must <EM>never</EM> have all their equipment. <LI>Ask for a re-audition or seating change. Ask often. Give the impression you're about to quit. Let the conductor know you're there as a personal favor. <LI>Pluck the strings as if you are checking tuning at every opportunity, especially when the conductor is giving instructions. Brass players: drop mutes. Percussionists have a wide variety of dropable items, but cymbals are unquestionably the best because they roll around for several seconds. <LI>Loudly blow water from the keys during pauses (Horn, oboe and clarinet players are trained to do this from birth). <LI>Long after a passage has gone by, ask the conductor if your C# was in tune. This is especially effective if you had no C# or were not playing at the time. (If he catches you, pretend to be correcting a note in your part.) <LI>At dramatic moments in the music (while the conductor is emoting) be busy marking your music so that the climaxes will sound empty and disappointing. <LI>Wait until well into a rehearsal before letting the conductor know you don't have the music. <LI>Look at your watch frequently. Shake it in disbelief occasionally. <LI>Tell the conductor, "I can't find the beat." Conductors are always sensitive about their "stick technique", so challenge it frequently. <LI>As the conductor if he has listened to the Bernstein recording of the piece. Imply that he could learn a thing or two from it. Also good: ask "Is this the first time you've conducted this piece?" <LI>When rehearsing a difficult passage, screw up your face and shake your head indicating that you'll never be able to play it. Don't say anything: make him wonder. <LI>If your articulation differs from that of others playing the same phrase, stick to your guns. Do not ask the conductor which is correct until backstage just before the concert. <LI>Find an excuse to leave rehearsal about 15 minutes early so that others will become restless and start to pack up and fidget. <LI>During applause, smile weakly or show no expression at all. Better yet, nonchalantly put away your instrument. Make the conductor feel he is keeping you from doing something really important. </LI></OL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <H3>Band Personnel:</H3> <DL> <DT>Band Director: <DT>Leaps tall buildings in a single bound. Is more powerful than a locomotive. Is faster than a speeding bullet.             Walks on water.          Gives policy to God. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Drum Major: <DT>Leaps short buildings in a single bound.    Is more powerful than a switch engine.          Is just as fast as a speeding bullet.             Walks on water if sea is calm.             Talks with God. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Oboe Player: <DT>Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds.     Is almost as powerful as a switch engine.       Is almost as fast as a speeding bullet.         Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool.            Talks with God if special request is approved. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Saxophone Player: <DT>Barely clears a quonset hut.         Loses tug-of-war with locomotive.         Can fire a speeding bullet.      Swims well. (Katie? Swim? Who am I kidding?)      Is occasionally addressed by God. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Clarinet Player: <DT>Makes marks high on wall when trying to clear short buildings.            Is run over by locomotive.      Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury.       Dog-paddles. Talks to animals. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Flute Player: <DT>Runs into buildings.             Recognizes locomotives two times out of three.        Is not issued any ammunition.            Can stay afloat with a life jacket.        Talks to walls, argues with self. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>Drummer: <DT>Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings.           Says "Look at the choo-choo."           Wets self with water pistol.    Plays in mud puddles. Loses arguments with self. <DT> <DT> <DT> <DT>T-rumpet Player: <DT>Lifts buildings and walks under them.       Kicks locomotives off the tracks.       Catches speeding bullets in teeth and eats them.             Freezes water with a single glance.     Is God. </DT></DL> ENJOY! Cause I know you all know it's true. Oh, and no offense, anyone. But I couldn't resist
-yours truly

Mon, 05 Dec 2005 20:59:35 -05:00
Eternal damnation...i’ve been tagged.
<U>Ground Rules:</U> The first player of this "game" starts with the topic<EM> "5 weird habits of yourself"</EM>, and people who get tagged need to write a Xanga entry about their 5weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You are tagged" in their Xanga and tell them to read yours.
1. I always put my right shoe on before my left because of my O.C.D.
2. I have some jokes that are so ridiculously stupid that the person who made them up should be shot. Yet I love to tell them regardless of all the weird looks I get.
3. My dad and bro say that when I eat cereal, I make some kind of weird noise that I can't hear. It comes from my mouth/ throatand sounds like alittle soft yelp, apparently. So...
4)I can dislocate my shoulder at will, pull out mycollar bones,pop out my hip bones, and make my arms look like they've been broken at the elbow. Skills....
5)well, as you all know, I’m the most randomperson I know. Also,when you think "Peter" you think "my god, what a weirdo. So#5 for me isthe fact that I’m go to the dictionairy and look up weird, it says "see Peter". Yes,my friends. Come and see me.
So, I guess now I have to tag
-muahahahahaha....Lydia's sisters. Muahaha. This should be interesting...
So there you go.HOP TO IT!

Sun, 04 Dec 2005 20:27:52 -05:00
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10><FONT face=verdana size=2>Look at your Top 8 and list them in order: only I did it based on my top 8 on my xanga subs.....                    (and I decided to just pick randomly 8 people...)                   1. Lydia   2. Robert         3. Aimee          4. Court           5. Jeremy         6. Mr. Box       7. Wonderwoman       8. Mr. Incredible                   
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HUGGED number 7?         Um....yesterday when I was leaving her house...since lydia is prettywonderful, you know.                            
WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID TO 1?         I love you! Talk to you later...(phone call)                 
DESCRIBE 3 IN 3 WORDS?           Bah...this is hard. Um....inspirational, caring, talented          
<SPAN class=blacktextnb10><FONT face=verdana size=2>
WOULD 8 AND 5 MAKE A GOOD COUPLE?    Mr. Incredible....and Jeremy? Hell yes! I’m sure that would be pretty hott.
WHAT IS 2'S BEST FEATURE?      How he flinches when you act like you're going to punch him. Actually, I like it when he flinches and then you actually DO punch him because he was being annoying; it's pretty satisfying. (hint: aim for the gut)                                  
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT 6?            Well....he gave me plenty of chance on that Star Spangled Banner solo...even though it was miserable.....                              
WHEN WILL YOU SEE 2 NEXT?  Monday morning?? Oh wait..tomorrow night. I’ll be digging his grave...(don't ask why...i don't really need a reason. I act upon whim)                   
WHAT IS 4'S FAVORITE SONG?  Something metal, I’m sure...i dunno. Sorry, court. OH WAIT!It's Oops! I did it again?                      
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING THAT 3 SAYS?    AVANT! (points to the sky in the direction we're going)                                   
IS 6 A PIMP? How ironic....of course he is. Biggest pimp i’ve ever known.                       
WHEN DID 1 CALL YOU LAST?  TODAY! pleased,                              
TELL US SOMETHING EMBARRASSING ABOUT 3:   um....well, this is tough.....geeze. Um....gah. I don't know.OH! That one time with the plumes not being there at ravenwood, well, yeah. They were in her ears.                                 
ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH NUMBER 5?  Um....sorry,but no                              
IF YOU COULD TELL 2 SOMETHING RIGHT NOW WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?  You're muzzah was a hamstah and your fazzah smelled of eldairberry!                  
well, he's mr. Incredible. Need I say more?
and yes, you people on here who haven't already done it must repost it. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
um...this is really random, but I felt compelled to say this...and no, it has nothing to do with your hynees. I think I need to do this more often....
I want to thank all of my friends. Just--just for being there. Just for being my friends. I truly appreciate every single one of you. You're there when I’m down to sympathize with me. You're there when I’m up and to share my happiness with me. You're there to listen to me rant and rave about the most random things in the universe. You're there for me always, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you. You ALL have a huge impact on my life, and I couldn't be happier to have such great friends. Thank you so much.

Sat, 03 Dec 2005 17:35:28 -05:00
I changed the look 'n' feel because I was an idiot to put it there from the start, and it was extremely selfish of me. So, although you are a great beauty, lydia, I know you would rather me not display all over the internet that you are mine. Sorry....
Oh, and I completely bombed my audition. Everything went wrong, nothing wentright. I didn't even get past the scales.yeah. It was that bad. I don't want to see how I did. I really don't. If I did see how I did, I might just drop kick my trumpet. Actually, I’d probably just ram into more walls like I did earlier after my audition. So, I’m out. I hate myself.
Oh, and parents don't help. Especially when they berate you on something you don't think could get any worse. It's definitely not better.

Sat, 03 Dec 2005 08:11:00 -05:00, I’m going to midstate now. And, yes, I’m definitely not the calmest i’ve ever been. Mainly because aimee pointed out to me yesterday that I was playing an entire song incorrectly....and I haven't practiced it since. hell with that. Geeze. D flats are overrated, anyway. Hope I can remember them, though...

Thu, 01 Dec 2005 21:08:27 -05:00
Hey, guess what everybody!! This kinda shocked me, and I thought that it might shock you....I DIDN'T FINISH BELOVED! stunned,
i hope you managed to get out of the way of that massive avalanache of sarcasm that was coated on those words...cause there's no way in hell I could have finished the book. I did, however, learn a lot from my affair with spark notes last night...
I think you'll agree with me in saying that the test was not too difficult, so I’m happy about that. I’m also happy that Lydia seemed more cheerful today than the past couple of days, because that makes me happy! It makes me feel...i actually can't describe how it makes me feel when I see her depressed and, after asking her if I can do anything, find that I can't help makes me feel so....weak.i feel powerless. I’d do ANYTHING to help her. Anything. Just say the word, lydia, and you know I’ll do it. I love lydia.... That was pretty emo there, so...sorry about that. Let's delve on things that involve everyone in general. Such as this proposed calendar. All I have to say about that Nonononononononononononononononononoononononononono.
Do you know how screwed up next year will be if they do this??? Do you have any idea? My <EM>senior year. SENIOR YEAR.</EM> that means I’ll be a senior. And they're going to be fucking around with my shedule and my senior year of band, and <EM>no one,</EM> and I mean <EM>NO ONE</EM>, gets in the way of me and band. No one. ESPECIALLY my senior year. 1) there would be no band camp. 2) football season (which affects us) would be so screwed up because of our breaks and crap. 3) no summer school, which I know a lot of you don't care about, but I plan on taking chemistry this summer so I can catch up with everyone else. Bio with freshmen is no fun. 4) the new schedule would screw up so many of my classes and the pace we work and whatnot, and I really want to get into a decent college. To do so, I don't need any damned schedule to confuse me and my teachers into taking my grades and flushing them down the poop shoot. Yes, dearest lydia, you are correct when you say "fuck grades". Kudos to you! 5) I just KNOW that if they do it this year, they'll go right back to the old way the year right after.
So yeah, don't do it. I told my mom about this, and, being the biatch that she can be (I’m not trying to be mean, it's just a common truth), she said she was going to go pro-new calendar. She didn't care about my rantings of how my senior band year will be so messed up that I will be miserable. She actually smiled when I said that...the F in Family stands for they don't give a fuck. Um, next time you see someone you aren't really in good terms with, call them dumbfuck. It's fun.
Sorry about all of my vulgarity and profanity, guys....I’m just not in the best of moods. Um...time for homework. Goodnight, y'all. If you don't consider yourself as part of y'all, then goodnight to you too.
oh, and I’m thinking about changing my AIM screenname to T-rumpet07. So, sketcherpbr or T-rumpet07?? Up to you guys, really. I’m not going to do anything without some feedback, so it would be much appreciated. Just say which one you think is better. Merci!

Wed, 30 Nov 2005 18:15:06 -05:00
Ok, so....I’m attempting to do beloved, 6 hours?? I’ll try to finish it today. I’m on page....47? Bah. I really really wish I could read faster. I mean, sheesh. I’m so sloooooow. I’m going to have to op to spark notes. I’ll just read as much as I can, and then I’ll read the rest on spark notes, I guess. Lord, help me.
Actually, lord help lydia. Lots of things going not-so-well in her life now, I think, so try to cheer her up whenever you see her! I’ll always be trying, for sure. I LOVE LYDIA!
ok, so screw that. There's no chance, thanks to my dad. Well, there probably wouldn't have been much of a chance anyway, but he just HAD to take me all over hell andback for 2 hours, so now I’m just going to read until 9:00 and then have an affair with Sparknotes. Sorry, lydia. I don't think you'll can be right after this damned test.
Everyone pray for Lydia, doesn't matter if you don't know why, just pray if you can. She is truly an amazing woman that just happens to be in situations that she doesn't deserve to be in. If I could, she knows that I would take some of that load off of her and help her. I love you, lydia.

Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:03:29 -05:00
OK! So another day, another entry I guess. Hmmmm...what have I done all day, you ask? Here goes not necessarily nothing.
I woke up at 10 to find that my room was a good negative something degrees, so that really didn't make me want to get out of bed. But I did. And believe it or not, it WAS cold. Very. So then my mom tells me wes and dad are at his soccer game and that I need to do all of this crap. So I do it. Then dad calls and tells me that I need to rake more stuff and then BAG IT ALL. That's like....20-some piles of leaves. Massive piles, mind you.         by the end of the day, wes and I had 32 bags of leaves done. <P align=left>and there's still OVER HALF LEFT. We just ran out of bags...soooo painful. And I was waiting the whole day for Lydia to get home cause we were going to go look for a dress for her and a shirt to match it for me. However, she went and (i assume) bought a dress that's either black or red, and so I don't really need to go buy a shirt. Just in case, I’m bringing 3 dress shirts: white, red pin-striped, and black. I only have a few ties...including a hot bow-tie, so I’ll bring them all so she can pick it out. Woot! I love conforming to Lydia....laughing,  <P align=left>and I am currently packing up some last few things. I hope I don't bring stuff I’m not going to use. My dad was entirely too interested in what I was packing, and decided to try to go through my luggage. At 1:30 in the morning. It was so weird....he opened the door, had a flashlight, and put it ON MY FACE because he wanted to see if I was awake, which I was but I acted asleep, and he just came in and went through my suitcase. Honestly, dad, what do you think I’m going to bring? An entire week's supply of rubbers? Psh. Try a week AND A HALF's supply. Sheesh, dad. I’m not that stupid. I know how to be prepared.
Oh, and I totally need to pull one of those Wendy's commercials and when my parents say "NO" or "YOU'RE GROUNDED", I’ll just conjur this orgasmic cheeseburger out of the air and say "How about...Now?" and watch they're faces as they let me do whatever I want, as long as they get their Wendy's orgasmburger. Sounds good to me...
Allright, kiddies, I’m out for now. Off to pack more rubbers...JK. But really. Would YOU go through your son/daughter's luggage? If you would, then would you do it AT 1:30 IN THE MORNING?? Crazed.CRAZED he is. I’m out. See ya'll tomorrow at school AND ON THE BUS TO PHILLY! Can I get an amen or a hell yes??
Love to my lydia!

Sat, 19 Nov 2005 17:15:43 -05:00
Well...there goes more bus rides...
Oh wait. 32-hour bus ride next bad.
Football team was terrible, as usual. Actually, I wasn't paying much attention to the game, but when I did look at the field, there was one of three things going on. 1)interception by them, 2)fumble by us recovered by them), or 3)touchdown by them. stuff. Maybe we'll do better NEXT year (cough cough).
I’ve started packing...well, i’ve gotten out my suitcase. That counts, right? I dont' know what all to bring. Actually, I do, but not stuff for the bus and whatnot. Oh, and I know I’m stupid, but I just realized that the cruise had better be INSIDE the boat, as opposed to on top of or on the deck or whatnot. I’m stupid. The cold is getting to me. I guess I don't have much to complain about, considering my old HS won their playoff game in 15 degree weather...and next week they're going up north to Morgantown and it'll be snowing. WOOT! I love snow.
However, it IS supposed to be snowing/raining most of the day in Philadelphia on Thanksgiving...including the morning. Snow in the morning, rain in the afternoon. Booooo.....well, I hope it's SNOW in the morning instead of rain, cause rain would make us even COLDER. Damn...
On a more emo note...
It's not very fun when she's not here. I’ve determined that. I tried...oh, I tried. But no, she wasn't there beside me. Heh, shelza's going to tell her all the stuff I did to make myself BELIEVE that she was there....funny stuff. Stupid football least I got to talk to her! Sweeeeeeeet......
Time to go! I’m supposed to be raking leaves while my dad and bro are at his soccer game. Wooooops....hehe. Not a chance.

omg...i am soooo exhausted. I just got done raking the front AND back yards....what a doozy. So now there are 19 massive leaf piles surrounding my house...reminds me of 'Nam. They were everywhere...had us surrounded and outnumbered.
Ok, so I’ll be bored all if anything's going on and I’m missing out. Bien. Oh, and I vow not to change my xanga's look and feel for at least another month. I’ve changed it like 40 times in the last 24 hours...insanity.

Thu, 17 Nov 2005 23:04:00 -05:00
If you have the time....

What would you do if...         1. I died:         2. I lived next door to you:     3. I was hospitalized:  4. I ran away from home:  5. I became a druggie?            6. I killed someone?    6 1/2.Someone close to you?  6 3/4.By accident?                  Would You..   7.Buy me a Christmas present?           8. Keep a secret if I told you one?:     9. Take a bullet for me?:     10. Keep in touch?:     11. Try and solve my problems?:        12.Come to my house and eat my food?                                            Have You Ever..         13. Lied to make me feel better?:       14.Been mad at me but put on a happy face?     15. Wanted to kill me?:           16. Kept something important from me?:       17. Thought I was unbearably annoying?:            18.Talked about me behind my back (in a bad way)?                                    Random Stuff..  19. What reminds you of me?..           20.What is my worst quality? 21.What is my best quality?    22. If you could give me anything what would it be?..   23. How well do you know me?..       24. When's the last time you saw me?..    25. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?                HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...                     26. Are we friends?    27. Would you take care of me when I’m sick?         28. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?  29. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?  30. Do you think I’m a good person?     31. Would you ever listen to my problems even if they don't involve you?  32. If you could change anything about me, what would it be?           33.Would you come over for no reason, just to hang out?     34. What do u think we would do if u came over??                    Because I love Awkward Moments:              35. Do you think I’m Hott?           36. Do you have a crush/attracted to me?      37. Would you kiss me?          38. Would you ever ask me out or go out with me if I ask you out?  39. Have u ever Wanted to kiss me?: 40. Have u ever Loved me?:     41. Have u ever held my hand?:         42. What would u do if I kissed you: 43. What would u do if I loved u:            44. What would u do if I said I loved u....would u say it back:         45. What would u do if I randomly started making out with you: 

Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:57:51 -05:00
So I came home and for some reason I ate 5:00. I guess I was hungry. My dad came home and started cutting up some meat for dinner and that's when I realized that no one else had eaten and that it just LOOKED like it was 9:00. Oh well....guess I won't have to eat. Or maybe he'll make me...damnation.
I had a weirdish day, I guess. I’m pretty sure that the beginning of Amistad is the greatest beginning to a movie ever. So much blood and gore, it's sweet. Then I had a bio test, fairly easy, then a french quiz, fairly simple, and then it went I really should study for Skee's tests...I’m pretty sure I didn't get ANY of his ID's on his quiz right. Gah....I’m doing so terribly in there, and yet it's so simple. Actually, he makes it hard by not TEACHING us it but rather giving us little packets and making us know them for tests. Booo....hiss. Then I became even MORE confused in precal. Lord help me.....i hate math. Aimee, I believe that math IS eternal damnation. Fairly accurate, if you ask me.
And the lovely lydia was very lovely today! As usual. What do you expect?? She always brightens up my day! And warms my hands...damn, that practice was cold. My hands can get below's crazy. I think the blood in them is DESIGNED to make me think they're dead. Gah...but thank you lydia for warming them up!! You are the Fairest of all the land.and no, I wasn't warming my hand in a very warm place...but it would have helped! That was indeed my armpit my hand was under lol. Or was it?? winky,  jk jk jk.
Tomorrow is going to be another one of those miserable days...except for 1st period. Poor poor lydia....and lots of others....have to go to the model UN thingamajig, and she's going to leave me all by my lonesome at school, the busride, and the football game.....<FONT size=6>sad, <FONT size=3>sad, sad, sad, x 100000000000000,1325720938751 + 6. NO! Not fair in the least...furthermore, she'll be gone ALL WEEKEND! WHAT IS THIS?! bitter,  they can't have my lydia forever...
well, now I need to do english stuff. Crap. Seeya later gators.

Wed, 16 Nov 2005 22:20:50 -05:00
Today was slightly worse, actually...up until the end of the day. I can't explain...seeing Lydia sad makes me even sadder because I know there's nothing I can do to change it. But then at the END of the day, I cheered her up a little bit, I think, and that made me feel SO much better! laughing,
so, I was going to see her pick out a dress and then I’ll pick a shirt to match it, but no, her mom had to buy one without telling her. Well, I’m sure she'll like whatever she decides to wear, and I’ll pick whatever she likes to go with it. Weeeee!!!! Fun fun.
Afterschool activities included getting a haircut and checking out my eyes for different contacts. So, I’m getting a new one in my right eye and I now look like Spok. Yes, you read correctly.
<FONT size=4>i look like Spok.
dumb hairperson. But hair grows, and it's just a bunch of dead protein on your scalp. Well, I guess it's alive at the tip, but that's UNDER the skin and the rest is just deader than a doornail. I’m rambling.
So, I really don't know what else to talk about. Oh yeah, I completely failed that AP style test in english, so woot for that. And I have to do 200 write-offs. Damn. Stupid pythagorean thingamajigs. I completely misunderstood what she was asking for. Completely. Precalculus is so pointless, and I really don't see myself looking at something in the future and wondering if the sine of that angle is equal to half of the cosinesquared of this angle. (which it doesn't, unless it's multiplied by the tangent.) GAH! STOP! So dumb. Sorry about the randomness. THURSDAY! Amazing how quickly this week is going by and how quickly we're coming up to the philly trip. Envy me, fellow bretheren; I have the hottest date for that cruise...the whole trip, for that matter. That's right. <FONT color=#308f30>you're this color. Green. With envy. HAH!<FONT color=#182028> <FONT color=#ff8000>i win. She's mine. Well, I’m actually hers. She kinda owns me....but I don't mind. At all. laughing, laughing, laughing,
<FONT color=#ff8000>I’m off. Seeya'll later!
<FONT color=#ff8000>-Peter

Tue, 15 Nov 2005 19:47:05 -05:00
Tornado biz a'comin'....don't know where it's a'goin'.s'posed to be in nashville 'bout now. But i'unno.
Terrible's hard to go around and knowthat a huge part of the reason you go to school and enjoy yourself isn't there.... Depressing. Miss much. Please return home safely. Please. No tornado had better take away my rainbow. Tornadoes aren't allowed.
Car alarm just went off cause of the thunder. So I’m going to get off before the power goes out...seeya
love you lydia!

Sat, 12 Nov 2005 01:49:15 -05:00
Sweeeet...i didn't realize we were winning until like 3 seconds before the game was over, but it's all good...cause we still won! And that means...what? Ravenwood or someone comes here next week? Is that the championship or just 3rd round? So confused...
I had a lot of fun, but I don't know about everyone else. I’m not hoarse --well, at least not yet (i might be screaming out someone's name tonight) JK! JK! Oh, how I love what band has done to me--and I’m definitely not cold (yay body heat!), except for my hands, but they're always cold. Gah...but I got to spend more time with the 8th wonder of the world; that's right, my lydia! Such a goddess....gah! So lucky!!!! Um, but yeah, we won, so we'll see what happens.
I definitely enjoyed listening to screech withflop-tit --er, jeremy--and lydia. That was amazing.satin doll...who would have thought? Guess lydia was right after all! Well, naturally.what else??
Oh, yeah. Tomorrow...or rather, today.going to Indiana, I believe, since I can't exactly wake my dad up andtell him I have lots of reading to do so I can't go...he'd never buy it anyway.notcool....not cool at all. I want to stay home andbe closer to lydia!Stupid brother's soccer dumb. I dont' even know when it's going to end...hopefully after the first game *crosses fingers for a 200-0 loss* and I’ll be able to get home and read the civil war stories and start on Beloved...craps. So dumb....WHY?! Boo...
Time for sleep! Oh, and I found my coin collection! Ooh, how I love old coins....laughing,  they give me some kind of buzz and mysterious feeling of euphorianism (if that's a word...) And I just love looking at the ancient (40-year old) much fun

Thu, 10 Nov 2005 21:11:02 -05:00
Well....i have like 5 minutes to do this since dad's out picking up wes....
He just threatened to kick me off for another month. Geeze....craziness. He JUST got home and has been whining ever since, and I was talking to lydia online (sweeeeeet) and I told her "ok, now you watch. The first thing he's going to ask is if I got my homework done." sure enough...."peter, are you on the computer without having your homework done?" "um....i was getting ready to do it" "NO. THE RULES HAVE NOT CHANGED. MAYBE I’M GOING TO HAVE TO KEEP YOU OFF THE COMPUTER FOR ANOTHER 30-DAY PERIOD, HUH?"
that's my dad for you. Oh, and he falls through kitchen ceilings and busts up his face. Quite often. Hehehehe...that's terrible.
So, I’m hyped about tomorrow, since I’m going to be wearing my beastly nice clothes and then the football game and the bus ride with LYDIA! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! And then the game, and then the bus ride back with LYDIA! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Awesomenes....I’m so lucky. Envy me, everyone; you know you do.'s not going to get you anywhere. At least I don't think so....sad, but I don't think she'll do anything! Because she's LYDIA! AND SHE'S AWESOME! Go ahead. Turn green with envy. I happen to like green, but blue is better. If you ask lydia, I’m sure purple beats them all, and that's cool too.
Hmmmm.....about 2 minutes left...i’ve got it down to a science.
My dad says we're leaving for Indiana saturday morning for my brother's soccer tournament...censored,  not cool at all. I mean, what could I possibly do??? Oh that book for english...that would be good. So boring though....where I am right now, they're talking about dying horses. Not so great...especially since it's like the 3rd page. Woot! Wish me luck.
Ok, dad's in the driveway....speeding at 104 mph, of course. See y'all tomorrow or sometime in the future...(tomorrow is the future, by the way). Seeya! Love ya Lydia!

Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:56:57
Ok, so I haven't had the opportunity to put a "reflection" post down....don't read it if you don't want to.  It's definitely 100% emo.

Ok, so I came here in June....didn't see you guys til July, really.  And in all truth, it was a shock for me.  Having come from a pretty tightly knit "family" (band), I expected the worst. 
I found the best.
You guys were amazing.  You ARE amazing.  Words cannot describe the appreciation that I felt throughout this's mindblowing.  You guys took a complete stranger, accepted him, and treated him as if he had been with you your entire lives.  Incredible.  I was shocked.  I didn't think that there could be a tighter family than Cabell Midland's family....and I’m not dissing Cabell Midland.  Not at all.  Never.  But this's so....perfect.
I got to know you better over the summer.  I got to know each one of you.  And you just helped me along, helping me become a part of this family.  There were dumb things I did...things that I didn't accept at first or people I didn't return the love to...I’m truly sorry.  I love you all now.  ALL of you.  Every one.  You guys have given me so much, and I will never EVER forget it.  EVER.  You guys rock my world.
My first thanks goes to Jim.  When I first came here, I knew no one, knew how to get nowhere, and had no clue what I was doing.  Jim came and gave me rides to band.  Jim was my first friend here, and he invited me to some parties that his friends had so that I could meet some new people.  Thank you for everything, Jim; you're awesome.
My second goes to Corie.  Corie helped me get to know people also, and gave me some rides from here to there to once again get to know people.  Unfortunately, I didn't reach out as much as she did, and we don’t know each other as well as we could have.  Hopefully, we'll become closer over this next year, as well as some others.  Thank you Corie for your willingness to reach out to a complete stranger and help him along as you have. 
My third goes to Robert.  Robert has been there to help me through some tough times and has always had an opinion worthy of consideration.  He has always been there for me to blame some of my laser-tone on, and yes, I am owning up to it.  There were many times when I am sure it was myself on those videos and at rehearsal.  Shhh.....hehe.  But Robert has always been there with a joke and a laugh to put me in a mood other than depression or something related.  Thanks Robert, for your support and commitment.
My fourth goes to Court.  Court is constantly there with some kind of perverted joke or action (not TOO perverted, mind you) to cheer me and others up.  He reached out to me as so many others did and cannot begin to know how much I appreciate his friendship.  Thanks court, for your heavy metal on the bus rides.
My fifth, of course, goes to Aimee.  Without Aimee.....a) the trumpet section would not be what it is, and b) I would not be the person I am.  She has helped me along more than any other and has done everything to help me fit in here and become part of this family, and she has done it all so selflessly that I can't help but marvel at her character.  Aimee has ALWAYS been there from the start, from the first day of rehearsal when Mr. Box moved me next to her to now, helping me with band, relationships, here in general.  Aimee is constantly the source of optimism for this band, and she is going to be the main source of energy and encouragement for this band next year.  She is going to be, as she is now for the trumpets, the big momma duck for the entire band as a whole.  Her leadership and compassion for this organization and each individual member has been truly inspiring, and I can only hope that I and others can even begin to be as dedicated and committed as she is.  Thank you Aimee, for everything you have given to me and this organization; thank you for giving your heart to us.
My sixth goes to Lydia.  When I first came here, I didn't have much energy at all for what I was about to take on...learning a completely new marching technique, a new kind of show, new kind of practices....Lydia had that energy.  She was CONSTANTLY bouncing off of the walls with excitement and it was indeed contagious, and her ever-present optimism and wit was what lifted me up a lot of the time.  Rainbows, pickles, pink elephants and's all amazing.  She is the most amazing woman in this world, and she has one of the most wonderful personalities i’ve ever encountered.  So thank you, Lydia, for always being there in times of need and lifting me up at the thought of rainbows and whatnot, and thank you for choosing me over so many are the greatest.
My seventh goes to the trumpet section as a whole.  Aimee, Robert, Court, Alana, Jenny, Michelle, Shelza, Chris, Lydia, Michael, Andrew, Blake, Patrick, guys are truly an amazing group of individuals who know what instrument is the best.  You guys have always been there as a whole to help me and each other throughout this season, and I can't thank you enough for your awesomeness.  The sectionals, the practices, the performances, the trumpet's all been amazing.  You guys, each individual, are truly an aspiring group of individuals.  Let's have an awesome year next year.

My eighth, I believe, needs to go to Mr. Box.  Over this season, I have been less than adequate.  I was an idiot from the moment he asked me my range.  *slams fist to head*  he took me and placed me in this band as if I were one of his own children, and then he helped me along and helped me grow closer to it as a whole.  He has given me more than my fair share of chances, and he has been the most patient man in the world.  My terrible tone, my constant frackage, my lack of focus...he has been there and seen it all, and yet has patiently shoved me in the right direction.  There have been times where he should have taken something really heavy and thrown it directly at me.  There have been times where I have not owned up to my mistakes, and I should have done millions of pushups for them, but he has just pushed me along.  Thank you, Mr. Box, whether you read this or not, for your constant willingness to forgive and forget and to be so patient as you have been for me.  Thank you.

So then came the first few performances, and I discovered more about this band.  This band is ALWAYS optimistic.  Even if we know it was a bad performance.  And when we know it's a bad performance, we work hard.  Really hard.  And we get closer.  We work like a machine.  It's amazing.  When most bands will take a break mentally, no.  Not Brentwood.  Not us.  We're amazing.  We're it.
That's all I have time for now...I’m going to edit and add stuff later...
I love you guys


Wed, 02 Nov 2005 20:24:53 -04:00
Hey, guess what?  UPDATE TIME!
Sweeeeet.....i think this is going to work out!!!!!  I can't wait....literally.  How long can I hold it in???
On a more understandable note that you all can look at without going  o_O   , today was a good day.  Well, it didn't start out so great, mostly because I started it at 12:00 AM with a break from school at 3 and then back to normal at 5:30...that's been my past 2 days, by the way.  So Lydia and I have come to the conclusion that we should sleep at school.  Bunk beds in the band room would be awesome.  Cause I took a 2.5 hour break from school, more or less.  Boo...hiss....stupid Poe Parody.
If you're ever really bored and tired at the same time, this is what you need to do.  You need to get on the computer and just let your hands rest on the keypad, look down at the floor, close your eyes, and just start thinking of random things as you sort of fall asleep. Don't think about it too much.  At all, actually.  Cause when I did that, I finally looked up and saw that on my poe paper, I had typed some crap about ATP synthase and some french phrases...crazy.  I was like "wow....I’m tired......gah(dying moan)."
so my poe parody was about a Rainbow Pizza and was fashioned after the Black Cat.  It probably doesn't make sense at all, considering the fact that I was asleep and whatnot....but it was fun.  I talked to Lydia til 2:45 and aimee got off a little before that, and we had a ball trying to keep each other awake.  This is a reenactment:
sketcherpbr: hey lydia...
Sketcherpbr: <FONT size=7>BOO!
vacuumofrainbows:  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Sketcherpbr: wake up!!!

Hahaha....and we interchanged roles.  It's a good thing, too.  I probably would have fallen dead asleep are awesome, Lydia.
Oh, and thanks for the wonderful note and penny!  That's a keeper.  Hope you enjoyed mine!  Oh, and i’ve gotta get you to see those movies (Joe Dirte, 6th Sense, Waterboy, etc.).  Classics....
Ok, so I’m out for now.  You peoples stay cool, bien?  I’ll see you at school tomorrow if I wake up....oh.  And would anyone care to explain why I have 7 huge assignments due Friday in 3 classes?? Bewilders the hell out of me.

Sun, 30 Oct 2005 11:15:08 -04:00
Ok, so yesterday was good.  Now we have to look at that and consider it BELOW par for the next practices in order to make every last second of this season worth it.  COME ON BRENTWOOD!  WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!  We've got Atlanta in the bag if you know we do, and we <EM>have</EM> to know it.
The only bad thing that I saw (and she experienced) was lydia's sunpoisoning.  That's not a good thing....but she'll get better soon.  Hopefully.  WE GOTSTA HAVE HER FOR MONDAY WHNE WE SCARE THE POO OUTTA SOME KIDDIES.  No, not kitties...but that would work too.  Hey lydia;  HA MEOW!  Poor jesus.  Wow, there were so many inside jokes right there that it's funny.
I was just informed that my old band came in second at the Marshall Competition (Tristate competition) and that is a rare occurance.  We won my freshman and sophomore year, and the year before the year before that (my 7th grade year) and I’m not sure about the history before that.  But that sucks.  They lost to Princeton, and apparently it was so crazy that my old band director had to ask them to retally the votes because they won marching and music, but lost to princeton still.  That never happens.  You know it's bad when mrs. Smalley has to ask them to retally the scores.  Oooh.....suck.  Guess they'll just have to put up with 2nd this year....arg.  That really sucks.  Better luck next year, y'all.
But today's going to be fun.  I plan on carving pumpkins (with or without some of you guys, depending on what you want to do.  Call me if you want to try to do something) and it's going to be cool.  I’m going to have a hard time topping last year's pumpkin, although I can't remember what it was, but I know it was awesome.  Dad got pictures, but I dont' know where they are.....
I know some of you guys don't really care about my parental situation, but just to let you know how much they care about my life in band (which is my life, more or less.   More)  but they went to the football game on Friday (which shocked me) and then, after our performance, I discovered that they left just before we went on.  There's my life in a nutshell, for you.  No one cares.
So if you guys want to do something today to get me away from these miserable people, give me a jingle and we'll figure it out!
oh, and sorry I always have to write novels for entries.  I’m sure no one enjoys that.  (if they even read them)  peace out!

Sat, 29 Oct 2005 00:11:32 -04:00
Ok, so that was probably the worst footaball game ever...and we have no excuses.  At least, none that I know of.  Unacceptable.  That wasn't the Brentwood band that I have grown to know over these 4 months.  And no, I’m not saying that I didn't have my own errors, because I know I did.  It was the band as a whole.
 Tomorrow is going to have to be a damned good practice, and we do have the capacity and ability to make this happen, Brentwood.  We've done it before.  We just have to have that mindset.  That mindset that gives us that insane feeling of satisfaction after just a small section of the show, let alone the entire thing.  We have to know, Brentwood...we have to know we can do it.  I know we can.  It all depends on you.  Whoever is reading this.  Everyone reading this.  It all starts in individuals, as Mr. Box said the other day.  The leadership (and even though I’m not really a part of that) has to keep this band going.  We have to take that tiny little ember that I KNOW is still there, still glowing, and we have to make that thing into a friking BONFIRE.  It's got to happen.  And we have to know that.  Come on, brentwood.  Come on.  We owe it to ourselves and the staff to make the best of, dare I say it, these last 8 days.  8 DAYS.  What does that mean to you?  What does this season mean to you?  We should have been thinking of these things a long time ago...and we did for or two rehearsals.  That's not enough.  It's got to be EVERY rehearsal, ALL rehearsal.  Tomorrow is going to determine a lot of things, Brentwood.  I’m taking this one directly from Laura;  What's it going to be, Brentwood?
I’m out.  Sleep well, band.  Be ready for a 180 turn tomorrow.

Thu, 27 Oct 2005 20:55:59 -04:00's over.  Yes, carrie and I are no more.  Hard to explain the feelings going through me now...some of you know what I’m talking about.  But we're still friends, so it's all good.  Now it's all of those male midlander's chance to pounce!  Lol.  Jk, carrie.  But seriously, I don't think you're going to have problems getting someone better than me...i obviously am not the greatest boyfriend in the world because I have no idea how to maintain such a great relationship over this long a distance.  Go ahead, be a good friend to carrie and tell me what a bastard I am.  I know it'll be coming any time soon.  I’ve already gotten 2 emails.  But I have to keep those "confidential", according to the writer who didn't even have the courage to leave their name.  Funny thing is...i know who it is.  But I’m not going to defend myself.  I was indeed a miserable excuse for a boyfriend at times.  I’m sorry...i really am sorry.
But now, everything is ok because there is no more strain and not as much feels good.  Oh wait....english quote journals due tomorrow...stress--worrying.  Peace out, ch'all.  Seeya tomorrow (some of you).

Wed, 26 Oct 2005 21:54:49 -04:00
So....thanks for all of the awesome memories!  If you have more, feel free to just type away, because this is so cool to see what everyone remembers.  Sometimes I can't remember until someone else does, so help me out if you have a really good one!  It doesn't even have to be a good one.  Just a one.  If that makes sense.  At all.  Woooooohoooooooo!   Let's hear it for things not making sense!
So I just practiced for like half an hour just playing those notes in the starspangled banner:  b <EM><U>D </U></EM>c b.  Arg....i think the only reason I was missing it before was that I was putting TOO much air in for that note.  That and the fact that I get EXTREMELY nervous for some odd reason....which doesn't make sense to me because I LOVE solos.  This is odd....well, I constantly missed it when I used too much air, so I backed off a little and it worked 9/10 times.  That's pretty decent.  I think....but yeah.  I’ll get it.  And with the run, the only thing I had to change there was to do as I should have done all along, and that's to tongue the first note.  How stupid am i??  Pretty stupid.   So yeah, I think i’ve got it down.  Thanks for all the comforting, by the way!
Um, so what else is new?  Midstate music looks simple enough; it's just jumps.  Oh wait....that's what I was having trouble with.  Hm....well, I played it and it's not as bad as I’m making it sound.  Just a bunch runs up a concert G flat scale.  Just gotta find time to practice...
So I have no clue what else to talk about.  A lot of you are reading this (or scanning) on your email the day after I wrote that, and I think that's pretty smart, because I hate having to go to everyone's site just to see what people thought every day. It's so much easier on email.  So random, I know. But it's all good.  I’m going to go for now, so I’ll see you guys tomorrow or something.  Well, some of you.  I don't know when I’ll see the rest of you.  Hopefully sometime soon...

Sun, 23 Oct 2005 00:51:57 -04:00
That's right, I’m back AGAIN.  For the second time today.  Hm.....
Usually, I would write down everything that happened over this past month.  But a month is too long.  WAY too long.  So I’m going to leave it with this, and anyone can answer, even my friends in by God West Virginia.  This should summarize everything, and if anyone left something out, well....I’ll add it.  Hopefully.

<FONT face="Edwardian Script ITC" size=6>If you read this, even if we do not speak often, comment with one memory of me.            It can be anything you want, good or bad, just as long as it happened.         Then post this on your xanga. See what other people remember about you...
<FONT face="Edwardian Script ITC" size=6>ok, so I can't get my original font back because I’m too lazy, but please do tell me if you remember anything in particular, because I will love sharing the same memory with you.  Believe me, it makes me feel awesome when I can relate things with someone else.  That's a rare thing for me, because there are so many inside jokes and stuff I don't know about and, well yeah.  Peace out!!!!  Love you carrie!
<FONT face="Edwardian Script ITC" size=6>-PETER  (wow that looks weird)

Sat, 22 Oct 2005 10:54:34 -04:00
Hahahahahahahaha.......i don't know if you noticed, but my last entry was the first after my week-long ban....and here I am a month later after my MONTH-LONG BAN.  Simmering......
Well, I’m glad you guys kept up the comments....22 comments is pretty amazing stuff.  I’m going to have to read all of your xangas sometime or another.....but as for now, I don't have the luxury of that time, methinks. my new pic??  Compliments of Carrie, of course...i don't think I would ever put a picture of myself quite like that for the public to see...but whatever.  Carrie did it, so it's ok.  Just, freaky if you stare at it too long lol.  I  need to have it so that I wink every 10 seconds or  Wow.  Ok, so yeah.....
Going to huntsville alabama today to see my brother play.  Sadly, he is the best player on his team and he is the only one that managed to score any goals in his first game (2) and I’m going down to see his game at 12:30.  The game's at 12:30, not when I’m going down.  I’m going down in like 5 minutes.  Oh well.....
Lot of stuff went on this month....dunno if I’m going to be able to remember it all, but that's no biggy.  I’ll do it tonight if my dad's not too, um....himself.  I fear.........AHHHHH!!
But you know what??  It's ok.  Because I’M FREE!!!!!!

Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:23:03 -04:00
FREEDOM!!!!!!  It feels good.
Ok, well a lot of things have gone on in the past week since that I haven't been able to post due to my faja, who I have despised all week long, and I feel like I need to fill you in on my happenings.  Here goes!
WEDNSEDAY:  all you need to know is that I got my liscence.  SWEET!!!!!  And I missed Carrie ALL DAY!
THURSDAY:  the whole don't-get-on-the-computer thing was really starting to get in my head.  Um, practice went decently (as I recall, but then again, I can't remember anything that happened there) and I believe that was pretty much it.  I missed Carrie THE ENTIRE DAY!
FRIDAY: um, probably a lot of tests that overwhelmed me in a snap, and then the football game at Ravenwood.  Decent performance, from what I heard, but we got creamed football-wise.  Not really creamed, but they beat for the first time in their school's young history.  So....sure.  That was pretty much it, other than the fact that the T-rumpets didn't get any milkshakes as!  Hiss!!!  How are we supposed to even begin to think of having a milkshake-worthy performance if we don't have any milkshakes?!?!  We need to get a taste of the prize...EYES ON THE PRIZE, TRUMPETS!  EYES ON THE PRIZE!  The big, swirling kick-some-butt milkshake in the sky with the whipped cream and the magnificient marichibo cherry on top...EYES ON THE PRIZE!  And I missed Carrie EXTREMELY badly and was constantly thinking about her as the moon was out...i swear, we have the biggest case of ESP that I have ever heard of.  Ask me later if you want to know about all the stuff that we've done unbeknownst to us that ended up being extremely parallel.  Awesome stuff!
SATURDAY:  band performance day.  Got up at 5:30ish, had to be at the band room at 7:30 to depart, and we did indeed depart in SCHOOL BUSES for a 4 hour ride.  How exiting....but it wasn't THAT bad I guess.  So I annotated MLK's letter for a while until I got extremely bored, and then I just slept.  About 3 hours or so later, we stopped in some town (Jackson, maybe??) And practiced for 4 hours in extreme conditions.  As Mr. Box said: we had no idea that we were 1 mile from the sun.  Crazy stuff....I’m peeling on my nose from the sunburn and I assure you it is not attractive.  Woohoo!!!  So that just adds to my ugliness and makes the whole world look at me and go GASP!  IT'S THAT TROLL IN MONTY PITHON!!!!!  Well that's pretty cool and all so....
WHAT is your name??
WHAT is your quest?
WHAT is your favorite color????
And I know that you're all lying about the favorite color, so off you go into the chasm.  Woohoo!!!  I’m a good troll.  Anywho...
We left after many hours of arduous work and with a much-better show, and arrived in Memphis approximately an hour later.  We set up in our block, warmed up, and SHOWTIME!  We were one of the last bands to go, but I think there were 3 more to go (?).  We had a decent show, but I screwed up in a couple of places....such as measure 103...i swear, if I ever hit that note during a show ever again, I’ll sue myself.  That's sad: I don't know if I even spelled sue right.  Sew?  No.  I think it's sue...whatever.  Well, then we stood on the sidelines for the remainder of the competition and watched the crazy Led Zeppelin Gaurd with their amazing I’m-dying-as-i-crawl-to-my-spot-at-the-end-of-the-show-and-my-hair-looks-like-I’m-trying-to-kill-someone-in-front-of-me-but-i-can't-because-I’m-crawling-like-a-zombie part at the end.  Interesting stuff!  Yeah, they won, but it's only because of their awesomely huge Eyeball-beachballs.  That was cool.  But it was kinda weird too, because I don't see what that had to do with the show.  Yeah.  And the fact that the marching judge was also the gaurd judge.  I’d say that we have enough evidence to say that the marching judge wasn't watching their marchers at all due to the insane gaurd, but whatever.  It was all just for experience.  Woot!  Well, we came away with a couple of awards and that's all good and whatnot, so then we headed home.  Called Carrie at ?:00 and we talked for as long as the trees of Tennesse would permit, considering that I didn't see any mountains, and our connection was disrupted like 8 times, but I loved talking to her.  Sorry about hogging the phone, morgan.  I just hadn't talked to her in so saved me!  I also missed carrie all day that day (well, at least the times that I was able to think/when the sun wasn't trying to lower itself even closer to me in order to kill me) lol.  Well, we got home at 2:25ish, but I didn't get home until 2:30ish (thanks for the ride, jenny!) And I didn't get to sleep until like 4 or so, but wait....that's Sunday.
SUNDAY: woke up to the sensation that something small but rather heavy had hit my shoulder as I was sleeping.  I was correct: Wes had indeed thrown the phone at me while I was in bed.  IT WAS CARRIE!!!!  That made me so happy and I immediately forgot about my drowziness and lack of sleep, and we talked for a good while because my parents were in WV and it was awesome!  I know you guys are getting sick of me talking non-stop about her on here, but I can't help it.  I’m sorry!
Well, the rest of the day went pretty smoothly, other than the fact that I still had 7 pages of MLK due the next morning....or so I thought.  Thought about carrie the entire duration of the day!
MONDAY: found out that we had a sub for calhoun (english ap) and that MLK wasn't due, but she didn't say anything about the Patrick Henry thing, so I assumed that we needed to do that for homework.  Watched the crucible and had a ball.  Woot!  Um, then we had band and a sectional, and it was indeed awesome!  Although only a small portion of our section was there, we got a lot done (i believe) and a couple of us played off for Sarah.  I have begun a new trumpet-tradition, I believe, by informing our section about the pencil-endurance practice.  Everywhere I go, I see a trumpet holding a pencil between his/her lips, building endurance for our show.  I APPLAUD OUR SECTION!  Very good indeed.  And we've started a point system in which we count how many weird looks we get from passers-by.  I think I have well over 2 million by now.....sweet.  Other than that, I can think of nothing else that I did that day other than wish carrie was with me the entire day.  Nothing you didnt' already know....
TUESDAY: calhoun was back, but she didnt' take up MLK or the Patrick Henry speech.  This makes me think that all of my hard work is going to waste.  Yipee.  Not much else that day other than band, where we accomplished quite a bit in the form of GE and such, so let's keep on pluggin' along towards that.
If you're just going through this not even reading it but looking for your name, then I don't blame you.  But I have a proposition, or rather, an idea about the closer:  the very last measure of the accelerando, where we all go up the scale to that really high note in measure 25 or something, I think that it would be really awesome if <FONT color=#4040ff>we all built up and, INSTEAD OF PLAYING THAT ONE NOTE IN 25, <FONT color=#0000ff>we just let <FONT color=#308f60>horns do as they are in <FONT color=#206020>robin-hood but start at a double-forte and then decrescendo down to almost nothing and then have the <FONT color=#bf0000>low brass just blast away the next measures as is.  It would be SO AWESOME!  This is what it would look like in words:
<FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=1>da<FONT size=2>da<FONT size=3>da<FONT size=4>da<FONT size=3>da<FONT size=4>da<FONT size=5>da<FONT size=6>da<FONT size=7> <FONT color=#206020><FONT size=6>DA-da <FONT color=#206020><FONT size=5>DA-da <FONT size=3>DA-da <FONT size=1>DA-da
<FONT color=#bf0000 size=7>BAAAAH...BAAAH.....BAHBAH...
It would definitely put the audience at the edge of their seats when we build up and then they'll expect something really big, but there's just the horns fading away into nothing, but the they'll be blown away when the low brass comes in there to melt their faces off.  Sounds good to me!!!!  Any opinions?  Questions? Comments?? I realize that this probably won't happen because I’m just a stupid junior and my fantasies should be kept to myself, but I just think that this is a good idea and would make that section more effective.  Especially since we're standing still on the robin hood and then surprising the crowd with the sudden blasting of low brass and the step off.  Cool beans!!!  Tell me what you think.  I promise I won't get offended lol.
<FONT size=2>  <FONT size=3>well, that was pretty much all I had to say there, so....
WEDNSEDAY (aka today):  on the bus this morning, some kid brought a dead snake.  He was waving it everywhere and the girls were freaking out saying that it had better be dead, and just when everything was getting quiet and the kid had set the snake down on his lap, I heard like 5 million screams from behind me and looked back to see the snake moving off of the kids lap and onto the floor.  Yeah. It was alive all along.  So the kid picked it up and through it out the window.  What an idiot....bus driver never said a thing.  What is this world coming to?!  I have to admit, it was kinda funny.  Yeah....stupid middle schoolers.
I made a complete idiot out of myself and showed the band how crappy I can get when I’m nervous.  It was not pretty.  For you people that weren't there, Mr. Box bad his program up and running and I volunteered to test it out.  I played measures 62 to 104 with the computer thing, and it was not pretty at chris said, it was Fractastic.  I swear, I have never played so crappily in my life.  I fracked every note, and I realized that I was doing so while I was playing, but I couldn't seem to control myself very well.  That was probably the worst anyone will ever hear me play...ever.  That was so terrible.  I apologize to anyone whose ears might have bled due to my extremely terrible playing.  I have nerves of jello.  And yet I still managed to pass with an 85 on my in the world?  Crazy stuff....i hope you guys don't think I play like that all the time.  That was just insane.  Yeah....I’ll work on it, I promise.  I need to download that program though.  I wonder if Mr. Box has made up one of those little sheets that tells you how??  It looks like a great program.  Woohoo!  Yeah.  I’m going to go practice now....
I love you Carrie!
Talk to you guys later

Wed, 07 Sep 2005 16:23:32 -04:00
Ok, i’ve had so much homework recently that it's not even close to being not even funny.  It's way beyond that.  It's so terrible, it's histerical.  It's done a complete 360 and sniffed it's own butt and now I don't know how I’m going to survive.....
They accepted me into the national honor society here, but there's a wee little problem that I haven't had before now....i don't know if I’m going to be able to maintain a 3.75 GPA.  sad,   this could very well be the first time i’ve made a lower average than a 4.0.....not good.  It'll all be because of AP English if I do get booted out.  I made such a low score on that Sound and the Fury test (failed), and I know I made an even worst score on my Crucible test....I’m miserable.  Someone please help me!!!!!  Oh, speaking of help, calhoun wants me to find a study buddy because she says that everyone has already picked there's, but I guess I wasn't there to get the memmo.  So....anyone want to be my buddy?  I really would appreciate it....i often get confused or miss a test date because I’m so forgetful....i need someone to keep me on track.  I would greatly appreciate it!!!!  I have to do that argument thing by Monday, and I have a test on the vocab tomorrow, and I can't remember what else is tomorrow....someone please help me!!!  I hate my life....
Buried in homework,

Tue, 06 Sep 2005 06:51:30 -04:00
Ok, ladies of brentwood band....carrie has some questions about homecoming.  She's planning on buying a dress like today or in the near future, and she wants to know if brentwood's homecoming is "really formal or not".  And I was lucky enough to get an example of formal and non-formal:  short dresses (just below the knees(??)) Or formal (long dresses around the ankles(??)).  I feel like a freak talking about this, but it must be done.  I’ll talk to some of you at school sometime I guess, and don't be surprised when I ask  you today about it.....god, I just know I’m going to get some strange looks.  I promise you all, I am NOT planning on wearing a dress to homecoming.  No, sir, no, ma'am.  Not happening.  Well, if any of you could get back to me with some information, it would be much appreciated!  I promise you, I’m not as freaky as it seems.....thanks.

Mon, 05 Sep 2005 17:38:53 -04:00
Hee hee!  I made a offense, sir robert of lumley.

Mon, 05 Sep 2005 16:17:25 -04:00
Broken Hand Medical Bill:  $300
Medical Bills for complete body cast:  $350,000
Knowing that Robert will never say "Find the Joy in Running!" ever again.......priceless.
In life, there are some things money can't buy.  For everything else, there's an angry band.

Wed, 31 Aug 2005 20:07:34 -04:00
La dee da dee da dee da dee da.  La dee da.  La dee da.
Some music-man for you there, but not that you care.  Heck, I don't even care.  Why did I even do that?  I’m strange....
When you're straaaaaaange, faces come out of the rain, when you're strange, when you're strange, when you're sta<FONT size=2>aa<FONT size=1>aa<FONT size=2>aa<FONT size=3>aange!
what a song.  Anyone want to disagree?  Didn't think so.  Let's hear it for the DOORS!  Woohoo.  I’m not feeling very eccentric for some reason...dont' know why.  Strange...i have no reason to feel like this.  Teenage mood swings.  Boo!  Oh well.  My moom will brighten in about 25 minutes.  Woohoo!  Carrie's at church, and it was kinda funny cause her clock stopped so she thought she had an hour, and I was helping her with her math homework (HEAVEN FORBID I EVER BE GOOD AT MATH) but I think I was able to assist her....hahahaha.  That's funny to think about: me tutoring someone at math.  That's your job, jim, or so i’ve heard.  I don't understand so much in precal, but it's ok: we've got our little block thing going with me, court, james, and richard.  Woot!  We can all be confused together.  I hate it when you guys understand it and I don't, though.  That sucks...except for today when I had to tell james about 30-60-90 triangles.  Those are my favorite ones!  So easy....but I guess I wasn't of too much help, and court reminded us that the easiest way to solve any problem in the mathematical world is to just multiply it by 8.  Heck yeah!
All this business with the hurricane is looking pretty many dead and so many homeless.  Not cool.  Sure, it got us out of school for a day, but still....that's not cool.  Please pray for those in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana: especially anyone left in New Orleans.  God help them....
Well, not that it affects me, but gas prices are almost up to 6 bucks a gallon in some places...don't know where, but it said it on the news, so I’ll buy it.  That sucks...we thought it was bad when it was like $2.10...outrageos.  But like I said, I don't exactly have to worry about it too much.  Yipee.
I leave early tomorrow morning for the airport.  Plane takes off at 11:10, supposedly, so wish me a safe flight and hope I don't die from complete boredom...i really wish I could stay here for so many reasons.  Arg.  Sorry, Mr. Box.  I think you got my email; I forgot to give you that little yellow slip that I was supposed to show to all the teachers, but I think you know I won't be here.  Sorry about that!  Anywho, I should be coming back Saturday night (i think).  My dad keeps changing it around from Sunday night to Saturday night, so I dunno.  He said we should be back by Sunday afternoon...but we'll see about that.  Have fun at the game!  Oh yeah, and fellow trumpets:  for those of you who don't play with them, grow them fast.  I think you know what I mean....winky, .  Yeah.  I think every band member across the nation knows what I mean.  BAND MEMBERS, UNITE!  Yeah, I’m weird.
Aimee, you seem to be the host of all of this ghonosyphiherpiles (sp?), but I think it's wearing off...i hope so lol.  STUPID WEATHER/COUGHING/ICECHEST/SNEEZING/BANDDISEASES!  Boo!  Hey reader:  look out for the disease.  YOU'RE NEXT!
Um, not much else to talk about, other than the fact that I just realized I forgot to write down all of those assignments on the board in precal....crap.  This sucks.....hey court or james or robert, if you could post those assignments down on the xanga sometime by Sunday, it would be much appreciated!  No school Monday so kicks butt!!!  Probably won't make another entry for awhile, so comment away and I’ll try to keep up with everything when I get back.  I LOVE YOU CARRIE!  Seeya!

Sun, 28 Aug 2005 12:36:52 -04:00
Ok peoples, this may be my last update for awhile... We're getting new carpet in this room so we have to take everything out.  Booooo!!!!!  Hissssss!!!!  This sucks....if I’m lucky, I’ll have it up and running by tomorrow evening....however, I’m not too lucky sometimes.  But then again, i’ve got Carrie Stollings as my girlfriend:  I’M THE LUCKIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!  Woohoo!  Um....oh yeah.  About this Friday....
I won't be there Thursday or Friday due to my brother getting married in Seatle.... This sucks.  I’m happy for him and everything, but this means I’ll have to do a bunch of make-up work and miss the football game Friday and practice Thursday...i feel really bad.  This is not cool.  Why me?  I don't even know when I’m leaving....this is bad.
This also means I won't be able to talk to Carrie for awhile...unless I somehow miraculously convince my mom that I need to use her cell phone, which gets free long distance on weekends, and then I’d be able to talk to her!  But like I said...'twould be a miracle.  I really need a cell phone...i could pay for it by myself, but there's always the problem of parents saying that big word that only has 2 letters in it...NO.  That's so small, but it means so much.  ANGUISH!  Arg.
Allright, miss band president, you need to put a few things in this weeks shaka:  the stuff about the SNAKE!, and I THINK THIS IS THE CLOSER!  I’m sure we'll all think of other things later...
Gotsta go.  Hope you guys fair well, and I hope you have a great time at church, carrie!  I hope I’ll be able to talk to you soon....i love you!

Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:25:55 -04:00
Ok, i’ve been too tired and busy to do anything the past couple of days, let alone kepp up with my xanga.  I just now looked at my comments and whatnot, and I am WAY behind.  Can I get a woohoo for extremely arduous nights of studying??  I’m so tired...I’m sure my school pic is going to look like I’m a zombie.  I was up til 12:30 last night just reading the spark notes of the sound and the fury, and it turns out that I didn't even have to take a test on it today.  That's tomorrow.  AHHHH!!!!!  So lethargic......I’m going to fall off the chair now and do nothing to help myself back up.  I’ll just lie there....weeeee!  Falling....falling.....

Sun, 21 Aug 2005 15:38:57 -04:00
Hey peoples, I’m in Huntsville, Alabama for the day.  I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.  My dad wouldn't let me get on this morning, or I would have been kicked off for a month or so because he's like that.  Sorry!  I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow at school : (  seeya!

Sat, 20 Aug 2005 23:08:51 -04:00
I think I should post again today for some reason.  Um, well, it's 10:00ish now, and my parents are asleep so I can actually use the computer without being screamed at.  (Napolean Dynamite) yessss!!!  Um, well, I really don't know what to talk about.  I’m sure you guys are saying "MAKE UP YOUR MIND, !@#", so I’m sorry if you're getting bored of my pointless rambling.  Weeeee!
I need to check the band website about the practice schedule.  I think Monday that it goes from something to 5.  3:00, maybe?  Um....sure.  I have no clue.  I think tuseday it goes to 6:30...and same for Wednseday.  Correct me if I’m wrong here, peoples.  You guys know more than I do.  Oh wait, I was going to check the site.  Weeeee!  I’m feeling A.D.D.  Let's hear it pour moi!  

Sat, 20 Aug 2005 16:26:41 -04:00
Time to post!  Um, I guess I’ll post about the football game.  Went at around 5:00 or so, but we had to be there at 4:00.  I am riding in the awesomely awesome bus 1, so that's a plus.  But when I got to the band room yesterday, I was literally bouncing off of the walls as many of you know....sorry about that!  I was just really happy.  It was fun too....i can double tongue!  Who knew?  Certainly not me!  Um.....anyways, so we left and we got there and warmed up and whatnot, and the game started and we scored the first touchdown.  Then they scored.  Um, long story short, the final score was 41-10 us, and we didn't score any points in the second half but they only got a field goal in the second half.  So, it's all good!  I got to talk to carrie on the phone at halftime, so THANK YOU CHRIS!  You saved my day!!  Um, so we played the school song lite at least 400 times, cause we had to play it at every 1st down (just like at midland), and my chops were dead by the end of the game.  I was dead tired on the bus ride home, and I fell asleep a couple of times....but it's ok. Weeee!  Now I’m just waiting for 7:00 to come on by.  AIM is a god-send!
Oh, and I’m going to Alabama tomorrow, so if you guys are wondering where I am, I’m visiting one of my dad's old army buddies.!

Wed, 17 Aug 2005 16:31:43 -04:00
Allright then!  No band today, so that means more time at home, and THAT means more time to talk to Carrie.  I have been informed that she has put one of my ancient yet still sporadically used nick names which my mother doth call me by often in the household.  It shall NOT be uttered from my mouth, for I do believe I want to kill my mother for saying it in public.....but carrie can say it as much as she wants.  Um....well, not TOO much.  But it's on her section shirt so she doesn't have to say it now (please God, please!).  Marissa, I know you had something to do with this shananagans.  Oh well.  As long as it's what she wants on the back of her section shirt.  Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Mr. Reese, I forgive you for your blunder.  Tis an easy one to commit, I think (?), and it's the thought that counts.  I had my schedule edited around today, and so far I’m switching to honors precal, honors bio, and AP engilsh.  That could change however....i don't know about history still.  The teacher seems ok...but he's really boring at times.  Or maybe that's just the lunch making me fall asleep??  I guess we'll find out!  I don't know if I should switch though.  I guess it'll all come clear somehow.  Maybe.  Probably not.  Booo!  There goes my optimism.  The french teacher said I had a "pretty accent"...i had to read for the class today in "le petite chien ca trouves something something.  "puppy goes to find a friend."  strange stuff.....a mouse eventually becomes his best friend and they make love and have a happy ending.  You know, the classic story.  SCORE FOR THE PUPPY!  Heehee.....jk.  But he does become the mouse's friend.  Kinda strange...they play with a ball 100 times their size.  Sounds fun!
I think I need to control myself more in the stand music; especially in the fox football song thingy.  Sorry Mr. Box!  'Twas moi.  Probably.  I dunno.  But I’ll try to keep it down a little.  Allrighty then!  Let's go!

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 16:13:08 -04:00
I know a lot of you peoples hate this "emo" stuff, so I’ll try to hold back.  I dunno though.........tis powerful.  However, I was just told by Carrie that I spent a whopping 13 HOURS on the phone with her over the weekend...that's the most i’ve ever talked on the phone in my life.  Wow.  Long time, but every second was worth it.  Um....ok. Sorry if you felt you had to "endure" that.
Anyways, it's thundering and lightning out very hard, and I hope that means rain.  Rain = no marching, I believe, so BRING ON THE RAIN!!!!!!  Woohoooo!  I know that may sound bad to a lot of you guys, but I don't know if I could stand marching too much.  For some reason, my feet are KILLING me!  Ahhhh!  Very strange...
Nothing to do

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 13:44:48 -04:00
Ok, is it just me or does it seem like school should not be happening right now?  Summer went by like a bullet that you try to catch with your teeth, and right now, I have a SERIOUS tooth ache.  That was a weird analogy....but it was appropriate I think.
My schedule is not cool.  I have pre-cal after lunch....that can only mean sleepy sleepy time for me.  In french 2, I was the only one without a chair, so I had to stand the entire period.  Boo, I say.  Boo!  I should NOT be taking bio.  I swear, there isn't anything that I haven't done in that class that I didn't do last year in CATS 10, except for disect things.  But that's it!  There is NOTHING different.  The teacher went over the year's schedule in there, and I swear I already knew everything that she went over except the disecting: DNA and RNA, genes, traits, all of that kind of stuff.  Polymers, whatever. Everything.  Arg!!!  Not cool.  Is there some other kind of class like bio 2 or something?  Like I said before many-a-time:  not cool.
Court deleted half of my programs on my graphing calculator, and now I don't have programs like Algebra and stuff like that.  I only have useless programs that I will never use and that probably don't even work.  Wee.
What's up with all of the fees?  That's ridiculous.  Our parents are already paying for our education:  why can't the county pay for Kleenex?  That's for crap.
Ok, enough of my rambling.  I guess I’ll just have another wonderful day tomorrow (dripping with gallons of sarcasm).  Oh wait, I have band tonight.  Wee for that too.  I just know that I’m going to find the energy for that somewhere.....

Sun, 14 Aug 2005 14:32:34 -04:00
Ok, it's not 1:30 a.m. Anymore, but it might be 1:30 p.m. By the time I’m done with this post.  I don't even know what I’m going to write.  I’m just hogging the computer and making my brother suffer.  He keeps saying how he really needs to get online, and I’m just telling him how important this is and how I can't get off until I finish.  Weeeeeeeee!!!!  Let's hear it for dumb siblings.....
I heard this truth the other day on comedy central (this may take a while to get to), so here goes.  Allright:  there are some comedians who think that everything they say is funny, including the guy who was saying this.  He was pretty conceated, and he was like "there are some people who just can't appreciate true comedy and humor.  Sometimes, they won't laugh at jokes because they don't think that they're very funny, and other times they don't laugh because the joke may have something to do with them (ex: fat jokes, retard jokes, marital jokes) and they realize how stupid they must be to actually do that and they're embarrassed.  So the comedian was like "yeah, there's one in every crowd; in every family!  Take a look around.  I garuntee you that there is someone like this sitting next to you.  And if there isn't, THEN YOU'RE THE ONE!!"  I just started busting out laughing. I dunno if you guys think it's that funny, but I just couldn't stop laughing because I know so many people like this.  Maybe I’m just crazy.....
Ok, I’m going to act like I’m done with my important document just so that Wes can get on....but I’ll be back.

Sun, 14 Aug 2005 02:37:42 -04:00
It's 1:30 a.m., but I’m not tired at all for some reason...could it be the mountain dew livewire?  Nah!  That's crazy talk.  Waiting for Carrie to call me, since my parents won't allow me to call anyone long distance anymore (they found out about our 4 hour long conversations....).  But this can only mean that it's SUNDAY: THE DAY BEFORE THE REST OF THE YEAR.  This really sucks.  I don't want to think about that...
Um, what to talk about at this hour?  The moon?  No.  Well, there's really nothing to talk about now.  I’m watching MXC:  don't get eliminated!  Very strange show, but good for laughs.  I came across this from one of my graduated midland friends:
<B><FONT size=1>Band Personnel:                        Band Director:</B>    Leaps tall buildings in a single bound.            Is more powerful than a locomotive. Is faster than a speeding bullet.          Walks on water.          Gives policy to God.                         <B>Drum Major:</B>            Leaps short buildings in a single bound.         Is more powerful than a switch engine.           Is just as fast as a speeding bullet.      Walks on water if sea is calm.             Talks with God.                      <B>Oboe Player:</B>            Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds.         Is almost as powerful as a switch engine.       Is almost as fast as a speeding bullet.             Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool.            Talks with God if special request is approved.                       <B>Saxophone Player:</B>   Barely clears a quonset hut.    Loses tug-of-war with locomotive.     Can fire a speeding bullet.           Swims well.     Is occasionally addressed by God.                 <B>Clarinet Player:</B>             Makes marks high on wall when trying to clear short buildings.        Is run over by locomotive.      Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury.           Dog-paddles. Talks to animals.                     <B>Flute Player:</B>     Runs into buildings.    Recognizes locomotives two times out of three.        Is not issued any ammunition.    Can stay afloat with a life jacket.       Talks to walls, argues with self.                      <B>Drummer:</B>    Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings.   Says "Look at the choo-choo."             Wets self with water pistol.    Plays in mud puddles.             Loses arguments with self.                 <B>T-rumpet Player:</B>     Lifts buildings and walks under them.           Kicks locomotives off the tracks.       Catches speeding bullets in teeth and eats them.         Freezes water with a single glance.     Is God.

Heck yeah!

Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:09:59 -04:00
<TABLE class=blogbody cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="5%"> </TD> <TD valign=top>  <TABLE class=blogbody cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="5%"> </TD> <TD valign=top>[EDIT]             <FONT face=Verdana>Two teenagers goin over 100 mph on a motorcycle...                       Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.             Guy: No, this is fun.               Girl: No, it's not. Please, it's too scary!                       Guy: Then tell me you love me.                       Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!                 Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.                       *Girl hugs him*                      Guy: Can you take my helmet off &amp; put it on yourself? It's bugging me.            (In the paper the next day):    A motorcycle crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were    on it, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy    realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead,         he had her say she loved him &amp; felt her hug one last time, then had her wear          his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die                Repost this if you really love some one...       </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

this is a depressing story, but I realize that it only represents the love of a small majority of couples.  Sure, you can repost this if you love someone, but I think it would be more appropriate if you reposted it not only because you love them, but also if you would do the same in the guy's situation.  I know I would, Carrie.  I love you so much.

Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:44:33 -04:00
Saturday is here.....i really don't want to get my school stuff out and see what I need.  Plus, I don't even know what I need since no one's told me.  I’m assuming I need paper, pencil, pens, calculator, ruler, binder(s?), and some notebooks, but if you guys can confirm then that'd be great.  I don't suppose it would matter much, since my mom's not home or my dad to take me somewhere to buy some of it, but I have all of the above anyway.
Enough about that depressing subject.  Band is first period....i can't help but question the IQ of whoever planned out everyone's schedule.  That's insane.  However, it will MOST DEFINITELY wake us up, but we'll go around 2nd and 3rd period looking extremely disturbed.  Yay for band.  You midlanders have no idea how lucky you are to have it 6th and 7th and get more credit for staying after school.  For you bruins, my old school had marching band class 6th and 7th periods and the school counted a classtime's worth of practice after school as an extra period, so they got credit for it.  It's a good idea, if you ask me, but we can't do that here BECAUSE IT'S 1ST PERIOD.  Ok.  Whatever. We'll adapt.
I just woke up cause I was talking to Carrie until 3 in the morning, but it was fun and well worth it.  I actually somehow feel rested, and I hope she does too.  For those of you who can't stand this kind of stuff (cough*robert*cough), too bad. Get over it.  Seeya later.

Fri, 12 Aug 2005 08:57:05 -04:00 entry.  Yay.  I think I’ll talk about random things, such as my driver's ed teacher and school about to start.  Ready, set......hold on.  Ok. Go ahead.
My driving teacher dude is Mike, for those of you who have taken the course.  He's a good teacher, I guess, but he's SO WEIRD.  As jim said, he is an awesome guitar player, and he makes up the coolest musical thingies.  He had one about sadaam and his wife who wants a divorce, and he was playing this asian/indian kind of music and was saying stuff like "Sadaam:  If you go, I will get you! (wife: no you won't!) If you go, I will get you! (wife; if I run you will not catch me!)" and he was singing it with this islamic accent that was so funny.  He made up a bunch of things that were just hilarious, but it was really corny too because...i dunno.  It was Mike; a drivers ed teacher playing guitar and talking about marriage problems between sadaam and his wife.  Wow.  Very odd.  But it was hilarious!
Also, he would mis-pronounce a lot of things, and you couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or was very humorous.  For instance:  Officer=Occifer (he said to spell it Ossiphurr), Unneccessarily=Unneccecelery.  And lots of other things too, such as writing on the white board words and mispelling them.  Ex: Target=Targot.  I can't think of any other particular instance, but I know he had tons more.  It was hilarious.  If he does that on purpose, then he's a genious and has it down to a science: he keeps us awake and amused most of the time, and he's never extremely boring.  Usually, funny and driver's ed are oximorons, but he has somehow done it.  I applaud you, mike!
Also, he showed us the Skippy videos and told us how Skippy went to jail for some reason.  He had lots of stories, such as the one where a foreign student accidentally ran over a squirrel but didn't know it, and the squirrel was still alive but was squirming still, so Skippy took over and backed up on it to end it's misery, but the foreign chic didn't know she had hit it so she thought Skippy was some lunatic who went around Brentwood looking for animals to run over.  It was highly amusing.  He had lots of others, but I don't have time to write them all down.
I had possibly the most screwed-up text book in the class.  It was literally bent in half so many times that I could fold the front cover in half and make it look like the book was missing half of it's front cover.  Same deal with the back.  But it had so many remarks and drawings and random stuff in it that there was not ONE page that any blank space on it.  Some of the comments inside included remarks such as DEATH TO SKIPPY and SKIPPY IS GAY and THIS CLASS SUCKS.  It was very entertaining to read, because I think that I would have died if I would have had to listen to all of the stuff, so I just went through the book reading the comments.  Several pages had inappropriate drawings in them.....but it was pretty funny.  Mike saw some of the comments about skippy and he was like "poor, poor, skippy."  I think that's all that's happened in class......
I can't think of anything else....oh wait.  School.  Ah, I’ll do that later.  Too lazy!

Tue, 09 Aug 2005 23:23:26 -04:00
Hey y'all, i’ve got a lot to talk about tonight, so I’ll start with some things i’ve already told you.
As you all know, I have a girlfriend who lives back in WV.  Her name is Carrie Stollings, as you already know, and it's really complicated how we started going out in the first place. goes.  When I left WV, I had some very stronge feelings for her and I had since last december and maybe even before that, but what I didn't know until I was already gone (actually not until mid june) that she had feelings for me too!  This was mind-blowing for me, and I think maybe a few of you guys know what I mean, because I am not exactly the uh....cream of the crop.  We'll stick with that (no name calling! Haha).  So when she tells me she likes me too, it's like i’ve died and gone to heaven because i’ve liked her forever and she's the most beautiful girl in the world and before this point in time it would have been a miracle and a fantasy (and insanely crazy) to hear that she liked me too.  So when I found out, I was just like "whoa, there's no way.  I’ve got to be dreaming."  and I was really ticked off that I had to move, too, becuase A) I was leaving all of my friends who are the BEST! And B) because I didn't really feel like starting over, and C) because then I found out she liked me and I was like WHY DID I HAVE TO MOVE?! AHHHHH!  Yeah. Well that's how I felt after that, and since then we've talked almost every night on AIM and discovered that we have so much in common and i’ve grown to love her and she's grown to love me too, and we've been talking non-stop over the past month about our future and how I want to marry her someday and she wants to marry me and we'll have the greatest family in the world.  This may sound a little far-fetched to some of you guys, but we know it's going to happen.  I’ve already heard a few opinions from some of you about how you think it's not going to work, but let me tell you this:  I love her with all my heart, and although I can't be there for her all the time now, I will do whatever it takes to be with her.  My love for her is unstoppable, and nothing will get in my way.  My heart burns all the time because I miss her and I love her so much, and it's VERY hard to go on here without the love of my life here in my arms and away from the troubles of the world.  I hope she knows how much I love her, because without her in my life I would be nothing.  I will never do anything to lose her, and I hope she knows that I love her with all of my being.  If you're reading this, Carrie, I just want you to know that.  I really do.  I’ve told you so many times before, but just remember it.  Please.  I love you.
Well, this is kinda awkward now because all of you peoples have experienced what I call my more "passionate" side and an account of my love life, so I hope you enjoy it and understand it well.  Carrie Stollings is the love of my life, and I will never even consider thinking about anyone else in the way I think about her because I love her and I know we will have a great future together.  Sorry if i’ve freaked any of you out, but this is the other side of me that some of you don't know about.  Just thought you ought to know about my relationship situation, and I hope you guys don't think it's just a phase or something, because I know this is the real deal, and no one is going to convince me otherwise.  I LOVE YOU CARRIE!
Ok, um......a little embarrassing, but it had to be said. Let's see--what else did I do for the rest of the day.....hmm. That's easy.  Went to driver's ed in the morning until 4, then I went home, ate macaroni (which would have been good at any other time but wasn't because I got kinda quesy on the band field) and then at band it was very hot and we played like the samufrais and with the power of the tsunamanis. Weee! Discussed band tee's, and there's a trumpet end-of-summer-party thing at 2 tomorrow, but I have driver's training until 4, so I’ll have to miss some of it I guess.
I had to drive today actually, and I hadn't driven since april or earilier.....but it was like riding a bike.  I breezed through all of the stuff such as the interstate, parallel parking, traffic, and whatever else in the world is left BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY DONE IT BEFORE A MILLION TIMES! I mean, geeze, how many times am I going to have to do this?  I’ve got 2 more driving days, and one just class day, but my driving instructor is cool and he looks like santa, so it's all good.  He's kinda weird though; talks about seafood a lot.  Well, I guess I’d better go, so I’ll talk to some of you peoples later!

Tue, 09 Aug 2005 19:58:54 -04:00
Hi all of Peters new friends! This is Carrie by the way..... Peter is at band with all of you and I miss him so much! And I decided that he needed to make a new entry anyways lol. But I am glad u all have been extremely good friends to him I know he is enjoying himself with you all..
I love you peter,
Ps. All your West Virginian friends miss you so much..... Especially at band camp (drew sucks lol) I love you peter.

Sun, 07 Aug 2005 19:13:59 -04:00
Well, today turned out to be an EXTREMELY boring day.  I went to church, came home, and my dad tells me we're takinga  trip to Fort Cambell.  But now I’m going to go to Laura's house to watch GOOD BURGER!!!!!  WELCOME TO GOOD BURGER, HOME OF THE GOOD BURGER.  CAN I TAKE YOUR ORDER??
WHO LIKES ORANGE SODA?? KEL LIKES ORANGE SODA!  IS IT TRUE?  UH-HUH!  I DO I DO I DO-OOOOO!!!!  Aimee's on her way so later peoples!

Sat, 06 Aug 2005 13:43:45 -04:00
Well, it is SATURDAY.  And that means no more 13 hour days of grueling work under the unrelenting sun.  But it was fun, I have to admit.  EVERY band camp is fun, even though they all have their bumps in the road.  But I still say 3 weeks of 8 hour days (sorry about telling you 5, Laura, Jim, and Shae) is easier than 5 of 13 hours.  Let's see....let's compare the hours overall.  I don't have a calculator, so correct me if I’m wrong.  Uh.....13x3 +8+7 =54, right?  confused,  math's not my subject.  Then 8x15 is.....a lot more.  Um....120? Wow.  That's amazing.  So in my band career, I have been in at least 294 hours of band camp.  That's insane.  That's like over 12 days of non-stop marching. stunned,   my god, how do we do it?  Wait...why am I doing math during summer break?  Ahhhh!!! Losing my mind.  I’ll be back in a little.
I’ll see some of you guys Tuesday, and I don't know when I’ll see the rest.  My dad is coming to town, but I don't think I’ll be able to come due to band, driving school, and whatever else my dad throws at me just to keep me from "becoming too attached to my wvian friends".  He's a tard, I know, but someday he'll realize he can't change me.  I’m too darn stubborn.

Wed, 03 Aug 2005 19:07:00 -04:00
Time for an update, I guess.  Allrighty then!  I’m feeling good; got off at 4:30 today instead of the usual 8:30, so I don't feel NEARLY as tired as I did yesterday.  Yesterday I ached all over.  But it's all good now since we finished with the opener, and tomorrow Mr. Box plans on starting us on the ballad.  For my fellow Midlanders, that's what BHS calls the middle piece.  Mr. Box brought it down one key, so now we don't have to go up to the B like before.  The A is much easier, so if you're reading this, THANK YOU MR. BOX.  YOU ARE A TRUMPET'S SAVIOR! Haha.  Well, we go all day tomorrow and apparently there's some kinda public showing, so I want to give it all i’ve got so I can contribute as much as I can to the band's performance.  Yes, I’ll ache, and yes, I’ll be exhausted, but I will do as best as I can.  Mr. Apple (one of the coolest guys around that teaches us our sectionals and gives us advice and stuff during "Apple Time in the morning) started this new system with the the colorful cards with the numbers; depending on how a band person feels while he/she is during the day, poor and lousy being a 1 and 5 being great and giving it all you've got, we all wear how we think we're feeling and how much we're giving.  A 5 is the best score you can get in BOA, my wvian friends, and it's EXTREMELY rare to receive such a score.  And if we're feeling 5ish, we'd best be giving it our all and encouraging others to do their best and have our drill down to a science.  Very few people feel 5ish mostly due to the heat, but I know that the entire band will be up to a level 5 within the next few weeks.  Our first football game is 2 weeks from this Friday, and I think we'll be fine.
I have a school AND band locker now, but the combinations don't matter on the school lockers.  You can just push in and pull up, and it's open.  The band lockers are very handy, since it's kind of a hassle to carry around that case, music, and everything else.  Gotta go eat!  Seeya.

Wed, 03 Aug 2005 19:07:00 -04:00
Time for an update, I guess.  Allrighty then!  I’m feeling good; got off at 4:30 today instead of the usual 8:30, so I don't feel NEARLY as tired as I did yesterday.  Yesterday I ached all over.  But it's all good now since we finished with the opener, and tomorrow Mr. Box plans on starting us on the ballad.  For my fellow Midlanders, that's what BHS calls the middle piece.  Mr. Box brought it down one key, so now we don't have to go up to the B like before.  The A is much easier, so if you're reading this, THANK YOU MR. BOX.  YOU ARE A TRUMPET'S SAVIOR! Haha.  Well, we go all day tomorrow and apparently there's some kinda public showing, so I want to give it all i’ve got so I can contribute as much as I can to the band's performance.  Yes, I’ll ache, and yes, I’ll be exhausted, but I will do as best as I can.  Mr. Apple (one of the coolest guys around that teaches us our sectionals and gives us advice and stuff during "Apple Time in the morning) started this new system with the the colorful cards with the numbers; depending on how a band person feels while he/she is during the day, poor and lousy being a 1 and 5 being great and giving it all you've got, we all wear how we think we're feeling and how much we're giving.  A 5 is the best score you can get in BOA, my wvian friends, and it's EXTREMELY rare to receive such a score.  And if we're feeling 5ish, we'd best be giving it our all and encouraging others to do their best and have our drill down to a science.  Very few people feel 5ish mostly due to the heat, but I know that the entire band will be up to a level 5 within the next few weeks.  Our first football game is 2 weeks from this Friday, and I think we'll be fine.
I have a school AND band locker now, but the combinations don't matter on the school lockers.  You can just push in and pull up, and it's open.  The band lockers are very handy, since it's kind of a hassle to carry around that case, music, and everything else.  Gotta go eat!  Seeya.

Sat, 30 Jul 2005 11:07:57 -04:00
Ummmmm.....methinks that my grandma is coming today for some reason.  Well, I don't THINK she's coming in; I KNOW she's coming in, but it just kinda slipped my mind for a little and i....ah!  Nevermind.  No one will ever know how I think.  You should consider that a blessing though.  My mind is so full of useless junk that I’m sure that someday someone will ask me this really hard question that requires all of my brain power, and I will think for like half a day and finally blurt out "PUDDING!  IT'S PUDDING!"  even though it's a math question.

Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:48:36 -04:00
Didn't write an entry yesterday, but all I did all day was talk to Carrie for 2 and half hours, then quickly get ready for band.  Brought my share of water, sounded like crap all practice, got some of the stuff down, but I kept screwing up on the music somehow.  Ah!  The warm ups take too long!  But I guess it'll be allright.  My lips were pretty much dead after practice, but I’m getting more and more used to the music.  The music is pretty tough in some places, but we'll all have it down in no time.  No time; that's kinda soon, isn't it?  Well....i guess we'll get it done in a little after no time, more like 'some time'.  That's better.
Went to Sonic afterwards thanks to Jim, and I had fun listening to everyone's stories.  Poor Robert; can't pass out when he wants to.  I feel for him.  But he can do the weird eye-shaking thingy so I guess that'll have to do for now.  That'll have to do for now.
Nothing to do today, but my dad's coming back from WV with Wes, so I think he wants me to do something outside of the house.  I’m too lazy now though, and he's not here, so I’m just going to stay on the computer all day till he comes home and starts yelling at me for being on the computer too long as he always does.  Too bad, so sad.

Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:34:47 -04:00
It appears that I haven't made an entry in quite a while, so it is my duty to carry on my duties here.  I have been very busy lately, and my dad kicked me off all day on Monday because I went 5 seconds over my daily limit.  Tisk tisk, right?  Bad boy.
Well, let's see what I can remember from this past week.  A lot of it was unforgettable, but I’ll try to add the things that just kinda pop up into my head.
As Carrie said in her xanga, she came to visit me on Friday at around 4ish.  I actually called her at around 15 til, and she said she was almost here.  I had been weeding my neighbor's garden all day and I was pretty much like Pigpen in Peanuts, so I had to take a shower pronto.  However, she arrived before I finished, and she walked into my room right when I was stepping out of the bathroom...HA!  Just kidding.  Nope, I barely got my shower done in time and she pulled up right as I was getting my shoes on, so I ran down the stairs and out in the driveway and there she was, petting my dog with her dad.  She had been promising me a big hug for QUITE a long while, and she pretty much looked like she was going to tackle me as she ran to hug me.  Jk.  But I got my hug, and it was very nice and brought back a lot of memories!  Ah, I miss WV a lot.  It's nice here in Brentwood, but I just wish I could make daily trips back to WV just to see some of you guys.
Anyways, I decided to try to teach her how to play croquet (sp?).  She was BLUE of course, and I therefore had to resort to green.  On the first game, she beat me and my brother by like half of the course.  So there went that idea, and I was kinda bewildered how she did that well, but I guess she's a natural.  So then we went inside and got on the computer, and the only people on were joshy mommy and samantha methinks, but then again I have a terrible memory.  So then we ate dinner and we had shishkabobs, and the only part Carrie liked was the meat since she doesn't like most veggies.  She ate half of a tomato or two, and some peppers, but I eventually had to sneak them to my dog Dutchy.  She made quick work out of them, though, and there wasn't a trace to be found afterwards.  Then she had to leave, and it was sad, but I knew I would see her the next morning!
So the next morning, she pulled in and I had to iron my shirt, but noooooooo, she wanted to GO!  So we left in her dad's un-airconditioned, airbagless, hornless, seatbelts-are-very-strange, ancient car and headed for the Opryland mall.  Carrie's hair was going crazy the whole time because the windows were down due to the 98 degree temperature, but it was ok after a while.  So we got there and went into a couple of stores (um, can't think of any of them right now), and then we explored the mall for a while.  She decided that we should go see The Wedding Crashers at the IMAX theater, and it turned out to be a very funny/surprisingly perverted movie.  Her dad had to buy the tickets for us, but he didn't want to go see it.  Some of it was HILARIOUS, and others were kinda creepy (for instance; the homo guy that painted that picture).  I realized that the would-be husband of the main girl in the movie would be a perfect actor for the Enzyte commercials, since he has the evil eyes, the pointy nose, and the really fake smile down.  I can't remember any names, but it's ok I guess.  The ending of the movie was awesome (for me; I dunno, you might not like it nearly as much), but maybe i’ve sparked your intrest.
So after the movie, we explored a little more and I bought a John Deer shirt for Kayla because Carrie said she always wanted one that says "nothing runs like a deer", and then we went to eat at the Macaroni Grill.  I’ve been having trouble eating since last Wednseday, so I couldn't even finish like half of my Fetticcini Alfredo, but we had fun playing hangman on the table.  It's cool how the waiters/waitresses write their names upside down on the table!  I’m easily amused, I guess.
After that, we decided to head back to my homely abode, and we were forced to eat some of my dad's birthday dinner (even though his birthday was the night before) and we couldn't eat anything since we had just eaten. BARF! HURL! GAG! But she had to eat asparagus, and she didn't like it too well, but she didn't have to eat it all.  I felt really bad because my parents were making her eat all of this stuff, and I couldn't even eat some of it.  Some of the stuff my dad makes is NOT meant to be eaten.  He made some kind of green-bean thingamajigg with goat cheese in it, and that almost made me hurl before I even TASTED it.  Nasty stuff.  Ahhhhhhh!  And he makes @#^*! Like that EVERY night.  Poor me.
So then we watched that retarded movie Chocolat, and after a while it was just kinda like "ooh, colors on the screen".  But we managed to find other stuff to do.  Then, it was time for her to go, and we were both really sad because she thought she would see me the next morning to say goodbye, but we were then informed that they were leaving at the crack of dawn, so we were both really sad and there was some crying involved, but I tried to cheer her up.  I’ll see her and everyone else sometime, so don't you fret! (grandma voice).

Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:13:12 -04:00
Hey this is Carrie and I am at Peter's house! We are having fun, and the football game's on now so we're going to go to it and have a barbecue afterwards.  Actually, we're going hunting for kelp and then we'll probably throw it back because kelp can't breathe for very long on the moon.  Oh well!  Sometimes I look at the moon, and wish I was watching a movie about Hiccups.  That would be interesting.  By the way peoples, the first line is Carrie, and the rest is Peter's dog, Dutchy.  She's a scholar at Yale, and she studies biomedical eyeballs.  It's fun, though, because she gets a break from her nosehair games, and sometimes she'll even go to the Oort Cloud outside of Pluto.( I am sry for the rambleing of all the useless stuff it is Peter.  ~Carrie).     
They're making a new movie about Deuce Bigilo, Male Gigilo, but it looks EXTREMELY retarded.  I’ve never seen the first one, so I don't know why I’m even talking about this.  

Wed, 20 Jul 2005 18:48:06 -04:00
Hey peoples, what do you think of my pudding?  The Great Bar of Pudding, I have called it. But do you think it should be just one pic, how it is, or how it is but vertically?  I’m not going to do it as a solid background, since it's hard to read like that.  I was thinking about doing pudding or the Holy Grail.  Do you think I should switch?  Or D) leave as it is?  Tis up to you, my friends.
Having a reasonable day so far, but Carrie called me and told me about how she's having problems with her folks and it's the same case with Chelsea, so my day could be better.  I think it's really sad how some parents neglect their kids when they're fighting with each other, and that's the case this time in BOTH situations.  It's not cool.  I hate to see my friends suffering like this.  As the great Buddha said, "Everything in life is Pain and Suffering".  The Buddha was so awesome.  I had a blast being him for my character presentation.
By the way, my Midland friends, have you received the results on your PLAN test yet?  I want to see how I did.  Or will they ever give them back?  That would NOT be cool.  Parents are home, so I’m out!

Wed, 20 Jul 2005 00:43:12 -04:00
Well, it was an eventful day today, and I was constantly going somewhere different every moment of it.  Let's see--first, the new orthodonist guy, which wasn't much fun, but it was storming so it was ok.  It was funny in the little room where all the people get there braces adjusted and whatnot, cause all of the little kids and ortho people were freaking out because they could see the storm out the window, and I was just sitting there laughing to myself and enjoying the first-rate view of the storm.  Every time the thunder would come, they all got down like they were in 'Nam or something.  It was so funny.  It took forever because my person was a little TOO scared and she ran away, and some other chic had to finish up on my teeth.  Should be getting them off in February, although it was originally planned to be in October, so I’m not too happy about that.  But it'll be over before I know it (i know it won't, but I’m just saying it to try to find some happiness).
Well, next my dad brought me to Kroger cause he had to get all of these weird things for his crazy dinners he makes.  He was asking the employees for these things that I have never even heard of, let alone pronounce, and they just looked at him like "ummm, did you check the Rainforest?".  It took him FOREVER to find everything, and I was freezing my little frikin wet butt off due to the way-too-cold climate inside of Kroger because they always keep the temp. At like 40.  You guys have no idea what I would do for a pizza right about now; I couldn't eat that stuff he made.  He made some kind of green-bean/capers/kidney bean/godknowswhatelse concoction that made me queasy just looking at it, and some kind of salad that had shrimp, rice, peppers, parsely (sp?), and some other stuff I couldn't identify.  The only part I ate in that was the shrimp, so as you can imagine, I’m hungry.
And back to my crazy day.  So next we went home and I tried to find some of you guys online, but none of you were there.  When I came home, I discovered that my brother had attempted to trim the dog's hair.  He claims that, as he was trimming, the clippers mysteriously started working too much and he shaved half of the dog's hair off on one side.  POOR DUTCHY!  I feel so bad for my poor girl, and she doesn't even know it happened.  Hence, my brother has been dubbed "the butcher".  He's so evil.  It was about 2:00 at the time, and like 5 minutes after we arrived back home, my dad decides to take my brother and I shoe shopping.  What he didn't tell us was that we were shoe shopping for HIM.  So we went to some shoe store where the people are really nice, but they won't even let you untie your own shoes because they think that they have to.  They get all of the possible information about your feet (kinda creepy) before you're even allowed to TALK about the kind of shoes you want, and my dad decides he wants a casual shoe.  So it took him forever to find which one to order, and it took even longer to say goodbye to the lady ordering his shoes, and before he knew it he had bought a $300 pair of shoes.  This is frikin ridiculous, mainly because my limit for shoes is like $70.
After this, we started hassling him about shoes and how we needed some for school.  So we moseyed on over to the Academy sports place to find some shoes, but my brother decides he's too good for the shoes there.  I, on the other hand, picked out a nice pair of Adidas Enanos or something like that, and I am content.  For now, that is.
So then my dad decides that it's time to pick up his glasses from the walmart eye optomotrist place, and it didn't take long to pick those up, but then he HAD to start talking to the eye doctor about her Porsche.  That took at least 45 minutes, and by then it was 15 til 5:00.  Band starts at 5:00.  So, in a word, my dad floored it home to pick up my trumpet and dropped me off at the high school for practice.
Practice was ok, and I’m still attempting to learn all of the different techniques and ways to march.  It might take a while, but I think I have the basics down.  It's so much different here than at CMHS, my Midland friends.  The music is pretty average, but it still doesn't go up as high as Drew has to.  Man, that F# above the staff will give him hell, and I know it.  The music for 1st stays in the upper range for a good deal of the show, and the highest note is in the closer (3rd song) up at an E above the staff.  Practice makes perfect, right?  Haha.  No.  We'll get it after a while though, but I hope Mr. Box doesn't make us play it over and over like Armstrong does.  Ooh, I think I’d have to shoot him in the face.  He and some of the band members just came back from Europe.  They went to Austria and Sicily I think, and it sounds like they had fun.  The soon-to-be section leader of the trumpets and new friend of mine, Aimee, bought one of those hats that you see in all of the old German Beer commercials that has a wide feather on the side.  I’ve got a couple of those from where I was little and I lived in Germany, but they don't fit now.  Too bad, though.  They look so classy!
Well, mes amis, I have to go, so I’ll talk to you later.  Thanks for your time.

Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:25:25 -04:00
Hey guys, I need some help with this thing.  How do I get that little picture next to my comments and whatnot?  I want pudding, but I don't know how to make it work.  Can I get some help here?

Mon, 18 Jul 2005 20:18:06 -04:00
As I said yesterday, I went to church.  But I forgot to tell you guys what happened when we pulled in.  Allrighty then; as we were backing into our spot, an old woman in an old, beaten-up jalopy pulls into a spot behind us.  However, as she's pulling in, she hits this Chevy's bumper.  But the strange thing is; the car alarm didn't go off.  In fact, the bumper was literally pushed in and it kinda "absorbed" the woman's front fender.  Then, noticing that she had obviously hit something, she backed up.  When she backed up, the bumper just popped back out and resumed it's normal shape.  Very strange stuff going on here.  The only damage caused was a few white scratches from the ladies car onto the bumper, and once the old granny checked it out (remember; we're still standing there watching this) she decided it was fine and that nothing had happened.  My dad said "um, you probably need to leave a note or something" but she just smiled and said "no, I don't think I did anything".  shocked,  my god, inside myself I was cracking up and laughing so loud I could barely control myself.  Haha!  Wooooo!  So funny.  You know what, I’m not going to put everything I put on my livejournal onto here, so if you want to know some more stuff just check out my livejournal.  It's the usual sketcherpbr, so have fun.

Sun, 17 Jul 2005 14:51:53 -04:00
Hmmmm...has anyone read any of this stuff yet?  You people have been telling me to stick with both the lj and xanga, so I’ll go ahead a say that I concurr.  I just got done writing something similar in my lj, but my computer's gimp and it didn't work.  Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Craziness. So I’ll say something like I said on there.  Ok....
Went to church, it's huge, must have cost billions of dollars to make, huge congregation, 47 member choir, people are friendly enough (although I didn't meet any), but I’m not sure we're going there for sure.  Quick service, too.  I like quick services!! Weeeeeeee!

Sat, 16 Jul 2005 14:13:55 -04:00
Umkay, mes amis; sorry I couldn't get on yesterday.  My dad kicked me off at 10:30 in the morning after I’d been on for 5 seconds.  Booooooo!  No fun.  Still trying to figure this thing out, though.....I’ll get it sometime.  I WANT MY PUDDING BACKGROUND!  WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
It's not fun without a good pudding background.

Fri, 15 Jul 2005 14:00:31 -04:00

Hey, peoples, i’ve decided to give this thing a try, but I still don't see the point in any of it.  Couldn't get the frikin' picture to work, and it was an awesome pudding picture.  Oh well.  HUNGRY!!!

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